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Mabel collins

Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Suspects: Specific Suspects: Later Suspects [ 1910 - Present ]: D'Onston Stephenson, Robert: Mabel collins
Author: Kim Farnell
Friday, 29 September 2000 - 05:35 am
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I'm currently researching the life of Mabel Collins with a view towards writing her biography. I've read Crowley's Confessions and Melvin Harris' work, which have provided much information. As many people here appear to have conducted their own research into the Ripper case, I'm hoping that someone may have come across information about Mabel that they haven't shared as it isn't directly relevant to the Ripper. I'd be exceedingly grateful to hear from anyone who can offer any help.


Author: Diana
Friday, 29 September 2000 - 10:33 pm
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I hate to admit ignorance but I've been studying the ripper for years now and have never heard of Mabel Collins.

Author: Caroline Anne Morris
Saturday, 30 September 2000 - 05:33 am
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Hi Diana,

I wouldn't like to be in your shoes if Melvin is reading this!



Author: David M. Radka
Saturday, 30 September 2000 - 01:01 pm
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Mabel Collins was an air-headed Lesbo spiritist "author" and believer in "magick." Associated with Vittoria Cremers, an equally air-headed and even less reliable Lezzie (not to mention overweight,) and Robert "Roslyn D'Onston" Stephenson, an opprobriously sadistic skunk so sodden an air slick trailed behind him wherever he went, she founded a Python-esque company to make and sell cheapy perfumes using shammy ingredients. No grip on reality whatever can be discerned in the ongoing comedy of errors, pratfalls, and cheap laughs of this crew.

An Ivor Q.U. Estion posts how Stephenson was Jack the Ripper. Crackin' entertainment, really.


Author: Caroline Anne Morris
Sunday, 01 October 2000 - 04:48 am
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Oh David, you crack me up - yesterday I was trying to come up with a politically correct way of saying much the same as you've just said, but finding myself totally unable to come up with anything half-acceptable, I gave up.



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