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Kosminski, Aaron: New Tests on Tilly letter prove it genuine - by The Baron 12 minutes ago.
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Levy, Jacob: Any connection between Israel Lipski Trial and motive for Jack the Ripper? - by GBinOz 6 hours ago.
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Pub Talk: Flat Earth YouTuber Admits Mistake After Trip to Antarctica - by Holmes' Idiot Brother 10 hours ago.
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General Discussion: Is it even possible? - by GBinOz 12 hours ago.

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Maybrick, James: The Diary—Old Hoax or New? - (2 posts)

Ripper Notes - January 2006

Ripper Notes
January 2006 - Issue #25

Editor: Dan Norder - Associate Editor: Wolf Vanderlinden

Introduction: Past, Present & Future - Dan Norder p. 3
Jack and the Grapestalk: The Berner Street Mystery - Part 1 - Tom Wescott
Packer and the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee detectives publicized the reports of grapes, but they started earlier
  p. 4
The Murder of Martha Tabram: No Ordinary East End Crime - Wolf Vanderlinden
Why she should be considered as the first Ripper victim
  p. 28
''Shocked and Dismayed' - An Update on the Uncle Jack Controversy - Jennifer Pegg
More problems found with claims in and about this book
  p. 54
Alois Szemeredy: An Austro-Hungarian Pitaval - 'esm'
New details on the life and death of a forgotten suspect
  p. 62
Far From Home - Des McKenna
What might Catherine Eddowes' Bright's disease mean?
  p. 78
A Ripper Victim that Wasn't: The Capture of Jane Beadmore's Killer - Alan Sharp
A copycat murder in the middle of the Autumn of Terror
p. 83
Brooklyn Precinct - Joe Chetcuti
A previously unrevealed scam by Dr. Francis Tumblety
p. 96
All Too Predictable - Don Souden
The future may not be pretty, but will be funny
  p. 102
News & Notes - Dan Norder with Wolf Vanderlinden   p. 106
The Bookcase - Dan Norder and Wolf Vanderlinden   p. 112
The Whitechapel Letterbox   p. 118

On the cover: Front: Jane Coram is back, this time with an image of Stride and a man buying grapes
from Matthew Packer. Back: A threatening letter signed Jack the Ripper (top), grapes from a photo by Geerah Baden-Karamally (left) and Stride from the Illustrated Police News (right).

Special thanks to: Stewart P. Evans, Philip Hutchinson and Rob Clack for various images. Donna S. DeCarlo for editing help. Jane Coram, for once again creating great original artwork for the cover.


Collected contents copyright 2006 by Dan Norder for Ripper Notes, all rights reserved. Copyrights to individual contributions are also retained by their respective authors.

The opinions expressed in articles and letters are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily shared by the editors.

This issue of Ripper Notes has the ISBN 0-9759129-6-8
Ripper Notes magazine is registered with the Library of Congress as ISSN 1559-1522
Published by Inklings Press ­