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Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - by John Wheat 21 minutes ago.
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Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - by Lombro2 3 hours ago.
Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - by Lombro2 3 hours ago.
General Discussion: The blind man - by Tom_Wescott 4 hours ago.
Maybrick, James: The Diary — Old Hoax or New or Not a Hoax at All?​ - by C. F. Leon 5 hours ago.
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Rose Mylett: Dr. Anderson Knows Best? - by Lewis C 6 hours ago.

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Ripperologist No. 65: March 2006


A Scandal in Bohemia: The Story of Three Lost Lives
Michaela Koristova recalls a savage murder in the woods and the sinister, superstitious forces that turned its investigation and the subsequent trial of an innocent man into a travesty of justice.

The Kozminski File
Robert House tracks Aaron Kozminski and his family to their origins in Poland, follows them to London and speculates on the motives that may have led Aaron to become a serial killer.

The Green of the Peak - Part III: Ruairdh Mac Dhòmhnaill: The Life and Times of Roderick Macdonald, Coroner (1840-1894)
Robert Charles Linford, John Savage and David O’Flaherty continue their ground-breaking series on the office of Coroner and the men who held it with a look at the career of Roderick Macdonald, the Scottish doctor who conducted the inquest on Mary Jane Kelly.


Cyber Jack
Website Monty discusses his favourite Internet offerings with a Ripper twist.

Press Trawl
Chris Scott dusts up contemporary newspaper reports on Thomas Sadler, ship’s fireman, and the murder of Frances ‘Carroty Nell’ Cole.

John Dennis Profumo CBE, Jack Wild and Darren McGavin.

I Beg to Report
If it happened, you will find it here: everything from Australian Tourism to Wearside Jack.

I Beg To Report: Wikipedia - The Missing Link
Some clarifications on the uncontrolled musings of certain self-appointed editors.

Dear Diary: A Calendar of Current Ripper Events
Pick up your pencil, your credit card and your dancing shoes: there’s a Ripperful of things to do.

Dear Rip
Messrs Howard Brown and Martin Fido write to tell us they have enjoyed their monthly dose of Ripperologist.

On the Crimebeat
Wilf Gregg applauds three new additions to the groaning True Crime shelf.

This month’s new titles, including Jack the Ripper: End of a Legend, by Calum Reuben Knight, The Shroud of the Thwacker, by Chris Elliott and the January issue of Ripper Notes.

Ripping Yarns
The Ripper in Books, Films, Television, CD and DVD: from Oldies but Goodies to Coming Attractions.

The Last Word
Christopher Michael-DiGrazia meditates on collectors, hoarders, Dr Tumblety - and Jack the Ripper.

The findings, views and opinions of authors expressed in signed articles, essays and other items published in Ripperologist are those of the authors and do not necessarily state or reflect those of Ripperologist or its editors. The findings, views and opinions expressed in unsigned articles, essays and other items published in Ripperologist, including news reports and reviews, are the responsibility of Ripperologist and its editorial team.

We occasionally use material we believe has been placed in the public domain. It is not always possible to identify and contact the copyright holder; if you claim ownership of something we have published we will be pleased to make a proper acknowledgement.

We would like to acknowledge the valuable assistance given by the following people in the production of this issue of Ripperologist: Howard Brown, Martin Fido, Ally Reinecke and Stephen P Ryder. Thank you!

Quote for March

‘I’m standing outside the perimeter of what is turning out to be the most terrific crime scene since Jack the Ripper stalked the streets of London.’ Glenn Taranto as the Anchorman in The Devil’s Rejects (2005).