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** This is an archived, static copy of the Casebook messages boards dating from 1998 to 2003. These threads cannot be replied to here. If you want to participate in our current forums please go to **

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Casebook Message Boards: Read This First! : Disclaimer Statememt
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One of the exciting features of the site is that it allows you an opportunity to publish your views on topics of interest on one of our bulletin boards. While believes that the on-line discussion forums and chat sessions are an ideal way of learning more about the diversity of public views and opinions on contemporary issues, the generally unrestricted nature of the Internet could potentially lead to the discussions and chat sessions being abused or misused by some people.

Accordingly, it is a condition of publication of material at any bulletin board, or participation in any on-line discussion forum, that the's Principles and Objectives which are contained in the Read This First section be observed and adhered to. Messages posted are subject to the Terms of Use for using In
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Stephen P. Ryder cannot and does not grant you any permission or authority in respect of the copyright in the material which is posted to our site by others, or which appears at third-party Internet sites (we strongly recommend that you refer to the copyright statements at those sites before making use of the material).
Conclusion is confident that if users respect and abide by the Principles and Objectives and bear in mind the matters described at this web-page, the site, and the on-line discussion forums and chat sessions which take place at the site, will provide both a fantastic information source as well as an unique opportunity for you to share your views on relevant topics
We trust that you will enjoy using the site as much as we look forward to hearing your views and opinions.
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