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Celebrity Deathmatch: Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper

Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Media: Ripper Media: Celebrity Deathmatch: Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper
Author: Stephen P. Ryder
Sunday, 07 July 2002 - 07:47 am
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MTV has a claymation show called Celebrity Deathmatch, where two "polar opposite" celebrities are pitted against each other in a fictional (and very, very gory) fight to the death. Some time ago they aired an episode pitting Sherlock Holmes against Jack the Ripper - if anyone wants to see it, you can download it now at:

Its quite large (about 55MB) and probably offensive to about 98% of the population, but since very few Ripper folks find themselves in the "easily offended" category.... enjoy!

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