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Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel murders. Evans & Skinner/PRO

Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Media: Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel murders. Evans & Skinner/PRO
Author: alex chisholm
Monday, 01 July 2002 - 11:18 am
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Evans & Skinner’s PRO document pack, “Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel murders,” is a joy to behold.

Open the box and revel in true quality colour reproductions of selected key documents in the investigation of Whitechapel murders.

An informative pamphlet offers a brief, enjoyable introduction to the case, while placing each document in context. But the real gems are the reproductions themselves.

My own particular favourites are the “Dear Boss” letter, “Saucy Jacky” postcard, and the absolutely splendid “Coroner’s plan of Mitre Square, with sketches of the injuries to Eddowes and the body in situ in the corner of the square.”

Well done, yet again, to Stewart and Keith. Excellence seems to be becoming quite a habit with these two.

Best Wishes

Author: Stewart P Evans
Monday, 01 July 2002 - 01:58 pm
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Very many thanks for the kind words, a compliment indeed from a true historian.

But I have to agree that the true delight is the wonderful job that the PRO have done on the production of this document pack. The large fold-out reproduction of the Foster plans and drawings for the Eddowes' inquest are worth the price alone, in my opinion. The quality is excellent and thanks must go to Jonathan Evans at the Royal London Hospital Museum Archives for arranging this excellent copy.

Best Wishes,


Author: Paul Begg
Tuesday, 02 July 2002 - 10:27 am
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Hi Alex,
Frankly, I'm getting fed up with this stuff from Stewart Evans and Keith Skinner. Can't they just for once produce something that isn't bloody excellent.

Author: alex chisholm
Tuesday, 02 July 2002 - 11:23 am
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I know, Paul. It’s enough to give one’s rear end a nippy taste.

Still, I’m hatching a plan to lure them both to a dank cellar, with wall-to-wall, 24 hour streaming of Big Brother repeats. That should put paid to their interminable excellence once and for all.

I need a getaway driver, if you’re interested.

Best Wishes

Author: Stewart P Evans
Tuesday, 02 July 2002 - 03:52 pm
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Thank you. We are all eagerly awaiting your own magnum opus which will soon be published. There is no way that the quality of that will be anything short of excellent.

Then you'll be joining Keith and me in Alex's dank cellar!

Best Wishes,


Author: Tony Rutherford
Tuesday, 02 July 2002 - 04:56 pm
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Hello all,

Where can I get a copy? Sounds fantastic.


Author: Stewart P Evans
Tuesday, 02 July 2002 - 07:23 pm
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Many thanks for the interest, you may order it from:-

or on Amazon.

Best Wishes,


Author: alex chisholm
Tuesday, 02 July 2002 - 07:46 pm
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Stewart, you’re right, as usual.

I for one can hardly contain my eagerness to lay hands on Paul’s magnum opus; which, as you say, is sure to be excellent.

Luckily there will be enough room in the cellar for Paul, but my list of possible partners-in-crime is now diminished.

I was going to say that Stewart would be best placed to give you details on where to get a copy from. And, low and behold, I now see he has provided a link. I notice a convenient link has also been placed at the top of this board – I must be becoming quite observant in my old age. Still, wherever you obtain a copy from, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

Best wishes

Author: Arfa Kidney
Wednesday, 03 July 2002 - 07:01 am
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Hello Stewart,

I would just like to add to the other complaints about your latest book.
My Evans and Skinner shelf is already badly sagging in the middle,and now you've gone and published another superb tome!

Ahh well,I'm off to the DIY.



Author: Monty
Wednesday, 03 July 2002 - 07:47 am
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There there.

You still my Daddy. So what if Evans and Skinner keep producing excellent works. Have comfort in the thought that, along with Gary Lineker, you and you alone hold hero like status with a chap in Leicester along with Fido, Howells, Odell, Rumbelow.....did I mention Fido ?

Stewart and Keith,

If the above is true then I cannot wait and going on your previous works I have absolutely no reason to doubt its excellence.

Well done !


Author: Christopher-Michael DiGrazia
Wednesday, 03 July 2002 - 09:33 am
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I've received my review copy from the PRO the other day, and have already ransacked my thesaurus for superlatives. The Foster plans have, in fact, already gone on my wall next to a few other Ripper-themed odds and ends; all I need now is a curator like John Ross, and I can have my own Black Museum!

Seriously, an excellent piece of work, Stewart and Keith, and one which will be getting two large thumbs-up from the RN staff.

Alex - if "quality work" were the criteria by which Ripper authors were to be thrown into your cellar, we'd have locked up Stewart, Keith, Don, Paul, Martin, RWE and about half-a-dozen others years ago! And speaking of which. . .how are you going to lock Dave, me and yourself in the cellar once "The News From Whitechapel" hits the stores? Is Jayne going to throw you down there? And if so, you will bring down a bottle of Usquebach for the rest of us, won't you?


Author: Caroline Morris
Wednesday, 03 July 2002 - 10:49 am
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Hi All,

Just a quickie to let you know I'm passing on all these messages to Keith, to make sure he knows about Alex's dastardly dank cellar plan.

I imagine Keith's first question might be "What's a Big Brother repeat?" :)

Well done again, Stewart and Keith!



Author: Christopher T George
Wednesday, 03 July 2002 - 12:03 pm
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Hey, CM, maybe you can tack John Ross on your wall next.

Author: stephen miller
Wednesday, 03 July 2002 - 12:28 pm
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Hi Stewart & Keith I have already posted my congratulations on your new publication under another thread but since this thread has appeared I will say it again
Well done and thank you
from steve
ps Stewart have you decided to publish something on the Wallace case yet if so I can't wait
If not please do

Author: Tony Rutherford
Wednesday, 03 July 2002 - 02:25 pm
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Stewart and Alex

Thanks for the info, I'm placed my order and wait with baited breath...

Author: alex chisholm
Wednesday, 03 July 2002 - 09:02 pm
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Do you have any idea of the cost of capacious cellars, dank or otherwise?

But, of course, you are right. All the gentlemen you mention are equally deserving of being locked up. I never thought my dastardly scheme would escalate into a career in hotel management.

Funnily enough, old mate, I share your hopes for “News from Whitechapel.” Although I entertain no illusions of this budding Basil Fawlty ever meriting a reservation among such illustrious company. Nevertheless, if the amber nectar is to flow, I might have to be ejected by force.

Dear Caz,
It has to be said, if only in the hope of salvaging some shredded remnant of credibility, that I too have no idea what a Big Brother repeat might be. Some fiendish computer glitch must have introduced those words to my post.

Incidentally, have I mentioned that Evans & Skinner’s PRO document pack is excellent?

Best Wishes

Author: Guy Hatton
Saturday, 06 July 2002 - 09:17 am
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Hmm, dunno. Just got my copy of Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel Murders this morning, and I think Stewart and Keith may be slipping. I can find the Lusk letter, but where's the package that's supposed to be with it? :)



Author: Stewart P Evans
Saturday, 06 July 2002 - 11:57 am
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I ate was very nise.

Author: Garry Ross
Saturday, 06 July 2002 - 09:59 pm
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You want CMD to tack my dad onto his wall ? I'll have a word with him, I reckon he'll be up for it :)

I'm awaiting this pack myself at the moment and shall no doubt come back and comment more when I've delved through it.

take care,

although it's bound to be good anyway :)

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