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Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Message Boards » Shades of Whitechapel » Imielia & Co. « Previous Next »

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AP Wolf
Chief Inspector
Username: Apwolf

Post Number: 922
Registered: 2-2003
Posted on Sunday, March 07, 2004 - 12:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I thought it of interest to note that this sexual serial offender - although as far as we know not a killer - does portray many of the symptoms I have been using in profiling certain serial killers.
Confused about his sexual identity to the extent that at varying times in his life he has formed sexual relationships with men, but then abruptly broken them off, usually with an act of violence, and returned to women again to brutalize them during specific sexual acts… which one must note did not include sexual intercourse. Later it appears he adopted rape as a form of brutalisation against women - although I am still waiting to see more detailed reports about his ’rapes’ as I do entertain the suspicion that we might be looking at yet another imaginative ’rapist’ who used ’magical transfer’ to make him look sure about his purpose and design.
And just like so many other serial sexual offenders before him he was known by the prostitutes he visited as ‘Mister No Dick’, and was mocked by them on account of his unusual smallness in that department. Apparently he never had intercourse with the prostitutes but employed them for oral sex while he battered them around the head with his fists.
Confused with his own sexual identity he was in some kind of ‘no-man’s land’ when faced with the prospect of sex with either gender and hence battered them when they did the very thing he wanted them to do, and it was this sexual confusion that eventually drove him out on the streets to brutalize young women… for the simple reason that they are the weaker sex, as I’m quite sure he would have been just as happy to have brutalised men if he could. But you see the chap is a coward.
I am offering no excuses for his savage attacks, for that they were and he is now in the place where he should have been a long time ago, and I do suspect it will not take him many weeks in such an institution to discover his true sexual identity, for he is the obvious ‘female’ in a homosexual relationship because of his diminished masculinity, physical and mental; and where he is now there are a powerful lot of hungry ‘males’.

Just out of general interest I also note that the Manchester police are seeking a six foot tall male, dressed in blonde wig, high heels, fish net tights and mini-skirt, who chains himself - or herself - to lamp posts late at night and attempts to entice passing women to free him from his self-induced dilemma. The police believe the man represents a real risk to the women of the area and I tend to agree. Sounds like Jack to me.

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