London, Oct. 3.
An inquest was held yesterday on the body of the woman found murdered near Berners street Sunday morning. A witness was
called and deposed that she awoke at 1:20 o'clock Sunday morning and heard kisses and a sound which she thought was made by a
person falling to the ground. She was convinced that her sister was dead, and after reading the accounts in the papers went
to the morgue and recognized the body of the dead woman as that of her sister. The murder is believed to have been committed
at about 12:59 o'clock Sunday morning.
The trunk of a woman's body was found in a recess of the new police office on the Thames embankment yesterday afternoon. The
head, arms and legs were missing. The remains, which were in an advanced state of decomposition, were wrapped in rough cloth
and tightly bound with cord. It is believed that the arms recently found at Pimlico and Lambeth were cut from this body.