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General Suspect Discussion: Favoured Suspect... - by GBinOz 50 minutes ago.
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General Discussion: Horrible and tasteless: US company offers life-size mutilated Mary Kelly dummies - by Barnaby 2 hours ago.
General Police Discussion: AI and the case - by Barnaby 2 hours ago.
General Police Discussion: AI and the case - by GBinOz 4 hours ago.
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General Suspect Discussion: Rating The Suspects. - by GBinOz 4 hours ago.
General Suspect Discussion: Rating The Suspects. - by GBinOz 4 hours ago.

Most Popular Threads:
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Ripperologist No. 8: December 1996


Editorial Comment

Programme Cover
Jack The Ripper. The Musical - June 1994

Sir Charles Warren
Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police

Contemporary Sketches:
from 'The Ripper File', by Melvyn Harris

The Cases of Montague John Drultt

The Third Man

House Built on Ointment:
from The Times: 26th April 1995

The Window and the Key

The Maybrick Will
The Crucial Key to a Shabby Hoax

McCarthy, Kelly and Breezer's Hill

A summary of the last Cloak and Dagger Club meeting

How I Learned to Stop Worrying

Diary Revelations of Dead Doctor
from the Sunday Chronicle

A Walk Around the East End

Book Reviews:

Signs of 'The Times':
Obituary: Edward Lear, author, 6th February 1888

Regional Ripper Ramblings

'Scene Before' -
Our page of photographs

Forever Jack