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Message |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1522 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 6:42 am: |
Hi everyone, so I was looking at the list as it stands now and dispairing (for obvious reasons #1 need I say more!), when something occurred to me. Yes - something actually occurred to me. What an odd bunch of people right? I mean yes James Maybrick is number one and is about as credible as blah blah (this is for another thread!!) but number two is Tumblety, fairy credible, no? And Barnett, this surprises me (unless everyone who voted for him did it 39 times, sorry Richard couldn't resist!)because I wouldnt have called him a well known public suspect. I mean ...odd no? 1. Maybrick, James 2. Tumblety, Francis 3. Barnett, Joseph 4. Chapman, George 5. Kosminski, Aaron 6. Thompson, Francis 7. Lodger, The 8. Royal Conspiracy, The 9. Druitt, Montague John 10. Bury, W.H. 11. Jill the Ripper 12. Hutchinson, George (Br.) 13. Ostrog, Michael 14. Stephenson, R. D'Onston 15. Sickert Walter 16. Kelly, James 17. Cream, Dr. Thomas Neill 18. Stephen, James Kenneth 19. Albert Victor, Prince 20. Pedachenko, Dr. 21. Deeming, Frederick Bailey 22. Carroll, Lewis its a mixtutre of fairly credibles and crazy madness! Jenni
"I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ah"
Olivier P.M.G. Donni
Sergeant Username: Olivier
Post Number: 16 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 6:58 am: |
And Chapman is fourth. I suppose that Glenn will appreciate. :-) Olivier |
Glenn L Andersson
Assistant Commissioner Username: Glenna
Post Number: 2576 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 9:57 am: |
Yes, Jenni (and Olivier ) it's really a sad read. There is really not much left to say. All the best G, Sweden "Well, do you... punk?" Dirty Harry, 1971
Robert W. House
Inspector Username: Robhouse
Post Number: 155 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 10:54 am: |
I am glad to see my man is at #5... dark horse in the running. I have been of the opinion that the Suspects page could use some revising. I mean, we (read: Stephen) could maybe add Cutbush and LaBruckman, no? I realize this is more work... RH |
Glenn L Andersson
Assistant Commissioner Username: Glenna
Post Number: 2579 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 11:09 am: |
Rob, I believe Stephen has previously advertised that he is most grateful for any kind of assistance he can get. So any of you who feel you want to contribute with a written section about a particular suspect, contact him about this. I once did the piece about Cohen, and I believe there is a lot more suspects to cover or information regarding old ones that needs to be updated. All the best G, Sweden "Well, do you... punk?" Dirty Harry, 1971
Maria Giordano
Inspector Username: Mariag
Post Number: 231 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 11:38 am: |
Where's Unknown Local Guy, my odds-on favorite?? Mags
AP Wolf
Assistant Commissioner Username: Apwolf
Post Number: 1652 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 11:51 am: |
I've always felt that if there is a list then he will not be on it. So young Thomas is looking good right now. |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1523 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 12:48 pm: |
Hi, I mean who is voting, one part of me thinks James Maybrick #1 not regular frequenters of these baords! I mean experience tells me no regular frequenters of these boards think that! So it must be members of the random public, right? In which case there are some interesting descrpencies, no. Wlater Sickert, #15, that's a lot lower than i would have thought given the Cornwell effect. i mean cornwells, not Feldy's or Shirley's is the last popular book on the subject - do the general public think, like the majoprity on these boards that the Sickert thepry as popularised by Cornwell is unconvincing? Equally, i doubt they have voted for joesph barnett. See what i am getting at? Jenni "I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ah"
Glenn L Andersson
Assistant Commissioner Username: Glenna
Post Number: 2585 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 1:01 pm: |
Yes, Jenni, I see what you mean. It's puzzling. And one thinks indeed that the Cornwell effect should have influenced the ratings more than it seems to have done. Another strange thing is that Jill the Ripper is on #11, ABOVE George Hutchinson... what the heck is that all about...? All the best G, sweden "Well, do you... punk?" Dirty Harry, 1971
Maria Giordano
Inspector Username: Mariag
Post Number: 232 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 2:09 pm: |
There's a grand old tradition in the city where I live called stuffing the ballot box. Even dead people vote. On the day before an election we greet each other with "Don't forget to vote early--and often!" Consider the source. Mags
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1524 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 4:07 pm: |
I really find it totally fasinating in a weird way. and to see Bury so high up is also surprising. "I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ah"
Howard Brown
Inspector Username: Howard
Post Number: 180 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 5:15 pm: |
Sure looks like the vote tallying folks from Florida,circa 2000,were in charge of this voting.. An unnamed suspect { Jill The Ripper...an invented moniker to add salt to the wound...} above Sickert,Stephenson { sniff..} !!! No Cohen !!! Oy Vey ! Its more likely that many people who visit the site simply drop in their vote and then split. D'onston at 14th !?!.......say it ain't so ! |
Dan Norder
Inspector Username: Dannorder
Post Number: 459 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 6:19 pm: |
I remember back when Sickert was at the top. I think the people trying to stuff the box on that one gave up after a while because of the backlash. I'm glad that Lewis Carroll is at the bottom, at least. It's nice that Ripperologists, the general public, and the ballot-stuffing sockpuppet monkeys all agree he can't be taken seriously. Of course he's rated even worse than a fictional character, which is amusing... Dan Norder, Editor Ripper Notes: The International Journal for Ripper Studies Profile Email Dissertations Website
Olivier P.M.G. Donni
Sergeant Username: Olivier
Post Number: 20 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 7:24 pm: |
Can I suggest to remove Lewis Caroll from the list of suspects? Olivier |
Donald Souden
Inspector Username: Supe
Post Number: 389 Registered: 10-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 8:18 pm: |
Hey gang, Let's put it in perspective -- it's a popularity contest, one of those polls with questions like "Which do you prefer, vanilla or a punch in the nose?" that always carry the disclaimer "Note: Unlike Copernicus, this is not a scientific poll." Rather than worry about the rankings it might be more fun to ponder the why of those rankings. You know: was there a heavy turnout in Liverpool to put James on top; Tumblety? Heavy backing from the Gay - Moustache Wax Makers Alliance?; and maybe a lot of absentee ballots from Australia to put Barnett in third place? And I would certainly vote to retain Lewis Carroll if only because he should serve as a caution that we ought never take our own pet theories too seriously if a case (however implausible) can be made for him. I'm not suggesting we turn our studies into farce, but if it ever stops being fun we have the wrong hobby. Don. "There were only three times I'd have sold my mother into slavery for a cell phone . . . and two of those would have been crank calls."
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1525 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 8:59 am: |
Don, that is exactly what i mean! Jenni "I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ah"
AIP Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 4:12 pm: |
Yes, but who is voting for these suspects? Experts on the case? People with a full knowledge of the facts about each suspect? No, the simple answer is this voting is based on personal opinion and preferences and has nothing whatsoever to do with reality. All pretty pointless then, and very misleading to those who believe that the 'voters' know what they are voting about. |
Maria Giordano
Inspector Username: Mariag
Post Number: 233 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 5:32 pm: |
Expect a sudden upswing in the Royal Conspiracy column! Mags
Adam Went
Detective Sergeant Username: Adamw
Post Number: 98 Registered: 12-2004
| Posted on Saturday, January 01, 2005 - 12:26 am: |
Hi all, Let's try and do something a little different - Let's recreate the list of 22 suspects to show our own personal lists of who we think is most likely to least likely. (And yes! I am extremely happy to see Chapman still in 4th! He was 2nd at one point!) OK, here goes: 1.) George Chapman 2.) Francis Tumblety 3.) The Lodger (Tumblety again?) 4.) Montague Druitt 5.) Aaron Kosminski 6.) Francis Thompson 7.) W.H. Bury 8.) Joseph Barnett 9.) Roslyn D'Onston Stephenson 10.) Frederick Deeming 11.) George Hutchinson 12.) James Kelly 13.) Michael Ostrog 14.) James Maybrick 15.) James Kenneth Stephen 16.) Dr. Pedachenko 17.) Walter Sickert 18.) Thomas Neill Cream 19.) The Royal Conspiracy 20.) Prince Albert Victor 21.) Jill the Ripper 22.) Lewis Carroll Now, what does everyone else have for a list?? Regards, Adam.
The Wenty-icator!
Glenn L Andersson
Assistant Commissioner Username: Glenna
Post Number: 2629 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Saturday, January 01, 2005 - 12:56 am: |
Hi Adam and Happy New Year! I am off to bed now in a minute (with Paul Begg's book), but I'll jump at this as well. Are you sure you and Peter Sipka isn't one and the same???? I mean, he had Chapman as No 1 and Tumblety as No 2 as well! I like the Lodger, but I don't think there are any evidence or even clear signs of that he was identical with Tumblety. We have other lists on these Boards already, although not this extensive. But I'll have a shot at it. 1) Unnamed, unknown local man, possibly lower middle class or working class, paranoid schizofrenic (former butcher, doctor, sailor on cattleboat?) 2) The Lodger 3) Jacob Levy 4) W.H. Bury 5) Aaron Kosminski/David Cohen etc. 6) Montague Druitt 7) George Hutchinson 8) James Kelly 9) Fogelma 10) Francis Tumblety 11) Cutbush 12) Francis Thompson 13) George Chapman (Klosowski) 14) Frederick Deeming 15) Joseph Barnett 16) James Maybrick 17) Michael Ostrog 18) Roslyn D'Onston Stephenson 19) James Kenneth Stephen 20) Walter Sickert 21) Dr. Pedachenko 22) The Royal Conspiracy The rest -- Prince Albert Victor, Lewis Carroll and Jill the Ripper -- are so wacko that they deserve not to be on any list... NOTE: This list will probably be outdated and subject to change next week... All the best G, Sweden (Message edited by Glenna on January 01, 2005) "Well, do you... punk?" Dirty Harry, 1971
Adam Went
Detective Sergeant Username: Adamw
Post Number: 102 Registered: 12-2004
| Posted on Saturday, January 01, 2005 - 3:50 am: |
G'day Glenn, How are you mate? (As we would say here in Oz.) Happy new year to you! "Are you sure you and Peter Sipka isn't one and the same???? I mean, he had Chapman as No 1 and Tumblety as No 2 as well!" HAHA...No Glenn, not at all. It's just a simple matter of G.M.T.A: Great Minds Think Alike. Which Paul Begg book are you reading? (There's a few of them!) By the way, I'm pleased to see that you have upgraded Chapman/Klosowski from a "Ridiculous" level to #13 out of 22. It's almost half way! Perhaps I have influenced you, eh? Regards, Adam.
The Wenty-icator!
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1549 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Saturday, January 01, 2005 - 9:36 am: |
well some poeple on that list do have alibis like thomas cream (and Walter Sickert, I hope stan ain't reading this!!) Jenni "I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ah"
Glenn L Andersson
Assistant Commissioner Username: Glenna
Post Number: 2632 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Saturday, January 01, 2005 - 9:52 am: |
Yes, Jenni. Cream did have alibi, and that is why he isn't even on my list. Regarding Sickert's, I believe that is still so much under debate (although I personally believe he HAD an alibi) that I find it problematic to put him in the same league regarding this. Adam, I am reading Paul Begg's new one, the updated 2004 version of The Uncensored Facts (now called The Facts). "Great Minds Think Alike." I'll tell him that. All the best G, Sweden
"Well, do you... punk?" Dirty Harry, 1971
Adam Went
Detective Sergeant Username: Adamw
Post Number: 106 Registered: 12-2004
| Posted on Sunday, January 02, 2005 - 3:56 am: |
Hi all, Glenn, you wrote: "Cream did have alibi, and that is why he isn't even on my list." He wouldn't have been on my list either, only that I was re-creating the list of the suspects only in the poll. If we're going by our own suspects, I'd knock Pedachenko out too - David Cohen would get about #3 or #4, and Jacob Levy probably #8. But with regards to the list that this topic revolves around, that is how I would list the suspects. "I am reading Paul Begg's new one, the updated 2004 version of The Uncensored Facts (now called The Facts)." Ah yes, I remember seeing the thumbnail for that on this site's bookshop/"Ripper media" part. It looks good, but I'm going to wait for my copy of the A-Z to get in, and read it, before I start digging into any others. Regards, Adam. The Wenty-icator!
Alan Sharp
Chief Inspector Username: Ash
Post Number: 706 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Sunday, January 02, 2005 - 4:49 am: |
This should possibly be on the "Changing Our Minds" thread but anyway... When I first came to these boards Cohen would have been top of my list. I found both Martin Fido's and John Douglas's arguments in favour of his candidacy persuasive. But in the intervening time I have realised that they have no basis in logic. Cohen would therefore now be way down the list. The reason is this. There is, when you think about it, only one reason for suspecting Cohen, and that is if you agree with Fido's theory that he was in fact the man referred to as Kosminski by Donald Swanson. However Cohen was committed in December 1888, and therefore if you accept this theory then the events in the Seaside Home had to have happened in that month. However, in his footnote, Anderson states that he is only working from second hand knowledge when he dismisses Alice McKenzie as a Ripper victim. Now if the events at the Seaside Home had occurred in December 1888, then by the time McKenzie was murdered, as far as Anderson would have been concerned the Ripper would already have been under lock and key, it would never have entered his head that she might be a Ripper victim. Thus, Cohen cannot have been the man referred to by Swanson, and the only remaining evidence against him is that he was a bit doolally and was committed at about the right time, which just isn't enough. "Everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise."
Glenn L Andersson
Assistant Commissioner Username: Glenna
Post Number: 2655 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 03, 2005 - 8:55 am: |
Alan, I agree, I started out in the Ripper field with the same strong belief in Fido's theory, but as you say (although it can't be ruled out altogether) but I wouldn't say that it is not based on logic. Fact is that the theory is very logical, but from a very theoretical and academic point -- which in itself is the real problem with it (another problem -- on the other hand a bit illogical -- would be that David Cohen seems to be too much of a sick, rambling idiot than the Ripper would have been in order to be able to carry out the murders, regardless of "his mind giving in at Miller's Court" or not). Today, like you, I would say that there are no real basis for the Nathan Kaminsky/Cohen confusion; it is all merely circumstancial. And that is also why I pack this David Cohen thing in the same bundle as Kosminski or any similar lunatic. With this I mean: Kosminski, Cohen or someone similar. That is, a more or less disorganized lunatic. And that is because I find this idea as a whole credible for a Ripper suspect. Adam, "Ah yes, I remember seeing the thumbnail for that on this site's bookshop/"Ripper media" part. It looks good, but I'm going to wait for my copy of the A-Z to get in, and read it, before I start digging into any others." I think that's a good idea. I don't know how it is now, but when I wanted to get it, it was totally impossible to get hold of and it hadn't been reprinted. So I never had access to the A--Z until early 2004, when it was given to me, and that was an old or original edition. But a serious scholar, I believe, should have the A--Z, although at least the original version contained some minor errors. All the best G, Sweden "Well, do you... punk?" Dirty Harry, 1971
Sam Robertson
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Sunday, January 02, 2005 - 5:21 am: |
G'day all, I am a 23 year old Australian who has taken an interest in Ripperology over the past year. Although my opinion should be given considerably less weight than other seasoned Ripper experts for what its worth i feel that there is a hell of a lot of uninformed, presumptious writing out there on the subject and that one should be very careful with what they read/choose to believe about the case. Feldman and Cornwell in particular have had me baffled with their arguments for Maybrick and Sickert respectively with their distinct lack of respect for historical fact and basic logic. Paul Begg seems to be the pick of the bunch in my opinion. Regardless, i have my theories about the case, however i look forward to hearing more from all of you guys before posting with any level of confidence about my suspect list. Cheers, Sam |
Sam Robertson
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Sunday, January 02, 2005 - 5:21 am: |
G'day all, I am a 23 year old Australian who has taken an interest in Ripperology over the past year. Although my opinion should be given considerably less weight than other seasoned Ripper experts for what its worth i feel that there is a hell of a lot of uninformed, presumptious writing out there on the subject and that one should be very careful with what they read/choose to believe about the case. Feldman and Cornwell in particular have had me baffled with their arguments for Maybrick and Sickert respectively with their distinct lack of respect for historical fact and basic logic. Paul Begg seems to be the pick of the bunch in my opinion. Regardless, i have my theories about the case, however i look forward to hearing more from all of you guys before posting with any level of confidence about my suspect list. Cheers, Sam |
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 3752 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 03, 2005 - 7:40 pm: |
Hi Sam Yes, Paul Begg is extremely good. Why not register, and then just dive in. Robert |
Lindsey Millar
Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 166 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Monday, January 03, 2005 - 9:24 pm: |
Sam, Welcome to the boards. As Robert says, please register and jump in, mate. I agree with you about Feldman (almost called him Feldy there) and Cornwell. They leave me baffled too. Paul Begg is indeed a good author (commission, please, Paul..) but have you read Sugden? That's a good one to start with. And of course, Rumbelow. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing more posts from you. Jump in and I hope you'll feel at home here. Bestest, Lyn |
Detective Sergeant Username: Sirrobert
Post Number: 78 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 03, 2005 - 9:57 pm: |
"Hi, I mean who is voting, one part of me thinks James Maybrick #1 not regular frequenters of these baords! I mean experience tells me no regular frequenters of these boards think that! " Jennifer - it means one of two things to me. 1) The content of the message boards on Maybrick aren't doing a very good job of persuading folks to cast a skeptical eye towards Sir Jim. I'm at best a Watch Agnostic, and he wouldn't make my top ten, but it looks to me that visitors must find little on the threads to change their minds, because I don't see many posters arguing that Maybrick was definitely the Ripper. Lots of carpet bombing against, little for. and/or 2) The subset of the general public that cares enough to find this web site, and then bother to vote, reads the boards but are too intimidated to post their dissent from the prevailing "politically correct" views espoused here. Either way, we have met the enemy, and he is us.
Sir Robert "I only thought I knew" SirRobertAnderson@gmail.com
Lindsey Millar
Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 170 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Monday, January 03, 2005 - 10:22 pm: |
Well, it's not me voting for Maybrick. That's for sure! Nor Lewis Carroll. Bestest, Lyn (Message edited by lindsey on January 03, 2005) |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 1573 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, January 04, 2005 - 6:12 am: |
Sir robert, indeed you are probably right! Jenni "I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ah"
Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 1778 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, January 04, 2005 - 3:28 pm: |
Hi Glenn! MUST print this out so that i can put my two farthings worth in but having a quick look here....would shift GH up to No 2 (as an extension of No 1)and then would have to have another look at Mr Chapman....will print it out and have a look tomorrow suzi sUZI |
Jfripper Unregistered guest
| Posted on Tuesday, January 04, 2005 - 6:52 pm: |
Hi All, Still waiting for my membership approval, so this may be a tad late: Here is my Suspect list. It is short because to me these are the most viable suspects. 1.) W.H. Bury 2.) Aaron Kosminski 3.) Local Man (totally unknown to us) 4.) Thomas Cutbush 5.) James Kelly 6.) Roslyn D'Onston Stephenson 7.) Jacob Levy 8.) Joseph Barnett 9.) George Hutchinson Cheers Michael (DownUnder)
Glenn L Andersson
Assistant Commissioner Username: Glenna
Post Number: 2722 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Thursday, January 06, 2005 - 8:51 pm: |
Good choices, Michael! At at least as far as your Top Five is concerned -- they all deserve their spots, as I see it. All the best G, Sweden "Well, do you... punk?" Dirty Harry, 1971
Adam Went
Detective Sergeant Username: Adamw
Post Number: 137 Registered: 12-2004
| Posted on Friday, January 07, 2005 - 4:32 am: |
Hi all, It gives me gigantic pleasure to announce 2 things (updates) regarding the suspects poll: George Chapman has, quite rightfully, passed Joseph Barnett on the board, which launches Chapman back into 3rd position, and Barnett drops to 4th. Second, James Maybrick is going to be knocked off his long-standing 1st place high-horse very soon, Francis Tumblety is gaining on him quite fast, and there isn't too much in it. Very good news for the poll! Quite pleasing! Regards, Adam. The Wenty-icator!
ex PFC Wintergreen Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 9:46 am: |
1. Unknown Male 2. George Hutchinson 3. Nathan Kaminsky (David Cohen) 4. W.H. Bury 5. Joseph Barnett 6. Aaron Kosminski 7. Monty Druitt 8. James Kelly 9. Dr Roslyn D'onston 10. "Dr" Francis J. Tumblety I don't put much stock in the last few, I just went to Tumblety because he's my favourite character from the whole case. |
Melissa Turcios
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 12:28 am: |
MY LIST: 1.) Unknown Local Man 2.) The Lodger 3.) Severin Klosowski (George Chapman) 4.) Dr. Francis Tumblety 5.) Joseph Barnett 6.) W.H Bury 7.) Jacob Levy 8.) Francis Thompson 9.) Thomas Neill Cream (It would be so much tidier if he wasn’t imprisoned in Illinois) 10.) George Hutchinson 11.) R. D’Onston Stevenson 12.) Micheal Ostrog 13.) Aaron Kosminski 14.) James Kelly 15.) James Kenneth Stephen 16.) James Maybrick 17.) Walter Sickert 18.) Montague Druitt 19.) Jill the Ripper 20.) Frederick Deeming 21.) Dr. Pedachenko 22.) Dr. William Gull 23.) Prince Albert Victor 24.) Lewis Carroll I seriously don't understand why Druitt is in the uppermost group of most lists. Honestly, what do you guys see in his candidacy that I'm just not seeing? |
Stanley D. Reid
Chief Inspector Username: Sreid
Post Number: 579 Registered: 4-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 6:44 pm: |
Hi all, Of course, the catch-all "Unknown" would be my #1 but I'd prefer to take a real position. Here's my list and it's short because I don't really see that many who are truly worthy. 1-William Hardiman 2-W.H. Bury 3-M.J. Druitt 4-Aaron Kosminski 5-George Chapman None would be even money but perhaps this group against the rest of the field they might be. Best wishes, Stan |
Eddie Derrico
Detective Sergeant Username: Eddie
Post Number: 76 Registered: 9-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 7:36 pm: |
Here's my list. It's also very short. Can't tell you why right now. I'm waiting for some e mail replies. If I get the green light to post some info, a few more people will put Sir James at the top. 1. James Maybrick Yours Truly, Eddie |
Stanley D. Reid
Chief Inspector Username: Sreid
Post Number: 581 Registered: 4-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 7:56 pm: |
WOW Eddie, that list is so short, it isn't even a list! Stan |
AAD Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 4:31 am: |
It's amazing that people are still being taken in by the Maybrick as the Ripper tripe. |
Eddie Derrico
Detective Sergeant Username: Eddie
Post Number: 80 Registered: 9-2005
| Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 1:27 pm: |
Hello AAD Stay tuned in to the boards. More proof will be coming out that Shirley Harrison was right. Yours Truly, Eddie |
Eddie Derrico
Detective Sergeant Username: Eddie
Post Number: 81 Registered: 9-2005
| Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 1:29 pm: |
Hello Stan Hang in there !! Time Reveals All ! Yours Truly, Eddie |
Stanley D. Reid
Chief Inspector Username: Sreid
Post Number: 583 Registered: 4-2005
| Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 2:27 pm: |
Well, I'm waiting and by this time tomorrow I will no longer be waiting. |
Dan Norder
Assistant Commissioner Username: Dannorder
Post Number: 1004 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 7:02 pm: |
Hi Eddie, Correct me if i'm wrong here, but for "more proof" to come out, wouldn't there already have to be some proof in the first place? Dan Norder, Editor Ripper Notes: The International Journal for Ripper Studies Profile Email Dissertations Website
Eddie Derrico
Detective Sergeant Username: Eddie
Post Number: 82 Registered: 9-2005
| Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 7:07 pm: |
Stan, AAD It's like searching for arrowheads.(My Wife taught me about this). You have to know what you're looking for. Anything that doesn't look natural usually isn't. Not all the time. But most of the time. Most Serial Killers leave messages that have to be found. They are right in front of you, but you can't see the messages unless you look very close. Look for unatural marks. For example, evenly spaced marks that look like writing or letters. Here's a little hint. A lot of serial killers wrote backwards, up and down, even upside down. Look real hard and you will find something. But....like I said....You must know what to look for. Good Luck. Yours Truly, Eddie |
Eddie Derrico
Detective Sergeant Username: Eddie
Post Number: 83 Registered: 9-2005
| Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 7:36 pm: |
Hi, Dan Yes you're right. Shirley Harrison showed us Possible Proof that James Maybrick is Jack the Ripper. But 2 Initials could be a coincidence, of course. And I agree with that. But to prove this is no coincidence, one would have to look a little deeper. Investigate much further. I said in a post a few days ago that Jack the Ripper was a Serial Killer way ahead of his time. Think of some of the Serial Killers of modern times. Some left bundles of messages. Not just one. As if, deep inside, they wanted to be caught. The messages are there. All over the place. Just like the author of the Diary stated. You must know where and how to look. Good Luck, Dan. Yours Truly, Eddie |
Phil Hill
Assistant Commissioner Username: Phil
Post Number: 1021 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Friday, November 18, 2005 - 1:52 am: |
With the Diary crowd it's always "jam tomorrow"!! At least you have to give them the prize for perpetual optimism. that must be something given they have nothing else. How anyone can continue to believe in a so-called "diary" that tells us ABSOLUTELY NOTHING we didn't know before it was produced, has added nothing to the case, and was apparently based on only published sources, is beyond me. Phil |
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