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Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by FrankO 3 minutes ago.
Pub Talk: Tipple of Choice? - by Herlock Sholmes 10 minutes ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Herlock Sholmes 13 minutes ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Fiver 14 minutes ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Herlock Sholmes 18 minutes ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by FrankO 25 minutes ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Fiver 25 minutes ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Fiver 31 minutes ago.

Most Popular Threads:
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Ripperologist No. 69: July 2006


The Belle of Philadelphia
Joe Chetcuti delves further into the world of Col Francis Hughes-Hallett and W T Stead and discovers a beauty who captivated Prince Albert Edward.

The Curse Upon Mitre Square (Book II)
John Francis Brewer continues the ‘true’ story of Mitre Square’s history in the second part of his 1888 narrative.

The Sunshine and the Shadow
What happened to the coroners’ papers? In the final part of their monumental Green of the Peak series, Robert Linford, John Savage and David O’Flahery reveal all...


Press Trawl
Chris Scott returns with more nuggets from obscure newspapers.

I Beg to Report
The Swanson Marginalia, a Ripperologist pirate, and the Jack London State Park: if it happened, you will find it here.

Dear Rip
An honest error in their Green of the Peak series is admitted and corrected by Robert Linford, John Savage and David O’Flaherty.

Wilf Gregg dips into the weird world of true crime to find the best in murder and mayhem.

This month’s new attractions include Epiphany of Jack the Ripper by Karen Trenouth.

Ripping Yarns
Books, Films, Television, CDs and DVDs: From Oldies but Goodies to Coming Attractions.

In Future Issues
You won’t believe what we have in store for you!

We would like to acknowledge the valuable assistance given by the following people in the production of this issue of Ripperologist: Ally Reinecke, Stephen P Ryder and Eduardo Zinna. Thank you!

The views, conclusions and opinions expressed in signed articles, essays, letters and other items published in Ripperologist are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, conclusions and opinions of Ripperologist or its editors. The views, conclusions and opinions expressed in unsigned articles, essays, news reports, reviews and other items published in Ripperologist are the responsibility of Ripperologist and its editorial team.

We occasionally use material we believe has been placed in the public domain. It is not always possible to identify and contact the copyright holder; if you claim ownership of something we have published we will be pleased to make a proper acknowledgement. The contents of Ripperologist No. 69 (July 2006), including the compilation of all materials and the unsigned articles, essays, news reports, reviews and other items are copyright © 2006 Ripperologist. The authors of signed articles, essays, letters, news reports, reviews and other items retain the copyright of their respective contributions. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise circulated in any form or by any means, including digital, electronic, printed, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other, without the prior permission in writing of Ripperologist. The unauthorised reproduction or circulation of this publication or any part thereof, whether for monetary gain or not, is strictly prohibited and may constitute copyright infringement as defined in domestic laws and international agreements and give rise to civil liability and criminal prosecution.