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Chris Scott
Chief Inspector Username: Chris
Post Number: 876 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Friday, February 06, 2004 - 12:36 am: |      |
I had seen reference to the letter from Frederick Douglass to a friend of his called Amy post. the letter is headed: Liverpool England. June 10. 1887 The extract dealing with his meeting with Tumblety reads as follows: I have something to tell you. I met a man in the street a day or two ago-- who introduced himself to me as Dr. Tomblety. He spoke freely of yourself and Jacob. I shall want to know more of him if I shall be spared to see you again. He told me much about himself in a very brief space, for he seemed to have more tongue[s?] than ears. I could not get a word in anywhere and you know I am too much in love with my own voice to like being suppressed and overtalked in that way, but enough of Dr. Tomblety. He seemed a good fellow after all. Pic of the original handwritten page below:
Nothing earth shaterring in this I know, but I thought some may not have seen it before Chris |
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, February 06, 2004 - 12:21 pm: |      |
I'm just a novice at hand-writing analysis but I would like to see this looked at by someone who knows more than I do. But here is what I pick up from the letter anyhow. This person was neat but not too uptight. The open letters like in the last word, "ALL" suggest this person liked to talk about rumours. You can also tell that by the content of the letter as well. The "-" to the right lines of the crossed "T's" where some seem to float and not touch the steam. This would suggest this person has thoughts or day dreams dared not shared with others. The roundness of most of the letters that should have sharp edges like "V's" but are rounded much like a "U" also suggest that this person is a bit of a pervert.  |
Vincent Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, February 06, 2004 - 1:55 pm: |      |
"The roundness of most of the letters that should have sharp edges like "V's" but are rounded much like a "U" also suggest that this person is a bit of a pervert." Well, that's the first time I've ever heard the word "pervert" used to describe Frederick Douglass. Could you elaborate? Wait, maybe you had better not.....I think you need another hobby. |
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, February 06, 2004 - 4:47 pm: |      |
Hey there no need to be that way about it. Okay? If you don't trust me on this subject you can look this stuff up in books yourself, it's not that hard to find. In fact I wish more people would learn even a little Handwriting analysis, it can tell you a whole lot about a person. Handwriting analysis is used as a tool to pick up some facts about a person. It's not 100% of course but it has been used in court cases. I only know the over all patterns not details, like I said I'm a novice at hand-writing analysis not an expert. I know enough to pick up some things right off. In this case of someone writing "V's" with rounded ends means they have some perverted issues. They may not show this to others, some people are closet perverts and seem prude in public. Nobody tells everyone everything about themselfs do they?  |
Vincent Unregistered guest
| Posted on Saturday, February 07, 2004 - 9:23 pm: |      |
You are right. I apologize for the rather snippy tone of my comment. I actually rather enjoyed your analysis of Frederick Douglass handwriting. I mean, this man is only the greatest American of African descent except-perhaps Martin Luther King. He has always been a particular hero of mine. Born a slave, largely self educated, and a man of iron will. If I were to try to conceive of someone in the english-speaking Victorian world who is the diametric opposite of your handwriting analysis it would be either him or Ulysses S. Grant. But I admit, I have no idea what his sexual predilections were-- whether perverted or not-- so I bow to your expert analysis Regards, Vincent |
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 - 12:50 pm: |      |
Vincent, I'm not an expert... Yet. I want to become better at handwriting analysis though. There are many things even on the internet about this subject. I even learned things about myself. I'm not sure how Frederick Douglass became a Ripper suspect in the first place? Do you know? I believe the man should be taken of the JTR suspect list. He seems to too much of a talker by not only how he rights but what he writes. But alas even Lewis Carroll is on the list. Alice in Wonderland and some of his poems have meant a lot to me all my life. Yet he his stuck on the list of suspects of one of the worst killers in history. I think these two do not belong on the list at all and should have never been put on it in the first place. Oscar Wilde isn't on it but he might as well be, because these two are on it. PS - I myself write with a rounded curve to my "V's" too. I guess if you read some of my poems and stories you might say I'm a bit of a pervert too. Though not to the point I'd do any of this stuff. I just write it in stories, perhaps the same can be said of this man too? |
Vincent Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, February 13, 2004 - 9:15 am: |      |
Looks like my last reply was lost so here it is again. You need to go back and re-read this thread from the beginning. Frederick Douglass is not-and as far as I know, has never been-a ripper suspect. Chris Scott posted a letter written by Douglass to a friend where he describes a meeting with Francis Tumblety. Tumblety is the ripper suspect here, not Douglass. That is why I find your handwriting analysis so amusing, and handwriting analysis in general such a crock. Regards, Vincent |
Zealous Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, February 13, 2004 - 8:07 pm: |      |
To be fair Vinny MMC said he wasn't a good suspect. What more do you want? Take a deep breath, and relax. Is this my 25 words? |
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, February 13, 2004 - 6:34 pm: |      |
Vencent, It is posted on this site that, "you don't have to agree with ANYONE, but you DO have to retain a certain level of decorum" Gracias senior. I was unsure about this guy being a JTR suspect. Okay? God knows there are so many and many more popping up all the time. Excuse me for thinking he might have been a suspect. Excuse me for not being perfect. However, I have to disagree with you if handwriting analysis was a "crock" like you say, then (A) It would not be used in a court of law and (B) I wouldn't bother learning it. Gee thanks for shooting down something I wanted to learn how to do and making fun of me to boot. FYI - Handwriting analysis is a tool used in so many cases and it HAS solved crimes. Perhaps you did not know that but it is true. Police do not think it's a crock or amusing nor do judges. It is used because it can prove many things about people and that is why it is used in a court of law. That's why police use it to compare writen text. If handwriting was not important anyone could steal a check, write the name of the person it was taken from and get away with it. Forged checks are the most common form it's used for to prove who did or who did not write a check. Hello? If someone got a hold of one of your checks and forged your name so they could cash them. I doubt you would laugh about handwriting analysis after that. Otherwise you could kiss the money in your bank account adios. |
Vincent Unregistered guest
| Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 7:33 am: |      |
There is a vast difference between someone forging my name on a check and someone claiming that they can discern flaws in my character based upon whether or not I round my "v's". If you are really going to study handwriting analysis you will need better ammunition than that. And I suggest you develop a thicker skin because you will undoubtedly encounter much harsher criticism than I have given you. I agree with you that it is hard keeping track of all the suspects. Let's at least agree to leave Frederick Douglass off the list for now. For what its worth, I would actually be interested in hearing your analysis of Tumblety's handwriting, or any other contemporary suspect. I don't believe in it but I'll bet it would be an interesting read. Regards, Vincent |
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 3:50 pm: |      |
Well Vencent, I think I really need to tell you a little about myself. Maybe after that you will understand why I'm trying leaning handwriting analysis. Part of is to maybe get a better job but that's not the only reason, no sir. I'll get to all that in a monent but for now I will tell you it has to do with letters I've held on to for many years. Maybe you will understand why I am not happy about you saying that handwriting analysis is a crock. When I said what I did about the checks that was to give you a common use for it. It has many uses by police and other members of the law. Even by the FBI and CIA for crying out loud. What they have not verified, they have expose in so many cases. These people are experts and I am not, I could have lied and said I was an expert. I am alas only a mere novice so far. I'm not a good liar, not even little white lies that hurt no one. In fact I could have kept the truth about a cheating wife a friend of mine had just married. I didn't and because I did tell the truth neither of them talk to me anymore. So you see I'm far too blunt and outspoken to be a liar. As you'll see if I decide I want to talk to you anymore after this. Anyway, I do know a bit about the subject but only basic points. If you wish to know more one place you can check out right now is the "Crime Library" web site. They have their own search you can just type in "handwriting" or "handwriting analysis" and I'm sure something about this subject will pop up. No it's not a perfect but it's a heck of a lot closser than a lie detector test. Even DNA is not 100% it's 99.9% if done right. You might wish to know that some people thought that both finger printing and DNA test were a "crock" too. There are even some people still believe the earth is flat. And still some people would argue with a sign post. In any case the URL for the Crime Library is... http://www.crimelibrary.com/index.html Believe it or not I was just trying to be as nice as I could to you because I didn't want this to turn into a arguement over the board. Capice? I could have been nasty myself about the little digs you gave me but I wasn't. I held my temper in check, which for a sarcastic person such as myself is not a very easy thing to do. I'm no powder puff, in fact I maybe the toughest woman other than female boxers. If I got one red cent for every bit of "harsh criticism" I ever got just from my own family members. I could buy and sell Bill Gates, Don Trump and still have enough left to have Mick Jagger come sing to me at my place. Capice? If I wrote a book about all the things I have had to deal with and put up in my life, it would likely end up in the horror section. For one thing I have a long term stranger stalker who has made it his goal in life to be obsessive about my life. He's done all sorts of things like leaving me photo-copying awful letters he's hand writen. Which I doubt have his finger prints on them thus the reason to photo-copy them. Parts my stalkers letters come across as some of the JTR letters hoaxes or not. My stalker has a handle like "Jack the Ripper" my stalker calls himself "Phantom" which some people did call JTR. Jack the Ripper, the Whitechapel killer and the "Phantom Killer." Also some of the drawings my stalker has made on the letters are a mixture of the Ripper, Zodiac and Son of Sam. I do have a main suspect who I went to both middle and high school with. For many reasons this guy is first on my list of suspects. My stalker has warned my not to talk to this guy and this guy's on behavior since I left school has made me wonder about him. I shan't go into all the details but I either need to clear his name or make sure he is the right guy I suspect. Last thing I want to do is point my finger at the wrong person so I have taken up leaning many things that might help me expose this stalker and get him out of my life once and for all. I even took a Private Eye course for that very reason. They gave my first taste of handwriting analysis. However I suppose you think Private Eyes are a crock too? (SIGHS) I'm an artist, cartoonist, poet/writer etc but I still have to work. If I could get a better job I could get more money to do more with it. I have a web site I'm working on still that has some of my art etc on it if you want me to give it to you just let me know and I'll post it then. Okay? But not if you are just going to make jabs at me again. In that case see you in church. |
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