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Jono B
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, May 01, 2003 - 6:06 am: |      |
G'day people, My names Jono and I'm a final year high school student currently working on my major historical research task. As part of the task we are to undertake an historical question of our choice, and present an essay on it. What better topic to choose than Jack the Ripper! Anyway, onto my question. The question I chose to set my work around is 'How do the various theories about the identity of Jack the Ripper reflect the social context of their time?' Now, I'm wanting to focus on at least 2 theories about Jack the Ripper and would greatly appreciate it if you could answer the following questions: Firstly in regards to Jack the Ripper as a female, I know that mentions William Stewart as the forerunner to this theory. Did any other writers propose the theory? If so who and when? Secondly, whilst reading City of Dreadful Delights by Judith R. Walkowitz,she briefly alluded to a 1960's Royal Conspiracy. Only instead of being based around Eddy's illegitimate child, it focused on the possibility that he was a homosexual. Once again do you know any historian's who have suggested this, and if so is their book readily available? I have about 2 months before it's due in and have already written up quite alot of the project. The main difficulty is going to be getting hold of sufficient information towards these theories (preferably in books). Therefore I would really appreciate any help you can offer me. Thanks guys, and I really like the site! |
Brian W. Schoeneman
Inspector Username: Deltaxi65
Post Number: 196 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, May 01, 2003 - 7:56 pm: |      |
Jono, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, put forth the idea that the Ripper could be a midwife very early on - I'm not sure of the exact dates but I'd say it was near 1888-1889. Read through the press reports section of the Casebook - I seem to recall that he wrote a letter to the editor to one of the papers about it. Stephen Knight's book "The Final Solution" talks about the Royal Conspiracy and the homosexual shtick. B
John Savage
Sergeant Username: Johnsavage
Post Number: 19 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, May 02, 2003 - 5:22 am: |      |
Jono, In 1889 Prince Albert Victor (Eddy) became involved in an homosexual scandal which centered on a brothel in Cleveland Street. There are two excellent books on the subject: The Cleveland Street Scandal, by H. Montgomery Hyde. (London 1976) The Cleveland Street Affair, by Chester, Leach & Simpson. (London 1977) Both the above books should be available from any decent public library, and either book will give you sufficient information. Regards, John Savage |
Gary Weatherhead Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, May 01, 2003 - 6:19 pm: |      |
Jono Prince Eddy and the Homosexual Underword by Theo Aronson will be of help to you on your second question. It was published by Barnes and Noble in 1994. It details the Cleveland Street scandel. I found it at my local bookstore and purchased it because I collect books on the Ripper and related issues. The book may be difficult to find. If you can't find it put up a post and I will take a look for a second copy, although this is a real longshot. Best Regards and good luck on your project Gary |
Jono B Unregistered guest
| Posted on Wednesday, May 07, 2003 - 4:27 am: |      |
Thanks very much for the references guys! I will check out some of the titles you mentioned. |
patricia Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 12:39 pm: |      |
What would you do if you think you know something maybe significant? Evidence, of a person. right place, right time.Possible motive and possible written evidence?} |
Leanne Perry
Chief Inspector Username: Leanne
Post Number: 689 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 27, 2003 - 6:32 pm: |      |
G'day Patricia, What country do you live in? LEANNE! |
Leanne Perry
Chief Inspector Username: Leanne
Post Number: 690 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 27, 2003 - 6:52 pm: |      |
G'day Patricia, Try sending a private email to Caroline Ann Morris first. Just go to any message posted by her on the boards, click on her red name on the left of the message, and a photo will appear with her contact details. LEANNE |
Shannon Christopher
Detective Sergeant Username: Shannon
Post Number: 70 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2003 - 3:26 am: |      |
John, some believed at the time the killer had to be a foreigner. With the area of Whitelchapel divided between Irish, Jewish, and English, there was a lot of unrest between the different sections of the town, so much so that the police comissioner resigned his post over mistakes made in the case as a result of social prejudice. Shannon |
Neil K. MacMillan
Sergeant Username: Wordsmith
Post Number: 23 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 3:22 pm: |      |
Jono: There are several theories about Jack being a foriegner. From a major historical perspective the royal conspiracy theory is a good one mainly because your instructor will recognize the names readily. My favorite ones however (Meaning those to be most likely are: A) Martin Fido's theory about David Cohen. B) Littlefield's proposal that Francis Tumblety. Also keep in mind that there is debate on the number and names of the victims. All the references above are excellent and by all means check the libraies for more. Kindes regards, Neil |
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 7:45 pm: |      |
Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Message Boards » Suspects » Gull, Sir William Withey » Gull's son knighted? » New Message First things first: One must understand that the use of alias among masonic elites is the order of the day. the movie "from hell" makes this point, and more. Specifically, the name "Gull" is interchanged with the name "Gill", both of which refer to the same clan as the "Gillett" family. Swords, blades, razors and slit throaghts are the order of the day for masonics. The Gillett family, as in King C. Gillett who founded the razor company, are tied up with the priesthood of the birds, the worship of the sun and the druidic rites that trace to the cult of the crow. As in Yeat's poem about Crows and Bells in Norwich. We're all satanists, us Gillett's. Well, some of us atleast. Those who belong to the inter sanctum still maintain their cults and their class/kinship based hegemony. So great their pull, the movie "From Hell" did not last but a week in the theatres. Gillett is the same family as Fowler, as in Sir Robert Fowler, Lord Mayor of London and my great great grandfather. The family knew him under the name Esau Gillett. Fowler's solution is the medicine made from Arsenic taken by Napoleon. Follett, as in, is the fascist corporation that takes care of textbooks for myopic and murderous professionals in the US. etc. I could go on. I will post an article regarding the family's involvement with the Ripper murders at in the near future. Gillett is Fowler. Fowler is an alias used by the Leighton family--Teutonic German Bankers. Larry Leighton of Jonetown fame (the psychiatrist) harkens to this family, and to the metallurgists running the big show behind the scenes. To explain the suppression of the movie "From Hell" is to understand the continuity of dominion and the horrible fate that awaits us here in the US of A. Got to love them bird priests. Pyramids and all. Second point: whoever runs this site needs to get rid of the bloody pop ups. They cause the page to load poorly and slowly, taking over 60 seconds!! It's an outrage. |
AP Wolf
Inspector Username: Apwolf
Post Number: 496 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 5:01 pm: |      |
My dear fellow the pops ups are a positive inspiration after your poppycock and utter drivel. I'd watch them for the next fifty years if you promise never ever to appear on these boards again. Sell your tripe elsewhere.
Mark Andrew Pardoe
Detective Sergeant Username: Picapica
Post Number: 128 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 6:42 pm: |      |
Swordbuster, If you are a Gillett, why do the Wilkinsons use the sword as their trade mark? Cheers, Mark (who uses a Phillips razor) (Message edited by picapica on November 05, 2003) |
Alan Sharp
Inspector Username: Ash
Post Number: 152 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 7:11 pm: |      |
AP, on this one occasion, please feel free to drink up the brandy and then let him really have it! Regarding the pop-ups, you can get rid of them like many of us already have. All you have to do is send Stephen some money to help him pay for the upkeep of the site and thus for him to continue to provide us with this excellent service. And having done so you can burble away about Gilettes and Bird Priests and Pyramids and, well, pink fairies and aliens from the planet Goob if you like, all day long! |
Caroline Anne Morris
Inspector Username: Caz
Post Number: 465 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 7:47 am: |      |
Cheap, quick and disposable - er, how I like my shaving requisites, I mean (not to put too fine a point on it). What a hair-raising thread! Love, Blunt Caz |
Christopher T George
Inspector Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 408 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 1:30 pm: |      |
Hi, Alan: Excellent point about getting rid of the pop-ups by helping support this wonderful site with some Chris  |
Neil K. MacMillan
Sergeant Username: Wordsmith
Post Number: 24 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 3:09 pm: |      |
If pop ups are the price to be able to access this sight then it is a very small price to pay. Back to the original question. Jono, how is the research going? Neil |
Stephen P. Ryder
Board Administrator Username: Admin
Post Number: 2874 Registered: 10-1997
| Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 3:35 pm: |      |
Re: pop-up ads, you can remove all advertising from the site for as long as you like, for a nominal fee. See the following url for information: (Registered users of the message boards can also have ads removed for a reduced rate - email me for details) NOTE: You need to have cookies enabled to enjoy this feature. Stephen P. Ryder, Editor Casebook: Jack the Ripper |
Alan Sharp
Inspector Username: Ash
Post Number: 155 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Friday, November 07, 2003 - 8:07 am: |      |
Thanks Chris, but you do realise that that was my attempt to take that sycophant of the year award away from you, don't you!  |
sherry bulizo Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2004 - 10:03 am: |      |
Have you read the book by Patrichia cornwall. It is the only one that has made sense so far. It is called Portrait Of a Killer ( Jack The Ripper Case Closed) |
patricia Unregistered guest
| Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2004 - 8:08 pm: |      |
I wrote a message before. I want to explain. A family member commited suicide at right time. When I started to send off for details etc. He had slit throat and left a very criptic bible message about Jews being against him. He belonged to the church. The street was one street away from last murder. Or so I thought. He had been ill for years.Imagine my horror. What would my family and children think? How would it affect my son. I must admit I was terrified.Now I have found that the street was one in another part of London I am so relieved |
Christopher T George
Chief Inspector Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 577 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, February 04, 2004 - 6:02 pm: |      |
Hi, Patricia: The information you have might still potentially be useful to study of the case, so I urge you to share it. Even if your family member committed suicide at the right time in a different part of London, that still does not mean that he could not have been a suspect. After all, Mr. Maybrick lived in Liverpool and some people think he makes a viable suspect. In any case, the details of your relative's life and death might be of interest. I am particularly intrigued by the note that you said he left that you describe as "a very cryptic bible message about Jews being against him." If you would prefer, please e-mail me privately at Best regards Chris George North American Editor Ripperologist |
Richard Brian Nunweek
Chief Inspector Username: Richardn
Post Number: 658 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 3:58 am: |      |
Hi Patricia, I would second Chris, If you do have imformation, that may or may not be relevant to this case , I urge you ,to consider spilling the beans [ so to speak]. With respect, we obviously have no idea, if you post is a hoax, but what you have said is intresting. I have always maintained on these boards, that somebody is aware of the perpretrator of these murders, there are without a doubt desendants out there , who suspect something, but lack the courage to put forward a name, and any evidence appropiate. As far as i see it, this is proberly the only chance , we have of catching Imfamous 'jack'. Regards Richard. |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Inspector Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 225 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 2:29 pm: |      |
And as you haven't given your surname you can stay anonomous on the boards if youso wish. Getting in touch with an expert like Christopher will help put your mind at rest either way Jennifer D. Pegg
Patricia Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, February 06, 2004 - 7:23 am: |      |
I will consider what you have said. As I stated before its a very frightening thing. It isnt a hoax but I do need time to consider. I do want to research a bit more. Can anybody tell me if Asylum records can be read? The inquest papers were brief and Im sure that there must have been more discussion about his mental health. You have to realise that this poor man might have just been very ill. I have a large family to consider.I cant just say Oh yes it must have been him.Since researching I have found loads of coincidences,but that is all they are at present. |