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Most Recent Posts:
Kosminski, Aaron: New Tests on Tilly letter prove it genuine - by The Baron 17 minutes ago.
General Discussion: Is it even possible? - by A P Tomlinson 1 hour ago.
Levy, Jacob: Any connection between Israel Lipski Trial and motive for Jack the Ripper? - by John Wheat 6 hours ago.
Levy, Jacob: Any connection between Israel Lipski Trial and motive for Jack the Ripper? - by GBinOz 6 hours ago.
Pub Talk: Flat Earth YouTuber Admits Mistake After Trip to Antarctica - by c.d. 7 hours ago.
Pub Talk: Flat Earth YouTuber Admits Mistake After Trip to Antarctica - by Holmes' Idiot Brother 10 hours ago.
Maybrick, James: The Diary—Old Hoax or New? - by John Wheat 12 hours ago.
General Discussion: Is it even possible? - by GBinOz 12 hours ago.

Most Popular Threads:
Lechmere/Cross, Charles: Charles Cross - (17 posts)
Levy, Jacob: Any connection between Israel Lipski Trial and motive for Jack the Ripper? - (16 posts)
Maybrick, James: The One Where James Maybrick was Jack the Ripper - (8 posts)
Pub Talk: Flat Earth YouTuber Admits Mistake After Trip to Antarctica - (7 posts)
General Discussion: Is it even possible? - (5 posts)
Maybrick, James: The Diary—Old Hoax or New? - (2 posts)

Ripper Notes - October 2001

Ripper Notes - October 2001

England swings like a pendulum do

A Talk With Ivor Edwards
Tom Wescott chats with the author of a new book

The Jack the Ripper Syndicate
Stewart P. Evans shares another find

The Buck's Row `Flyer'
Tim Mosley looks over at the London Hospital

UK Ripper Conference 2001
The Editor blathers on for a page or two

All Things Maybrick
Christopher T George files a report

The Bookcase
Jim DiPalma gets a delivery signed "Jack the Ripper: Letters From Hell," Christopher T George invokes "Jack the Ripper's Black Magic Rituals," The Editor reads "Jack the Ripper Victim Annie Chapman," "JTR: An Encyclopedia" and "A History of British Serial Killing," Carole Melis takes another look at "Jack - The Musical" and Wolf' Vanderlinden and The Editor munch on popcorn at a screening of "From Hell." Plus, odds and ends from the Ripper world.
Short Takes
Wolf Vanderlinden ponders the Maybrick crucifix

The Whitechapel Letterbox
"Say, boss... "