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Did Jack travel on the District Line !!

Casebook Message Boards: Police Officials: General Discussion: Did Jack travel on the District Line !!
Author: Sean
Sunday, 10 October 1999 - 02:29 am
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Could Jack the Ripper have travelled on the District Line.
The Line was open at this time.
The truth is you never know who your sitting next to on the tube. !!!!
Anyone got any comments

Author: anon
Sunday, 10 October 1999 - 03:37 am
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Anyone could have travelled on the District line. The murderer was just another human being after all, what's so special about that?

Author: A.M.P.
Sunday, 10 October 1999 - 03:57 am
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Welcome Sean

The idea that Jack The Ripper may have used the Underground, or at least its tunnel system is not a new one. It has been discussed on these boards before.

From the main Casebook menu, select "Victorian London" and locate the piece "The Birth of London Underground" at the bottom of the second section. It contains a brief history of the tube by Adam Wood.

For boards comment, take "Topics" from the Discussion menu (left of screen) and select "Social Conditions of London 1888" to see the discussion. You can add any thoughts you may have to the debate there.

Best Wishes

Author: JKleen
Sunday, 10 October 1999 - 07:41 pm
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Thanks A.M.P., I was wondering about that possibility myself.
And to 'anon': another two sentence of put-down bullshit! Elucidate, come on man! One can only hope that your impassioned defense of Tully's book in three or more paragraphs is sign of things to come. Maybe not...

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