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Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Suspects: Specific Suspects: Later Suspects [ 1910 - Present ]: Kosminski, Isaac
Author: Scott Nelson Sunday, 18 July 1999 - 07:44 pm | |
Mcnaghten's Memorandun mentioned a Polish Jew cobbler, nicknamed "Leather Apron" in reference to the Kosminski suspect (the "Donner" Papers). Isaac Kozminski was a boot and shoe maker. Maybe Mcnaghten was referring to Isaac. (the sir name was obscured in Abercoway papers). Aaron Kosminski is linked to Betsy Kosminski, in 1891, aged 34 and born in Russia. Betsy (nee Kosminski) was married to Woolf Abrahams of #3 Sion Square (also born in Russia). It is from this address that Aaron was first admitted to the Mile End Old Town Infirmary in July, 1890. Maybe Aaron was also born in Russia. As G.R. Sims had further data from Mcnaghten that the Kosminski suspect was employed in a hospital in Poland, this may apply more likely to Isaac (aged 40 in 1888) than to Aaron (aged 23). On the other hand, would Aaron, an apprentice hairdresser, or possible hospital orderly, have gained sufficent experience at the tender age of say, 15-16, to carry out rudimentary surgical procedures, e.g., removal of warts, dressing of wounds, etc.? Maybe. (This assumming that Aaron came to London in 1882).
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Author: Boris Sunday, 25 July 1999 - 07:57 pm | |
What a scatter-brained bunch of nonsense. You don't know anything about the case, do you? It is because of the likes of posters like you that this website is reduced to the depths of raggedy-gossip magazines. Maybe if you paid more attention to the original sources of research and facts of the case, you'd have something more substantial to offer. Then again, probably not. There are probably ten unthinking posters on this website for every one truely knowledgable poster. Good God!!!
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Author: Caz Monday, 26 July 1999 - 06:49 am | |
Hi Boris, Calm down dear, you'll give yourself a hernia or something. This is a public posting area. As such there are no qualifications for posting. In other words you have just wasted your precious time mate. Personally I like the mix of amateur and professional postings that comes with any public debating arena. If, out of all the amateur musings, we get just one new idea or piece of the jig-saw that eventually bears fruit, it will make up for all the stale old thought processes of the established clique of ripperologists who have come up with precisely nothing to solve the case in the last 111 years. I thought that was what this website was all about, a melting-pot of old and new thoughts on one of the strangest mysteries ever. We should be enjoying it all, every post, not losing our cool over trifles. Love, Caz
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Author: A supporter Monday, 26 July 1999 - 09:20 am | |
Hear, hear Boris. And take no notice of the brainless Caz, she talks more nonsense than the rest of the posters put together.
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Author: Yazoo Monday, 26 July 1999 - 01:03 pm | |
Unless and until Stephen raises the bar and makes this Casebook a place for credentialed, published authors and researchers ONLY...all opinions and ideas duly appear here, whether we agree with them, like them, or understand them. They should be treated with respect and, if necessary, respectfully corrected or debated. I notice neither Boris or A supporter bothered to tell Scott where they think he's wrong. As to the comments of Boris and A Supporter in regards to Scott and Caz's brain wattage and name-calling, don't start this bullshit all over again. So in the name of accurate and substantative discussion here on the Casebook, both of you have succeeded in lowering the standard -- once again -- through your personal slangs at Scott and Caz. Congratulations for living what you preach! Not! Yaz
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Author: Jim DiPalma Monday, 26 July 1999 - 03:45 pm | |
Hi All, I'm with Yazoo on this one. Boris or A, if you have specific criticisms of what Scott posted, please post them, so we can discuss them rationally. It's easy enough to call someone 'scatter-brained' - why, exactly, do you think that? Jim
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Author: Scott Nelson Monday, 26 July 1999 - 04:14 pm | |
Quite alright folks, On re-reading the post I can see how it rambles on without connecting ideas. Must do better next time. Thanks for your support.
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Author: A supporter Monday, 26 July 1999 - 04:33 pm | |
Hear, hear Yazoo. Stephen should 'raise the bar' and make this a place for people such as you describe. This would get rid of the likes of Caz.
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Author: Joseph Monday, 26 July 1999 - 06:40 pm | |
Greetings, Not to long ago someone said goodby and returned to doing their "proper" whatever. That person's parting shot was,and I'll paraphrase here,now the board could be left to the likes of Caz, Yazoo, and Joseph. This last, bitter, effort was meant to imply that without the benifit of that person's intellect, wit, and humor, the Casebook would deteriorate into a gathering of babbling primates, ala the opening scene of 2001. Well it hasn't, and for the last few weeks we've returned to the common interest we share, namely Jack the Ripper. There's been some really excellent dialog too. For example, the disscussion of blood poisoning seemed to be a promising new avenue for research, and David Radka's enthusiasm is absolutly the best gauge of excitment that I can think of. It appeared all was well, we had returned to normal. Yesterday we wittnessed the haunting return of the the bad manners, and rude behavior that we thought we where rid of. It is a small wonder that serious ripperologists, have recently disparaged the Casebook for bannalities, and unproductive vitriol. Perhaps the best way to combat any further bad ink would be to not allow any anonymous postings, and for the benifit of the less mature, a reminder of Casebook etiquette, no flaming, name calling, etc. A stricter enforcement of posting rules would solve a lot of problems. These thoughts reflect my humble opinion. If you find yourself in agreement, please e-mail Mr. Ryder and let him know how you feel. If you don't want to regress to the counterproductive clashes of a few weeks ago, make your voice heard. Best regards Joseph
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Author: Caz Tuesday, 27 July 1999 - 12:43 am | |
Hi All, It's now obvious to me just how much I am disliked here by certain posters who usually choose to post under a cowardly handle. Maybe my 'brainlessness' and slowness to take offence rattles these people, I dunno. All I was trying to do here was defend Scott who has always been polite and come up with some good posts IMHO. Mind you, I believe Scott did discuss some of the dreaded Maybrick diary content recently which seems to get the sad anons more worked up than anything else in this world, so maybe there's a clue to the latest nastiness there somewhere. To A Supporter, Why don't you set up your own website along the lines you propose and just allow the published ripper authors and researchers to air their views? Then you would not have to worry about parasites on Stephen's Casebook, and we could all gauge how successful your venture becomes? I wish you luck. Love, Caz
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Author: Tulip Tuesday, 27 July 1999 - 03:25 am | |
He creeps in and attacks savagely. Nobody knows who he is. He guts his victims leaving them bloodied, humiliated, and exposed. He has never been caught or punished. He must be a coward because he chooses a victim who is defenseless and sneaks away. He appears to have a curious mixture of low self-esteem (needing to destroy others in order to feel adequate) and egomania (nothing and nobody is as important as him and his needs). Am I talking about Jack? Nope.
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Author: Julian Tuesday, 27 July 1999 - 04:37 pm | |
G'day A Supporter, Let me hazzard a guess that you haven't been around for very long 'cause if you had you'd realise that Caz has not only created some brilliant, thought provoking concepts but has also posted these with wit, sincerity and charm. Somehow I feel that these attributes are a tad beyond you. Did you have a deprived childhood or something? Something tragic must have happened to make you feel a compulsion to call people names? If I was still involved in counselling I'd offer you my services, but then again.... Caz, I know you've got more sense than to take this to heart. There are so many more people out here that love you and the work you've done. I don't think anything more needs to be said. Jules
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Author: Kit Tuesday, 27 July 1999 - 11:46 pm | |
Hey Caz, don't worry what other people think of you...we all love and enjoy the discussions that you bring up....He (A supporter ) not you is the one with the problem...just remember that and don't get into any slinging matches with him...forget he exsists!!!
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Author: Caz Wednesday, 28 July 1999 - 01:09 am | |
Gee thanks guys. But you really don't have to worry about me. We women are made of sterner stuff. I'd be far more concerned if my posts went by uncommented on and unnoticed by the creepy elements here. Then I'd KNOW I was wasting my time with all the stuff I've found out over the last few months. While Boris may NEED 'a supporter' (a truss perhaps?), I'm just happy to know I have one or two around somewhere. (Sounds like the contents of my bra drawer, just to lower the tone again nicely ready for the next onslaught ;-)) Love, Caz
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Author: Kit Wednesday, 28 July 1999 - 01:59 am | |
Hey Caz i know us women can take care of ourselves :) Like others on this board Kit funnily enough isn't my REAL name but hey.....so what??? I have to agree, if they are complaining about your posts at least they are READING them ... Take care Ohh this is scarey...have i just about become a regular poster ???
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Author: Yazoo Wednesday, 28 July 1999 - 03:19 am | |
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Casebook, Kit! You are now a regular poster. Yaz
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Author: Edana Wednesday, 28 July 1999 - 04:54 am | |
Caz, you have my support even if it's only Playtex. YAZ!!! Sweety..it's good to see you posting again. I have missed you..no really. I have. Kit..welcome to the world of the frequent posters. We're here to harass...um..I mean provoke..no....um...stir up....nope.....encourage..that's it...encourage free speech and spur on discussion. Jules... back down under....did you make a splash in London? The poor people there are now probably finding themselves saying things like...'goodonya' and 'too right mate'. So what about this Kosminski guy? Edana
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Author: Caz Wednesday, 28 July 1999 - 09:00 am | |
Hey Kit, You're nobody until you get your arse kicked on this web-site. It must be like one of those awful old-boy network initiation ceremonies. Trouble is, some people are way too fond of elongating my own particular initiation ;-) Welcome on board dear. Have thick skin, will survive! Hi Edana, Thanks for the offer of your Playtex (didn't know they still made 'em), but I need my Gossard Ultra to give me a nice lift these days. I'll leave Jules to tell you about his prowess in London (on the pool tables that is) and Kosminski. But I'm afraid we Brits have been saying 'goodonya' etc since Neighbours (an Aussie soap) began here in the mid-eighties. Carry on encouraging and spurring everyone. Love, Caz
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Author: D. Radka Wednesday, 28 July 1999 - 10:16 am | |
Men: AWFUL old-boy network initiation. Women: GOOD old-girl network initiation. David
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Author: Julian Wednesday, 28 July 1999 - 04:09 pm | |
G'day Caz, Edana, Kit, Yaz, everyone. Welcome Kit, great to have you on board. Yaz, Edana, great to see you guys back again. Caz, yeah mate, I know you can look after yourself but people who get off on calling other people names just rub me the wrong way. Edana, the England thing. You could say I was able to hold my own (on the pool table) and keep my end up for Australia, only loosing one game to the wonderful Caz. Then again the only other people I played were at a place called The Blue Anchor. I've got to admit I was as nervous as hell cause I was out to impress someone but i still managed to win a couple of games without loss. England is an incredible place. Everywhere I went I was surrounded by history and beer. My guide had a great speil worked out every time we went into a pub, it went something like this "...This is my friend from Australia, he'd like a beer that's COLD, and tastes like a bitter...". It worked quite well actually, after trying a couple of different beers I usually found one I liked. I've got some beautiful photos and even more beautiful memories that cause an ache in my heart when I think of them but if I hadn't made the trip I would never have known what a beautiful place England is and what lovely people the English are (one very special one in particular). A very special thanks to Andy and Coral for their time and tour. And yep I will be going back but exactly when is unknown at the moment. Jules P.S. Thanks for asking.
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Author: Kit Thursday, 29 July 1999 - 12:33 am | |
Dear all. thanks for a wonderful welcome...i have actually been haunting this site for about a year now....i'm afraid I kinda got sick of the bitching that happened and then they attacked poor Caz and well, that was it!!! I don't know how much input I can put into this cause I have only just started getting into Ripperology...but i will blunder on and when I think i have something worth saying I will just say it . Caz, I don't think i could be any thicker skinned than i am...takes me a while to reach boiling point but when I do :)) Not to worry..... Jules.....Whereabouts in this lovely country of ours are you placed??? May have been there!! All the best Kit
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Author: Julian Thursday, 29 July 1999 - 06:05 pm | |
G'day Caz, Kit, Edana, everyone. Kit, your presence is always welcome mate. A lot of us looked around the boards before posting anything but when you check out the support you get and the encouragement it makes you feel a lot more at home. For sure there are some pretty spiteful people out there but they are only in the minority and are generaly ignored as they don't have anything of any interest to contribute. The ones who insist on personally attacking someone (like Caz) are just revealing the true nature of their inadequacies and are more often than not pitied for their lack of maturity. Anyway, enough of me rambling on, you've seen all the that goes on and how we handle it. I'm from Canberra mate, although I've lived in Melbourne and have hitch hiked up to Cairns, Darwin, Nullumbuy, the Alice etc. What about you? and have you thought about coming on board the Aussie Cloak and Dagger Club? Jules
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Author: anon Thursday, 29 July 1999 - 07:39 pm | |
Maturity? You wouldn't know it if it hit you in the face.
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Author: Julian Thursday, 29 July 1999 - 08:07 pm | |
G'day anon, Actually mate, I've buried my face in it a couple of times. Jules
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Author: Caz Friday, 30 July 1999 - 02:00 am | |
Hi All, Please go easy on anon. He's having a real hard time of it lately because no-one is getting 'upset' or 'angry' with him any more. When he finally realises his ineffectuality on these boards he will be going direct to therapy so have a care guys. (Trying desperately hard not to grin) Love, Caz
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Author: Caz Friday, 30 July 1999 - 02:04 am | |
Sorry. Nearly forgot to mention it. I got a lovely card from someone via email whose first name is familiar but as they did not give their surname or email address I will just have to thank them here. Much appreciated mate. Love, Caz
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Author: Kit Friday, 30 July 1999 - 03:07 am | |
Hiya all. Jules..lived in Canberra for a couple of years..on the south side :)( Narrabundah to be correct), also western Australia wher i am currently living now.... What is this Aussie Cloak and Dagger thing you are talking about?? would love to hear more about it!! Caz, Think you are right about Anon...seen him/her lurking in other discussions and all he/she ever seems to do is abuse what other people think , and as far as i am concerned, he/she is nothing to worry about so from hence i will just ignore him :) Anyway this IS meant to be a board for discussing Issac Whatsit...must admit I haven't really read a lot about him.....must fix that tonight!! Hears to sound discussions and much laughter!! Kit
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Author: Diana Comer Friday, 30 July 1999 - 03:26 am | |
Was Aaron Kosminski really Isaac Kosminski?
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Author: Caz Friday, 30 July 1999 - 07:37 am | |
Hi All, Come in Scott, you are wanted back for your Isaac input. Actually, if you look at Scott's post of 20th May on Aaron's own board, you will find some more stuff there. (nudge nudge Scott!) Love, Caz
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Author: Julian Sunday, 01 August 1999 - 04:50 pm | |
G'day Kit, Glad you got back to me mate. There's a couple of people over here that are going to start an Australian version of the Cloak and Dagger club in affiliation with the English C&D club. It would be great if you could come on board and be our Rep over there in WA. So far we've got Melboure, Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra covered and are currently working on the content of our first newsletter. If you could email me by clicking on my name or alternatively on stuffedchicken99@yahoo.com.au I'll tell you more about it and who else is involved. Jules
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Author: dclydew Wednesday, 04 August 1999 - 07:28 am | |
OK... well back to the Arron/Issac part of the post. Is there any known reason that Aaron is a "more likely" suspect than his old man? We only have the last name, I believe as a clue, and the issue of him being committed... but weren't both father and son committed? Of course none of this explains the pesky question, "Why did Jack stop?"....
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Author: Stephen P. Ryder Thursday, 09 September 1999 - 05:29 am | |
Scott Nelson's article on Isaac Kosminski may now be found on the Casebook under "Dissertations". You may access the page by following this link: http://www.casebook.org/frame.html?page=dst-isaac.htm.