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Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Victims: Specific Victims: Elizabeth Stride: Elizabeth ' Long Liz ' Stride: Archive through 10 September 2001
Author: Tom Wescott Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 12:14 am | |
CM, As the editor of the premier American Ripper-zine I am shocked that you display such ignorance of the basic facts, such as the graffito having first been composed on a typewriter. How much more proof do you need? Are you trying to ignore ascertained facts such as this because they don't gel with your pet theory? I suppose it's no coincidence you have a book coming out. I imagine we'll see all evidence of the typewriter composition conveniently omitted from your work. Allow me to warn you that you are in dire risk of losing what shred of credibility you have left if you don't abandon this 'the graffito wasn't composed on a typewriter' garbage. Or are book sales more important to you than respect? Yours truly, Tom Wescott
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Author: Jon Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 12:46 am | |
Jon, I can understand that it seems ridiculous two men sounding like one, and it may well give a theatrical impression of the killers keeping their feet in unison. Theatrical?, yes, thats a word that comes to mind. However, it is not what the killers may have thought that counts here! I didn't say anything about what the killers might think, I did say something about stepping in co-ordination taking practice. It is what Fanny would have interpreted using the sound she encountered every day as a comparison. Why Fanny?....are you suggesting they did this only for her benefit?, or for the benefit of all those neighbours who were inside and could not see them staggering in unison down the sidewalk. What did they do for all those who were walking down Berner St.? For two men to be humping an almost lifeless body down Berner St., and not be seen by PC Smith, Israel Schwartz, Leon Goldstein, William West and his brother, Louis Stansley, Morris Eagle, William Marshall, James Brown, Fanny Mortimer and goodness knows how many I've missed. That little corner of the world was a busy place between 12:30 and 1:00am and yet the dastardly duo, carrying a body, managed to evade all those eyes. On hearing a heavy tramp, Fanny would not have thought well I think that's a couple of chaps who have chloroformed a woman, now dumping in in the alley. Fanny would have associated the noise with something she heard on a regular basis. Yes, like the slow methodical steps of the local PC on his beat (which he was) right about that time. However, it is your suggestion that is hard to believe, Fanny's is perfectly acceptable, for guesswork. And like it or not, two men carrying an unconscious woman past her house would have sounded just like this. Who was unconscious about 12:35am ??? (please tell me) It was not Liz, if we can accept the statements of PC Smith & Schwartz. But then this is your story so go ahead and tell me what else they got wrong. The scene noted by Schwartz was scripted in order to underline that Jews were involved in the murders. So now we have Liz acting out a part, along with her attacker, pipeman & who?....where are her two 'escorts' at this time? As were the others, Liz had a rondevouz with the killer. Are you saying the other murders were scripted too, or that Jews were implicated in the other murders? He specifically asked her to meet him outside the I. W. M C, at a certain time. This is the very reason that she left good company in the pub to make her way to Berner Street. Oh, so your saying that Liz was selected for the part? Liz arrived early because she thought her customer was a bit special! But this was a set up! You have a vivid imagination Ed, what you cannot find in evidence you create. Nothing wrong with that in a fictional work. Have you ever thought of putting it to music? Ed, it is a real strain to take this serious. In fact I know some who won't even try. Thanks for at least making an effort to substantiate your proposal. Regards, Jon
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Author: E Carter Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 06:06 am | |
Tom, If you examine way that the letters are spaced you 'might' begin to realize that the letters are spaced in a certain way ED Chris, this is not an invasion into your family health which is of course private, but, as I suspect we are talking about asthma and sat monitors, your concept of the machine would be different to the norm. ED
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Author: E Carter Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 07:43 am | |
Look at the letters the letters are situated above and below each other, then examine the spaces between. He took this with him to Goulstone Street to make sure he got the lettering exactly right. He wrote the 'l' of B-lamed first then the letters either side. He then moved up to the 'W' of 'Wlll', again to ensure the letters lined up in a certain way! ED. Have to go to work.
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Author: E Carter Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 08:09 am | |
I have no intention of writing a book! Who told you I had this intent? I AM NOT A WRITER! ED. My essay concerning the murders is (I think) in the shed in the back garden). I have moved on to something else. Issue, I have spoken to many living relatives of those at Der Arbiter Fraint, the killers living relatives are very nice people. Would you like to have your family linked to Jack the Ripper. But on the other hand?????? If I were Polly or Annie's living relatives, what are their rights? ED
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Author: Christopher T George Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 10:35 am | |
Greetings, Tom, Jon, and CMD: I beg to report what happened to that shred of evidence! When Jack typed out the wording of the graffito prior to applying it on the wall of that passageway into Wentworth Model Dwellings, he was seated at his typewriter calmly enjoying an early morning breakfast of toast and orange marmalade in his nearby bolthole, and yes, you've guessed it, when he plucked the sheet of paper out of the typewriter, a shred of Robertson's Golden Shred Marmalade stuck to the piece of paper! It was this shred of marmalade -- yea, verily this shred of evidence! -- that in fumbling in the dark to chalk the message on the wall, Jack transferred from his piece of paper to the brickwork, and it was that same shred of evidence that was irretrievably lost when Sir Charles Warren callously caused the graffito to be erased later that morning! Thus, in a twinkle, all hope of apprehending the Whitechapel murderer was lost forever, washed into the drains of Whitechapel! Alas and alack! Ask and ye shall find, Ripper Hunters! Most cordially yours Chris George ![]()
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Author: Walter Timothy Mosley Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 01:34 pm | |
Into the breach once again: Ed, we wish you could have been in chat with us last night. At one time we had 13 chatters avidly discussing your theory. First, I must say that I honestly commend your originality and out-of-the-box thinking. As conventional criminology and investigative methodology have produced relatively few significant results in the last 113 years, perhaps it will take someone as unorthodox as you to finally crack the case. However, you seem to miss my points in your haste to parry and thrust. I used to work in a chlorinated hydrocarbons production facility and have myself stood (with rubber boots) in liquid chloroform several inches deep inside of a retaining dike in which a 20,000 gallon storage tank was kept. This was without a respirator. As the vapors are rather heavier than air and it was in an unconfined space, this was sufficient to prevent being affected, much less overcome. This was routine, but I would never try this with some other industrial liquids or gases such as epichlorohydrin, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, or hydrogen cyanide, all of which will produce instant unconsciousness and/or rapid death with just one good inhalation. Chloroform simply does not act rapidly enough to prevent an unwilling victim from struggling. If it were ever used in the Whitechapel Murders, it could not have been under the same conditions you have so confidently described on this thread and elsewhere. You have also stated that the kettle in MJK's room was damaged due to the chloroform-soaked rag used to subdue her being tossed onto the fire. As we have determined, chloroform is not flammable under these conditions. While any chlorinated hydrocarbon will react with metals such as tin, aluminum, copper, and pewter, the reaction in the vapor phase is a slow one and dependent upon the state of the fluid and the amount of moisture present. As chloroform is very volatile, it would simply have flash-evaporated upon being tossed into the fire, and the draft which you have previously deduced would have drawn the fumes up the chimney. Any possible reaction with the kettle would have been nothing more than surface corrosion. There are other points upon which I could elaborate, but I do not intend to be drawn into an ongoing flame war with you. Your revelation of much relevant minutiae is impressive, even amazing, but then it is spoiled by some careless or hastily composed verbage concerning chloroform and its properties, all flippantly delivered. This is indeed tragic, for then your entire discussion tends to be disregarded, regardless of any merits. If you wish to send me your paper that you had above offered to Alegria, I will give you an unvarnished and confidential opinion of your entire premise. Think about it. WTM
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 02:47 pm | |
Dear Folks, Anybody considered Laughing Gas? Just wondering... Rosey:-)
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Author: Jon Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 03:36 pm | |
Very sobering word's Walter (Tim), and I think it is a shame that Ed cannot provide the time to discuss his proposal to the depth that some more serious 'enthusiasts' would like him to. It is unfortunate that some exchanges on this matter have contained negative personal remarks at one time and a few lightly delivered sarcastic jib's at another. But, I hope Ed and everyone will see that this usually comes out of frustration at Ed's apparent refusal to respond to specific questions. If Ed can share his essay, which is apparently down the garden shed, then we might have fewer questions and more understanding of his perspective. There was a time when I had posted views (as Ed duly noted) on the possibility of chloroform (or similar?) being used as an agent to subdue the victims, but this was short lived as I was able to realize that although taken at face value it appears a reasonable proposal, there is certain circumstantial evidence that speaks against it. As Ed apparently has moved on to other subjects I wonder if he could deposit his essay to the Casebook (duly credited) as a permanent proposed solution.
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Author: E Carter Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 05:32 pm | |
I have just arrived home from work. Hello! Walter, from reading your post you should know that chloroform is non-combustible 'unless', and here, I am using the very words of the International Safety Card: 'chloroform is added to even a small amount of flammable substance or comes incontact with an increase in oxygen content in the air'. You will remember that I stated both the material in the grate and the air-flow travelling through the room created the fire. Cholroform, is a bit like TNT in some ways, it acts in differently under diverse circumstances. The other modes you mentioned of subduing these women can be excluded, cardon monoxide poisoning causes a cherry red face, I have organized for several patients to go to Fort Bovisan for Oxygen chamber theraphy. ( Now they go to the London Hospital) Cyanide causes unmistakable blue lips. If you would like to check my work on the flammability of chloroform type 'chloroform fire' into the 'explorer' search engine, take option number 9, this will give you ' The International Safety Card'; the ultimate! Read the last notes concerning the flammability of chloroform here! PS, Walter the fact that you are a chemical engineer means nothing to me at all. I took my dog to a vet, and he knew nothing about animals, I know doctors who do not understand illness. Most people just work at a job for a living. If you read the research paper that you advised me to read ( number 3) of the list you posted above, this should confirm that chloroform is indeed very quick to do its work! Read what the dentist has to say! PS. Concerning intent to publish my work, several weeks ago, I had 2 offers to do so ( from established publishers) However, both insisted I wrote nothing more on this casebook. I believe that I mentioned this to Jon in a private post. ED.
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Author: E Carter Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 05:44 pm | |
Chris George, the author used certain words as a guideline to make sure the text lined up. That is what I am saying! ED
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Author: E Carter Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 08:32 pm | |
Jessie Flowers, I connect to this internet site every day, I also await your analysis of 'Ali' as a boxer. Can I have it please? I will be ringside at the Trinidad V Hopkins fight. WOW! I Can not wait! Hopkins early, Trinidad late. In the early rounds, Tito has a weak chin! Bernard is too old to go twelve, so if he can't stop Tito early on he's in big trouble! Bernarnd knows that he must climb up Tito's chest and rip his head off; early! ED
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Author: E Carter Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 08:40 pm | |
Hagler V Hearn's again?
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Author: Grailfinder Wednesday, 05 September 2001 - 09:28 pm | |
Hi Ed As it appens, I was lucky to catch a repeat showing of the Hagler/Hearn's fight a few nights ago on ITV, cool scrap but Hearn's could never take a good punch, glass jaw an all that. As for a rematch? I saw Hagler a few months ago and he looks bloated, so if the HitMan has stayed in shape? he should out reach and outpunch Hagler IMHO. Not that I would condone such a fight. cheers GF
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Author: Tom Wescott Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 12:36 am | |
Hello all, I want to read Ed's essay. Frankly, I don't believe he's ever written one. If he has I hope he'll be so kind as to share with us the fruits of his labors. Are you guys finally starting to catch on that Ed doesn't actually believe the stuff he's saying? I can't believe he gets this much attention. Yours truly, Tom Wescott
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Author: graziano Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 05:18 am | |
Hello Walter Timothy, Is, in our case, an unvarnished and confidential opinion from a chemical engineer more valuable to give credibility than the one of an intellectually rough mobster, spook, better if pimp, or even better....ex-pimp who has been violently outsted by these guys, how do they call them.........you know, very toughs, they always wear gold and diamond jewels wherever they can, sometimes even a star around the neck, God I forgot......Uk,..,Uk.., oh yes, Ukhranians. Well, of course I imagine it depends on the idea you have of the mobster. And that in any case such an opinion should be hard to find.....well, let's go with the chemical engineer's one. He is an intellectual and thus cannot be wrong. Bye. Graziano.
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Author: graziano Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 07:44 am | |
Hello Viper and Ed, do you know something about the state of the finances of The Arbeiter Fraint ? do you know something about The Jewish Working Girls Club that should have been situated at the time at 17, Leman street, St George in the East ? Bye. Graziano.
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Author: Walter Timothy Mosley Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 01:07 pm | |
Graziano: I was speaking as a Ripper enthusiast, not as an engineer. I have many passionate interests, JTR being one of them, and Ed could certainly do worse in asking someone's opinion. Whether he ever does or not is up to him. I do not expect you, Ed, or anyone else to be 'impressed' by the fact that I am a chemical engineer, certainly no more than I am impressed by the profession of anyone who posts in here. It happens to be what I do for a living, and there are about 100,000 of us in this immediate area, so I am hardly unique. However, I am no doubt one of the few in here who can offer a credible and professional discussion about chemicals such as chloroform. It goes with the territory. Analysis and debate over Ed's interpretation of the Goulston Street Graffito I shall leave to others, but I can hardly be expected to pass when chemicals are being discussed in relevance to the Whitechapel Murders. Would you rather be chloroformed or uninformed? Think about it. WTM
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Author: E Carter Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 02:46 pm | |
The immediate derivation of the word alchemy comes from the Arabic 'Kimia'. The word 'Al' means 'the'. The meaning of the second half of the word 'Kimia' is not that clear. ( my own research views that this word means 'fertile black soil'). Popular beliefs agree with this notion, in that 'chem' is an Egyptian 'black soil'. The origins of alchemy cannot be dated that precisely, however, it is generally believed to have first been practiced around 300 BC, both in the Far East, and in the western civilizations. In the West, alchemy is centered around the 'Alexandrian culture' by drawing together the Egyptian and classical Greek worlds. The alchemy of the East, has had a preoccupation with creating the elixir of longevity. That of the Egyptian culture however dealt chiefly with metals and minerals. This comes from 'The Elements of Alchemy'. Cherry Gilchrist. Element books, Shaftsbury, Dorset, 1996. I can assure you that Hassidic Jews arriving in the East End of London in 1888, had an excellent understanding of the processes of alchemy. Mysterious and unreal ED.
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Author: E Carter Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 03:07 pm | |
Tom, your recent post indicates that you are not sure if you should: 1, Sh*t. 2, Fart. 3, have a hair-cut. So what is it to be then? ED, 'the "very" mysterious' person.
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Author: Jon Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 07:14 pm | |
Mr. Webster has this to say: Main Entry: al·che·my Pronunciation: 'al-k&-mE Function: noun Etymology: Middle English alkamie, alquemie, from Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French alquemie, from Medieval Latin alchymia, from Arabic al-kImiyA', from al the + kImiyA' alchemy, from Late Greek chEmeia Date: 14th century 1 : a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life 2 : a power or process of transforming something common into something special 3 : an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting - al·chem·i·cal /-mi-k&l/ also al·chem·ic /al-'ke-mik/ adjective - al·chem·i·cal·ly /-mi-k(&-)lE/ adverb
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Thursday, 06 September 2001 - 10:50 pm | |
Dear Ed, Your assurances are most welcome...but the Casebook readers desire one miniscule reference to East End Hassidic Jews having "an excellent understanding of the processes of alchemy". It aids the researcher in determining the validity of your propositions vis., the Ghoulston St text. Rosey :-)
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Author: Tom Wescott Friday, 07 September 2001 - 12:44 am | |
Ed, Your recent posts indicate that you're smoking crack, but who am I to judge? You seem to be pulling a big crowd of hanger-oners, so you must be doing something right. Peace. Yours truly, Tom Wescott P.S. If the killers worked with chemicals, wouldn't that make them Acidic Jews? ![]()
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Author: Simon Owen Friday, 07 September 2001 - 05:06 pm | |
What is the evidence that Hassidic Jews knew all about alchemy Ed ? Granted they would have been aware of Kabbala and number symbolism , but this is not the same thing - alchemy was an art of the Gentile , associated with Roger Bacon , Nicholas Flamel and even Pope John XXII dabbled a bit hiring an alchemist to perform a secret experiment for him. Are you confusing alchemy with kabbala ? Even if Hassidic Jews knew about alchemy , this would not necessarily mean that one of them wrote the Grafitti. Simon
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Author: E Carter Friday, 07 September 2001 - 05:57 pm | |
before we venture further in this direction, how's your long-legged, Jack-R? ED.
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Author: E Carter Friday, 07 September 2001 - 06:15 pm | |
Tom , I do not care about those events in my life! Ed. Best wishes.
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Author: E Carter Friday, 07 September 2001 - 06:29 pm | |
Crack, is for the bored! ED
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Author: E Carter Saturday, 08 September 2001 - 12:44 pm | |
Tom, I have now completed my final calculations concering Alegria's research, informing us that those concerned with the murders respirated at 12 breaths per min, therefore the killers would almost certainly have been'acidotic Jews'! Mr ?
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Author: E Carter Saturday, 08 September 2001 - 12:51 pm | |
Rosie, you must by now realize that I can do all the things you ask! I offered you 'JACK THE RIPPER'S' name once! Did I not? I have used document examiners, not ever graphologists! What do you think of the 'Lusk letter'? Is this real? I have something very interesting concerning 'letters from hell'. As very nicely described by Mr Suggo. Strange and mysterious ED
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Saturday, 08 September 2001 - 04:27 pm | |
Dear Ed, I can confirm that you did offer me the name of your suspect. I am of the opinion that the "Lusk Letter" is a genuine "Ripper" communique. No idea who Mr Suggo is...my knowledge of the "Ripper" literature is nil. For my part...I am interested in the "process" rather than the solution. Solutions are part of the problem! Rosey...ad infinitum:-)
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Author: Jon Saturday, 08 September 2001 - 09:05 pm | |
Suggo = Sugden?
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Author: E Carter Sunday, 09 September 2001 - 08:33 am | |
Phillip Sugden, the historian. Anarchists, on deciding the design of their flag chose to ignore the normal vertical or horizontal stripe. Deciding an incline from the lower right, up to the left upper. Now examine the text within the Goulstone Street graffiti, and the arrows, in more detail!
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Author: E Carter Sunday, 09 September 2001 - 08:45 am | |
The text, itself, denotes an anarchist plot! ED
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Author: E Carter Sunday, 09 September 2001 - 08:47 am | |
Rosie, he is no longer a suspect! ED
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Author: E Carter Sunday, 09 September 2001 - 08:51 am | |
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Sunday, 09 September 2001 - 09:24 am | |
Dear Ed, Oh dear...it puts the Jock in the dock! Ecosse Rose:-)
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Author: E Carter Sunday, 09 September 2001 - 04:47 pm | |
NO..no..no I actually meant from the lower left to upper right! So the Scots are in my daughters terminology '"well" off the hook'. ED
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Sunday, 09 September 2001 - 07:16 pm | |
Dear Ed, Thats ok...but it still leaves the flag of The Mystical Nights Of The East End... whose diagonal runs from the upper right to the lower left! Rosey:-)
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Sunday, 09 September 2001 - 07:19 pm | |
...or was it from the lower right to the upper left? Damn...depends on which way the wind blows! Rosey:-)
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Author: E Carter Monday, 10 September 2001 - 04:43 am | |
After the assassination of Tsar Alexander 2nd on March 1 1881, by the revolutionary group 'Narodnaya Volya', 'the pogroms' (persecution of Russian Jews) came about. The pogroms occured because one of the revolutionary group's number, Jessie Helman was a Jew. The establishment used this woman--who was no more than a letter carrier for the St Petersburg cell--to persecute all Jews. Those who fled Russia and concluded their journey in Londons East End, recieved at least some refuge from the local population. However, by 1888 with severe unemployment problems, the East End had become an unwelcome environment for new entrants. Unemployment had placed the 'alien question' at the forefront of parliamentary debate. It also recieved copious media attention. Be it Russian or Pole, or Lithuanian Jew I care not but take it for granted, That the Island of Britain can readily do With the notice: 'No Alien Wanted'. 'Will Workman' in ' The People'. Russian peasants Zhyds ( the word soon translated to yids) were intensely disliked because of they would undercut to gain employment, they also had strange a dress, odd mannerisms and what appeared to be bizzare religious customs. Because the new entrants openly carried on in traditional ways, the established Anglo/Jewry, to their dismay, were associated and therefore tarred with the same brush. During the Trafalgar Square riots, the year prior to the Whitechapel murders, John Burns, a Scotish engineer was arrested and charged with rioting. Convicted on the lesser charge of public affray he recieved 6 months hard labour. ( In his defence claiming that only being armed with a hankie and a pocket knife therefore he was ill equiped for riot.) Charles Warren's extremly aggresive handling of the Trafalgar Square protesters made him one of the most hated men in the East End, particularly by anarchists. Burns was a member of the 'English anarchist', he was also associated with some of the most extreme exponents of terrorism in Europe, including Francois Claude Ravachol( Ravachol was executed in France in 1891, the term to 'Ravacholise' meaning to 'blow-up', came posthumosly from his name) Another related member of the English anarchists, Mr Charles Mobraw was arrested at an annual dance hosted by Der Arbeiter Fraint, for what is now known as the 'Walsaw Affair'. A small elite group at Der Arbieter Fraint were closly associated with these, and other extremist anarchists. I can prove this! By 1888, Herman Adler, the acting chief Rabbi, was doing all he could to either Anglicize new arrivals or better still encourage them to move onto America. It was believed to have been Adler who offered a Yiddish theatre troupe finances to move on to America as the presence of such an organization was naturally perpetuating the Yiddish language and tradition. The troupe refused with disastrous results. The building that they were using had only one entrance/exit, the show had only just started when two men stood up shouting 'fire' 'fire', 15 lives were lost in the crush to escape. No fire existed. Shortly before the 'The Ripper' murders, Miriam Angel, a Jewess, was murdered by another Jew, Israel Lipski. ( An excellent account of the murder can be found at Colindale in the 'Hangman's book'. There are also many accounts in the local newspapers. The effect on the local gentile population of a Jew murdering a helpless woman were astounding. Local papers talked of the many street fights that bordered on riots, the name Lipksi became a local insult towards the Whitechapel Jewish community. (inspite of the fact that their presence raised the area in many ways) Imagine you are an anarchist--Yes Rosemary a 'political aggitator'-- who wants to create the right climate for anarchy! You are someone who hates Charles Warren, and are bright enought to realize what several murders indicating the Jews, with the culprit free and taunting police inability to catch him might achieve.(it worked!) You are someone who hates Herman Adler, the man who wants to intergrate the two communities, therefore your ideas revolve around aggitation and division. To Be Cont. ED Der Arbieter Fraint, if I remember correctly had a weekly sale of 20000 issues one week in 1888, information gathered from Colindale newpaper Library) Let's hear what those at Der Arbeiter Fraint had to say when the Church Times accused Russian Anarchist's (not a Jew!) For the murders. The accusation came about because one woman was discovered outside the International Working mens Club, Berner Street. 'Such homage from the holy spirit! What the almighty watchdog, Charles Warren, could not discover--The Whitechapel Murderer--the holy ghost has revealed!' This continues with a savage diatribe against religious belief, which supposidly thrives on murderers, expoliters and the perpetual subservience of the masses!' To be cont ED