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Ripperologist magazine
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 3:48 pm: |      |
Hi all Cover of forthcoming September issue.
\ Contents include Alan Sharp on Richard Mansfield's Jekyll and Hyde, Jan Bondeson on an unusual case for Chief Inspector Littlechild, and Scott Sanders on the mysterious M F J Sobieski, who has startling parallels with Michael Ostrog. Adam Wood Ripperologist magazine www.ripperologist.info
Thomas C. Wescott
Inspector Username: Tom_wescott
Post Number: 188 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 11:36 pm: |      |
Hello all, Adam Wood strikes again! Check out this cover! Is it cool or what? Sounds like it's going to be a great issue. I'm looking forward to reading all three pieces mentioned above, namely the Sobieski/Ostrog article. And, of course, I'm looking forward to Digrazia's Last Word. I wish he was still on these boards. You're not going to find this stuff in the books, folks, or even on these boards. If you want the latest research, it's in Ripperologist and Ripper Notes. That's www.ripperologist.info and www.rippernotes.com. Yep, they've got Paypal. Trust me, opening your mailbox and finding these Rippergems is a lot of fun. These aren't 'fanzines', by the way. They're honest-to-God pro magazines. Once you subscribe, you can join me here to discuss and debate the contents. A lot more interesting than talking about Maybrick and Barnett, I assure you! Yours truly, Tom Wescott P.S. Fair warning, though. If you subscribe to Rip, Chris George will know where you live, and for THAT I won't be held responsible. |
Christopher T George
Chief Inspector Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 928 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 10:46 am: |      |
Hi, Tom Many thanks for your nise plug for Ripperologist. Most appreciated! Indeed, in terms of mailing addresses, as you know, I am the one who sends Dear Boss letters to all and sundry, just to keep up a macabre practice begun in 1888. Don't let Pat Cornwell have my DNA. All the best Chris Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist http://www.ripperologist.info
Alan Sharp
Chief Inspector Username: Ash
Post Number: 658 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 7:58 pm: |      |
Monty mate! I finally have a name to put in my acknowledgements section! Nice article, congrats. My mum read it and enjoyed it, that's high praise indeed! "Everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise." |
Thomas C. Wescott
Inspector Username: Tom_wescott
Post Number: 190 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 9:31 pm: |      |
Chris, Don't worry, Cornwell wouldn't want your DNA because it wouldn't match Sickerts. And thanks for spelling the 's' in 'nice'; a refreshing change from that dull 'c' that sponsored so many lame episodes of 'Sesame Street'. Looks like you're more following the lead of the 'From Hell' letter than 'Dear Boss'. But hey, you're just a magazine editor, right? As for the plug, it was an honest one. Until I become a published author and have to be careful of what I say of other people's work I intend to be honest. With Rip, that's usually good stuff. God knows the good outweighs the bad, and as long as that's the case, I'll be sending people your way. Same with Ripper Notes (you know, that little competitor YOU started!). Nick Warren, God love him, created a few years worth of truly awesome issues. But, as you can see from Roger's post on another thread, has slipped a bit in recent years. I don't think Nick's having fun with it any more. Now that you're North American editor, I'll probably submit something to Rip again in the near future. Feel free to shoot it down, but with the magazine in the shape it's in since you and Eduardo joined, I'd be honored to be featured in its pages, and know I'd be treated right. With the October issue, Ripper Notes will have two issues in a row with my drivel in it, so it's only fair I give Dan's readership a break and attempt to inflict my gross prose on your loyal subscribers. Who knows, maybe I could interview Tom Slemen. Yours truly, Tom Wescott P.S. Do you have a clue what Alan is talking about in his above post?  |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1051 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 4:48 am: |      |
excuse me does this mean you have had seps Rip? "Think things, not words." - O.W. Holmes jr |
John V. Omlor
Chief Inspector Username: Omlor
Post Number: 799 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 9:26 am: |      |
Hi All, Let me put in an enthusiastic plug for this new edition of this journal as well. True, I haven't seen it. But someone was kind enough to send me the fascinating editorial it contains. And my name is in it! It's almost like being famous. Sort of. Of course, my words, taken from right here on this wonderful website, are called "disturbing." But my feeling has always been that a good writer knows how successful he's been by who his words have disturbed and why. So I'm a happy camper. It's true that the essay doesn't tell us anything we haven't seen here before, signed by a different name, and that it still relies on amazing coincidences for the diary to be anything other than a modern forgery, but it's well worth reading if only because it has my name in it. How's that for sheer ego? So I urge everyone to read that essay and the rest of this fine publication. Oh, and the DiTA thread, too. At least once a month. -John (happy to be among the honored, even if he's never tasted marmite) PS: Seriously, my congrats to everyone involved on the arrival of a new edition. It is always an occasion to be celebrated. (Message edited by omlor on September 18, 2004) |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1052 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 9:47 am: |      |
Is it coming soon???? Jenni ps i bet the five word rule would apply if i hadn't thought to put this! "Think things, not words." - O.W. Holmes jr |
Maria Giordano
Detective Sergeant Username: Mariag
Post Number: 86 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 10:27 am: |      |
I'm a relatively new subscriber and have thoroughly enjoyed the May and July issues. Looking forward to this one. Good work and congrats to everyone involved. Mags |
Chief Inspector Username: Ally
Post Number: 742 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 5:48 pm: |      |
Hey John, Just think..you might soon take the place of the dearly departed Melvin Harris as the person most bashed in Ripperologist magazine! I, of course find it somewhat disturbing when someone uses a supposedly neutral and "scholarly" magazine to flog their own personal agendas or vendettas, but hey...if you can charge people to listen to your spleen, all the good for you right?
Alan Sharp
Chief Inspector Username: Ash
Post Number: 660 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 7:25 pm: |      |
Er, yes, I got mine on Friday morning. Has nobody else got theirs yet? Mind you I did have to get in touch with Coral and ask her to redirect it to Edinburgh so perhaps mine got posted seperately from all the others. Rest assured, they are winging their way to you! "Everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise." |
David O'Flaherty
Inspector Username: Oberlin
Post Number: 418 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 7:42 pm: |      |
What the. . .is it that time already? I still haven't finished the last issue! Crawling out from under my rock, squinting into the sun and suddenly realizing summer's over. Dave |
Thomas C. Wescott
Inspector Username: Tom_wescott
Post Number: 195 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 9:03 pm: |      |
Ally, What magazine are you referring to, and what Harris bashing? The only blatant bashing I've seen has been of Paul Begg in Ripperana (unless, of course, we count Diary folk and Cornwell. I believe they've been the most bashed). Yours truly, Tom Wescott |
John V. Omlor
Chief Inspector Username: Omlor
Post Number: 802 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 10:40 pm: |      |
Ally, All I'll say is that there is a significant and critically important difference between asking "What tastes better, A or B?" and asking "What is the simpler and more logical explanation, A or B?" I would hope everyone already realizes that. Other than that, I'm delighted to recommend the essay and the journal to everyone, as always, and to offer words of support to all the other journals, too. I know first hand what's involved in editing and publishing a periodical and I congratulate all those who do it in this particular field for this particular audience. Happy reading everyone, --John |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1056 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 5:22 am: |      |
Alan, no I haven't but I guess that's Royal Mail, I hope it will come soon! Jenni "Think things, not words." - O.W. Holmes jr |
Chief Inspector Username: Ally
Post Number: 743 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 10:53 am: |      |
Howdy Tom, Well yes Mr. Warren is right-out-there-obvious with his bashing isn't he? Front page too wasn't it? I would have to say the Rip is much more subtle -insidious, sneaky?-with their bashing. Not front page at all. I will be quite honest and tell you I cannot remember the exact publication date though I can give you a general time frame..it was when I got totally fed up with the whole business and stopped reading Rip-- so late 2002 I would imagine. I will not be able to quote exactly what was said but I remember the generals. There were two magazines in close succession that singled out Melvin..the one I most remember was an editorial about a Ripper Notes article and said something to the effect of "with typical acid (or venom??) Mel Harris has attacked yet another person"..his "victim" put up a "spirited defense in similar style" or words to that effect. Does anyone else see similarities between another recent publication... "vintage Harris style"? I wonder who spoon feeds who? Anyway obviously that isn't a direct quote and I probably messed up the phrasing a bit, but I just remember that there were several mags peppered with little bits like that. Cheers, Ally
Thomas C. Wescott
Inspector Username: Tom_wescott
Post Number: 198 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 3:53 pm: |      |
Ally, The Rip must have been referring to the then-current debate in Ripper Notes between Des McKenna and Harris. McKenna was postulating that Robert D'Onston Stephenson and Roslyn D'Onston were two different people which, of course, is not the case. Melvin came to the defense. Melvin was typical Melvin, but in this case I actually found McKenna to be the most offensive of the two. There was, in fact, a lot of venom in those articles. I'll have to check back to see what Begg had to say about it. Yours truly, Tom Wescott |
Caroline Anne Morris
Assistant Commissioner Username: Caz
Post Number: 1246 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 4:37 am: |      |
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, depending on whether you hate or love Marmite I suppose, history doesn’t always play ball with the simpler, more logical explanations. Most of the time we can KFC (keep our fingers crossed), plump for the simpler, more logical explanations, bung them straight into the history books without bothering with boring old painstaking research, and we’ll be spot on – most of the time. And most cheap modern fakes will be proven to be cheap modern fakes, beyond all reasonable doubt, and certainly beyond any unreasonable doubt, within days or weeks of their arrival on the scene. By rights, the diary should have been stamped on and buried before the watch even got a look in - if both are cheap modern fakes that happily conform to the KFC method. But here we are, over a decade later, watching poor old John Omlor wrestling with these two artefacts, throwing the simpler, more logical explanation book at them and getting precisely nowhere. Well, not quite nowhere: he has succeeded in getting his name in print – fame at last. Love, Caz X
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1060 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 4:52 am: |      |
Still not here, should i worry yet? Jenni "Think things, not words." - O.W. Holmes jr |
Assistant Commissioner Username: Monty
Post Number: 1359 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 5:39 am: |      |
Alan, Well if your Mum liked it I can retire happy now ! Monty
Acknowledgements ? Explain !! Ow, Ive just been doin time Sha-mone....It aint so bad !...I aint no Jack da Ripper - Dr Thomas Neill Cream |
John V. Omlor
Chief Inspector Username: Omlor
Post Number: 810 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 8:10 am: |      |
So Caroline agrees with me then that there is an important and critical difference between asking "What tastes better, A or B?" and asking "What is the simpler and more logical explanation, A or B?" Excellent. Readers of the essay in question should keep that difference in mind. As for why this particular cheap modern fake has not been simply discarded, has not been relegated to the trash heap of Ripper history, since it was clearly not written by its supposed author -- the explanation for that phenomenon has precious little to do with the text itself (which is in fact sprinkled with errors and ahistoricisms, written in the wrong handwriting, and has no verifiable provenance whatsoever) and a lot more to do with the desire of certain specific readers and writers, the desire to keep the thing alive despite all the simple and logical explanations, the desire to keep the thing going at all costs. There is no arguing with a dream. So no, the diary will not be going anywhere soon, regardless of how many mistakes it contains or whose handwriting it is not in or any of the rest of the evidence. And there is plenty to conclude from that, as well. Reminded daily of the sad truth, --John |
Christopher T George
Chief Inspector Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 934 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 9:06 am: |      |
Hi, Caz et al. I'm glad you mentioned KFC, Caz. Right after the Liverpool Ripper conference I attended a Ken Dodd comedy show at the Floral Pavilion, New Brighton, across the water from the 'Pool. One of Ken's quips was that KFC stands for "can't find the chicken." The diary is kind of like that, isn't it, no chicken to be found, not even any beef jerky, mon. Well, maybe plenty of jerky but no beef. As for the Rip bashing the late Melvin Harris, I think all we have done is point out Harris's forthright and sometimes acidic style, which anybody who read his exchanges on the board would have known about. Nobody can pretend that Melvin Harris was a milquetoast figure, and all we did was point out his style and often brusque manner of debate. I must mention moreover that the obituary that we ran after his death, was politely and sincerely admiring of the contributions he made to the Ripper field, to music, and other endeavors. Best regards Chris George Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist http://www.ripperologist.info
Chief Inspector Username: Ally
Post Number: 745 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 12:04 pm: |      |
Ah I see then Chris. So Des is a milquetoast figure and a victim? And when he gives as good as Melvin, that's just spirited defense but when Melvin does such things well he's a naughty boy. I swear it's like second verse, same as the first. The point is, the Ripperologist portrays the biases of it's editors. The obituary wasn't written by the Rips editors, now was it? And now that Melvin is gone, and John is leading the anti-diary brigade, small wonder it is now his words that are being characterized as "disturbing". But I am sure that's just an honest appraisal of his style, now isn't it?
Christopher T George
Chief Inspector Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 937 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 12:56 pm: |      |
Hi Ally Did I say anything about Des McKenna? Few people could have remained milquetoast when embroiled with Mr. Harris. Des was attacked by Melvin and he replied in kind. When you refer to what you describe as a "subtle, insidious, sneaky" bit of "Harris bashing" in the pages of Ripperologist, I believe you are referring in a review of Ripper Notes in our issue No. 42, August 2002, p. 24, wherein we stated, "This issue of Ripper Notes kicks off with a typically acid-spitting attack by Melvin Harris, this time his victim being Des McKenna, who provides a spirited defence in similar vein. It is regrettable that these articles saw print." Ally, I can't remember whether or not you were at the Park Ridge convention in 2000. If you weren't, I believe anyone who met Des there would tell you that Des is usually a gentleman. I agree with Tom Wescott that Des was the more offensive in the debate with Melvin. I imagine that he would not have replied as he did if he hadn't felt provoked by Melvin, who was, after all, famously noted for his vitriolic attacks and clashes with almost everyone in the field. Or have you forgotten all that, Ally? All the best Chris (Message edited by chrisg on September 20, 2004) Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist http://www.ripperologist.info
Chief Inspector Username: Ally
Post Number: 746 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 2:11 pm: |      |
Isn't it nice how everyone gets justified for their bad behavior when dealing with Melvin? Des is justified in being worse than Mel because Mel started it ..wahhh! Ripperologist is justified in slamming him constantly because he deserves it, after all. No, I haven't forgotten what Melvin was like, I clashed with him myself as the archives will attest, but I also haven't forgotten that a lot of this bitter acrimony started with an entry against him in the A-Z which was co-written by ..wow, shocker here... one of the editors of Ripperologist. I said it before and I will say it again, Melvin Harris could be quite acerbic, but the constant portrayal of him as a villain is nauseating and cheap and claiming that those who respond in similar vein are justified because they have been "victimized" is just a pile of steaming... In the end, if a person doesn't have the chops to defend their arguments against those who will attack them, acid or not, then they ought to go and play in the sandlots where they belong and not come crying "victim", like a big, nilly girl. Sheee--it. Now the feminists will be after me. Running fast, Ally P.S I am not saying Des whined "victim", that was just how he was portrayed in Ripperologist. For all I know he is just as pissed at his being labeled a poor weak victim as I would be. (Message edited by Ally on September 20, 2004)
Christopher T George
Chief Inspector Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 938 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 2:26 pm: |      |
Hi Ally Of course, you are entitled to your opinion that people were wrongly seen as "victims" of the late Melvin Harris. Nonetheless, I never, for example, saw Paul Begg or Martin Fido flinging accusations round on the old boards as I did see Harris talking about them rudely as "Begg" and "Fido" and making different accusations and aspersions about those two gentlemen and other writers. All the best Chris Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist http://www.ripperologist.info
Chief Inspector Username: Ally
Post Number: 747 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 4:25 pm: |      |
LOL..yeah Melvin did his accusations on a message board for free, they made their aspersions in a book for their own profit. And as I pointed out, they did theirs before he did his, so since you believe that one persons wrongdoing justifies anothers, then you must believe that Melvin was perfectly justified in anything he said about them afterwards, right? Cheers, Ally P.S. Martin, doll should you ever read this, I've got nothing against you and would not have dragged your name into this. Peace.
Thomas C. Wescott
Inspector Username: Tom_wescott
Post Number: 201 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 10:03 pm: |      |
Ally, What have you got against Chris George? He's always been cool to everyone. Is it just because he's an editor for Rip now? I can understand why you stopped reading Rip back then, as you stated (though I am confused by this since you were aware of the Janet Jackson peek-a-boo pic in the last issue). I stopped contributing to them YEARS ago after my first experience left a bad taste in my mouth. But it's a different era now, and Chris and Eduardo are there, so it's not a one-man boat. I'll be contributing again (though whether my hack prose will be accepted or not is another story!). Maybe you should start reading it again beginning now, with an open mind, and see what you think. Yours truly, Tom Wescott P.S. As for the feminists being after you...I've often got the impression that you ARE a feminist. |
Chief Inspector Username: Ally
Post Number: 748 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 7:57 am: |      |
Hi Tom, Well that's interesting. What do I have against Chris George? Disagreeing with someone is now evidence of my having "something against someone?" I called him no names, didn't even use any really inflammatory adjectives that I can see and yet...now I have something against poor ol' Chris. Gee...maybe if I try hard, *I* can be the next Mel Harris! Although I lack his tact. I wasn't aware that I did have anything against Chris George, actually. Other than arguing against his somewhat lame attempts to justify some of what goes into Ripperologist and I wouldn't necessarily say that was against him personally, just the excuses. I don't read Rip anymore but sometimes things get called to my attention for their sheer outrageous factor, like the Jackson photo. And I do of course read your reviews on the boards which I usually find quite enjoyable. If you would like to argue in defense of Ripperologist on either of these two particular subjects, I'll be happy to take it up with you and leave poor ol' Chris George alone lest he end up as the victim of my vitriol in the next issue. Cheers, Ally
Christopher T George
Chief Inspector Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 939 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 8:15 am: |      |
Melvin Harris had tact? Tom, many thanks for your two cents. We look forward to your future submission to our mag. Chris Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist http://www.ripperologist.info
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1072 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 11:06 am: |      |
By the way, i have got my copy now and am not sure what all the fuss about the marmite is. anyway, I am not bothered either way when it comes to marmite, its alright i suppose! Jenni "Think things, not words." - O.W. Holmes jr |
Thomas C. Wescott
Inspector Username: Tom_wescott
Post Number: 202 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 10:49 pm: |      |
Ally, We both agree that 'Ripper Diary' was biased in favor of the diary, though they don't say it with neon letters. No, you didn't call Chris names, but your posts seem to assume the worst about his intentions and his thought processes, which led me to believe you have a poor view of him, and thus something against him. That's why I asked. I'm glad you enjoy my reviews. On that, I believe, you and Tom Slemen must disagree. As for my 'defense' of Rip, I'm not sure I see it that way. As I made clear in my review, I was at a loss to see what a shot of Janet's jumbly-wumbly had to do with Ripperology, or a lot of the stuff that passed for news in that issue. My impression is they were attempting to lighten the tone of the mag, since it's often so dry, if you dropped it, it would land buttered side down. But, in the end, their readership is 90% male, as is Ripperology. I'll take that pic of Janet over a face shot of Michael any day. Personally, I'd rather read news directly related to the Whitechapel murders and the personalities familiar to us in the field. I'd also like to see them run more articles on Ripper research, as that's the sole reason I buy the mag (I couldn't give two s**ts about the Krays and their ilk). But for all my suggestions (I stop short of calling them complaints), I could not edit it better. BUT, since I'm paying for my sub and have been known to send them business through my recommendations, I feel comfortable in expressing my opinion - whether complimentary or otherwise - about the contents in the mag. In the end, Chris, Paul and Eduardo don't have to 'justify' ANYTHING that goes into the mag, because it's their show. We have other options. I did stop subscribing a couple years ago, but started again later (and caught up on my issues), and feel the mag is on an upswing. Since I feel that Chris is part of the reason for this 'upswing', and because I know his Ripperological intentions are in place, I feel justified in asking as to why you're being hard on him. As for the McKenna/Harris debacle, that was really Digrazia's doing, and he publicly apologized later. McKenna's article was actually a personal email to Digrazia that he thought should be published. So it was. Unfortunately, it was a well-written piece of poor research and misinformation, and we know how Harris feels about that. I remember having a very bad taste in my mouth when I read the issue where Harris and McKenna just spewed venom (Paul's choice of words was correct, though it applied to both parties). There was another issue where George and Digrazia aired a little personal laundry, and I wrote in an e-mail stating I hoped not to see more of that in the mag. I didn't. To date, Ripper Notes has always been my favorite Ripper mag, and that's because of the talents and wisdom of George and Digrazia. Now, Norder's at the helm and so far so good. And George and Digrazia have made good motions with Rip. So, I'm happy. I'm not swinging from any sacks, here. If I think the new issue sucks, I'll say so, and there'll be neon letters. At least THEY'RE not publishing De Locksley!!! Yours truly, Tom Wescott |
Thomas C. Wescott
Inspector Username: Tom_wescott
Post Number: 203 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 10:50 pm: |      |
P.S. What the hell is a 'marmite'? Tom |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1076 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 3:32 am: |      |
Hi, i have to admit to not having followed all this thread. However, I did go check who wrote Melvin Harris' orbituary for Rip and it was none other than Stewart Evans, surely you can't disagree with that, esp. as Stewart was a friend of Melvins? Tom, marmite is a spread made of yeast extract. it has a slogan for the advert, that you either love it or hate it! Jenni "Think things, not words." - O.W. Holmes jr |
Chief Inspector Username: Ally
Post Number: 749 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 7:18 am: |      |
Hiya Tom. You know personally, I find the hero worship of Ripper authors constantly displayed on the boards to be somewhat nauseating. They are people, they have faults (rather large ones is some cases) and they don't get special treatment, at least not from me. No offense, but if Chris George says something totally dumbass, then he deserves to get called on it just as much as the next Tom, Ally or Jenni. If I had posted the above to anyone else other than Chris George, would you have been moved to defend them and ask why I was being so "hard on him"? I doubt it seriously. I have said much worse than that, with nary a peep. I am glad you like Chris George. I am sure it makes him feel special. I am glad you feel Ripperologist is improving dramatically since Eduardo came aboard and Chris. Great for them and kudos on their success. But the facts are these: the photo of Janet was gratuitous I don't care what Chris George says to the contrary. The Rip has in the past constantly been given to nasty attacks specifically against Mel Harris, the one example given was just the one that stands out in my mind. As stated above, Ripper authors are not perfect, they can be just as petty and vindictive as those who are not and frankly after rubbing elbows with a large number of them, my starry eyed hero worship has quite evaporated, not that I had much to begin with. So if they come on an internet message board and make asinine statements on threads I am reading I am going to say quite clearly their statements are asinine. Peace, Ally P.S Jenni, No I am not disagreeing with the obituary. Chris George used that as an example that the Rip wasn't biased against Mel Harris and I pointed out that the Rip editor hadn't wrote it. I am sure no one would have been so tacky as to bash Harris in his own obituary. For one thing, in this game, the goal is to undermine and blackbrush your foe while making your ownself look innocent and lily white. So they are hardly going to go out on a tacky limb like that. Mass of mixed metaphor there.
The Vitriolic Victimizer |
Jim DiPalma
Detective Sergeant Username: Jimd
Post Number: 102 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 12:15 pm: |      |
Hi all, Tom, as Jenn said, marmite is a spread for your morning toast. It's not made of yeast 'extract' however, but autolysized yeast, and a more vile substance has never been unleashed on the human palate. (Jenn, I suppose that places me squarely in the "hate it" category). If you want to get a sense of what it's like, put a match to a rubber band. That lovely burnt rubber smell is about what marmite tastes like. It's beyond me how anybody can stomach the stuff. On the McKenna/Harris thing, I would just tell you that there was a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes at that time. There were circumstances that were beyond CMD's control, none of which were ever made public, but they placed him in a difficult position as editor. I don't think you were bashing CMD, just please be aware that what you posted above is not the whole story, OK? Cheers, Jim |
Miff Unregistered guest
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 7:35 am: |      |
Perhaps I am being picky, but there has been a decline in the quality in Ripperologist. Firstly it would be nice if it actually had a bit more Ripper content in it. I know it’s a big ask to bring out fresh articles and research every two months, but articles about Mr Hyde and Joseph Merrick are all very well but are only very tenuously relevant. That said the article about Middlesex Street made good reading. Paul Beggs editorial attack on ‘Diary Sceptics’ for that is what it was – an attack, was slightly bizarre! To first bemoan the endless circular arguments, then jump right in with them, and begin an endless circular argument. The patently absurd assertion that evidential examination no longer comes down to the balance of probabilities but to personal preference is shocking coming from such a noted author. Then again, it was gratifying to see Johnny O’ get a mention even if it was mildly scathing. Frankly, this issue I found mildly boring. And please the tit for tat bitching with Ripperana? Gentlemen and Ladies this is not the school playground. |
AIP Unregistered guest
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 7:48 am: |      |
How anyone can call being associated with the stupid diary fame I really don't know. Infamy would be a better name for those getting into print by being associated with it. |
Thomas C. Wescott
Inspector Username: Tom_wescott
Post Number: 204 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 10:51 pm: |      |
Jenn and Jim, Thanks for the tip on marmite. Sounds sick. You British peeps eat weird stuff. But I still love ya. Jim, You're right, I was not bashing CMD, and I'm not surprised what I wrote was not the whole behind the scenes' story, but it was my version and all are welcome to come here and add their own. As for CMD, I think he's awesome, and not just because I'm a nut-swinging Ripper author whore as Ally pointed out, but because I love the stuff he writes and think he's a great guy. Oh yeah, and he has my copy of Overton-Fuller's book. Ally, Alright, let's take a look at this: Ally writes: You know personally, I find the hero worship of Ripper authors constantly displayed on the boards to be somewhat nauseating. Tom replies: So do I. They are people, they have faults (rather large ones is some cases) and they don't get special treatment, at least not from me. Tom replies: Nor from myself. Ally writes: No offense, but if Chris George says something totally dumbass, then he deserves to get called on it just as much as the next Tom, Ally or Jenni. Tom replies: Agreed. Now let's move on to the part where Ally says something totally dumbass. Ally writes: If I had posted the above to anyone else other than Chris George, would you have been moved to defend them and ask why I was being so "hard on him"? I doubt it seriously. Tom replies: Of course you doubt it, because as I noted in my last post, you're inclined to assume the worst in people, so you assume my motives are one of 'hero-worship' and not out of genuine affection for the guy. You forget I was on these boards long before you, and go further back with some of these people. Incidentally, Chris is not a Ripper author, as he's never put out a Ripper book. Boo-ya! Ally writes: I have said much worse than that, Tom replies: Yes, and your consistency is quite remarkable. Ally continues: with nary a peep. Tom replies: That's because I read very few threads on here and miss most of what is said. There's only so much Maybrick, Barnett, Pub Talk and 'Useless Thread To Increase Your Rank' one can take. Also, I don't know many of the posters on here now. Most of the good ones are long gone. Ally writes: I am glad you like Chris George. Tom replies: Yeah, somebody's got to, right? Ally writes: I am sure it makes him feel special. Tom replies: Really!? Did he say he likes me?! Ally writes: I am glad you feel Ripperologist is improving dramatically since Eduardo came aboard and Chris. Great for them and kudos on their success. Tom replies: And I'm ecstatic to see that your talent for condescension, like a Ripper's blade, only gets sharper with time. Ally writes: But the facts are these: the photo of Janet was gratuitous I don't care what Chris George says to the contrary. Tom replies: And who was the first one to mention this on the Casebook? Ahem... But, having said that, who cares. You also said the pic of Andy Aliffe on the last Ripper Notes was gratuitous. You're starting to sound like a feminazi here. Just point it out and be done with it. Ally writes: The Rip has in the past constantly been given to nasty attacks specifically against Mel Harris, the one example given was just the one that stands out in my mind. Tom replies: And the example you noted was NOT a nasty attack. It was appropriate, though McKenna was also guilty of venom-spewing. So, at worst, their review was a bit unbalanced, not vicious. Ally writes: As stated above, Ripper authors are not perfect, they can be just as petty and vindictive as those who are not and frankly after rubbing elbows with a large number of them, my starry eyed hero worship has quite evaporated, not that I had much to begin with. Tom replies: I'll have to take your word as far as the pettiness and vindictiveness goes, as you're more qualified than I to make such an assessment. And I'm sorry to hear of the effect they had on your elbows. Ally writes: So if they come on an internet message board and make asinine statements on threads I am reading I am going to say quite clearly their statements are asinine. Tom replies: And I'll join you in that chorus. Ally, your statements here are asinine. Now, Ally. I actually am a bit offended at the accusation of hero-worship. Had it come from someone else I'd be very offended. I am not a newbie (except by Whittington-Egan's standards), and yet you treat me like one. As I've noted, I've been here longer than you and have been communicating with many of these people before you ever heard of this site. I also find your accusation a bit odd since recently I've written the following about the following authors: Caz, Skinner, that Linder guy: Biased and manipulative. Begg: Dry as toast, and referred to his new book (albeit jokingly, as I've not yet read it) as 'JTR: The Facts According to Anderson'. Slemen: Having the intellect of a 6th grader. Begg/George/Zinna: You've read my Rip comments. De Locksley: To Ripperology what bin Laden is to World Peace Cornwell: Toilet paper A.P. Wolf: I insist that he's a she and called her on the asinine theory that neither Anderson's witness nor suspect were Jewish. Got called a lot of names for my effort. Hinton: I'm on record regarding my feelings on his 'super rat' theory. Digrazia: I want my Overton-Fuller book back. Those are just a few examples. Very few Ripper authors have me on their speed dial, but the ones I communicate with know I'm sincere and honest. I'm a horrible groupie. I don't believe I'm ever malicious, and I don't set out to hurt people's feelings. But, thankfully, when I was new to the case many years ago, a handful of people (including George, Digrazia, and Evans)recognized that, although green, my interest was legit, and they went out of their way to help me and encourage me, because they knew there was plenty of people out there waiting to call me on it when they felt I'd said something 'totally dumbass'. Like I said, I justify my defense of George based on my personal experience with him. I'm not a Ripper author groupie and don't appreciate the accusation. Don't believe me? Write a book and find out. I'd also like to point out that I'm not sleeping with Stephen Ryder...you are. Yours truly, Tom Wescott
Thomas C. Wescott
Inspector Username: Tom_wescott
Post Number: 205 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 10:52 pm: |      |
Chris, By the way, when will the new issue be mailed out? Yours truly, Tom Wescott |
Caroline Anne Morris
Assistant Commissioner Username: Caz
Post Number: 1256 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 6:48 am: |      |
Hi All, For those of you who prefer the taste of history based on the simpler, more logical explanations in life, try this one for size: The simplest, most logical explanation for why the ripper mystery itself remains unsolved may well be that Jack was a nobody who left no trail behind when the killing stopped, and whose identity was not known beyond doubt to another living soul at the time, and therefore never can be known, no matter how much dedicated research is done, and regardless of any new information relating to the case, or to individual suspects, that may be brought to light as a result. And yet, considering just how many man hours are still being poured into the detailed study of this case, or spent bickering with each other about every minute aspect of related matters, anyone on the outside of Ripperology looking in must find it very hard to believe that the inmates are truly satisfied with this simple and logical explanation, and are not KHA (keeping hope alive), one way or t'other, that something new, something real, is out there somewhere, just waiting to be learned about the real person who committed the crimes. Love, Caz X Still waiting, and hoping, that something new, something real, will be revealed about the real person responsible for giving the real Mike Barrett, and the real world, the b..... scrapbook in which the Maybrick diary is written. |
Chief Inspector Username: Ally
Post Number: 750 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 6:48 am: |      |
Tom, First, When did I say the photo of Andy Ailiffe was gratuitous? Just out of curiousity because I don't quite remember that being said. Second, When a certain publication consistently writes unbalanced negative pieces against a certain individual, then they are rightly labeled attacks. You are not so dumb as to play semantical word games. Third, you are quite right. Perhaps hero-worship was the wrong thing to label against you personally, but your labeling a reasonable argument against a person "as being hard on him" after you admit that you post stuff equally bad could then seem hypocritical could it not? So maybe you are just biased not starry-eyed? Fourth, if you ever denigrate my personal relationships on this board again, I will personally beat the living sh_t out of you should we meet. I don't attack your family or your personal relationships. The fact that you felt the need to resort to such tactics is apallingly low, pathetic and completely unworthy and frankly, I expected better from you than that kind of gutter sniping. Don't EVER dare call me on my bad behavior...that skanky display lost you your right. And I don't know who has you on speed dial, I could guess...but I think their sleaze is starting to rub off on you. Maybe you ought to disconnect the phone.
The Vitriolic Victimizer |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1082 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 7:00 am: |      |
Anyway, i really enjoyed this months Rip! Some good stuff in there, not that I've read it all yet but anyway.... Jenni ps Caz, the inmates, I know it sometimes feels like it but this is not a prison! "Think things, not words." - O.W. Holmes jr |
John V. Omlor
Chief Inspector Username: Omlor
Post Number: 833 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 7:38 am: |      |
Caroline writes about the simplest and most logical explanations around here. She should remember this. In the case of the diary, only ONE of all those simplest and most logical and obvious explanations has to be true for the book to be a forgery. Only ONE, from the entire list, and the conclusion is valid and even necessary. If the Poste House means the Poste House or "tin matchbox empty" means "tin matchbox empty" or the handwriting isn't the real Maybrick's because the real Maybrick didn't write it or the details of the murders are wrong because the murderer wasn't writing them or the Sphere Book and the diary both have the same specific line from the same specific poem excerpted and cited in them because one was the source for the other or the book has no provenance and there's no evidence anywhere to support its claims to authenticity simply because no such evidence exists or there's no evidence anywhere that even suggests it existed in the proper century because it didn't, then the book's a fake. Yes, if just ONE of these simple, logical, and obvious explanations turns out to be true, the book MUST be a fake. The only possible way the book could conceivably be anything other than a fake is if not one but every single simple and logical and obvious explanation all turn out simultaneously to be completely false. My friends, this is precisely how valid inductive conclusions are arrived at, and there is nothing irrational or ahistorical or irresponsible about them. When every single piece of evidence points exclusively in one direction, when every single logical and obvious explanation leads to exactly the same conclusion, when there is not anything but sheer desire and a reliance on staggeringly odds-defying coincidences on the other, then there is nothing at all wrong with asserting a rational and valid conclusion. And as Miff quite correctly points out for us, it has nothing whatsoever to do with "personal preference" or what tastes better. The title of Paul's editorial was charming, but it was irrelevant to the debates he described. Purely unevidenced desire can trump the evidence and the logic forever for some, but you can't fault readers for asking "what's the simplest and most obvious explanation?" and then, when the answer to that question is precisely the same in each and every case, drawing the responsible and logical conclusion. That's why there has been, for a long time now, nothing new and nothing real in Diary World, and why this obvious fake should be understood for exactly what it is (as even Paul himself has often admitted). I do understand, of course, that this little editorial essay was an exercise in rhetorical power and not the truth of things. But the truth of things should not be forgotten amidst the petty squabbling. From Diary World, with love, --John
Thomas C. Wescott
Inspector Username: Tom_wescott
Post Number: 207 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 11:06 pm: |      |
Ally writes: First, When did I say the photo of Andy Ailiffe was gratuitous? Just out of curiousity because I don't quite remember that being said. Tom replies by posting the following from another thread: Ally Chief Inspector Username: Ally Post Number: 673 Registered: 4-2003 Posted on Monday, July 26, 2004 - 11:24 am: ________________________________________ I liked the new format but thought the cover art looked like something produced by a fourteen year old doing a horror-zine. Gore and naked women...how cliched for a ripper magazine. The Sickert art could have been nice by itself but when coupled with the blood dolls just seemed adolescent. Perhaps it was supposed to be edgy instead of just tacky? Ally writes: Second, When a certain publication consistently writes unbalanced negative pieces against a certain individual, then they are rightly labeled attacks. You are not so dumb as to play semantical word games. Tom replies: Are you referring to Ripperana? If so, I agree. Their prejudice is obvious. I’m afraid I have seen this ‘consistently’ in Ripperologist, though I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m just saying it didn’t jump out at me. And I don’t miss much. Ally writes: Third, you are quite right. Perhaps hero-worship was the wrong thing to label against you personally, but your labeling a reasonable argument against a person "as being hard on him" after you admit that you post stuff equally bad could then seem hypocritical could it not? So maybe you are just biased not starry-eyed? Tom replies: Thank you for the double-edged apology. When my personal relationships are denigrated, I can get kind of testy. And if you absolutely must apply labels to everyone, then I’m fine with either a ‘hypocrite’ or ‘biased’, but it can’t be both. Ally writes: Fourth, if you ever denigrate my personal relationships on this board again, I will personally beat the living sh_t out of you should we meet. Tom replies: Sweet. I just got physically threatened by a moderator (cough-Terms of Use-cough). Ally writes: I don't attack your family or your personal relationships. Tom replies: Hold on, let me read that again….yep, that’s what you said. Why were you just apologizing to me a second ago? Wasn’t it because you had just completely trivialized my relationship (completely hetero, folks) with Chris George and Ripper authors (a fraternity to which Chris George does not yet belong, further highlighting the irony of Ally’s insult)? I’m sure you’ll backslide at that, but that’s what it was. Another point of irony (aside from the two already mentioned) is that you vehemently defend Melvin Harris…a Ripper author. But I agree that Melvin was good peeps who did much for Ripperology in his time. I also acknowledge that he was very biting and even mean at times. And where does ‘family’ come into play? Did you two get hitched? Did I erupt into ‘yo mama’ jokes? Ally writes: the fact that you felt the need to resort to such tactics is apallingly low, pathetic and completely unworthy Tom replies: Unworthy of what? I’m a hypocritical, biased, nut-swinger, remember? Besides, all I said is you sleep with Ryder. Is that a falsehood? If so, my apologies. Oh yeah, I also mentioned that I do not sleep with Ryder. Is that a falsehood as well? God, I hope not! Ally writes: and frankly, I expected better from you than that kind of gutter sniping. Tom replies: Sorry, it was the best I could think of at the time. Seems to have entertained a number of folks, though, judging by the e-mails I’m receiving. Ally writes: Don't EVER dare call me on my bad behavior...that skanky display lost you your right. Tom replies: Ah, come on, Alegria. I thought we agreed we were supposed to call everyone out when they said something totally dumbass. Let me check the Terms of Use….well, I’ll be a Maybrick, there it is! In fine print and just under the part that reads: I will post nothing to any public forum under the casebook.org domain that includes content that may be deemed libelous, slanderous, defamatory (i.e. accusing a veteran poster of nut-swinging), lewd or obscene (i.e. agreeing with Radka), offensive to any ethnic or cultural group (i.e. comparing all Americans to Cornwell), or otherwise inappropriate (i.e. physically threatening posters). It then goes on to read, ‘Should I comment on Ally and Ryder’s relationship, I risk losing the right to call others out when they say something totally dumbass. My bad! I guess you and I both need to read up on our Terms of Use, ey? Ally writes: And I don't know who has you on speed dial, I could guess...but I think their sleaze is starting to rub off on you. Tom replies: Nope, wrong. Fido never calls me. Good guess, though. Ally writes: Maybe you ought to disconnect the phone. Tom replies: No need to, my dinosaur azz is still on dial-up, so while I’m on here pouring over your every word, no one can call me. Imagine their disappointment. Just for the record, Ally, I wasn’t insinuating that you sleep with Ryder because he’s Casebook webmaster, so you overreacted…again. No need to get so worked up. I was merely going further in pointing out the irony of what you accused me of, and, to be honest, I felt the line had ‘punch’. You are correct in stating that denigrating someone’s family or personal relationship is below me. I’ve only ONCE before been accused of kissing up to an author, and that was by some non-entity on here who accused me of sack-wrangling Stewart Evans (that one is true…I don’t know how the man walks!). Having said that, I admire anyone who can produce a dependable, readable, and worthwhile piece of historical research and I do not, like so many envious wannabes on these boards, set out to humiliate or denigrate someone just because he happens to be a semi well-known Ripper author. That door swings both ways: authors are often treated better, but they’re often treated worse, and suspect bias is too often assumed of them when they try to post. All in all, I’m glad you’re on these boards Ally. I’ll bet if you wrote a Ripper book it would the best one written by a woman thus far (yeah, I know, real stiff competition there). I’d be curious to learn your actual views on the case. This has been the longest conversation I’ve had with someone on here in a long time, and strangely, I believe there’s more Ripper-related discussion in our argument than in the entirety of the new issue of Ripperologist that I received today and have thus far only thumbed through, but am about to start reading. Please respond in a slightly less offensive tone, and I promise I’ll not be defensive. Yours truly , Tom Wescott P.S. Paul Begg wrote me. He read the part about ‘JTR: The Facts According To Anderson’. Oops.
Chief Inspector Username: Ally
Post Number: 753 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 6:53 am: |      |
1. Once again, where did I say the photo of Andy Ailiffe was gratutitous? That post wasn't talking about Andy Ailiffe. I am not being snotty, I seriously do not understand what you are talking about. On Ripper notes, I thought the pictures of the blood doll things were tacky. I still do. I don't see how that equates with me saying a photo of Andy is gratuitous. Was he one of the models for the blood dolls? 2. Tom. Sigh. There is a vast difference between being called an ass-kisser and being called a whore. And if you have a "personal relationship" of the type to which I was referring with Chris George..well I admire your courage in outing the both of you on the boards. I shall alert Mikey that he has been joined by friends. You were definitely referring to my groupie status when you were discussing my sex life and frankly, the only person who needs to be discussing my sex life is me, and definitely not in a public forum and not on an internet message board. The sex life of any poster has no business being used as a weapon on this board and that includes me, you, Fido and Begg. Don't go there. It's irrelevant to the conversation. You insinuated I was a groupie and made reference to me sleeping with someone. When a man has to resort to calling a woman a whore to win an argument all it does is show how weak he is, both as a man and an arguer. If you actually want to call me a whore straight out, feel free, that I don't mind. But do not think you can denigrate my personal relationships on the boards without getting a severe ass-kicking as a result. In other words, don't bring the object of my affections into it. If you want to wrangle with me and call me every dirty name in the book, go ahead ( I won't go crying to the management like a big cough..sissy..cough) but do it straight to me and don't bring the names of others into this. Oh and yes I just physically threatened you again, but no, I am not a moderator and haven't been for over a year now, almost two. I found being a moderator too constricting as I couldn't tell someone that they would get the ass-kicking they richly deserved or what total idiotic morons they were ( not saying you are a moron, just saying that I wanted the freedom to say such things should I choose). As for me ever writing a book...shoot, no way, no how. The only book I could ever write was "The Real Inside Story, The Backstabbing, The Lies, The Quest for Ripper Domination" and who would ever want to read that? So it's clear, the above is not written in an offensive tone. However, it is early and I didn't bother choosing my words with total care. So it may seem that way. It's not though. Off for a weekend in the woods, Ally P.S I am sure that's the pretext Begg used to write to you. If he sticks to that subject I'll drop dead with shock.
The Vitriolic Victimizer |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1094 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 7:08 am: |      |
It's good to see everyone enjoyed Rip this month!! I certainly feel i have gotten my money's worth! Jenni "Think things, not words." - O.W. Holmes jr |
Christopher T George
Chief Inspector Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 948 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 11:37 am: |      |
Hi All Cutting through the atmosphere here with a knife, ho ho, . . . Tom, to answer your question, the next issue is the November issue which will be our Tenth Anniversary issue with some special contents to celebrate the landmark. If the issue is on time, you should actually see it in November if not before, perhaps by the desperate anniversary of the death of Mary Jane Kelly, November 9, 2004, the 116th anniversary of the tragic death of that lady. Tom, I look forward to reading your review of our September issue which I am glad you have received. Mine is probably waiting for me at home. I have been in Washington, D.C., these past three days attending a work meeting so have not been home. It's always a treat for me to see the actual published issue although I work on the proofs beforehand and help Adam, Paul, and Eduardo with assembling the issue and soliciting articles for upcoming issues. Everyone, we thank you for your support and are pleased that you realise it is not easy for us to put out a Ripper-oriented journal every two months. Tom is correct that not all of our content is directly related to the case. In addition to articles on the Whitechapel murders (e.g., Scott Nelson's recent article on the Jewish suspect and Rob Hills ongoing speculative articles on the slaughterer suspect), we try to include material on Victorian and East End history that illuminate understanding of the case, where it took place, and the era in which it occurred, as well as to keep our readership up to date with the latest news in the field. If some of our material is light-hearted in our "I Beg to Report" section or in the editorials we run, we hopefully do entertain. I do feel that the flap over the Janet Jackson photograph from one party on this board and in the U.S. media is a bit "American hypocritical" given Yoko Ono's art display in Liverpool, against which the Jackson incident is nothing. We ran that photograph to accompany a note that Janet Jackson has referenced the Ripper in a duet on her latest album, so the illustration was not entirely superfluous but used as illustrative matter for a legitimate Ripper "news" item. All the best Chris (Message edited by chrisg on September 24, 2004) Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist http://www.ripperologist.info
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 3090 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 1:29 pm: |      |
Hi Chris Re the Jackson pic, I tried to turn my head away, but it was too late : I'd been corrupted. Robert |
Christopher T George
Chief Inspector Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 950 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 2:32 pm: |      |
Hi Robert You're lucky. I've heard that some people who saw the photograph were turned into pillars of salt. All the best Chris Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist http://www.ripperologist.info
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