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Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Media: General Discussion: Ripper Magazines - A Beginner's Guide
Author: Tom Wescott Friday, 22 March 2002 - 12:01 am | |
This thread is intended as a tool for those considering subscription to one or more of the Ripper magazines currently on the market. With three different publications it is understandable that someone might want to know what they're getting for their money before they spend it! Since I subscribe to all three, I feel I'm qualified to offer a little assistance in this matter. It seems impossible to believe that in a field as seemingly limited as Ripperology that three seperate journals could not only exist, but thrive. Is there enough original material out there worthy of 3 disparate publications. The answer is a resounding 'YES'! Aside from the fact that they all have the word 'Ripper' in their names, and that they all average about the same number of pages (30-35), the three magazines are as unlike as any three mags of the same field can be. Let's take a quick look at each: RIPPERANA-(published 4 times a year) edited by Nick Warren: This is the longest running publication, now in its 10th year. Each issue boasts exactly 32 pages and is published in a small format. Before actually reading 'Ripperana' I thought the size of it would be a detriment. After purchasing a number of issues, old and new, I decided it was a stroke of genius on Warren's part. By doing this he gauranteed that only relevant info would find its way into the pages (in most cases). In purchasing a fat stack of back issues (sold at insanely low prices!) I found a treasure trove of info, most excerpts from contemporary papers, that I had never seen in the books. I hope to have a complete set of this magazine some day. It would be an indispensible research tool. The only downfall of the mag(as I see it) and it's a small one, is that it considers itself a 'true crime mystery' magazine, and (despite the title) not just a Ripper journal. This means that precious space is used up on information regarding other crimes that in no way bear relation to the Ripper. This aside, I consider Ripperana to be the premier source for exciting new, theory free, information. RIPPEROLOGIST - (published 6 times a year) edited by Paul Begg: This 2nd longest running Ripper mag is unquestionably the sleakest of them all, fit for any bookchain magazine stand. Of course, its editor needs no introduction to anyone reading this post. Ripperologist (a.k.a. 'The Rip') has widened its focus beyond the Ripper case to encompass the history of all things Victoriana, with a primary interest in the history of the East End and its denizens. With exceptional contributing historians including, but not limited to, Stawell Heard and Eduardo Zina, The Rip is unparalleled as a source for information regarding the world that Jack lived in, as opposed to Jack himself. while Ripperana specializes in short, to the point facts, Ripperologist offers vivid and expertly detailed and sourced essays on the many people and places that inhabit popular Ripperlore. And I promise that Begg's editorials never fail to teach you something you didn't know before! RIPPER NOTES - (published 4 times a year) edited by Christopher-Michael Digrazia: This premier American Ripper zine straddles the line between Ripperana and Ripperologist by specializing in well researched and sourced essays relating directly to the Ripper and those involved in the case. Many of the small mysteries surrounding the Ripper case have been solved (at least to my satisfaction!) in its pages. Regular contributors to RN include the finest minds working the Whitechapel streets today, such as Dave Yost, Wolf Vanderlinden, and co-editor Chris George. For long essays relating directly to the Ripper, nothing touches Ripper Notes. If the July 2001 issue is not already a collector's item, it very well should be! Although the above descriptions only touch on the many attributes and differences of each journal, I hope it gives you some idea of what you can expect. Allow me to also say that the book reviews in Ripperologist and Ripper Notes are indispensible (this is not a Ripperana strongpoint). If not for Larry 'Eagle Eyes' Barbee's review of'Alias Jack the Ripper' and his expose on the author's unscrupulous changing of facts, I would have paid $40 for a completely useless research tool. I can honestly say that I've SAVED money by subscribing to Ripper Notes! The world would be a much simpler place if two of the Ripper journals sucked and one shined. Unfortunately, that's not the case. All three journals excel in varying areas vital to Ripper research, and therefore are must-haves for the serious Ripperologist. Ripperana only caters to the researcher, but for enthusiasts Ripperologist is perfect for those interested in East End history as it relates to the Ripper. If you are an enthusiast whose taste demands a more Ripper-specific read, then Ripper Notes is the place to start. Subscription information to all the mags can be found here on the Casebook, and in all 3 cases, is worth the price! Yours truly, Tom Wescott P.S. Any questions? Just ask!
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Author: Christopher T George Friday, 22 March 2002 - 06:05 am | |
Hi, Tom: In fairness to our Australian colleagues, we should mention that there is a fourth Ripper magazine, Ripperoo, published by the Australian Cloak and Dagger Club. Thanks for the rundown of the other magazines, Tom, including our own Ripper Notes, of which we are now preparing the April 2002 Ripper Weekend issue, sure to become a collector's item! All the best Chris George Co-Editor, Ripper Notes
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Author: Paul Begg Friday, 22 March 2002 - 08:35 am | |
Hi Tom Many thanks for your generous words about The Rip. All comments on the magazine are welcomed, even negative ones, as Adam and I are always looking to improve. Cheers Paul
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Author: Christopher T George Friday, 22 March 2002 - 10:17 am | |
Hi, Tom: I have just noticed your wording that: "Regular contributors to RN include the finest minds working the Whitechapel streets today, such as Dave Yost, Wolf Vanderlinden, and co-editor Chris George." The term "working the streets" made me smile. Very appropriate for this topic, too!!! ![]() Chris
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Author: Christopher-Michael DiGrazia Friday, 22 March 2002 - 04:11 pm | |
Tom - Many thanks for your kind comments on RN. I've long enjoyed both "Ripperana" and "Ripperologist," and agree with you on their merits. The difficulty, as I see it, is that some people can't afford all four magazines, which is where the Rip has instituted a wonderful idea (which makes me furious I didn't think of it first!) - that is, in each issue of the Rip, Paul tells you what's contained in each issue of RN, Ripperana and Ripperoo. Very useful if, say, Mark King's done more MJK research - off you go and write to Nick Warren and grab that particular issue. And while I am flattered at your praise, Tom, we at RN are always open to suggestions for improvement. As WS Gilbert used to say, "I know how good I am, but I do not know how bad I am." (and those of you in the peanut gallery can be quiet). CMD
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Author: Tom Wescott Friday, 22 March 2002 - 11:30 pm | |
Chris, Paul, CM, Thank you all for the pleasant responses. I have gained so much knowledge and insight from the above 3 magazines that I feel it unfortunate that so many others interested in the case haven't benefitted as well. A number of people purchased Eddleston's book for comparitvely the same cost as it would be to subscribe to the above 3 mags for a year! Which one is the better deal? Well, that all depends on if you agree with Eddleston that the Sept. 17th letter was legit! As for RIPPEROO, I did not forget it. I simply have not been able to determine if it continues to exist. I'd also like to correct CM on a point: I've subscribed to the Rip for over a year now, and have yet to see a review of an issue of Ripperoo. This, combined with the fact that I never see ads for it in the other mags, or discussion of it on here, led me to believe it went the way of the Whitechapel Journal (R.I.P. Stephen). Add to this the fact that I posted in reply to Jules regarding the mag and never received a response, and I figured that either a) Ripperoo was belly-up, or b) It was such a well-kept secret that they wouldn't appreciate me exposing it to the world. Therefore, I decided not to mention it. CM and Chris...I'm very excited to hear that the April issue, which will contain my article, is going to be for sale at the conference. I only wish I could be there with you all (and I mean that!). It's only a severe lack of money that keeps me away. One of these days, though! PAUL...I've tried emailing you a couple of times lately...Once regarding Eduardo Zinna's recent article, and once regarding a website. I sent them to editor@ripperologist.net, but they're not going through. Is there a new email address? Yours truly, Tom Wescott
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Author: Nick B Saturday, 23 March 2002 - 07:40 am | |
Hi, Im a friend of Jules, the Editor of "Ripperoo" and can safely say that it still exisis. He possibly didnt reply as it may have been during the time he didnt have email access. If you would like a review made of Ripperoo, I would be very glad to do one for you. We are up to issue 11 or so now. SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS: Six issues per annum, approx. 30 pp per issue. Subscriptions cost $50 AUD per annum. ADDRESS: The Australian Clock & Dagger Club P.O. Box 823 Blacktown N.S.W. 2148 Australia I hope that helps. - Nick
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Author: Leanne Perry Saturday, 23 March 2002 - 07:11 pm | |
G'day, Thanks Nick!!! RIPPEROO is advertised here in the main Casebook under: 'Book Reviews'/ 'Periodicals'. Jules recently asked me for someones email address but a virus had wiped mine out for the second time. Jules can be reached on: ripperoo2000@yahoo.com Some examples of some of the stories that have appeared so far are: 'Was Elizabeth Stride A Ripper Victim?' 'Featured Suspect - #######' 'Was the Ripper Sane or Insane?' 'Who Am I?' 'Inside The Mind of a Serial Killer.' 'Profiling Jack the Ripper!' 'Andrei Chikatilo vs Jack the Ripper!' 'Early History of Policing' 'History of the Metropolitan Police Force'. 'Has Jack Been Back?' 'Major Henry Smith.' Featured story: 'Bushranger - Ned Kelly.' 'JtR Quiz'. 'Crossword' We welcome any members comments and will publish their views or stories. LEANNE PERRY Vice President of The Australian Cloak & Dagger Club. (A.C.D.C)
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Author: Leanne Perry Sunday, 24 March 2002 - 03:16 am | |
G'day, If any one's interested and according to todays exchange rates $50 Australian is: 26.5400 U.S. Dollars or 18.63502 British Pounds. We prefer cash sent as it is costly to convert foreign cheques! - Your currency or ours! LEANNE! Vice President A.C.D.C.
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Author: Wolf Vanderlinden Sunday, 24 March 2002 - 01:00 pm | |
Once more I must thank Tom Westcott for his very generous and kind words. Thanks Tom, I owe you a couple of barley sandwiches, as we used to say out West. Wolf.
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Author: Julian Rosenthal Sunday, 24 March 2002 - 10:53 pm | |
Yes Tom, Ripperoo is very much alive and well and I don't know what happened to that email of yours as I didn't get it. Thanks for your post Nick, I haven't been able to get on the boards lately so it's good to see that you're around keeping an eye on things. Take care Jules
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Author: Nick B Tuesday, 26 March 2002 - 03:46 am | |
No Probs Mate. Anytime. Nick