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Jack the Reaper
Unregistered guest
Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 3:42 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IPPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Hullo, I am known as Jill. I have mailed in a form but it apperintly diden't go thuogh because isusses with the stamp. Some here know me from the chatroom. and I'm half way awake.

Well, any who, I've come to the thought that there was two rippers. My first thought of this was when I read about the dubble-kill. I cannot pictour any can be that fast at kill, picking up another then killing her as well in sutch a short amount of time. Another thought was the way the victoms had been killed. Polly Nicoles had her tunge cut out and was stabed about 8 times where as Anne Chapmon still had her tunge intacked and a missing. . .Ehem. . . vagina and yuderis. My other thought was that the two rippers worked on Mery Kelly together as to not waste time. I also one may have been illlitarite or diden't know mutch English.

Jack le Mietitore

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