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Ripper Notes - Issue 27

Ripper Notes
"Jack the Slasher" - Issue #27

Editor: Dan Norder - Associate Editor: Wolf Vanderlinden

Dan Norder

Hyam Hyams: Portrait of a Suspect
by Wolf Vanderlinden

Henry G. Dowd: ‘Jack the Slasher’
Wolf Vanderlinden

New York, New York
Bernard Brown

A Murder in the Neighborhood: The Berner Street Mystery - Part 2
Tom Wescott

Charles Reeves
Stephen P. Ryder

The Vienna Ripper

From the Newspaper Morgue
Wolf Vanderlinden

News & Notes
Dan Norder

The Bookcase
Dan Norder, with John Bennet

The Whitechapel Letterbox

On the cover: Jane Coram gives us this illustration of Berner Street at night.

Special thanks to: Stewart P. Evans, Rob Clack, Kelly Robinson, Matthew Jones and all of the authors for various images; Jane Coram for some clean up of the Simon Sosztarich image; Don Souden for transcribing Bernard Brown’s article; and Kelly Robinson and Debra Arif for some extra editing and proofreading help.