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Jack the Ripper (Tome Press 1999)

Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Media: Specific Titles: Comic Books: Jack the Ripper (Tome Press 1999)
Author: Stephen P. Ryder
Wednesday, 21 July 1999 - 07:33 am
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Jack the Ripper
Tome Press: Caliber Comics, c. 1998
Writer: Gary Reed
Artist: Mark Bloodworth
$2.95 USA / $4.60 Can.

Though copywritten in 1998, this comic was released earlier this year (1999) and is certainly one of the better comics to emerge on the subject. On the inside front cover, it says "Tome Press: Comics designed to entertain, educate and inform." Its a refreshing philosophy.

The majority of the "comic" is actually not a comic, but rather a series of textual essays on the killer, his victims, and a variety of suspects. A handful of mistakes are made, but overall it is fairly well researched. The drawings (done by the aptly named "Mark Bloodworth") are interesting, though serious comic-collectors would probably label the artistic style dull in comparison to some of the better ones, like "From Hell." (q.v.)

Orders and inquiries can be made to:

Caliber Comics
225 N. Sheldon Rd
Plymouth, MI 48170


(The comic can also be purchased via their web site).

Jack the Ripper

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