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Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Suspects: General Discussion : David Cohen
Author: Trevor James Loos Wednesday, 24 January 2001 - 07:02 pm | |
To all, Does anyone know who David Cohen was? Do you think that he might be old Jack? Care to test your knowledge? RaiderT
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Author: Jon Wednesday, 24 January 2001 - 08:24 pm | |
All that is known about David Cohen is on these boards,....or if you can locate "The Crimes, Detection & Death of Jack the Ripper", by Martin Fido, read up. There isn't much.
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Author: Trevor James Loos Wednesday, 24 January 2001 - 08:48 pm | |
Hi Jon, Fido said that Cohen was a John Doe-type. It's possible that scotland yard was following Cohen. And Cohen fit the profile more than Kosminski. They were the same age 23 years old. Cohen was a tailor or shoemaker. That fits to Lether Apron. Cohen was very violent, Kosminski was calm.The crimes were very violent. It is likely that Fido knew the killer. So I think that Cohen fits the bill, or someone like him. Have you read "The Cases That Haunt Us? By John Douglas.
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Author: David M. Radka Wednesday, 24 January 2001 - 09:10 pm | |
"It is likely that Fido knew the killer." Quite a quote there, Trevor old bean. Mr. F is only 60 years old now. David P.S. I hope I have as much hair as Martin has when I get to be 60.
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Author: Trevor James Loos Wednesday, 24 January 2001 - 09:48 pm | |
I'm sorry David I was talking about that he knew who the killer was in Ripper times. I don't care if he is alive or not. It has nothing to do with him being alive. P.S. What do you think about it being Cohen? Raider T
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Author: Lisa Muir Wednesday, 24 January 2001 - 11:39 pm | |
Trevor - I believe most of us have, indeed, read most of the books. What about you? David - Thanks, You gave me my first real laugh of the day.
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Author: Lisa Muir Wednesday, 24 January 2001 - 11:42 pm | |
A footnote to Trevor - Humility goes a long way.
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Author: David M. Radka Thursday, 25 January 2001 - 12:44 am | |
Lisa, Speaking about my hair, did you know I've been asked the following question by various women, a surprising number of times-- "Is it red all over?" There's something about a man with red hair that gets the ladies interested in this way. In other words, they want to know if my body hair is the same shade as the hair on my head. Well, I always make sure the lady knows for sure on her question. Some of them I tell, some of them I show. As for me, I am especially fond of light hair on a woman, and dark eyebrows. The dark eyebrows can frame the face so beautifully. I've also found that as a general rule, the color of the eyebrows is the color of the body hair. David
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Author: Lisa Muir Thursday, 25 January 2001 - 01:15 am | |
David, Although it's against my better judgement to comment on this, while my hair has been blonde, at times, and auburn at others, my eyebrows have always remained brown
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Author: David M. Radka Thursday, 25 January 2001 - 01:18 am | |
Lisa, A very attractive combination, I'm sure! David
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Author: Trevor James Loos Thursday, 25 January 2001 - 12:18 pm | |
This proves that we kicked your butts at Yorktown. Lisa, thank you for being so kind.You have been very helpful in attacking me, and I don't think that is your place. Please, if you have something to say, say something constructive. Thank you. Mr Radka, I am still waiting to hear what you think about Cohen? Raiders
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Author: Lisa Muir Thursday, 25 January 2001 - 01:36 pm | |
Trevor - My intent was not to "attack" you. I only asked whether or not you've read books that support theories other than David Cohen as the Ripper. Authors plead their cases very convincingly. Maybrick has so many "supporters" because, for so many, the Diary was their introduction to Ripper theory. It's easy to be swayed by a well-written book. That was my point. Nothing more.
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Author: Trevor James Loos Thursday, 25 January 2001 - 02:23 pm | |
Lisa Thank you for explaining yourself. Yes , I have read many books on Jack the Ripper, Lizzy Borden, The Zodiac and the nightstalker. Fido I belive speaks truth in what he says. I think that "The C D&D of J the R was a good book. But I like to work things out on my own. We need to come together and use our heads as a team. You know maybe it's not Cohen, but maybe it is. I don't see anybody talking about him and it makes me wonder. I would like to talk about all of the suspects. Give them all a profile. See who fits. I would like to talk more about Maybrick and see if he could be J the R. Lisa, I'm sorry if I misunderstood you. It is not my intent to fight or attack anyone. I, like others want to find J the R. He was a very violent person. Look at the way he killed. What do you think Lisa? ![]() Raider T
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Author: Lisa Muir Thursday, 25 January 2001 - 02:59 pm | |
I'm glad we got that sorted out. I, myself, don't favor any one suspect. I haven't been swayed by any of the evidence and at the same have been swayed by all of it! Both underwhelmed and overwhelmed. I look forward to reading your insights.
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Author: Trevor James Loos Thursday, 25 January 2001 - 09:15 pm | |
Hi Lisa, Like you I get overwhelmed too. Don't let it get you down to much. We both know that Jack lived in the east end and that he liked to kill women. It did not seem that he had any respect for anyone, and that the murders were very violent. Unlike the Zodiac, the ripper was very lucky and I don't think he was very smart. What do you think? ![]() Raider T
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Author: Lisa Muir Friday, 26 January 2001 - 03:36 am | |
Hmmm...He came barrelling through everywhere at once and now Trevor seems to have quietly vanished. What was that about?
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Author: Caroline Anne Morris Friday, 26 January 2001 - 05:49 am | |
Hi Lisa, Click on his name and you find the rather startling message: Profile Does Not Exist The profile that you have requested no longer exists. The user who created this profile has been deleted from the system. I checked back and this applies to Davidoz too - two posters zapped in quick succession. I don't know if this is to do with conserving space on the site, but does anyone else think, like me, that it's a wee bit lame if we can't collectively deal with the 'odd' poster in a more positive way than the above? After all, we are clutching old saucy Jacky to our bosoms in attempts to understand him and his raison d'etre. Love, A very sad Caz ![]()
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Author: Grailfinder Friday, 26 January 2001 - 07:23 am | |
Hi Caz; You seem to have read my mind. I, like you, had checked the profiles of the two posters you mention, I had this nagging feeling that they were one and the same person? I was shocked to see that these guys have been removed from the boards. I agree that we are quite able to deal with the odd nutter or two ourselves, so maybe "big bro" can give some explanation for their removal. whilst on the subject of 'Profiles' After reading one or two comments last week, (I think you know the one's I mean?) I checked yours and was pleasantly surprised, not at all what I had imagined you to be, your beauty is a perfect match for your wit and charm. cheers
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Author: Alegria Friday, 26 January 2001 - 08:42 am | |
What would you do if we were all sitting around in a coffee bar having a civilized conversation, and someone burst in, snapped out random questions, insulted the patrons and basically caused a scene? What do you think the owners of the bar would do? People who behave in a civilized manner, can expect to be treated with civility. Those who do not should be tossed out on their ear. Personally, I don't feel "big bro" or any other owner of an establishment owes any one an explanation for refusing to allow people to disrupt his business. Having an argument or debate is one thing, spamming the boards with inanity is disruptive. There was a complaint posted almost daily asking for the removal of Oz. Now there's complaints because he's no longer here. Why is it that just because this is an internet site, we feel we should tolerate behavior we would not tolerate if it was done to us in person?
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Author: Caroline Anne Morris Friday, 26 January 2001 - 09:20 am | |
Whoops! Sorry for treading on your toes, Alegria. It was just a wee bit disconcerting to find I was talking to someone who had become a non-poster, had ceased to be, had been 'negotiated' and sent packing so swiftly to play 'happy families' by himself. I'd prefer a little bit more of a chance to tame the beasts in our midsts before we send them into oblivion. Maybe there were posts by Trevor which were so bad they got deleted before I saw them, but what I did read was certainly no worse than a lot of others that have been tolerated in the past. All just my opinion of course. I realise I have absolutely no say or no sway in what goes on, but I am left wondering who will be the next poor soul to disappear in a puff of smoke. Thanks Grail, most kind. ![]() Love, Caz
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Author: Alegria Friday, 26 January 2001 - 09:50 am | |
I don't know why Trevor was deleted or why anyone was deleted. I tend to stay out of that kind of thing. I just assume that if something happens there is a reason for it, even if the reason is not common knowledge. I really need to figure out how to use those smilies in here. Anyway :-) Ally
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Author: Warwick Parminter Friday, 26 January 2001 - 10:02 am | |
Alegria, you have no complaints from me!. You did what had to be done, and thank you. They had their warnings!! My Regards, Rick
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Author: Alegria Friday, 26 January 2001 - 10:31 am | |
Wasn't me !! I am a poster only! Don't send the mob after me! I am strictly a passenger on this bus. ![]()
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Author: Caroline Anne Morris Friday, 26 January 2001 - 12:43 pm | |
Hi Rick, Alegria, Grail, All, I must have missed the warnings to Trevor. It was all over very quickly for him. (I believe his first post was less than two days ago.) But I take Alegria's point about the reasons perhaps not being common knowledge. Apologies to all if I was out of line. But it still always saddens me to see anyone have to go, when something about this site must have attracted them in the first place. Love, Caz
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Author: Warwick Parminter Friday, 26 January 2001 - 01:18 pm | |
Hello Alegria, There I go again, excuse me please, a thousand apologies. Caz, don't worry about them, judging from their postings they wouldn't have felt a thing!! ch{ ![]() Rick
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Author: Stephen P. Ryder Friday, 26 January 2001 - 01:37 pm | |
Hi guys, Re: deletions... Davidoz was deleted after numerous warnings to tone it down, which he refused to do. He persisted in emailing various people and eventually enough members asked me privately to can him that I felt it was reasonable to do so. As for Trevor, he was deleted from the system yesterday because he asked me to do so - he said he was not happy with the response he got on the boards and wanted nothing more to do with it. There's no big conspiracy here ... Davidoz was given ample warning, Trevor asked to be removed. So don't worry, I'm not getting trigger-happy. :-)
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Author: Paul Begg Saturday, 27 January 2001 - 03:07 am | |
Warwick - such a complimentary post about Caz! I went and looked at her profile. Sad to say, it is a gross and indecent lie! Caz should be ashamed of herself. She isn't 46 at all. 26 if she's a day.
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Author: Warwick Parminter Saturday, 27 January 2001 - 05:26 am | |
Hello Paul, you got the wrong Romeo, it wasn't me, it was Grailfinder. But of course Caroline, due to Paul's slip, please take it as said again!!! Rick.
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Author: Caroline Anne Morris Saturday, 27 January 2001 - 11:54 am | |
Thanks Stephen, for taking time out to explain. I feel guilty now for leaping to conclusions over what was just coincidental timing - one jumped and one was pushed. Thanks Paul and Rick. I must admit that was an old photo, it was taken two weeks ago - a very long time on the Casebook. ;-) Paul, if you don't believe me I'll show you my birth certificate. Either that or you'll have to cut my head off and count the rings.... Love, Caz