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Archive through March 22, 1999

Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Suspects: Specific Suspects: Later Suspects [ 1910 - Present ]: Hutchinson, George (British): Archive through March 22, 1999
Author: Yazoo
Wednesday, 06 January 1999 - 09:40 am
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Did you ever see -- I think it was Time-Life who made it -- the TV series about Ancient Civilizations, narrated by Sam Waterston (he of "The Killing Fields" fame)? They used computer simulation to reconstruct buildings, the landscape, even the people and their clothing. I saw parts of it and found it very eerie to have the Maya or the Aztecs "come alive" like that. It's probably not technically hard to do, but the amount of time it would take would be phenomenal.

You oughtta be in Pictures, Edana!


Author: Edana
Wednesday, 06 January 1999 - 09:56 am
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I don't think I saw that series, but I would love to! I would really get into it if I had the proper equipment..program, etc. It would probably take a very long time, like you say, but it would be a labor of love. (Eeek! Did I say that? I'd probably get frustrated and give up after a few days)

I couldn't be in pictures. I get all wibbly in the presence of handsome men.


Author: Yazoo
Wednesday, 06 January 1999 - 12:20 pm
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Wibbly with handsome men? There's always Leo then. (And now I must electronically disappear before I am flamed into toast.)

Check your local bookstore or Amazon for 3D modelling or Virtual Reality books, see what comes up and if it looks like you could do it. Also look under for the Waterston (Ancient Civilizations) might be under his name.


Author: Bob Hinton
Friday, 08 January 1999 - 08:29 am
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Dear Everyone,

It does not seem likely that I will publish my new research in an updated version of From Hell.

What I intended was to publish it on the web site (Dissertations section) and in Ripperologist (that is if they will accept it.)

That way everyone can have free access (or very nearly so) to more research without having to fork out for another book.

I would of course be very interested to hear from anyone with any information on GH.

all the best
Bob Hinton

Author: Christopher T. George
Friday, 08 January 1999 - 09:55 am
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Hi, Bob:

You may be interested to know that some of us on this website have started a new entity called Casebook Productions, Inc., which will sponsor the first U.S. Jack the Ripper convention in northern New Jersey in Spring 2000. In this connection, we are also starting a quarterly newsletter for members of Casebook Productions, Inc., called "Ripper Notes." Casebook Productions Inc. works in consultation with Stephen Ryder and "Casebook: Jack the Ripper" but is not affiliated with this site. The first issue of "Ripper Notes" will appear this Spring. So this would offer you yet another venue to publish your findings or to make some other contribution to our publication. Perhaps you might even be interested in presenting a paper at our conference. A Call for Papers will be issued and is expected to appear on this site as well as in Ripperologist, Ripperana, and the Whitechapel Journal, etc. We have started a web site, to be found at which gives some more information on our aims in regard to the conference and the newsletter. This site is still under construction. It is not meant as a competitor to Stephen Ryder's excellent site but is meant to be supplementary to give additional information to anyone interested in the Whitechapel Murders and the Victorian serial killer known as Jack the Ripper.

Chris George

Author: Christopher-Michael
Friday, 08 January 1999 - 08:06 pm
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Stephen Ryder and I once thought of the possibility of creating a virtual Whitechapel, but nothing ever came of it. I can imagine it would be an heroic undertaking for anyone, and might probably take a few years to be able to introduce all the fascinating possibilities Edana is thinking of. God knows I'd certainly be first in line to buy it!

Anyone interested in what such a thing could be like out to suss out the Virtual Lizzie Borden House at No people, but you can tour a reconstruction of the house as it existed that fateful August day.

Food for thought.

Author: A.M.P.
Saturday, 09 January 1999 - 04:27 pm
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Hi, Viper.

Some time back you expressed an interest in the Victoria Home where George Hutchinson lived. May I suggest that you consult a copy the "Ripperologist" magazine from June 1998? A Casebook colleague recently sent me a copy of this publication to check some census information. While browsing through it I found a section called Views From The Past, which contains an article written in 1891 by a Montagu Williams, QC entitled 'East End "Doss Houses"'.

The writer praises "Victoria House", situated at the corner of Commercial and Wentworth Streets – this must be the same place. It seems that the VH was a new model dwelling house. Williams gives a brief background to the place, a list of the facilities it offered and most interestingly of all some of the strict rules of entry. One of these rules stated that: -
"No persons will be admitted after one o’clock a.m. without a special pass".
Dare I suggest that we have the reason why Hutchinson did not return to his lodgings that night?

If you do not have this article, please E-mail me. I can transcribe the details or send a photocopy to your home address.

Author: The Viper
Sunday, 10 January 1999 - 04:18 am
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Hello AMP. Thanks very much for pointing this out. It looks as if the Ripperologist staff, (coupled with your diligence), have probably solved that little mystery. I say 'probably' because I don't suppose we will ever know whether Hutch was issued with a pass that night, but it is the simplest and most plausible explanation.

I haven't seen the article you mention and would really like to read it. Please see my e-mail.

Author: Yazoo
Sunday, 17 January 1999 - 07:52 am
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To Bob Hinton:

There was a George Hutchinson who provided illustrations for some Sherlock Holmes editions, circa early 1890s. I found them in "The Annotated Sherlock Holmes" edited by William S. Baring-Gould (there are many editions; I have one by Clarkson N. Potter, Inc./Publisher -- distributed by Crown Publishers, Inc., 1967). One example is A Study in Scarlet, published by Ward, Lock, Bowden & Co., London, 1891.

Any connection to our Curious George?


Author: Bob Hinton
Wednesday, 20 January 1999 - 04:52 am
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Dear Yazoo

Thank you for your interesting posting re GH. I wouldn't expect this to be the same George Hutchinson as I have not found any indication of our George having an artistic flair. Indeed all his occupations seem to be connected with the Inn trade.

His father ran several pubs and coffeee houses in the East London district and all the family seems to have followed suit.

I would imagine that to illustrate something as important as Conan Doyles work you would have to have quite a track record behind you.

Of course nothing can be ruled out, my research into the family Hutchinson is still continuing.

I recently tracked down the doctor who signed Mrs Hutchinson's (Georges mother) death certificate as one Sir William Fergusson MRCS Eng an eminent surgeon and also Sergeant surgeon to the Queen. Shades of conspiracy!

On the normal re-check though I found there were two William Fergusson's MRCS Eng practising in the area and at the time and I had the wrong one.

Anyone like to guess what Georges mother died of?

Author: Harry Mann
Sunday, 24 January 1999 - 05:14 am
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In several of the ripper killings accounts,we have
the evidence of the patrolling police officers for that particular beat.
In the case of the Kelly murder,such evidence seems to be lacking.I would assume that Dorset st and the immediate area would have been patrolled as often as the other areas,and that the spot where Hutchinson stood would have been passed at least once while he stood there.
It may also be assumed that the beat officers for that particular area would have been questioned as to whether they observed any activity on the night Kelly died,and that their answer must have been in the negative.
Hutchinson's statement covers a time period of almost one hour.It covers a distance of a couple of hundred yards.A time and place where there must have been some police presence,yet none is recorded.
Pehaps someone may have the answer to this small puzzle.

Author: EveKaye
Tuesday, 09 February 1999 - 11:05 pm
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It's interested me recently that Hutchinson has become a suspect. I agree with the post that queries his even being outside Miller's Court since it was not mentioned on any police reports. In fact I have always thought that Hutchinson was suspicious especially since he comes forward after the inquest on Kelly. Writers thru the years always say that Sarah Lewis's statement at the inquest corroborates Hutchinson, but in fact the opposite is true. Hutchinson comes forward after Lewis has testified. He therefore corroborates her. And in his corroboration delivers an eye-witness statement that is stunning in its detail. I have a lot of trouble believing in Hutchinson's statement and I could never agree with any of the hypotheses put forward as to why he stood for so long outside Miller's Court. If he couldn't afford Kelly when he first met her, he couldn't afford her when she was thru with her customer. He was too far away to act the voyeur. It was a cold November night. Either he's lying because he killed her--in which case why not keep your mouth shut, avoid Abberline and send a little momento to Mr Lusk if you feel like some publicity. Or he's lying because he wants some attention, like those dreadful people who come forward with 'evidence' that turns out to be rubbish. Or he's lying because someone else put him up to it. Is it not possible that Hutchinson knew the Ripper--but didn't know it was the Ripper--and said Ripper told him he was in the frame for the murders or could be and didn't want the cops sniffing around his illegal but of course not murderous business. So do me a favour George and describe someone not like me at all and make it sound good and I'll see you right.

Author: Calogridis
Saturday, 20 March 1999 - 11:25 pm
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George Hutchinson's behavior on that fatal night leaves much to be desired. All of the supposed relationship between him and Mary Kelly comes from his statement. He maintains a lonely vigil on a cold night not far from Mary's door. Unlike some of the couples in the street that night, his behavior is distinctly antisocial. What did he look like (height/weight)? Sarah Lewis describes a solitary figure stout but not tall, wearing a wideawake hat stationed just outside the court, looking up the court as if waiting for someone to come out. A bit suspicious.

Author: Calogridis
Saturday, 20 March 1999 - 11:28 pm
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George Hutchinson's behavior on that fatal night leaves much to be desired. All of the supposed relationship between him and Mary Kelly comes from his statement. He maintains a lonely vigil on a cold night not far from Mary's door. Unlike some of the couples in the street that night, his behavior is distinctly antisocial. What did he look like (height/weight)? Sarah Lewis describes a solitary figure stout but not tall, wearing a wideawake hat stationed just outside the court, looking up the court as if waiting for someone to come out. A bit suspicious.

Author: Calogridis
Saturday, 20 March 1999 - 11:44 pm
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Sorry for the double event, y'all! Must have been those fat Texas fingers of mine...Mike

Author: Ashling
Sunday, 21 March 1999 - 12:09 am
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Hi all.

CALOGRIDIS: On the Casebook's Main menu> Suspects> Joe Barnett, several particulars are given describing Barnett, including "medium build."

Take care,

Author: Ashling
Sunday, 21 March 1999 - 12:13 am
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Oops! Been skipping around reading & got my boards mixed up -- You were asking about Hutchinson, not Barnett.

Take care,

Author: Calogridis
Sunday, 21 March 1999 - 12:50 am
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Hi Ashling,
Good point. Those guys all kinda look alike- short with big mustaches! Although in one drawing that I saw of Hutchinson he was clean shaven. Thanks.

Author: Julian
Monday, 22 March 1999 - 12:06 am
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G'day Mike,

One popular theory doing the rounds is that Hutchinson was a mugger and was waiting for Ms Kelly's client to finish his business then he was going to rob him. This suggestion was put forward by someone who questioned why he waited for so long watching the room and also why he was able to give such a good description of the bloke Kelly was with.


Author: Calogridis
Monday, 22 March 1999 - 12:32 am
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Good thought. Why not roll the rich bloke?! That's certainly a possibility. Probably was a lot of that going on in such a rough neighborhood! Harry mentions police patrols, but I heard they avoided some of the darker haunts like Dorset Street whenever possible. Eve makes a good point. If Sarah Lewis reported Hutchinson or someone who looked like him loitering about the area, that could have been costly for him. He might then have been picked up instead of coming in on his own. Best wishes......Mike

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