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Casebook Message Boards: General Discussion: Research Issues / Philosophy: JACK THE RIPPER'S BLACK MAGIC RITUALS
Author: Howard Brown Friday, 29 November 2002 - 05:29 pm | |
Dear Posters.........I have been reading IVOR EDWARD'S new book,entitled above. I understand that it has been inaccessible for some of you,while others,I am sure,have been able to obtain it. I'm at best a novice at Ripperology,and thats a fact. I was wondering if we,those of us who have read it in its entirety or in part, could create a dialogue about the novel. As a layman,I enjoyed finding out some things i had not known about this disturbing character,Stephenson. He seems "out of his century" to me in his diverse and bizarre machinations.....What is your take or opinion,dear reader,about this book? I'd like to thank the Welshman for devoting 9 (nine,count 'em) years of his life examining this particular subject.....after all,he's my buddy ! HB......
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Author: Walter Timothy Mosley Friday, 29 November 2002 - 09:54 pm | |
Hello, Howard: I too am trying to finish Ivor's book. That is temporarily on hold while I am working on a crash project, but I intend to finish it soon, as I hope do numerous others, and then chat it up one night in the chatroom. I am sure, that as more and more people read it, messages will begin to appear, although this is not the thread where I thought discussion of a book would take place. D'Onston is an underrated suspect, and certainly one of the most mysterious. Any dialog posted will be interesting, I am sure. Best, WTM
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Author: Vicki Saturday, 30 November 2002 - 09:06 am | |
Good morning, Why isn't Ivor's book accessable in the US? I'd like to read it too. Vicki
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Author: Ivor Edwards Saturday, 30 November 2002 - 01:34 pm | |
Hi Vicki, I was informed by the publisher this week that it will be in the US but it will take a short time for that to happen.It is available through Amazon.com so I am told.
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Author: Howard Brown Saturday, 30 November 2002 - 03:53 pm | |
I recieved my copy back in mid November and had it read in 4 days...I'll let the "detail people" decide if Ivor is occasionally "off" or "right on" regarding technical data....What I will comment on is the length Mr.Edwards has gone to in investigating the world and peripheral,but pertinent,milieu that Robert Stephenson was part of....He certainly appears to be a man of above-average ability in numerous areas...His involvement in necromancy and travels to Africa are very interesting to the reader......To me,I have always felt that the removal of the poor womens organs "meant" something....Mr.Evans' favored suspect,Dr.Tumblety, provided us with a suspect who had a purpose for the removals...Now,Ivor Edwards has given us another man,whom I feel could fit that bill....I almost forgot to mention that a week or so ago,Mr. Peter Birchwood kindly supplied us all with a census report that has Stephenson apparently still alive and kicking in 1901. This may indicate that there is still information on this man somewhere........Bottom Line,as we say in Philly,this book is "the goods"...An interesting,entertaining, and very worthwhile purchase for someone during these holidays....I hope Mr.Edwards will be rewarded for his 9 ( count 'em,nine ) year investigation and even further material on Stephenson surfaces in the future....You done good,Ivor !
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Author: Ivor Edwards Saturday, 30 November 2002 - 04:44 pm | |
Thanks Howard glad you found it interesteing. Peter's work on finding that 1901 census report was very well done if I may say so.It opens up a whole new ball game and paves the way for more research and Peter certainly deserves the credit due to him.
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Author: Vicki Sunday, 01 December 2002 - 08:14 am | |
Ivor and Edward, Thank you. Ivor's book will be on my Christmas list as long as we can get it through Amazon.com. Vicki
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Author: stephen stanley Sunday, 01 December 2002 - 12:29 pm | |
Ivor, Just read your book ,(from library)..not quite up to speed with the Geometry yet,But I have nothing but admiration for your "pedestrian" research of the sites & routes. Steve
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Author: Ivor Edwards Sunday, 01 December 2002 - 02:45 pm | |
Steve, Many thanks for your kind comments and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
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Author: John Dow Tuesday, 03 December 2002 - 11:06 am | |
Hi all, I picked up my copy of Ivor's book at my local bookshop (in Scotland). If anyone is having problems finding a copy, it'd be no trouble at all to pick one up, wrap it, and stick it in the mail ![]() J
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Tuesday, 03 December 2002 - 07:37 pm | |
Hi Folks, I prefer the term "Extrapolator" when referring to Jack's geometrication of the crime scenes. To use this "Extrapolator" probably requires other.. data of an Occult nature (whatever that means). Anyway, JtR as Messianic Destiny will take many centuries to figure out. In the meanwhile, is it Yards, Leagues, or Metres? Rosey Nostro M.O.:-)
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Author: Ivor Edwards Wednesday, 04 December 2002 - 12:59 am | |
Hi Rose, I see by your post that you have not changed inasmuch that you still have trouble in understanding what you mean.
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Author: Howard Brown Wednesday, 04 December 2002 - 09:21 pm | |
Dear Ms.O Ryan......Maybe it was all that mescaline I took back in '77,but I can't understand your post...please explain. Thank you,ma'am....
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Author: Ivor Edwards Wednesday, 04 December 2002 - 11:30 pm | |
Howard,Be warned this one is a live wire no one knows what she means including herself.If it's measurements she wants I will stick a compass on her head and use it as a map.
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Author: Howard Brown Thursday, 05 December 2002 - 12:02 am | |
Ives....Maybe she has a stash of good mescaline( like the California '76 batch )to share !! Don't blow it for me,buddy ! Anyway,I really want Rosy to explain her post.....Live Wire across the pond,Howie
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Author: Ivor Edwards Thursday, 05 December 2002 - 01:58 am | |
Howie, Some say she was an oracle from a distant time in a forgotten place on a forbidden planet.We know not of her origins but I have heard tell in whispered tones that it was in the land where the sun never shines.To you and I that is anywhere North of the Thames. Her potions are sort by many and are far greater in power than mescaline 76!!! Some believe her to be as old as the planet itself hence the reason why she has lost all means of reasoning or logic.
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Author: Howard Brown Thursday, 05 December 2002 - 06:54 am | |
Ives.......Oh,she's a Grateful Dead fan,huh?
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Author: Garry Ross Thursday, 05 December 2002 - 10:36 am | |
Howard, I can do you a batch of williamsii (probably spelt wrong due to the peyote sickness) cacti for 4 shillings and 2 bob ![]() take care Garry
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Thursday, 05 December 2002 - 03:39 pm | |
Dear Howard, Ivor has proposed (on these boards) an explanation of the curious coincidence of the crime scene locations vis., a powerful spell that can give the supplicant "invisibility"... proof being, that JtR remains 'invisible' even at this time of writing! Further, he proposed that a solution of sorts might be found in the notion that JtR's ultimate goal was to enact a RITUAL based upon a vector of so-called 'sacred' geometry ... talismanicmagic... necromancy... you name it! "Invisiblility" may be a means...I only enquire as to the ENDS. But, eh, I tip my billycock to him in this regard - a bloody good read! As ever, Rosey :-)
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Author: Howard Brown Thursday, 05 December 2002 - 04:22 pm | |
Dear Rosy...Now I get ya..okay and many thanks. Dear Garry: Peyote,huh? Thats some foul stuff,but,er,eh,uh,it does have its positive side...How much is this bob and the shillings? I'm game ! Thanks HB
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Author: Ivor Edwards Thursday, 05 December 2002 - 05:06 pm | |
Rose, If you wish to give people information about my beliefs or my book then get it right. I have never endorsed the belief that JTR was invisible under any spell. That is Crowley's belief not mine. In fact I stress in my book that the killer did not become invisible in the manner you have described. Neither have I ever endorsed such a theory on these boards so stop giving out false information about my work.
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Thursday, 05 December 2002 - 07:02 pm | |
Dear Ivor, Huh! "In fact I stress in my book that the killer did not become invisible in the manner you described". A sort of south of the Thames invisibility, then? An unseen but tangible... beast with five-fingers? Or is that me? Rosey X
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Author: Ivor Edwards Thursday, 05 December 2002 - 07:37 pm | |
Rose, Just keep taking the prescribed doses and hope for the best.
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Thursday, 05 December 2002 - 08:27 pm | |
On the other hand...is it not deeply symptomatic of the 'human condition' that it is a flight from reason itself? Consider, in one instance the proffered solution is dependent on penile infantile dementia, and in another instance, black magic. Jesus wept. Rosey :-(
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Author: John Dow Friday, 06 December 2002 - 04:36 am | |
Hi Ivor, Sorry for the intrusion into the middle of the thread, but I had a thought (an unusual enough occurance to justify bothering you ![]() Anyway, there was one short paragraph that caught my attention where you provide two options and I may be able to offer a third. Regarding the broken pane of Mary Kelly's window. You say (paraphrase - don't have the book to hand, so sorry if I'm not as elegant as you ;-)) "The door was broken down possibly because (1) The police et alia weren't aware of the method of opening the door by reaching through the window, or (2) they never noticed the broken pane." Can I offer a third suggestion? Imagine you have just looked through that window and seen the ruin on the bed and the carnage spread throughout the rest of the room. How prepared would you be to put your arm through that window and fumble about blindly? One of the problems, I feel, with working with these historical "characters" is that they are somehow dehumanised by their existence as nothing more than records and press reports. Imagine the horror they would have felt at that scene, and the reactions that would have been drawn from the most jaded police officer. Just a thought ![]() J
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Author: John Dow Friday, 06 December 2002 - 04:45 am | |
Rosey, dearie, Whether you or Ivor or I believe in Black Magic is irrelevant. The point is - did Jack? J
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Friday, 06 December 2002 - 03:29 pm | |
Dear John, NO.
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Author: Ivor Edwards Friday, 06 December 2002 - 04:22 pm | |
Hi John, Word to the wise, Rose is the resident loon also termed "casebook flotsam" she floats from board to board making retarded comments which make sense to no one including herself. She knows nothing on the subject of JTR and never will and her reputation is that of a mere time waster who has never had anything of any interest to offer others on JTR. The men in white coats should have dragged her off long ago. You could be correct about the third suggestion John your comment is just as valid as any other on the subject.Not forgetting of course that it can also be dangerous to place an arm through a broken window and fumble around one could cut a vein by accident.
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Author: Marian Daker Sunday, 08 December 2002 - 03:17 pm | |
Dear John, if you blame Ms. O'Ryan for knowing nothing, probably that is all you have to think about, trying to get everything. If we don't understand something, it doesn't mean necessarly, that things haven't got a meaning. I know, that humans try often to stamp information for being absurd, because it is easier, instead of trying to look close, be quiet and understand before speak. Marian
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Author: Marian Daker Sunday, 08 December 2002 - 03:22 pm | |
Dear John, I have to excuse myself. The right addressee is of course Mr. Ivor Ewards. Marian
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Author: Ivor Edwards Sunday, 08 December 2002 - 03:39 pm | |
Marian, If you bother to go back over the years and check on the posts which have been placed on these boards by Ms. O'Ryan ( to myself and others ) after I have posted the situation will become clear to you.Failing to understand something is not the issue here. A lack of certain knowledge is one thing being plain bloody ignorant is quite another matter.
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Author: Howard Brown Sunday, 08 December 2002 - 08:55 pm | |
Yeah,Marian.....Rosey's cyberspeak at times is reminiscent of numerous Lost Weekends On Mescaline,a real good film I starred in for years.....Although I don't "trip" anymore ( it ain't for a lack of looking,I assure you.),her syntax is much akin to the ruminations of Deadheads,Tolkeinites,and Syd Barrett....trip on,Rosey !!!!
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Author: Marian Daker Monday, 09 December 2002 - 11:31 am | |
Dear Mr. Edwards, Dear Mr. Brown, we live in a hyper-media-society, all the knowledge we want to, lay down at our feet. I agree, that it's a hard and stony way, but ... selection is all what's demand from us. To circumnavigate the traps, that's the art. If we took for example the Bible and you read, that Moses divide the Sea (or that Jesus walk on the sea), are this serious information? Does that mean, that the Bible was written by completely lunatics and that we all will get insane by reading the book?
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Monday, 09 December 2002 - 04:05 pm | |
Dear Marian, Seemingly, in pursuit of unravelling JtR's Babylonian zip-code, we encounter endless cul-de-sacs. This is one. Dear Howard, Mine is a pinch of the snuff of legend. Dear Ivor, As always, Rosey :-))
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Author: Timsta Monday, 09 December 2002 - 08:01 pm | |
Howard: Wow, Syd Barrett makes an appearance on the boards. Another subject I know *far* too much about. Full of dust and guitars, Timsta
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Author: Howard Brown Monday, 09 December 2002 - 09:49 pm | |
Tim:...My 8 year old really likes some of the stuff on "Piper At The Gates"...just like her sister did 15 years earlier at the same age. Both like "Bike"
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Author: John Dow Tuesday, 10 December 2002 - 10:27 am | |
Tim, Howard, Easily explained. It's because Syd is god. Even if he does have an irregularly shaped head ![]() J
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Author: Timsta Tuesday, 10 December 2002 - 12:01 pm | |
John: But he's nothing you think he is, anyway. I even think I should be, Timsta
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Author: Robert Maloney Tuesday, 10 December 2002 - 02:48 pm | |
Dear Rosemary, Might the key that unlocks the door to the temple that holds JtR's zip-code be found hidden somewhere between the strange relationship of recurring master numbers? For example, the graffito was found at 108-119 Goulston street. The difference is Eleven, the number of Light. And if Jupiter was one of the Juwes and if Jupiter was also Marduk, the Lord of Light, might there be a way of extrapolating who was Number One? Or, would that be telling? Does Hutchinson's words of 'three minutes' and 'three quarters of an hour' clue us in to what this was all about? Rob
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Author: Howard Brown Tuesday, 10 December 2002 - 04:23 pm | |
Now YOU lost me,Rob !!! I feel like I'm stoned and youse ain't ! Am I ?
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Author: Robert Maloney Tuesday, 10 December 2002 - 05:11 pm | |
No, don't worry Howard, you're fine. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't take a mind altering substance to separate myself from reality. I do just fine without them, thank you; which is not to say I don't like my Scotch with a little water. Yes, the whispers of having ME 'caged' grow louder by the day. And no matter what I say to people about this case, they always say to me, with a blank look on their face: 'Jack the Ripper was a sexual serial killer - get real dude!......Whatever. Rob
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Author: Rosemary O'Ryan Wednesday, 11 December 2002 - 01:45 pm | |
Dear Robert, Uno numerology? Gematria? Geometrica? Are you suggesting that the register of Goulston St is a reference number? Map? Book? Or other? But a word of warning. The asylums of Israel and the West are filled with men who venture down this culde sac. The wise Rabbi guides his flock away from this dark night of the soul...The JUWES are the men who will not be blamed for Nothing! Perhaps you are on to something similar to the idea of Olympian Radka. Let us know. Too much ambrosia? Rosey :-)
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Author: Robert Maloney Thursday, 12 December 2002 - 07:09 pm | |
Dear Rosemary, Like Robert Anderson, you were right on every count. Numerology, Gematria - the works! After I pointed out to my wife that in this case there is a 22 Cleveland st. and a 22 Batty st. and how Israel Schwartz lived at 22 Ellen and then later moved to 22 Samuel and how Pizer - the man who was walking down SEVEN SISTERS road while the 'light' from the 'bone-fires' could be seen for miles - also lived at number 22, she said to me that it won't be long before I'll be blowing my brains out. Still...you've got to admit...The Twos are the Men! I'm still working on my Kaos theory involving Hermes, Dog Stars, Dolphins and Dwarfs. I'll get back to you after my 'trip' to Tyre. So keep this back till I do a bit more work. ;-) That does sound a bit like the words of a reporter - a "Star" reporter no doubt. Rob
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Author: David Radka Friday, 13 December 2002 - 04:29 pm | |
Speaking of ambrosia, I've been having a bit of that this afternoon myself. Baroncini Toscanello, vintage 1987. Comes in a four-foot bottle shaped like a rifle. About to pour #3. Old wine is better. David
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Author: Philip C. Dowe Saturday, 04 January 2003 - 11:27 am | |
Hi all, how come this thread is nearly empty and others dealing with Mrs. C. book are overflowing? Nobody read it yet? Nobody understood it? If you are reading this Ivor: You have done a bloody good job and written a marvelous book! If it wasn't for your suspect :-) Philip
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Author: Howard Brown Saturday, 04 January 2003 - 11:33 am | |
One reason,Phil is hype....If I may be so bold,check this out: If Dan Norder or you wrote a book about JtR,how could you compete with an established cookbook-crime fiction writer like Cornwell,regardless of the content ? Begg and Evans can't,so how can the fattest guy in England,Ivor,do so? I agree with your opinion about Ivor's book. I dug it the most.
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Author: Kevin Braun Saturday, 04 January 2003 - 12:23 pm | |
I'm at page 161.