3. Editorial
Goodnight and Thank You
4. The Restless Grave of Roslyn D'Onston
Ivor Edwards relates his search for the grave of Roslyn D'Onston
7. The Marking of Catherine Eddowes
Derek Osborne ponders the Ripper's cuts
9. A Ripper Retrospective
Tim Mosley's series concludes.
27. The Bookcase
The Editor goes "On the Trail of a Dead Man," Stephen Ryder peruses a young reader's "Jack the Ripper" and Jim DiPalma dismisses "Jack the Ripper: The American Connection" while praising "Jack the Ripper: Whitechapel Maps"
30. News and Notes
US Ripper Conference 2004, the future of RN adn Melvin Harris, R.I.P..