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Casebook Message Boards: The Diary of Jack the Ripper: General Discussion: Mary Jane's Crucifix?
SUBTOPIC | MSGS | Last Updated | |
![]() | Archive through 19 August 2001 | 40 | 08/22/2001 09:00am |
![]() | Archive through 25 August 2001 | 40 | 08/26/2001 02:12pm |
![]() | Archive through August 12, 1999 | 20 | 08/11/1999 09:15pm |
Author: graziano Saturday, 25 August 2001 - 04:47 pm | |
Hello Jon, OK. Let us aknowledge nevertheless that to entirely dismiss any doubt about the fact that not more than one killer was involved one should bring the evidence that it was impossible for more than one killer to have acted. Really this evidence does not seem to have been put forward till today. All in all it seems to me that the case is stronger when explaining why it could not have been done by a lonely killer than when explaining why there could not have been more killers (in fact I do not see any serious point made to support the latter). Bye. Graziano.
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Author: graziano Saturday, 25 August 2001 - 04:58 pm | |
Ciao Joseph, per rispondere alla tua prima domanda ti diro' che sto seduto intento a scriverti. In quanto alla seconda me lo sono sempre chiesto anch'io visto che dovunque sono stato mi sono sempre ritrovato nella situazione di "foreigner". Incredibilmente contento di poter finalmente scrivere in questi "tabulati" senza prima dover tradurre i miei pensieri (e quindi perdere per strada meta' della loro logica). Saluti. Graziano. P.S.: I apologize towards everybody, I know it is not well educated but it was too tempting.
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Author: E Carter Saturday, 25 August 2001 - 05:02 pm | |
Wolf, do you want to play for high stakes?
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Author: Joseph Saturday, 25 August 2001 - 06:43 pm | |
Tanti saluti Graziano, Sono cresciuto in un paese " of foreigners ". La mia ascendenza è europea. Il mio padre è nato in Corleone, Sicilia, ma quando va fuori da aereo a Palermo, io non sono considerato un siciliano, sono considerato un americano. La mia domanda, di dove sei, chiesto, che città in Italia siete voi? Spero che non abbia perso molto logica con questo tentativo difficile nel usando l' italiano. Ciao Hello Mr. Smyth, I think your reasoning is dead on, and, if I'm not mistaken, it is the primary quantitative logic normally used in law enforcement; it speaks to the basic elements of procedure. I believe that Mr. Carter, as an amateur, addresses this issue in an oblique, and at times, unclear fashion, which leads to some of the frustration voiced by yourself, Mr. Vanderlinden, Viper, et al. However, I am certain he is doing the best he can in explaining his hypotheses, and perhaps a continued patience and sensitivity on our part would go a long way toward encouraging greater clarity from him. Best regards
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Saturday, 25 August 2001 - 06:55 pm | |
Dear Joseph, Yes...but not in a 'fair' fight. The Mistress of the Wardrobe.Yes.Yes.Wet."Beyond the North Wind", c/o The Seer of the Highlands.Impromptu & extempore....geological morphology of cryptonite. :-))
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Author: D L Lewis Saturday, 25 August 2001 - 07:52 pm | |
Dear Ed, OK, what I think you're saying is that Berner Street activists, a forerunner, or a branch of what is now the IRA killed these women in a terrorist attack. The cross, then, was taken as a message? The fact it is a unique cross is irrelevant to their purposes. While it started off as straight murder, at least one of the two practitioners became psycotic, leading to the frenzy of MJKs death, though he remained focussed on the cause. If I'm right, or if not, it's time for some names, please. PS - Superman could kick anyone's butt. Lois Lane's wardrobe? I'd never thought of it before. But I guess in Lois Lane's wardrobe lies the question of why did Darrin Stevens put up with Larry Tate, when he could've had Samantha zap him up his own advertising agency?
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Sunday, 26 August 2001 - 05:45 am | |
Dear Joseph, Oftimes, I am seen on a hilltop with a fellow ruminant (Orpheus the Llama)...we converse after a fashion...we watch the mountains a lot. As Ever.
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Author: graziano Sunday, 26 August 2001 - 12:09 pm | |
Ciao, Don Giuseppe, ossequiosamente ti saluto (detto ovviamente con accento siciliano). Il tuo italiano e' di molto superiore a tanti altri, non preoccuparti, fa un po' ridere ma si capisce benissimo. Anch'io sono cresciuto in lande straniere, mio padre nacque a Bagni di Lucca, in Toscana. Io vivo, a seconda della stagione, tra il Lussemburgo e la Repubblica Ceca (da dove sto scrivendo). Senti, visto che nessuno ci capisce, non ti sembra che in questi boards ci siano delle persone con indole un po' violenta ? Fanno un po' paura. Ciao. Graziano. As usual towards the others brother boarders: Entschuldigen bitte, das ist die letzte mal.
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Author: Arfa Kidney Sunday, 26 August 2001 - 01:10 pm | |
Hello Joseph, I'm sure Ed appreciates you rushing to his defence,but I would like to hear what he has to say. The question of Wolf and Ed's comparative intelligence was never implied by me. I have no wish to humiliate Ed but I just think that he over complicates things for himself. For example he has convinced himself that chloroform was used to fuel the fire that burned in Mary Kelly's fireplace with absolutely no evidence to support the theory.He tells us that chloroform would have renderd the metal parts of MJK's Kettle unstable and so cause the damage to the handle,that was reported.As I have explained before the simple fact is that heat alone,could have caused the damage to the "boiled dry" kettle,why complicate matters? If I had to make a comparison between Wolf and Ed I would say that Wolf's feat were placed firmly on the ground whereas Ed's are not. Regards, Mick Lyden
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Author: D L Lewis Monday, 27 August 2001 - 07:13 am | |
Ok, all of this is well worth it, but the crucifix is what interests me. I have my own theory on the Diary, but this crucifix might throw it all to pot. I am not interested in personal issues, adn enjoy all sides of the story. There was little wrong with Ed's analysis, though I can't stomach looking at the photo with the intent of finding every miniscule detail that doesn't work. However, there does come a point where cards have to be laid. Who are Ed's murderers - names please - or what valid excuse is there for not posting them? I don't wish to be aggressive, but I don't want to see the debate sidetracked into who said what about whom, etc. Looking forward to the next response,
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Author: E Carter Wednesday, 29 August 2001 - 04:35 pm | |
Stride, was discovered with sweet pills in her hand designed to sweeten the breath of smokers. To taste, Chloroform is 40 times sweeter than cane sugar, in 1888 this drug was used as an anaethetic and to fix photographs to newpaper. Stride was discovered outside an anarchist newspaper building! Several of the murdered woman had bruising spread over their mouths. These bruisings would have occurred prior to their deaths, we know for sure because bruising caused by venous presure only effects whilst the heart is pumping. Therefore the marks happened whilst the victim was alive. To be cont ED
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Author: Alegria Wednesday, 29 August 2001 - 05:46 pm | |
Hi Ed, Just wanted to remind you that the thread is about MJK and her crucifix. All other posts will be deleted. Would you like me to create a thread for you? Ally
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Author: E Carter Thursday, 30 August 2001 - 03:32 pm | |
Sorry, I will begin another Ed. Thread. Sorry I meant another 'thread', 'ED'.