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Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 2417 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 5:08 pm: |
Gosh Were all off on one are'nt we here! Wouldn't be surprised if 'something' was going on around what was Millers Ct.... but go there today and it'll stretch your imagination............ Hannbury St is way too much the wrong side of the street and doesn't work (for me) B U T Mitre Sq does it EVERY time! Just a thought Suzi x |
Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 2418 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 5:15 pm: |
ooooooooooooooooooooooops typo! Hanbury Street!!!! as we all know!!!! oooooops sorry Suzi |
Detective Sergeant Username: Carolyn
Post Number: 68 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 7:09 pm: |
Philip, Sorry, all the ones that I have heard of do have to do with MJK. I stand corrected! Tell me the ones that have to do with Annie, I haven,t heard any of them. "Please, tell me a story", probably haven,t said that in forty years. Carolyn (Message edited by carolyn on May 04, 2005) |
Maria Giordano
Inspector Username: Mariag
Post Number: 387 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 7:11 pm: |
Hey, Hutch- If you tell a couple of Chapman stories I promise tht if I'm ever in London I'll take your walk anyway. Mags
George Hutchinson
Chief Inspector Username: Philip
Post Number: 507 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 7:52 pm: |
That would be pre-empting my talk at the Brighton Conference in October! As both you ladies are in the US if you want to e-mail me privately I will send you the text of my Annie tales. After Brighton, I will be giving the whole lot to Spry anyway for permanent posting on the site (if he wants it!). PHILIP Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd!
Caroline Anne Morris
Assistant Commissioner Username: Caz
Post Number: 1711 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, May 05, 2005 - 3:13 am: |
Hi IIG, How did the diary get into this thread???!!! Via Joe Nickell, hoaxbuster supreme, which you'd know if you'd been reading the posts instead of just searching for the word 'diary'. Love, Caz X PS We could use a numbering system for the unregistered 'guests' who chip in with one-liners, with only a set of initials to identify themselves - a number for each separate PC used, so we could be sure that each set of initials represents a different 'guest', and not just one very bitter and twisted individual posting from one PC. |
Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 2440 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2005 - 1:43 pm: |
Good point there Caz! Oddly Ive never been tempted to do that (yet!) SPOOOOOOOOOOOOKY tho isnt it.. I think its odd because of the height thing but look back at the Roman soldiers etc when the height of the roads were different etc blah blah blah we know all this but ........fair play it is a bit 'odd' maybe we should all take more water with it! Suzixx |
ex PFC Wintergreen Unregistered guest
| Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2005 - 12:11 am: |
Which face are we talking about? Cos I see two. |
m.v.b. Unregistered guest
| Posted on Friday, May 06, 2005 - 12:15 pm: |
it is a complete and utter i can not see what u see. im an expert on ghost fake disstillation (gfd)its an old photo and thats the effect it only looks wierd because the ally is dark to hilight the effect and the rest is light so it is inpossible to see. |
ex PFC Wintergreen Unregistered guest
| Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2005 - 12:20 am: |
Kelly with Death perhaps? |
Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 2471 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 6:48 am: |
STRIKING LIKENESS Wintergreen!!!!........... Mary looks impressive too!!! Suzi 'Win and flounder...........Lose and grin!'
Phil Hill
Inspector Username: Phil
Post Number: 497 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 7:27 am: |
it is a complete and utter i can not see what u see. im an expert on ghost fake disstillation (gfd)its an old photo and thats the effect it only looks wierd because the ally is dark to hilight the effect and the rest is light so it is inpossible to see. [My emphasis.] Is THAT how experts write now then? Kelly with Death perhaps? Does Terry Pratchett know? Phil |
George Hutchinson
Chief Inspector Username: Philip
Post Number: 521 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 2:48 pm: |
Phil - that is exactly what I was thinking. No one has confirmed something for me yet - am I right in understanding there was a doorway leading into the rear of #26 behind the entrance to #13? I know I have definitely read it somewhere. THAT is what the darker patch is. This thread is going round in circles. Sure - we can all see things if we look for them, but for God's sake there really is nothing there. And this comes from a REAL (arrogant) expert! PHILIP Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd!
Phil Hill
Chief Inspector Username: Phil
Post Number: 504 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 2:56 pm: |
Philip, for the explanation, see jane's recent post in the current "Lost Key" thread. Phil |
Jennifer D. Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 2368 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 3:38 pm: |
Phil Hill
Chief Inspector Username: Phil
Post Number: 505 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 4:39 pm: |
I'll be convinced only if someone can find the Death of Rats there too. |
Detective Sergeant Username: Carolyn
Post Number: 73 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 9:10 pm: |
Everyone, I have studied the above picture, and instead of Death, I am convinced that it is the only known image of JTR that we have. Now if we could just identify the face in the photo we have our suspect... Case closed. Just kidding, feeling a little sarcastic today. Carolyn  |
George Hutchinson
Chief Inspector Username: Philip
Post Number: 524 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - 4:40 am: |
Carolyn... You comment on the face of Jack The Ripper missing from the image of #13, yet... look closer... closer... look to the end of your posting... The visage of our Saucy Jack leers back at you. That sneer, that eyebrow... PHILIP Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd!
Detective Sergeant Username: Carolyn
Post Number: 77 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - 8:11 am: |
Philip, God,you are right! How could I have missed that. Just goes to show you really have to be alert and sharp to solve this case. I'm slipping! I just knew it was JTR but alas I got the wrong guy. At least I'm not the only one on these boards that have gotten the wrong guy! Ha! Thanks for pointing out the error of my ways, Carolyn  |
Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 2495 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 5:23 pm: |
ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a good pic and a good thought! Got us all going for a while..... so there we are! Suzi 'Win and flounder...........Lose and grin!'