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Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Media: General Discussion: Jack on the WWW
Author: Grailfinder Monday, 03 September 2001 - 11:03 pm | |
Hi'a Just found a new site that all you guys over the pond might find interesting? Log onto http://www.walkingworld.com Now although this is a crap site for Anorak's! it has a handy little link to a downloadable JtR Walking tour. Have a listen! its the next best thing to actually being there. Hope you enjoy GF If any of you guys out there have come across Jack on any other strange non-Ripper related sites? please drop us a message to this board. There will be a prize for the most obscure JtR related link. The winner will receive a signed photo of our Darling Caz proudly displaying her Jugs! (if I can talk her into it?) LnH GF
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Author: Joseph Tuesday, 04 September 2001 - 02:17 am | |
Hello G.F., The enclosed link will bring you to the last place in cyber-space you'd expect to find a reference to Jack the Ripper. http://www.pafko.com/history/h_1888.html Just scroll a little less the halfway down, and under the heading American Chemical Engineers, you will find this curio. Best regards
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Author: Walter Timothy Mosley Tuesday, 04 September 2001 - 12:39 pm | |
Hello Joseph: As a practicing chemical engineer, I am grateful for the link you have supplied above. Whether or not you win the prize for Most Obscure Ripper Reference, you get my vote! Thanks for the revelation. WTM
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Author: Grailfinder Tuesday, 04 September 2001 - 01:24 pm | |
Hi'a Joseph Cool link! absolutely no reason for Jack to be there, but there he is again, popping up where you least expect him. As you are the first to post to this topic, I suppose you go top of the leaderboard, until someone comes up with a stranger link, although I must admit a Web-Site dedicated to American Chemical Engineers, is going to take some beating. Caz Seems like your best way out of this is to come up with a weird link yourself, if not you'd best be prepared for the photo session, might I suggest that to show these proud beauties at there best, you get em out and give them a good rub! I want to see my face in them... LnH GF.
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Author: Joseph Tuesday, 04 September 2001 - 04:36 pm | |
Hello G.F., If I'm lucky enough to win, I would prefer a photo of Caz, with her family. ![]() Best regards
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Author: Grailfinder Tuesday, 04 September 2001 - 08:35 pm | |
Hi Joseph Erm! sorry mate but I think that's illegal over here? Here are a few more JtR related web-sites, I wonder if old Jack was a family man? and what his great grandchildren might be doing for a living now? Screen printing and vinyl graphics from Jack Ripper & Associates. http://www.jackripper.com/ Or stranger still! Since 1973, Jack the Ripper Table Skirting has been manufacturing the highest quality table/stage skirting available to the hospitality industry. http://www.tableskirting.com/welcome.htm cheers GF
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Author: Caroline Anne Morris Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 12:47 pm | |
Zzzzzzzz chemical engineering zzzzzzz Oh sorry, Grail, Joseph, All, just woken up Hi Grail, Not easy searching for weird JtR links and rubbing at the same time in case I don't find any. But I'm working on it - them - it. Hi Joseph, I'll do my best with the family snap - do you want the family cat, Basil, in there too? He likes a rub (and I don't think that's illegal, Grail). ![]() Love, Caz
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Author: Grailfinder Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 08:52 pm | |
Hi'a Caz Your right mate! one handed surfing is an Art form, I tend to loose my balance and end up getting wet! Still, practice makes perfect eh? As for rubbing your Puss! I agree, nothing illegal there babe, you keep on rubbing till the cows come home, only don't try rubbing one that hasn't asked you to rub it! last time I tried doing that all its hair stood on end and the bloody thing started spitting and hissing at me! (bet that'll give all the guys nightmares tonight!) love n hugs, GF PS Kat says "Purr" to Basil PPS If I'm right, humor wise, this should be right up your street. A Jelly Baby walks into a Doctor's office and screams, "Doctor Doctor, you gotta help me, I think I've got Aids" To which the Doctor replies, "Now calm down and don't be so silly, its impossible for a Jelly Baby to catch Aids or any other STD's. Whatever gave you such a foolish idea? "But you don't understand Doctor" said the Jelly Baby,... "I've been F_c_ing Allsorts"! n'night
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Author: Caroline Anne Morris Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 04:56 am | |
Mornin' Grail, No, I meant Basil likes rubbing up against my jugs - perhaps I ought to get 'em insured separately, or display them out of his reach (he nearly knocked one off the mantelpiece the other day). ![]() Love, Caz PS Here's an old one for you (I'm experiencing terrible Disney spells as a result of trying out your one handed surfing suggestion): Divorce court judge: "Mickey Mouse, your grounds for asking Minnie for a divorce are unreasonable. You can't divorce her just for having buck teeth." Mickey: "I never said she had buck teeth. I said she was f***ing Goofy!"
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Author: Alegria Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 07:56 am | |
LOL This is from an Emily Dickinson Discussion: On Thu, 10 Apr 1997 tanter@econs.umass.edu wrote: Emily Dickinson was a sado-masochistic social psychopath who suffered from manic depression and hypertension. It was thought that she was actually Jack the Ripper, but that theory could never be proved, especially since she may have had acute agoraphobia and a rare form of xenophobia--this xenophobia gave her the urge to kill every stranger who approached her but the agoraphobia kept her from actually facing them. Her drastically low iron and and high blood sugar counts were a problem but she tried to correct them by lacing gingerbread with iron filings. We know she developed a severe allergy to clothing dyes, hence she wore white dresses to avoid the burning itch and hives and she grew her hair to her waist in keeping with the dictums of the cult which she ran from her conservatory. She was a nymphomaniac who had affairs with most of the men and women in Amherst but was among the first women to practice birth control so she never became pregnant. The rumors about her abortion were propogated to steer people away from the scandal of her using birth control, which nice girls just _didn't_ do. Dickinson never learned to read or write and the poems and letters which are attributed to her were actually penned by her dog, Carlo,hence the kind words about him and the not-so-kind words about cats. And one more thing, her real name was William Shakespeare. >
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Author: Caroline Anne Morris Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 10:07 am | |
Hi Ally, Get ready, the signed jugs pic may be heading your way soon. LOL Love, Caz PS Ally-Caz should stick together ![]()
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Author: Alegria Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 10:18 am | |
Woo-hoo!! I'll start accepting bids now.. Do I hear five dollars, five dollars... I'm going to be rich!! ![]() Hee hee! LOL...as long as I get top billing, Caz!
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Author: Peter R.A. Birchwood Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 01:49 pm | |
As an entry for weird sites with JtR mentions, try: http://www.msen.com/~lloyd/newresp.html for A-Albionic to learn about how "The overt and covert organs of the Vatican and British Empire are locked in Mortal Combat for Control of the World." Then see how Melvyn Fairclough fits into the conspiracy. As I was saying to John-Paul II only yesterday...
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Author: Simon Owen Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 06:51 pm | |
If the Post Office is a servant of the Government , that explains why my book ended up returned to sender in terrible condition ! ( See Coming soon to a TV station near you... Board ) ![]() Fairclough's book is good in some places , but full of holes in others - and misleading the reader about why Sir Charles Warren resigned is not on thank you. ![]() Should we tell our Masonic Casebookers about the secrets behind the rituals of the Masons ? ![]() Simon
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Author: Vila Monday, 02 December 2002 - 04:20 pm | |
Hello everyone, Here is a little mix of fiction and fact that I discovered whilst surfing the web this afternoon. It is from a collection of websites that feature fictional characters as if they were real. The following link has a mix of our famous and infamous real-life Ripper authors and suspects with such personages as Sherlock Holmes, Doc Savage, H.G. Wells, and many others. Check it out for an entertaining read. http://www.geocities.com/laxaria/ripguide1.html