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Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Suspects: General Discussion : The Truth is Somewhere
SUBTOPIC | MSGS | Last Updated | |
![]() | Archive through June 24, 1999 | 20 | 06/25/1999 04:52am |
![]() | Archive through July 1, 1999 | 20 | 07/01/1999 10:11am |
![]() | Archive through July 7, 1999 | 20 | 07/08/1999 04:13am |
Author: Caz Thursday, 08 July 1999 - 06:05 am | |
Hi Karoline (and All), I have been chewing over this recurring mystery with regard to the ‘assorted weirdos’ you have had ‘coming after’ you here. I can’t offer any real advice because I have never experienced a problem like it. I can only say, Karoline, that it looks like one person may be pretending to be Rich (and other assorted people?) when you receive these bizarre emails. It would be very unlikely that you would be getting nasties from more than one source, given that no-one else (as far as I’m aware) has ever been on the receiving end. I shall be emailing Rich shortly to ask him directly if he has been harrassing you, I do hope not because it would cause me to seriously question my own judgement. Rich, as I have already said, has not sent me anything which could be classed as offensive. We have exchanged a couple of 'friendlies', that's all. I do hope whoever has been causing you this grief will find it in their heart to leave you alone in future. No wonder you don't like the Moppe stuff, if you think it's Rich who is sending you such horrid messages. Neither would I! I'd just like to reiterate here that I have NEVER EVER sent you any nasty OR unsolicited emails under ANY name, and NEVER EVER will. Perhaps if you get any more from anyone it would be an idea to contact the police. They obviously are beginning to be a big problem for you. I don't know if that's the right advice, perhaps someone else could help. Anyone? Best wishes, Caroline
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Author: rich Thursday, 08 July 1999 - 06:17 am | |
EVERYONE, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I have NEVER emailed (the very paranoid) Karoline at any time in my life. Please feel free to post any email that you think I have sent you. This will be interesting. Also, just to finally close my Mrs Moppe theory for ever (put the old dear to rest at last), I would like to thank the people who entered into the 'discussion' in the manner it was intended, ie not to be taken seriously. Yes, Julian, it is a serious subject, but one, in my opinion, could be debated for years to come and still go no further forward. If only the people who didn't like it just kept themselves to themselves and left the rest of us to get on with it. But no, even though we arranged our own page, away from all the serious stuff, the usual wee spoil sports take it all too personally. I am rich, always have been, always will be. I am not Caz, I have not asked her the colour of her underwear, and have no intention of leaving my wife and children for someone who like myself is only having a laugh. No more Moppe. Shame that. rich PS what colour of underwear DO you have Julian.
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Author: Karoline Thursday, 08 July 1999 - 07:52 am | |
Caz, Rich, Joseph and the rest You're right about one thing. All this crap I've had to put up with over the last four months almost certainly IS coming from one person. So why don't you just stop, you sad lonely bastard? My last word on the subject. Karoline
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Author: Caz Thursday, 08 July 1999 - 12:14 pm | |
Hi All, I'm not a very happy bunny tonight, Karoline. Shall I tell you for why? You MUST have some idea of the email address(es) that are sending you all this 'crap', surely to God? I'm still fairly new to this computer lark, but even I can recognise emails which come from Rich, Joseph or Yaz as being from separate individuals. Why don't you give us or the police all your 'evidence' and be done with it? As Rich says, that would make for some VERY interesting reading. I thought from the Maybrick board that you would not be the sort of person who wanted to see an innocent person accused of ANYTHING. I must be mistaken because you have so far accused several good decent persons of unbelievably serious misdemeanours without the decency to back up ANY of them with any substance. If there is one sad lonely bastard out there harrassing you about sexual stuff, they really MUST be crazy, the poor bastards you've accused so far would not touch your email inbox with a barge pole! This is why I've had to put this here, in public, in the forlorn hope that you LOOK at those emails (if they exist) and decide once and for all who sent them to you. You can start by telling us if they were freeserve (me), Yahoo (Yaz), hotmail (Rich), erols (Joseph) or aol (your own). Not TOO taxing for someone of your obvious education, eh, Karoline? Hopefully my last word on the subject. Caz
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Author: Jowsji Thursday, 08 July 1999 - 01:18 pm | |
Caz - you're a sicko
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Author: Caz Thursday, 08 July 1999 - 03:10 pm | |
How so? Caz
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Author: Caz Thursday, 08 July 1999 - 03:26 pm | |
Oh I get it. Karoline has just said her last word on the subject (while I prefixed my similar comment with 'hopefully', so I guess that lets me off :-)). Therefore, once again, we won't be given any form of explanation from the receiver of sick emails herself. Pity we have to put up with more anonymous garbage instead. I would imagine Karoline will not be very pleased when most people draw their own conclusions of who the very sick puppy is here from Jowsji's post. Take care everyone, if the psychological make-up of myself, Yaz, Bob c, VT Newbie, Joseph and Rich can ALL be questioned by the same ONE person, no doubt it can and will happen to others sooner or later. A very saddened (not sad) Caroline
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Author: The Viper Thursday, 08 July 1999 - 03:55 pm | |
In the case of mysterious posters to these boards, Stephen can see the machine identity of the contributor. This doesn't give conclusive evidence, of course, (one person can have access to a number of machines), but a pattern can be established. Having spoken to the Great Man in the chat room last weekend, I know that he is keen to clean up these boards and return discussion to the subject at hand, (something that many of you are making very difficult). Stephen, if you are looking in, perhaps you would like to check the identity of Jowski and others? To anybody receiving abusive, unwarrented E-mails, your first recourse should be to your I.S.P. (Internet Service Provider). They should be able to help you. I hope that we can see an end to these unproven accusations. They only harm the Casebook. Regards, V.
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Author: Ashling Thursday, 08 July 1999 - 04:22 pm | |
VIPER: Thank you for your excellent suggestion. It's my understanding, from reading of similiar problems on other boards -- that one's I.S.P. can relate how to block unwanted email, issue warnings & in extreme cases cause the offender's internet service to be cancelled. STEPHEN: I applaud your efforts ... hang in there. Take care, Janice
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Author: Joe Friday, 09 July 1999 - 12:48 am | |
Hello all, God, what has happened here?? Way too serious. I thought that these boards were a form of communicative, informative fun. How wrong I am. I have read various other boards and I can see that some of you guys go way back. Just to let you guys know that some of us were using this as a laugh i.e. me, Rich, Lindsay, Miles Sleuth...etc We all know each other. We are posted at different parts of the country and used the board as a means of keeping in touch. I can vouch that none of these people are weirdos, sados, sickos or psychos. Just ordinary guys having a bit of fun. I know that some of you guys are really clued up on this subject and I apologise to you people if we have spoiled anything. I can probably speak for the others and say that we are out of this for good. As for accusations Karoline, if they are true, then you should substantiate them and get them sorted. If they are not true, then I think you have got a bigger problem. However I thank you all for the entertainment while it was still funny. I will pop into other boards now and then for an informal look at some of the other observations. Once again, apologies to anyone for any inconvenience. Take care everyone, Joe
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Author: Karoline Friday, 09 July 1999 - 01:34 am | |
Okay - I WANTED it to be my last word on the subject, but I guess there is one more thing to say. For the record - in March I received some e-mails from Yazoo. I didn't understand why he was writing to me, didn't really like his tone and so asked him to stop. He (and someone who suddenly turned up called Joseph), took offence at this and insisted on repeatedly drawing the matter into the public arena, becoming very abusive and demanding repeatedly that I publish the relevant e-mails here. Of course I considered doing just as they asked, and posting the whole correspondence. But I was strictly advised by someone I respect, NOT to do this. At around about the same time I began getting other mail from someone calling themselves 'Not Caz',and other things, with two different freeserve addresses. I asked for them publicly to stop - and they did. Then about 3 days ago, I received 2 e-mails in quick succession from someone styling themselves 'rich', with a hotmail address. I've now publicly asked him/her to stop, and I'm hoping he/she will. But if they don't, I have wised up from the first time, and DO know what to do. I can have their mail blocked. I can complain to their service provider. But what I WON'T be doing is posting that garbage on these boards, even if it does give some people an excuse to call me a liar. Okay everyone? Sincere thanks for the advice, Viper,and those who have e-mailed me privately. I'm sure there are not really multiple weirdoes out there. I suspect the whole thing (Joseph, Crappy, scrappy, and the rest), is probably just one, unusual, individual. By the way, for what it's worth, I'm not Jowsji. Now I really am NOT going to waste any more of my time or anyone else's. Karoline
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Author: rich Friday, 09 July 1999 - 08:54 am | |
Very good Karoline, But I would like you to tell everyone that the email was not from MY hotmail address. If you would do that I would appreciate it. It will save me from any further flack. rich
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Author: Caz Friday, 09 July 1999 - 09:27 am | |
Yep, Karoline. Could you do the same for 'Not Caz' and the freeserve addresses please? Thanks everso. Don't want poor old Jowsji thinking I'm a sicko. It might spoil his weekend :-) I'll let Yaz confirm that his emails to you were only in response to unsolicited ones from you to him in the first place. I now know the procedure if I should EVER receive unwanted emails. I'll damn well sort it out in private, not bring potentially damaging accusations I've no intention of proving to a public forum. I have no desire to play with innocent people's lives here. Nuff said? Good. On that note, I bid you all a great weekend. I have a feeling this is gonna be one of my best ever, but I can't possibly go into that here ;-) Love, Caz
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Author: karoline Friday, 09 July 1999 - 10:19 am | |
Okay, since I'm asked. The e-mail address used by the 'rich' who e-mails me, is apparently the same as the one who posts here. I don't know if it's real or not, because I have not replied. But I guess if it is genuine its owner could be traced. The 'not Caz, 'friend of Solomon' etc. character used two different freeserve addresses. Both phoney. There was in addition someone called 'Eleanor Deek', who provided two different addresses 'mailbox@uq', whatever that is. Both of these were also phoney. If anyone cares they can ask me and I'll send a full list. I have no proof of who the people behind these pseudonyms are. Obviously someone with a lot of animosity towards me, and a great deal of time on their hands. I leave it to anyone interested to come to their own conclusions. And for the record - no Yazoo didn't send his mail to me 'in response' to any letter of mine. It just arrived, out of the blue, and I still don't get why. Now - I have been as co-operative wih enquiries as possible. So can we leave it there? Karoline
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Author: Miles Sleuth Friday, 09 July 1999 - 12:40 pm | |
Hi All Just a wee sign off message tinged with a small portion of sadness that the site has turned to Ratshit. Have really enjoyed the last month of nonsense on this Site. Mrs Moppe( expertly hand crafted in finest ivory by my work colleague Rich) was a real suspect for so long, kept on looking at the BBC New 24 for "Dramatic Revelations". Great stuff. Peter Birchwood’s ITMA dialogue was superb, I am an absolute devotee of the British Music Hall humour (Max Miller,Will Hay,Tommy Cooper etc) and it was good stuff indeed. I even enjoyed my time in LA , well actually only ever been to Luton Airport but the thought of it all was a welcome release from the mundane drudgery of Instrument Engineering (and I wanted to be a lumberjack). Then the diabolically scripted (copyright applied for none the less just in case that sort of writing comes back in vogue) "Yellow Dusters Ahoy" which I claim episodes 1,3& 4 and Rich did 2. Having just read it again I can tell you I fell off the edge of my seat it was that exciting and tense!! Then some ridiculous carry on ruined it all. I suggest we all decant to The Dead Sea Scrolls Discussion Board or The Holy Grail bulletin board and start up further meaningful surreal meaningless guff? What do you think? But Karoline, please feel free to come along, but under an alias therefore any weirdo’s , if they exist, will not follow you. Thanks once again, it has been a great source of early Summer humour. Regards Miles Sleuth p.s. What was the name of the second Tonbridge Brother?
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Author: Yazoo Friday, 09 July 1999 - 02:06 pm | |
1) Anybody can write anything in their web browser to "forge" what shows up in the "sender's" e-mail slot of the message you receive. So what you see as the return address or sender's address is NOT necessarily either a valid address or even the real address of whoever sent you the message. This info is probably a big "Duh!" to most of you...sorry to retread the basics. 2) You can try to decipher where the message actually came from by opening the message and using the "View" menu option, then the "Page Source" menu selection. The header info that is included in the note shows all kinds of neat info. This functionality might not work if you use one of the free e-mail sites like Yahoo or MSN's Hotmail because the message resides on the host's server and is not downloaded to your machine...it is mailed to the host server where you can access it...the server replaces the normal header with an ID number or code of its own. I can't find the same kind of header info on messages received on my Yahoo account as I can on my PERSONAL, PRIVATE, ISP-provided e-mail account. If this info is incorrect, someone can correctly tell us all how to decipher a Yahoo or Hotmail-type e-mail header. 3) As this header info is cryptic, the best methods to use to stop unwanted e-mails is to either find the block sender option of your e-mail browser/application or forward the offensive e-mail to your ISP/e-mail host and have them track it down. Unless the sender is a sophisticated hacker or using an anonymous e-mail site, your ISP can fairly easily track the sender and deal with them appropriately. You already have one problem with someone sending you dubious e-mails, don't go asking for another by playing your own police officer. Leave it to the ISPs. Another problem you might experience is: if someone is misappropriatiing a legitimate e-mail address (i.e., impersonating someone else) and you use "Block Sender", you may block legitimate e-mails from the poor soul whose e-mail address has been misused. I don't know of any way that the computer-generated header information can be altered to hide the guilty or incriminate the innocent unless they "break-in" to someone else's e-mail account -- but lots of people know a helluva lot more about computers than I do. BOTTOM LINE? Let your ISP or e-mail host handle the offender. Change either or both if they do not help you with this problem. Most of us are over our heads once we've mastered the idea of login IDs and passwords -- myself included! 4) On a personal note, I first received two unsolicited e-mails from Karoline -- one, which she acknowledged having sent to me, about her photograph; the other about chocolate that she hasn't acknowledged and which I still don't understand to this day. Both were unsolicited; both sent by someone purporting to be Karoline; both of which I sent a cursory reply to indicating something to the effect, "Gee, sorry to hear about _________" (where _____ = photos, chocolate, and the general meanness of humanity). 5) I did send an e-mail to Karoline AND to Caroline -- a common message meant for them both, the subject of which was an apology for not helping to try to resolve BOTH their differences. Every other correspondence, what little there was, I sent to both Karoline and Caroline. 6) I am very aware that Karoline still has no understanding of why I wrote, what the subject concerned, and why I felt it was important NOT to send it to just one side of what was then a very acrimonious issue. It troubles me but no longer surprises me that she views my attempts to arbitrate an agreement between herself and Caroline as being one-sided, unfair, unwarranted...and those are the more pleasant phrases she's used to describe my e-mails. 7) All of my correspondence with Karoline has been either in response to her e-mails or was sent jointly to Caroline and Karoline. In all, including my lame responses to her initial e-mails, I don't think I've exchanged more than five e-mails with Karoline (and Caroline). Remember, almost all the e-mails I sent to Karoline were also addressed to Caroline -- I was talking with them both; not just copying one so they could see how I was "abusing" the other! 8) Of course, all attempts at reaching a settlement failed...just as you've all seen them fail time and again here on the Casebook. During the brief negotiations, I did see Caroline show willingness to negotiate, admit she was no angel in the feud, etc. I also saw, as you continue to see, no such awareness on Karoline's part. I found Karoline's behavior to be false and mean-spirited and told BOTH Karoline and Caroline what I felt about their attitudes. I'm afraid this, my personal opinion of Karoline's unenthusiastic (can you spell "euphemism?") reaction to trying to resolve that old disagreement, is what offends Karoline to this day. Having said that, there is still no excuse for harassing Karoline or posting mean, belittling messages about her wither here or through e-mail. Whoever is doing it should stop. If they don't, I hope Karoline (and whoever else has this pest-control problem) does the right thing and busts these juveniles. The specifics may have changed regarding how we treat each other here on the Casebook -- the players have come, gone, changed, evolved, or devolved (depends on your viewpoint, I guess) -- but the issues remain alive, well, and festering...I regret to say. I still don't feel this is Stephen's problem to solve...it is our common problem. I have and will continue to support anyone who tries to stop the stupidity on these boards. I will openly criticize anyone who exacerbates the problem. One thing I will never do again is try to help settle any Casebook-related quarreling through e-mails. It has led to either gross misunderstanding or deliberate misrepresentation, and I cannot tell which of these alternatives underlies the ongoing characterization of my e-mail correspondence with Karoline. My trust in this place and in the people here is almost nil. I hardly post here anymore, don't visit the Chat Room, or answer most e-mails. So if you receive any unsolicated or non-reply e-mail from "Yazoo", I can guarantee you aren't talking to me. Now - I'm willing to leave "it" there. Yaz P.S., If all else fails, change your e-mail address by contacting your ISP and asking for a new address. Explain to them the problem. And never give your new e-mail address to anybody you don't know and trust. I know, I know...another "Duh!"
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Author: Ashling Saturday, 10 July 1999 - 02:06 am | |
PETER: Not sure if you're still following this board ... Nearly 2 weeks ago I asked for info on Weedon's autobiograhy which you kindly supplied. Thanks for the clarification, and no thanks on the book photocopy suggestion. My reading list is already longer than the Thames. Sorry I didn't reply sooner - an oversight. Take care, Janice
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Author: Caz Saturday, 10 July 1999 - 06:03 am | |
Hi All, Thanks Yaz, for the advice about email addresses, and all your other comments, most of which have been made before, and heeded. I must admit I never knew there were ways someone could imitate a specific address. This must be how someone managed to send nasty stuff in Rich's name. That's pretty scary. Now perhaps Karoline can concentrate on finding out and/or blocking the REAL culprit. As Karoline suggests in the penultimate paragraph of her last post, she is still harbouring her own suspicions and publicising them, even though she now knows how she ought to be proceeding. I don't know why this makes me feel I have to say this all over again, but for the last time, I swear on my daughter's life that I have NEVER sent ANYONE what could be classed as an offensive email, and never will as long as I live. I agree that I am no angel, but it has been damned hard for me to take these unsubstantiated accusations lying down. I don't suppose Rich will be feeling particularly 'angelic' at present, and I know several others who sympathise with our plight. Karoline, I really wish you the best of luck in sorting out your email problems once and for all, now you have been offered such good advice by others. It's obvious to me at long last why the animosity started, and I can't really blame you for taking against me if you really thought I'd sent you what amounts to poison pen letters. I may have joked about having time on my hands to bait the anonymous brigade recently, but that WAS only a joke and I really am gonna be too busy shortly to get embroiled in discussions other than real ripping stuff. :-) Love, Caz
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Author: Karoline Saturday, 10 July 1999 - 08:54 am | |
The fact is this Yazoo has now gone beyond insulting me and is telling absolute LIES about our correspondence. He is not confused because he accurately reports some tiny details, and he isn't talking about mail sent him by someone else posing as me. He is talking about my mail and lying about the content. And he must know it. Anyone who doubts me and cares enough can ask me to send them a copy of the originals. Then they can judge for themselves how much to rely on this man's word about this and anything else. But for my part - enough is enough. Everyone is sick of it and, I get the impression, many of you think I am partly or even wholely to blame for it all. So, since it isn't going away while I'm here, and since I've got proper writing work I'm supposed to be doing, I'll disappear like a phantom into the ethereal night(sort of thing), and leave this place to Yaz,Caz, Joseph, and all the merry crew. best wishes karoline
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Author: Caz Saturday, 10 July 1999 - 09:19 am | |
Well, Yaz is a liar, and Karoline is leaving. Simple as that. No explanations, no apologies, no nothing. The world really HAS gone mad. I am hoping to have my hands rather full in the next few days, but I'll be sure to pop in soon to see how the Nutcasebook is progressing. Love, Caz
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Author: Alex Chisholm Saturday, 10 July 1999 - 02:27 pm | |
Karoline On the off chance that I’m not talking to myself, as usual, I would like to express my regret at your departure from these boards. Your informed contributions have frequently illuminated the darkness and I’m sure your presence will be sadly missed by many. Good luck with your more rewarding ventures. Very Best Wishes Alex
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Author: Le Sleuth Sunday, 11 July 1999 - 12:17 pm | |
Fin!! Bon?
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Author: rich Sunday, 11 July 1999 - 03:08 pm | |
And with that...the beautiful Mrs Moppes work was finally done. Out Rich PS...Miles, Caz...Further Bulletin boards to be investigated. If interested in keeping up the correspondence away from fruitcakes like Karoline...let me know.
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Author: Christopher-Michael Sunday, 11 July 1999 - 05:04 pm | |
Rich - I don't know you, and as you are a newcomer to the boards, would like to think the best of you. However - Karoline is not a "fruitcake." She's got a damned sight more intelligence and probity than many of the people on these boards. Yes, I said I was off here while I moved, but I don't like anyone insulting her. Go on, then - if you've all got nothing better to do, you can call me a toady. How many times does it have to be said that this is the Ripper Casebook and not the "Karoline, Caroline, Yaz, Peter, CM [insert person you hate here] sucks" board. Good God. CMD
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Author: Yazoo Sunday, 11 July 1999 - 07:26 pm | |
Amen, CM! We can all disagree, be mistaken, be misunderstood -- but there is nothing to be gained by name-calling, even if you believe you have some justification or provocation. There is no justification for any of the crap that's been spread around here for quite a long time. Let's leave this garbage behind us and move on. Yaz P.S., I see no reason for Karoline to leave. I am more than willing to just forget the whole business -- just everyone stop raising it or insinuating it or attributing other manifestations of nastiness to that tired old cause. I'll ignore Karoline if she'll just ignore me. She and I will never see eye-to-eye...but so what? If anyone is being harassed on the Casebook, we should all intervene to stop it -- whether we are friends of the perpetrators or not. If anyone is being harassed privately, they should take suitable action outside the Casebook and not bring speculation and accusation to the Casebook. Private remedies have much more teeth than pointless, possibly erroneous, accusations. Raising charges on the Casebook creates bitterness, divisiveness, feelings of injustice...on and on. Everybody feels aggrieved, it seems, at one time or another. We cannot sit in judgement on each other, lacking the evidence or the means to probe the evidence's reliability. Case in point: I've always steadfastly asserted Karoline sent me two e-mails; she just as steadfastly asserted she only sent me one. With all this talk of bogus e-mails floating around, I am no longer certain that the second e-mail I received actually was from Karoline. Far from insinuating or calling her a liar, (as I think she thinks I'm calling her) I now tend to believe her -- there was only the one e-mail from her, and somebody else sent the second e-mail and I mistook the sender for our Karoline. It appears I was and am mistaken in attributing it to Karoline. I apologize for making that mistake -- I only add it was an honest one. I felt then and feel now that someone has deceived me, but I am no longer certain it is Karoline. And whoever did send me that second e-mail, you must know my e-mail address. I'd appreciate it if you would tell me who you were/are -- I will not reveal your name in public or private...I just want to know. Let no more be said on this issue. If I've misrepresented Karoline, she can have the last word... Okay, okay, even Melvin Harris (even though he irks me sometimes...oops...say no more!!! Sorry, Melvin! I'll learn to hold my water yet!)
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Author: rich Monday, 12 July 1999 - 11:14 am | |
hey hey hey. The hooks were out there and you both bit. Cracker! See ya rich
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Author: Uncle Fartypants Monday, 12 July 1999 - 12:44 pm | |
Hello Christopher Michael or should we say Karoline or should we say George Michael Wham Club Tropicana is for me............ Rich I've got some fruitcake in a larder which is a damn sight more sane than some I can mention. nudge nudge wink wink Let's say that this site is now defunct cos nobodies mentioned JTR or Mrs Meron sorry Moppe for about two weeks. See you at the UFO Sight , fed up with liaising with certain female aliens (Caz , I still think you are OK , hen) Viva Le Tonbridge Wells!!!!!!!!
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Author: Caz & Jules Tuesday, 13 July 1999 - 12:17 am | |
Hi All, G'day everyone. Glad to see you have all been misbehaving yourselves as usual while we have been.....um, doing some more constructive research. No fruitcakes for us though. Just plenty of English sunshine, warm beer and lazy days. Over to our Aussie bloke.... See ya. Love, Caz G'day again everyone. Caz forgot to mention that not only is the beer warm but it's bloody flat as well. Anyway guys it's good to see the quality of the conversation hasn't deminished while I've been on my way over here, I feel right at home now. Thanks. Jules
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Author: Nikki Dormer Thursday, 15 July 1999 - 08:49 pm | |
Hi guys, hows it going?? Well well, hows the holiday Jules? Constructive research? Well, if that's what you wanna call it... Karoline - I don't really want to bring up a subject which seems to have been successfully put to bed but I felt that you might find this fact interesting (I sure do). On your post on Friday the 9th July, you mentioned that you had an email from the address mailbox@uq. Weird though it is, uq is the abbreviation for my univiersity, university of Queensland and most email addresses that come from there go something like (insert name here)@mailbox.uq.edu.au or (insert student number here)@student.uq.edu.au. Obviously that address that you got is a derivative of that. Don't get me wrong, I didn't write it. I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to fake my own address on emails that I send, but I thought you might be interested. Love Nikki.