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Most Recent Posts:
General Suspect Discussion: Favoured Suspect... - by GBinOz 40 minutes ago.
General Discussion: Horrible and tasteless: US company offers life-size mutilated Mary Kelly dummies - by Simon Wood 1 hour ago.
General Discussion: Horrible and tasteless: US company offers life-size mutilated Mary Kelly dummies - by Barnaby 2 hours ago.
General Police Discussion: AI and the case - by Barnaby 2 hours ago.
General Police Discussion: AI and the case - by GBinOz 3 hours ago.
General Suspect Discussion: Rating The Suspects. - by Fiver 4 hours ago.
General Suspect Discussion: Rating The Suspects. - by GBinOz 4 hours ago.
General Suspect Discussion: Rating The Suspects. - by GBinOz 4 hours ago.

Most Popular Threads:
General Suspect Discussion: Rating The Suspects. - (43 posts)
General Discussion: Horrible and tasteless: US company offers life-size mutilated Mary Kelly dummies - (21 posts)
Witnesses: Packer Again - (9 posts)
General Police Discussion: AI and the case - (5 posts)
Witnesses: A Thick, Dark Moustache and Six Men? - (3 posts)
General Suspect Discussion: Favoured Suspect... - (3 posts)

Ripperologist No. 6: June 1996


The Grapes of Packer
Gerry Nixon

Rasputin and the Ripper
Nick Connell

When Love is the Motive for Murder
Claudia Oliver

Catherine Eddowes: Wolverhampton and Birmingham
Dave Froggatt

A Ripper's Trip to the Seaside
Andy Aliffe

American Connections
Nick Connell

Amateurs in a Professional World
Clifford J. Hume

Proceedings of the Cloak and Dagger Club

Book Reviews
The Man (sic) Who Never Was