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Casebook Message Boards: General Discussion: General Topics: The Ten Bells Public House
Author: Ann Glaister Thursday, 02 March 2000 - 02:26 am | |
Just a small word of warning. Anyone planning on visiting THE TEN BELLS in the next few weeks DON'T becasue it is closed for renovation. I really hope that the Brewers ( Truman) take into full account the socially historical importance of the building and renovate it with appropriate consideration. ( watch this space for comments on it s new decor and selection of ales :-) If you do find yourself in that area may I recommend the Golden Lion on the corner, it's clean, warm serves good pub grub and has no exotic dancers ( sorry to dissapoint lovers of The Dance !)It sadly has no JTR memorablia for those of you who want it, but it does retain a genuine Eastend ambience. Best Wishes from Ann
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Author: Richard Collier Sunday, 13 May 2001 - 09:57 am | |
Does anyone know whether the Ten Bells has reopened yet? If not when is it expected to reopen?
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Author: Paul Begg Sunday, 13 May 2001 - 11:13 am | |
I am not aware that the Ten Bells has closed yet. But i usually doesn't open until 8.00 at night. When it will reopen and if it will reopen is still uncertain, as far as I know. Cheers Paul
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Author: Monty Sunday, 23 September 2001 - 10:25 am | |
Is the Ten Bells open yet? I've been going by on my monthly jaunts down there but its always closed. I'm dying for a pint of porter here !!
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Author: Christopher T George Sunday, 23 September 2001 - 03:55 pm | |
Hi, Monty: As far as I know, the Ten Bells is still closed. Perhaps Paul Begg or Adam Wood can confirm. You might like to know that when my colleagues and I perform "Jack--The Musical" in Bournemouth this coming Friday, the bar in the restaurant of the Suncliff Hotel will be the Ten Bells for the evening. I will be the barman of the Ten Bells narrating the special concert performance of highlights from our show. All in the UK who are interested in the Whitechapel murders should consider attending, not just to see our show but for what is going to be a unique time to exchange views on the Ripper and the state of Ripper studies. I believe there is still time to sign up if you are interested. For further information on the conference, go to http://www.ripperconference.co.uk/ Best regards Chris George
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Author: adam wood Monday, 24 September 2001 - 03:07 pm | |
Hi all The Ten Bells has reopened as a proper pub; it has a new landlord, James... how long it will remain so remains to be seen, but it's heartwarming to see it still in business for at least the immiedatr future. Regarding Chris's forthcoming performance as a barman of the Ten Bells, I'm hoping to post photos of this to the conference website during the weekend. Those familiar with recent attendees behind the real bar will no doubt have a comment or two to make... Adam
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Author: adam wood Monday, 24 September 2001 - 03:08 pm | |
Hi all The Ten Bells has reopened as a proper pub; it has a new landlord, James... how long it will remain so remains to be seen, but it's heartwarming to see it still in business for at least the immediate future. Regarding Chris's forthcoming performance as a barman of the Ten Bells, I'm hoping to post photos of this to the conference website during the weekend. Those familiar with recent attendees behind the real bar will no doubt have a comment or two to make... Adam
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Author: Christopher T George Tuesday, 25 September 2001 - 09:34 am | |
Hi, Adam: I don't know whether it is good or bad that you intend to post my mugshot to the conference website following my performance as the barman of the Ten Bells! Also I am not certain what to make of your remark that "Those familiar with recent attendees behind the real bar will no doubt have a comment or two to make... "!!!! ![]() By the way, I do have a bit of experience as a barman in a production that played a few years ago in Baltimore. I played innkeeper Peter Taltavul in the tavern near Ford's Theatre where John Wilkes Booth drank before assassinating President Lincoln. Possibly it is fitting that I have now graduated to the pub where Jack may have supped. ![]() Best regards Chris George
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Author: Neil K. MacMillan Tuesday, 02 October 2001 - 11:55 am | |
Now, that is cool! Are there pictures out there of Ten Bells interior as it appeared in "Saucy Jack's" Time? Kindest regards, Neil
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Author: Judith Stock Tuesday, 09 October 2001 - 12:12 am | |
For those of you interested, Frogg Moody has shot a video IN the Ten Bells, in which Sue Paramor sings "Only a Violet....". I got a chance to see it while in Bournemouth, and if I had to get rid of ALL my Ripper videos, fiction and non-, I would make certain I had this one tucked away somewhere!!! As soon as it is available for sale (are you listening, Frogg???) I WILL have this video, not only for Sue's rendition of the song, but for the shots of the Bells, which may not be with us much longer. I suggest a massive grassroots demonstration to bother Frogg until he gets this video out in both PAL and NTSC formats!! Apologies in advance, Frogg, for doing this to you. Hope all are safe in their homes during these unsafe times, Judy
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Author: Caroline Anne Morris Tuesday, 09 October 2001 - 03:27 am | |
Hi Judy, Yes, isn't Sue's "Violet" wonderful? Frogg and David Taylor's 'Yours Truly - Jack the Ripper' rock musical will be at Wimbledon Studio Theatre again this coming November. It's a must for anyone who hasn't yet seen it and can get themselves over to SW19. Box Office: 020 8540 0362 My daughter is very disappointed today because she was due to go on a four-day school trip to Paris. It has been postponed due to the current troubles, unsurprisingly. But try telling a 14 year-old that she's safer here than in Paris. Her attitude is probably more logical than the grown-ups - she wonders how we know where the safe places really are, and thinks life should go on as normal for as long as possible. Love, Caz
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Author: Christopher T George Tuesday, 09 October 2001 - 09:12 am | |
Hi, all: I second the call to Frogg Moody to have his video of Sue Paramour singing "Only a Violet...." in the Ten Bells released in both PAL and NTSC formats. Although I missed seeing the video in Bournemouth, I will say that based on Sue's performance singing the song in Park Ridge, New Jersey last year at our U.S. convention, all Ripperophiles will wish to have this video in their collection. Best regards Chris George
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Author: Grailfinder Tuesday, 09 October 2001 - 11:34 am | |
Hi Caz Sorry to hear of your 'bin lids' disappointment but tell her not to worry as I'm sure anything worth seeing in Paris will still be there next year. As for the danger of travel in these troubled times? Well I was woken up early last Thursday morning by one of my mates, He, Nick, was my best man when I got married 12 years ago, but he left the UK to live in the States soon after and I haven't seen him since. We have kept contact over the years and have used e-mail on a weekly basis, but I had no idea he was intending to visit. It was, he said, a spur of the moment decision to take advantage of the cheap flight fare's, he apparently managed to get a 70% reduction of the full cost, so decided to pop over and watch his beloved Chelsea FC. He was only here for two days and flew back after the match. I did ask him if he was concerned about flying at the moment and he said he'd never felt safer, his flight had armed guards and security at the airports was tighter than a gnats chuff, according to Nick, there was never a safer time to travel! Although I wonder how many of us would take the risk, just to watch a football game? particularly a Chelsea game. Anyway, love n hug's to you all GF
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Author: Christopher-Michael DiGrazia Tuesday, 09 October 2001 - 10:45 pm | |
Having seen the "Only A Violet" video, I must agree with Judy - this is something any true Ripperphile must have in their collection. Why, you ask? Two reasons - firstly, the song itself, which is (unless you believe the "Pall Mall Gazette") the song MJK last sang the night she died. Secondly, the video is shot in the Ten Bells, which is one of the last surviving "Ripper" pubs, though the dilatory efforts of its current landlord lead one to suspect the poor place will soon be destroyed (can't we get a group of people ogether to buy the thing?). It is as close a "time travel" thing as one will have, though whether you support that sort of thing is up to you. Frogg, Sue and others need to fix the sound so that the video does not look like a Jap Godzilla movie, and they are going to do so. Check the October "Ripper Notes" for the latest developments. CMD
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Author: Caroline Anne Morris Wednesday, 10 October 2001 - 06:25 am | |
Hi Grail, I don't blame Nick for coming all that way to see Chelsea - it's the only team worth supporting. I have a football signed in 1999 by all the players, which I keep by my bed (the football, not the players, sadly ![]() Armed guards? On a plane? Now that's what I call truly scary! Love, Caz
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Author: Paul Boothby Thursday, 10 January 2002 - 11:13 am | |
Hi everyone, as a newbie (today) to the posts and with an interest in the Ripper/London/Pubs can anyone please tell me the current status of the Ten Bells???? The only time I did one of the Ripper walks the pub we stopped at wasn't the Bells but (at the time) was called the City Darts (might it have been the Princess Alice in JTR's day??). I have always regretted not yet getting to the Ten Bells and am concerned in reading the above that I might have lost my chance. However I am in London in February so would welcome any news.......Boothers
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Author: adam wood Thursday, 10 January 2002 - 11:55 am | |
Hi Paul Fear not, the Ten Bells has been bought by a consortium who have big plans for it. They want to create a Ripper room on the first floor, eventually having a series of display cases with various items therein. This is being coordinated by Andy Aliffe. The Cloak and Dagger Club, open to anyone who subscribes to Ripperologist magazine, has been granted permission to use this room for it's interim meetings. The first was last Saturday, and it was clearly evident that the downstairs bar, now reclaimed as a 'normal' pub, is going to be extremely popular, judging by the numbers drinking all evening. Incidentally, the Club's normal meetings have a guest speaker, and are held at the upstairs function room of the City Darts. The next one is scheduled for Saturday 2nd February, so drop in if you're in London by then! Best regards Adam www.ripperologist.net
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Author: Monty Thursday, 10 January 2002 - 12:20 pm | |
Boothers, Welcome to the dark and,if I may say,dingy world of Jack. Ten Bells changed its name briefly to Jack the Ripper in the 80s (dont hold me to that) then went back to the Ten Bells. City Darts (formerly Princess Alice as you stated correctly) is situated further down Commercial St at the corner of Wenworth St. Take care Monty ![]()
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Author: Paul Boothby Friday, 11 January 2002 - 03:42 am | |
Thanks for the replies chaps ! Glad to know I haven't missed my chance. Unfortunately I'm not 'down south' until the 2nd week in Feb. but thanks for the invite Adam. Re. Monty's reply, wasn't there some 'fuss' by local residents over the name 'Jack the Ripper' which caused the reversion back to the Ten Bells ? Much prefer the original anyway, bit of a stickler for tradition! Also noted the pointer elsewhere on the boards to a BBC news page stating that there had started to be trouble on the Ripper walks, egg throwing, abuse and the like - shame! Are there any other local pubs still around from Jacks days? I know about the City Darts (although like my old pubs to have some kind of a connection to their own past - still I wonder if Jack would have been any good with the 'arrows'?)......Boothers
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Author: Tamsyn Friday, 11 January 2002 - 09:37 am | |
Well, I hope that they renovate the bathrooms as well. The last time I was at the Ten Bells, they were down some very, very dark corridor and into the frightful and desolate basement. Quite scary for a newcomer to the area! Pointless, yes, but I just thought I'd mention it!
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Author: Monty Friday, 11 January 2002 - 11:54 am | |
Boothers, Ive juuusst bin darn..hic.. that was fun...hic..hic.. Ha-ha..yes..I LOVE YOU MATE... your the best mate Ive hevver ad ! Buurpp !! ![]() Monty ![]()
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Author: Monty Monday, 18 March 2002 - 08:01 am | |
Went in the Ten bells on friday. Had a "chill" pint. Fantastic. Lurvely Irish wench behind the bar. Also went to the "Shooting Star" with my buddies (Celerbrating my birthday on sunday...Monty waits for plenty of best wishes....not a sausage) and found out that it used to be an old Jewish poorhouse. Any info on that ??? Would be grateful. Monty ![]()
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Author: Goryboy Monday, 18 March 2002 - 02:48 pm | |
Happy Birthday, you scamp, you rounder, you bounder! Now fax me a pint, dash it. I'm fresh out. ![]() All best, Golywog
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Author: A.M.P. Monday, 18 March 2002 - 02:50 pm | |
Astral House in Middlesex Street is right on the boundary of the City of London and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. A plain, four-storey L-shaped building in red brick, it dates from the 1895 and was designed by architects Davis & Emmanuel. Today the building has Grade II Listed status; meaning that permission is required before alterations can be made internally or externally. It has served as a bank and as offices, and the ground floor was converted to a public house in the 1990s (the Shooting Star). As recently as 1998 the upper floors were made into ten flats, some having roof terraces. But this modest building is famous because of its association with the local Jewish community. For sixty years, until 1956, it was the home of the Jewish Board of Guardians. The eastern fringes of the City have long been a place where immigrants settled in Britain, and the association of the Jewish community with the area is arguably stronger than with any other. Aldgate was home to Jews in Norman times, prior to their expulsion in 1290 under King Edward I. When Oliver Cromwell readmitted Jews into England in the 1650s they formed a strong and lasting association with the City’s easternmost Wards, namely Portsoken and Aldgate. There were periodic influxes during the eighteenth century and in the early nineteenth century, mainly from Germany and Holland. However, the real expansion in the Jewish population occurred in the period 1881-1914. These immigrants were from Central and Eastern Europe, following the German Chancellor Bismark’s clearance of Silesia and the persistent pogroms which followed the assassination of the Russian Tsar. Jews from Russia and what is now modern Poland arrived at a rate of up to 7,000 a year. They entered mostly via the London docks, with the majority settling locally in the eastern portion of the City; in Spitalfields, in Whitechapel and in Stepney. There was of course some hostility to all these foreigners entering the country. They looked different, dressed differently, spoke a different language and in many cases came in penniless. Alarmed by what they perceived as growing anti-Semitism, senior members of the Jewish Community, who had become wealthy in banking and commerce, founded the Board of Guardians in 1859. By the time Astral House opened, the head of the Board was the wealthy financier, Sir Joseph Sebag-Montefiore. His Board administered the Jewish poor, that is it provided an alternative to the dreaded workhouses, where the destitute of each parish were otherwise sent at public expense, then put to work to justify their keep. The Board of Guardians thus reduced the cost of poor relief on the local rates, because the Jewish community effectively funded its own paupers without recourse to public money. The Board also assisted in the provision of facilities for newly-arrived immigrants, lent its weight to a network of other Jewish charities and even assisted in repatriating some of the immigrants. In fact it assisted in the repatriation of over 30,000 people between 1881 and 1906. The organisation moved out of Astral House in 1956. It later evolved into the Jewish Welfare Board and is now based in London N12. In 1989, following a refurbishment of Astral House, the then Lord Mayor of London attended a short ceremony there to celebrate the 130th anniversary of the Board of Guardians’ founding. Hoping that this explains what you wanted to know.
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Author: Monty Tuesday, 19 March 2002 - 12:30 pm | |
AMP, Cheers. Very interesting. I'd never noticed the plaque before. Its a lovely building. John, Beer gone, money gone, mates gone. They only want to know you when your flushed. Ended up on the St Paddys parade in London. God knows how. Believe me, he is the only one that must know how cos I'll be buggered if I can remember. Monty ![]()
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Author: Christopher T George Tuesday, 19 March 2002 - 12:47 pm | |
Hi, AMP: Thanks as usual for the fascinating background history on Astral House, the East End, and the Jewish population of East London. Best regards Chris George
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Author: Adrian morris Saturday, 27 April 2002 - 07:49 pm | |
The latest frig-arse single by the Glasgow band 'Idlewild' is filmed in the Ten Bells'. So there!!!!!!!!!!!!