The Whitechapel Fiend Has Added Another to His List of Victims.
The Victim, Like all the Others, Was a Prostitute, Once Married but Abandoned
London, Nov. 9.
The Whitechapel fiend had added another to his list of victims. At 11 o'clock this morning
the body of a woman cut in two was discovered in a house on Dorset street, Spitalfields.
The victim, like all the others, was a prostitute. She was married and her husband was a
porter. They had lived together at spasmodic intervals. Her name is believed to be Lizzie
Fisher. She had a room in the house where she was murdered and carried a latch key. The
woman's head had been severed and placed beneath one of the arms and her ears and nose had
been cut off. The body had been disemboweled (sic) and the flesh was torn from the thighs.
The womb and other organs were missing. The skin had been torn off the forehead and cheeks
and one hand had been pushed into the stomach. Three bloodhounds were taken to the place
where the body lay and placed on the scent of the murderer, but they were unable to keep
it any distance. The murdered woman told a companion last evening she was without money
and would commit suicide if she did not obtain a supply. It has been learned that a man,
respectably dressed, accosted the victim and offered her money and they went to her
lodging on the second floor of a Dorset street house. No noise was heard during the night
and nothing was known of the murder till the landlady went to her room early this morning
to ask for rent. The first thing she saw on entering was the woman's breasts and riscera
(sic) lying on the table. Dorset street is a short and narrow street and situated close to
Mitre square and Han (sic) street.