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Sebastien Anquez
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, February 21, 2003 - 6:15 am: |
Hello, I'm a casebook reader from France and a newbie regarding the jtr's case. In this marvelous site I've discovered the two dissertations written by Michael Conlon about Arbie LaBruckman and his cousin Ameer Ben Ali and thought that LaBruckman was a good suspect. I thought too that living in France could be a chance for trying to find some infos about a possible french past of this suspect. Even it is not a proven fact that LaBruckman once lived in Alsace I began to seek in this direction. These are the general and maybe not interesting things i found : - There was a strong jewish community in alsace in the 19th century. - Algeria was declare french territory (colony) in 1848. - A 1870 decree called The crémieux decree give the french citizenship to the jewish community of Algeria (not to the muslim). - There were jews from Algeria in Alsace. - The form of the name "La Bruckman" is similar as a common way the jews (i don't know if it's the jews themselves or the alsacian) named themselves, ex : "Le" or "La" and the name of the alsacian town they're living. - There is no town called Bruckman in alsace (for what i'm knowing) but the root Bruck or Brück is used in alsace (Brück means gate) - Numerous young men escaped from the country fearing to be incorporate in the german army (Germany took back the country in 1871). It is known that many of them made their way to America. Now these are some questions i want to ask to the casebook's community members : - Considering that i'm living in France, how can I help someone in his research on the jtr's subject ? - Is there any french members in the community ? - Do you think my English is too awful to join your community (just say it if it's the case)? From Seb Bye
Kevin Braun
Police Constable Username: Kbraun
Post Number: 4 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, February 21, 2003 - 12:26 pm: |
Hi Seb, Welcome to Casebook. Great first post. I also think that Arbie LaBruckman is a good suspect. In 1889 Arbie LaBruckman claimed that he been employed for the past fourteen years by Meyer Goldsmith as a cattleman on the steamers of the National Line. He was twenty nine at the time, therefore he probably left France in his early teens, and eventually ended up in NYC. He was know to use the alias John Francis. I wonder if any National Line cattleboats frequented French ports. If they did, maybe something can be mined from the ships' registries. They were known to frequent Spainish ports. From the editor's note at the end of Mr. Colon's dissertation "A Tale of Two Frenchys", NO 1 was Algerian, No 2 was Moroccan. Take care, Kevin P.S. IMHO your English is fine. |
Mark Andrew Pardoe
Police Constable Username: Picapica
Post Number: 5 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, February 21, 2003 - 7:23 pm: |
Whatho Seb, There's nothing wrong with your English; I can understand your points. Come aboard. I've never heard of this Le Bruckman character. I main thought is: was he in England in 1888? If you can prove that then you certainly do have the beginings of a case and it is probably better than some of the dafter suspects of which I have read. Cheers, Mark |
Jeff Bloonfield
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Sunday, February 23, 2003 - 8:07 pm: |
Not much to tell you about La Bruckman, but I can fill you in on one minor piece of background information. The Cremieux decree that granted French citizenship to Algerian Jews was created in 1848, by Adolphe Cremieux (one of the leaders of the Second French Republic). He was a Jewish Frenchman, which helps explain his law - though why not for Mohammedans is a matter I can't answer. Good luck, Jeff |
Dan L. Hollifield
Police Constable Username: Vila
Post Number: 3 Registered: 2-2003

| Posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 - 8:46 am: |
Hi Seb, If I remember correctly, Mike Conlon was excited about being able to tie boats from the shipping firm that La Bruckman worked for docking in London on the murder dates. But he had yet to find out if Arbie worked on those particular boats, however. Crew lists for the National Line ships that were in port in London on those dates would tie that down. And welcome to the world's greatest mystery! Vila
Julia Unregistered guest
| Posted on Monday, January 05, 2004 - 1:34 am: |
Hi all, I am considering writing my dissertation on JTR and his "French Connections" (getting a PhD in French, so I have to somehow tie it in!) Anyway, in response to Seb's posting, I wondered if there is any more information about whether John Francis is the only alias he had. Also, do we know for sure he was Moroccan? Seb, est-ce que vous avez une idee de comment faire une recherche sur les listes de membres de l'equipe (c'est bien le mot?) des bateaux National Line a Londres en 1888? Vous pouvez le faire plus facilement de la France que moi des E-U, probablement. Anyway, if anyone has any ideas about other connections to France, please let me know. Best, Jules |
Inspector Username: Diana
Post Number: 232 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 05, 2004 - 10:43 am: |
The last victim, Mary Jane Kelly, claimed to have spent some time in France and liked to call herself "Marie Jeannette". |
Inspector Username: Diana
Post Number: 233 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 05, 2004 - 11:06 am: |
I have just read with interest the earlier postings on this thread. I have remarked in the past on JtRs seeming obsession with gates. Imagine my surprise to see that "bruck" means gate. Polly Nichols was killed by the gates to a stableyard. Annie Chapman was killed by the back door of a house. Elizabeth Stride was killed by the gate of Dutfield's yard. Catherine Eddowes was found by a 'hoarding' which means gate. |
Debbie Unregistered guest
| Posted on Wednesday, February 04, 2004 - 1:18 am: |
What I want to know is why the possibility of two killers isn't discussed. This is unusual, but not unheard of, and one witness did see two men. That would explain varying descriptions, and the fact that both La Bruckman and Ali were suspected says a lot. Maybe they worked together. |
Jason Scott Mullins
Detective Sergeant Username: Crix0r
Post Number: 83 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Thursday, February 05, 2004 - 1:33 pm: |
Hi Debbie - It is discussed.. at great length. Unfortunately, it's in my head that the discussion takes place. I had the thought many moons ago and I believe I might have even had a post or two on the subject. Though, I'd have to dig it up to be certain... Like the others that came before me, I can't seem to make it work 'cleanly'. Worry not though, I'm trying crix0r |
Nathan Fahnestock
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, February 12, 2004 - 6:11 pm: |
Hey guys- I just heard of La Bruckman as a possible suspect recently and I'm very intrigued. I do have a few questions though: Was La Bruckman's cousin, Ali, also a sailor on a cattle ship? If so, is it possible that they sailed together? And if thats also true, could the two men seen by Israel Schwartz accosting Elizabeth Stride in fact be La Bruckman and Ali? I like what Debbie stated above about the possibility of two killers. Its rare but not unheard of. I also find it interesting that La Bruckman was questioned on the JTR killings and found again to be a suspect in another murder in another country after that. I think La Bruckman(and possibly Ali)make for interesting suspect(s). I realize, at this point, that most of the evidence is very circumstantial but also very interesting. But mostly I'm interested in the possibility of these two being the attackers of Stride. Any thoughts? |
Wolf Vanderlinden
Detective Sergeant Username: Wolf
Post Number: 57 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Friday, February 13, 2004 - 12:58 pm: |
Ameer Ben Ali and Arbie La Bruckman were not cousins and were not related to one another. Ben Ali had come to New York, in about late 1889 or early 1890, from Brazil while working on a fruit boat but once in New York he made his money doing odd jobs and begging. The two men apparently met in New York and became friends, therefore sometime after 1889/90, and there is absolutely no evidence that they knew each other in 1888 or that Ben Ali ever visited London in his life. Wolf. |
Jason Scott Mullins
Detective Sergeant Username: Crix0r
Post Number: 93 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Friday, February 13, 2004 - 1:09 pm: |
Wolf - You seem to be well informed on the subject. Mind if I ask you a few questions? What happened to La Bruckman after all of this mess in New York? Have we been able to validate his story of being arrested in London? Why were the two men referred to as cousins if they were in fact, not? I must say I'm new to the case and especially to the suspect side of it, but this man intrigues me!! Hmm, I have a lot more, but I don't want to put them all in one post Thanks! crix0r (Message edited by crix0r on February 13, 2004) |
Michael Raney
Detective Sergeant Username: Mikey559
Post Number: 95 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Friday, February 13, 2004 - 1:35 pm: |
This has gotten to be a hot topic the last few days. I want to keep my focus away from suspect oriented research, but I am becoming fascinated with La bruckman. Jason help! We must keep each other strong. Mikey PS....I'm gonna make inspector before you do! |
Jason Scott Mullins
Detective Sergeant Username: Crix0r
Post Number: 96 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Friday, February 13, 2004 - 1:50 pm: |
Indeed. For if we fall into the pit of despair® we shall surely end up wrong!! I recommend a sabbatical from the suspect threads. Though, let's not get off topic in _this_ thread Hit me up email if you need a support group!! crix0r |
Chris Michetti
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, February 13, 2004 - 2:53 pm: |
You guys are funny There's a lack of hard evidence but there is a whole boatload of circumstancial or clue-type evidence that points towards these 2 "frenchies"... especially La Bruckman. I too, am extremely intrigued by this suspect. Wouldn't it be something if Ali was indeed in London at some point? And the description given about the man who went to the Glendale (sp) Inn the following morning asking to wash up... does he match either of the two descriptions of the frenchies? Chris |
Wolf Vanderlinden
Detective Sergeant Username: Wolf
Post Number: 59 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, February 14, 2004 - 5:24 pm: |
Jason. To this point I have been unable to discover what eventually happened to La Bruckman but work is on going. Absolutely no evidence has been found to this date that in any way validates anything that La Bruckman claimed about his arrest in London for the Ripper murders. La Bruckman changed the details of his story several times and so it is impossible to trust anything that he said on the matter. Moreover, his claim that he was put on trial for being Jack the Ripper is an out and out lie. La Bruckman and Ben Ali probably described themselves as cousins, even though they were not related, because of a similar background. Ben Ali was from Algeria, in north Africa, while La Bruckman was from Morocco, a neighbouring country which bordered on Algeria. Both men spoke Arabic and both men spoke French. Ben Ali had fought for the French during the Franco-Prussian War and La Bruckman seems to have had French ancestry. Chris. The description of the blood stained man who entered the Glenmore Hotel in the early morning of the murder matched exactly with the description given by Mary Miniter of "C. Kniclo," the man who rented a room with Carrie Brown in the East River Hotel. The blood stained man was the same height, also had "light" coloured hair and a long nose and also appeared to be German. This fits neither Ameer Ben Ali nor Arbie La Bruckman. Wolf.
Jason Scott Mullins
Detective Sergeant Username: Crix0r
Post Number: 98 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 10:16 am: |
Wolf - Cool bagel. I'm still acquainting myself with all the facts that I can. Thankfully, you and and a few others have braved a path for folks like me I believe I read somewhere that La Bruckman was eventually suspected of being the ripper, or for just being 'sick and twisted' and on a trip back across the big pond® the rest of his shipmates threw him overboard. Feining stupidity when they got to port. Of course, if he had no fix address and no real family to speak of, it would be rather easy for him to disappear and not be missed. If that was the case, they didn't have a lot to fein for I wish I could remember where I read that. I'll look it up when I get home. Thanks for all your hard work on the subject and I personally look forward to hearing more from you on the subject. Though you probably don't need it, let me know if I can be of some assistance. crix0r |
Joe Dawson Unregistered guest
| Posted on Saturday, January 07, 2006 - 7:05 am: |
Do you remember who broke the implied "code of silence" and spoke about La Bruckman's death? Did they at the same time reveal what evidence (maybe his own boasting?) drove them to execute him? The account that he enjoyed cutting up live cattle certainly makes him out to be "sick and twisted" but presumably he did this for multiple years without being thrown overboard. |