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Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Media: General Discussion: TV Programme
Author: Paul Begg Friday, 12 October 2001 - 11:44 am | |
A TV Company in the UK is making a documentary for Discovery Europe in which the evidence for and against four Ripper suspects will be presented. They are currently looking for people who can prosecute these suspects. Prosecution doesn't mean belief in the suspects guilt, though viewers will almost certainly assume this to be the case, but it does demand a profound knowledge of the "evidence" against that suspect. The suspects are Druitt, Kosminski, Tumblety and Gull (yes, I know, but the programme links to the release of i{From Hell} so he has to be there.) If you have the required knowledge then drop an e to: {toby.faulkener@granadamedia.com,toby.faulkener@granadamedia.com} or to me. (I have nothing to do with the programme by the way, so don't blame me for anything! I am simply posting this as a favour).
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Author: Christopher T George Friday, 12 October 2001 - 12:39 pm | |
Hi, Paul: I am interested in appearing as prosecutor against Tumblety. I just tried to e-mail Granada but got an "undeliverable" notice. Could you doublecheck the e-mail address of the contact person, e.g., perhaps the name is faulkner not faulkener??? Many thanks. Best regards Chris George
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Author: Stephen P. Ryder Friday, 12 October 2001 - 12:45 pm | |
Toby.Faulkner@granadamedia.com -- is the email address I have on file.
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Author: Christopher T George Friday, 12 October 2001 - 02:26 pm | |
Many thanks, Spry Chris
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Author: Paul Begg Saturday, 13 October 2001 - 04:11 am | |
Thanks Stephen.
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Author: Sigil Tuesday, 12 February 2002 - 06:55 am | |
Hello everyone. I am new here and haven't posted before, so please excuse the first posting not being on the Pub board. I managed to search around and find a thread pertinent to what I wished to contribute. It isn't much, but I think it may be reasonably safe to mention this without being incinerated. ![]() The documentary that Paul mentions in his initial post is, I assume, The Trial of Jack the Ripper. I know this has been mentioned in other postings too, but for anyone still unsure when this is being transmitted it is going out at 20:30 GMT on Wednesday 20th February 2002 on the Discovery Europe channel. The program is one and a half hours long (including adverts). However, I thought you may also wish to know that according to the latest edition of "TV & Satellite Week" (a UK publication) the 4 suspects being put on trial are not identical to the list that Paul posted. Specifically, they list Maybrick instead of Druitt. (I am guessing that they must have made a switch at some point. Either that or the magazine is wrong.) Anyway, for the benefit of those unable to obtain a copy of the said publication who may be interested, this is what they say about the program: ****************** THE USUAL SUSPECTS Judge for yourself in a classic ripping yarn In the autumn of 1888, Jack the Ripper terrorised the Whitechapel area of London's West End. Over 10 weeks, he brutally murdered five prostitutes, first slitting their throats and then mutilating them. But despite the efforts of 600 officers, the case remains the Metropolitan Police's longest running unsolved murder enquiry. Sixty names have been linked with the killings and in this week's Trial of Jack the Ripper, presented by Michael Grade, the cases are heard against the four main suspects. Drawing on Scotland Yard files, witness statements and postmortem reports, leading barristers and celebrity 'Ripperologists' Angela Rippon [(below left]], and Jeremy Beadle produce evidence for and against the accused. The studio audience acts as the jury, but in an interactive programme to be screened next week, viewers can also vote on whodunit... STANDING IN THE DOCK FRANCIS TUMBLETY An American quack doctor, who collected female sexual organs. Tumblety was thought to be renting rooms in Whitechapel at the time of the murders. He later fled his lodgings leaving a bloodstained shirt behind. His return to America coincided with the end of the killings, but police were never able to interview him. JAMES MAYBRICK On the surface, Maybrick was the picture of Victorian respectability. But the Liverpool cotton merchant visited brothels and ingested the aphrodisiac, arsenic. A diary purportedly written by him gives graphic details of the murders. Similarly a watch bearing his name was etched with the initials of the victims and the inscription 'I am Jack.' His wife was charged with his murder in 1889. THE ROYAL CONSPIRACY Conspiracy theorists believe the murders were a freemason plot to cover up the alleged relationship between Queen Victoria's grandson, Prince Albert Victor and a tobacco seller. It's claimed that the couple had a child who was fostered by a prostitute. She later revealed her secret to other prostitutes, all of whom fell victim to the Ripper. The queen's doctor, Sir William Gull, allegedly committed the murders. AARON KOSMINSKI A Jewish immigrant worker from Poland, Kosminski was a sad, troubled individual. As the only suspect to live in Whitechapel, he also had useful local knowledge. He was the police's prime suspect and had been identified as being in the vicinity of all five murders. Possibly suffering from schizophrenia, he was later admitted to an asylum. ****************** I must say that I cringe at the thought of Jeremy Beadle being involved with this program. I suppose one must be charitable and give him the benefit of the doubt prior to transmission, but knowing his past track record when it comes to TV programs I don't have very high hopes. (UK posters will know exactly what I mean.)
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Author: TrueBrits Saturday, 23 February 2002 - 08:02 am | |
The Discovery Channel UK program, "The Trial of Jack the Ripper" was broadcast the first time on Wednesday evening at half eight. The program is 1 1/2 hours including adverts. It has been repeated on Thursday and Friday evenings and it's scheduled to be repeated again this evening at the same time. Then on Sunday evening is to be the final program, supposedly live, in which home viewers will be able to ask questions of the experts. On the Discovery Europe web site http://www.discoveryeurope2.com/jack/home.php one can post a question(s) there to the experts with the slight possibility of one's question being chosen and presented to the experts. IMHO, the only reason for repeating this same program for four evenings is to give those who are interested and have digital the opportunity of viewing the program in order to vote on Sunday's live program. I feel that rather than repeating the same program for three evenings, the producers could have used the 270 minutes to present a more detailed, serious show. This mystery has been ongoing for almost 114 years and the debate, research, etc., will continue indefinitely to fascinate people. There's nothing comparable to a good British mystery. What I'm stating is the case is now in its 114th year and it has not been solved, so what could the producers of this program hope to accomplish in 90 minutes less advert time? It's absolutely ludicrous to repeat the same program for another three evenings. The time should have been utilised to present serious evidence by expert Ripperologists. The program on Sunday evening is scheduled to commence at half 10. Cheers! TrueBrits