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Message |
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 5452 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 12:10 pm: |
Apparently the Judiciary have been up to their usual tricks again, and they've decided that it's peace and love to all human beings...even if they're not human. I've been sent this email by a relative in Australia, and I'm posting it here for anyone who wishes to sign. Do you remember February 1993 when a young 3 yr old was taken from Liverpool, United Kingdom, by two 10-year-old boys? Jamie Bulger walked away from his mother for only a second and Jon Venables took his hand and led him out of the mall with his friend Robert Thompson. They took Jamie on a walk for over 2 and a half miles, along the way stopping every now and again to torture the poor little boy who was crying constantly for his mummy. Finally they stopped at a railway track where they brutally kicked him,threw stones at him, rubbed paint in his eyes and pushed batteries up his anus. It was actually worse than this ... What these two boys did was so horrendous that Jamie's mother was forbidden to identify his body. They then left his beaten small body on the tracks so a train could run him over to hide the mess they had created. These two boys, even being boys, understood what they did was wrong, hence trying to make it look like an accident. This week Lady Justice Butler-Slosshas awarded the two boys anonymity for the rest of their lives when they leave custody with new identities. They will also leave early this year only serving just over half of their sentence. They are being relocated to Australia to live out the rest of their lives. They disgustingly and violently took Jamie's life away - in return they each get a new life. Please ... if you feel, as we do, that this is a grave miscarriage of justice .. copy entire email .. then add your name at the end, and send it to everyone you can! If you are the 500th person to sign, please forward this e-mail to: cust.ser.cs@gtnet.gov.uk and attention it to Lady Justice Butler-Sloss. Then start the list over again and send to your friends and family. The Love-Bug virus took less that 72 hours to reach the world. I hope this one does as well. We need to protect our family and friends from creatures like Robert and Jon. One day they maybe living next door to you and your small children,without your knowledge. >1. M & L. Grisold, Wantirna; Australia >2. J Lever, FerntreeGully; Australia >3. G Tsakalofas.MelbourneAustralia >4. D. Barrett, FrankstonAustralia >5. C. Burns, Diamond Creek, Australia >6. R. Pascoe, Diamond Creek, Australia >7. M Swinkels, Montmorency, Australia >8. C Harris, Cottlesbridge, Australia >9. L Anderson, Hurstbridge, Australia >10. C Thomas, Port Melbourne, Australia >11. P Marks, Port MelbourneAustralia >12. C Giles, Elwood Australia >13. A Stedman.Mckinnon Australia >14. S Colquhoun, Camberwell, Australia >15. J Sutherland, East StKilda, Australia >16. L Brannan, St Kilda, Australia >17. K Lane, Merrijig, Australia >18. C Luckham, Brisbane, Australia >19. M Porter, Ballina, Australia >20. T Benton, Sydney, Australia >21. C Conti, Canberra, Australia >22. S Cox,Canberra, Australia >23. V Burdett, Canberra, Australia >24. K Glanville, Canberra, Australia >25. M Ryan, Wagga Wagga, Australia >26. I Ryan, Wagga Wagga, Australia >27. M Glanville, Cootamundra, Australia >28. P Glanville, Cootamundra, Australia >29. M.Schafer, Ardlethan, Australia >30. A &M Connellan, West Wyalong, Australia >31. G &T Robertson, Griffith, Australia >32. R &E Naidoo, Griffith NSW, Australia >33. Carissa Naidoo, Griffith NSW, Australia >34. Sue Nand, Coleambally, Australia >35. Kathie Okely,Morundah, Australia >36. Maureen Streeter, Fairfield, NSW Australia >37. Kristy Sutton, Campbelltown, NSW Australia >38. mindy kleinraby, nsw australia >39. sarahfield Ingleburnnse Australia >40. Jane Grahame Glen Alpine NSW Australia >41. Luke Briggs Ruse NSW Australia >42. Colleen Bushe Blair Athol NSW Australia >43. Megan Bushe Ruse NSW Australia >44. Beryl Henneberry Croydon Park Australia >45. Michelle Henneberry,Croydon Park, Australia >46. Didier Joseph, Wattle Grove, Australia >47. Natalie Loos, Greenacre, Australia >48. Denham Holmes, Narellan, Australia >49. Lyn Cole, Kirkham, Australia >50. Steve Cole, Kirkham, Australia >51. Robyn Lyons, Condell Park, Australia >52. Lauren Cole, Kirkham, Australia >53. Y Porcic, Preston, Australia >54. S Hour, WetherillPark, Australia >55. L.Britton, Werri ngton, N.S.W. Aust >56. A.Gosper, Cranebrook N.S.W Aust >57. S Watts, Cambridgepark NSW Aust >58. L SeymourWerrington NSW Aust >59. T Johnson St MarysNSW Aust >60. K McDermott South Penrith NSW Aust >61. D Kemenade Oakhurst NSW Aust >62. M. springfield Orchard Hills NSW Aust >63. D Domotor Penrith NSW Australia >64. N Pereira Mulgoa NSW Australia >65. B Johnson Glenmore Park NSW Australia >66. V Karam Yagoona NSW Australia >67. S Karam, Yagoona NSW Australia >68. A Hvistendahl, Ryde NSW Australia >69. D Stern, Cammeray NSW Australia >70. S Devlin, Campsie NSW Australia >71. Alicia Gordon, Springwood NSW >72. Anthea Popis, Blaxland NSW >73. Kylie Rummler, EmuHeights NSW Australia >74. Janene Jennings, Blaxland NSW Australia >75. Rachel Laidlaw, Picnic Point, NSW Australia >76. Lauen King, Chipping Norton, NSW Australia >77. Natalie Zlotkowski, Cronulla, NSW Australia >78. Nicole Hooper, Bexley Australia >79. Jasmin Prior Carlton NSW >80. Belinda Cornwall Kogarah NSW >81. Rebecca Richardson Carlton NSW >82. Margaret Ferguson, Tarago NSW >83. Jan Finlayson, Nicholls, Australia >84. Matt Brown, Dunlop, Australia >85. Sara Brown, Dunlop Australia >86. Maria Hall, ACT, Australia >87. Julia Tallarida, ACT, Australia >88. Julie McMahon, ACT, Australia >89. Julie Larkin ACT, Australia >90. Heidi Back, Isle of Wight, Uk >91. Pat Woodford.Isle of Wight.UK >92. Alison Bell, Tauranga, NZ >93. Nilima D'Silva, Auckland, NZ >94. Puspa Patel, Auckland, NZ >95. Manisha Rama, Rotorua, NZ >96. Carolyn Bosley, Rotorua, NZ >97. Marie Dennis, Rotorua, NZ >98. Sharon Watt, Hamilton, NZ >99. Leona Krusza Emu Plains NSW >100. Feona Westwood, Palmerston Nth, NZ >101. T. Garnham, Rotorua, NZ >102. B.Garnham, Rotorua, NZ >103. J.L.Chrystie, Rotorua, NZ >104. A.C. Chrystie, Rotorua, NZ >105. Marika Pollard, Te Awamutu, NZ >106. Angela Barras, Hamilton, NZ >107. Gillian Jackson, Ngaruawahia, NZ >108. Justine Hinton, Ngaruawahia, NZ >109. Ailsha Saxon, QLD Australia >110. Stephen Davis, QLD Australia >111. C McPherson NZ >112. I McPherson UK >113. Karen Tipping LondonUK >114. Louise Nicholson Taupo NZ >115. Carmelle Schofield, ScotlandUK >116. Carol Blake Taupo NZ >117. Mike Headland The Hague NL >118. Theresa Mcmillan Leicester, UK >119. Steve Mcmillan Leicester,UK >120. Michelle Tyrrell, UK >121. Susan Moore, UK >122. Elizabeth Gibson, UK >123. Claire Jones, UK >124. Sally Bersey UK >125. Sally Anne Bersey UK >126. Kelly Laird UK >127. Charlene Barnes UK >128. Holly Richardson UK >129. Shelley Townsend, UK >130. Hannah Thompson UK >131. Cathy Steyn, JNB RSA >132. Doreen Beck, JNB RSA >133. Ruth Carson >134. Shaun Beck >135. Charise Beck >136. Sonja Bezuidenhout JHB RSA >137. Chris Ralph JHB RSA >138. Freddie Bezuidenhout JHB RSA >139. Egbert Bosman >140. Soekie Bezuidenhout JHB RSA >141. Melanie Oosthuizen >142. Renee Swanepoel >143. Esmerelda Johnson (JHB) >144. Eric Johnson (JHB) >145. Jan Fourie (JHB) >146. M. Petersen (Jhb) >147. N SMITH (JHB) >148. T Bernard JHB-South Africa >149. Diane Cooper - South Africa >150. Sheila Mallett - South Africa >151. Lisa Pienaar - South Africa >152. Angela Dargan - Essex, UK >153. Gemma Bashford - Essex, UK >154. Hayley Sheppey >155. Zoe Locke - Essex,uk >156. Lisa Flint - Essex, uk >157. Michelle Tindall Essex UK >158. Alan Pease Essex UK >159. Susan Reed Essex UK >160. Nina Stearn Bournemouth UK >161. Marie Lesson, Poole, UK >162. Debbie Molony, Chippenham, UK >163. Sarah Mitchell, Calne, UK >164. Donna Parsons, Palomares, Spain >165. Bree Barnes, Brisbane, Australia >166. Joanne Foley, Brisbane, Australia >167. Anna Stevens, Australia >168. Jackie Reed, Brisbane, Australia >169. Melissa Reilly, Mollymook, Australia >170. Michael Suann, Bangor, Australia >171. Michelle Suann, Bangor, Australia >172. Elise Suann, Bangor, Australia >173. Nicholas Suann, Bangor, Australia >174. Michelle Hunter, Rouse HillAustralia >175. Lyn Gangemi, Castle HillAustralia >176. Karen Bulmer,Crestwood Heights, Australia >177. Troy Williams, SYDNEY Australia >178. Kim Fitzgerald, Scarborough, Australia >179. Cassie Murphy, Beecroft, Australia >180. Rohan Cooke, Bondi Australia >181. Glenn Annear, Randwick, Australia >182. Katy Lloyd Jones, Bronte, Australia >183. Jen Freer, Tamrama Australia >184. Brooke O'Neill, Waverley, Australia >185. Lisa Poulos, Bellevue Hill, Australia >186. Debbie Coffey, Mosman, Australia >187. Janine Walton, Bondi, Australia >188. Glenn Cameron-Lee, Revesby, Australia >189. Alana Taylor, Camperdown, Australia >190. Kerryn mcintosh, Waverley, Australia >191. Gil Cowen, Melbourne Australia >192. Mahi davies Melbourne, Australia >193. Mandy Engel, Tel Aviv, Australia >194. Dana Finestone, Melbourne, Australia >195. Lisa Sellyn, Melbourne, Australia >196. Danella Gorenstein, London, UK >197. Kerry Sher, LOndon, UK >198. Emma Alfreds, London, UK >199. Michael Coleman, London, UK >200. Rhoda Berman Perth West Australia >201. Hedy Cinamon, PerthW Australia >202. Ros Minster, Israel >203. Audrey Kobrin, Johannesburg. >204. Maurice Blumsohn >205. Fona Nafte >206. Arthur Lederman >207. Adrienne Tooch >208. Hayley Durbach, TorontoCanada >209. Gary Durbach, TorontoCanada >210. Monique Plein - London >211. Michelle Levene - London >212. Laura Harris-London >213. C Tiller - London >214. Laura Sennett - London >215. Kim Read - London >216. Donna Linder - London >217. Adam Burr - London >218. Jessica Tarrant - LondonUK >219. Justin Tarrant - LondonUK >220. Imran Karim - LondonUK >221. Fay Carver - Bedford, UK >222. Kate Waite - Dorset UK >223. Hollie Aldridge - Dorset UK >224. Chris Pegler - Hampshire UK >225. samantha smith-UK >226. david cunningham-uk >227. joey shaw-UK >228. kirsty mills wirral uk >229. Danielle Ormond wirral uk >230. Marc Roby -Wirral UK >231. Emma Williams - Wirral UK >232. Daniel Feightman - Wirral UK >233. Gill Marr - wirral uk >234. Drew Green wirral uk >235. Nicola Morris - Wirral uk >236. Vicky Whitehead - Wirral UK >237. Charles Coleman-Wirral UK >238. Adam Mairs - Wirral UK >239. Christopher Leonard Esq. - UK >240. Peter Entwistle - Wirral, UK >241. Michelle Hamill - Wirral UK >242. Ali Rooke - Wirral UK >243. Rach Connor - Wirral UK >244. Nicki Wright, Liverpool UK >245. Joanne Davison, Liverpool UK >246. Maureen Owens, Liverpool UK >247. Kellie Donnellan, Perth W.Australia >248. Su Deeming, Perth, W. Australia >249. Sally Blake, Perth, Western Australia >250. Sally Yoakley Auckland New Zealand >251. Annebelle Denny, Reading, UK >252. L Palfreman, Epping, Essex. UK >253. A Roberts, N Hampshire UK >254. J Roberts N Hampshire UK >255. V Leech, Berkshire UK >256. K Hawkes, Hampshire UK >257. S Lovelock, Hampshire, UK >258. A Thiselton, Hamphsire, UK >259. F Preston, Hampshire, UK >260. C Maclennan, Hampshire, uk >261. S.Wrigglesworth, Hampshire, UK >262. V.Page, Hampshire, UK >263. C. Lendon, Hampshire, UK >264. W Baggs, Hampshire, UK >265. L Savage, Hampshire, UK >266. S McColl, Hampshire, UK >267. S Copperthwaite, Berkshire, UK >268. D Walker, Berkshire, UK >269. Guy Williams, CAIRNS, Australia >270. A. Harewood. Berkshire >271. G Harewood. Berkshire >272. H Taplin, Berkshire >273. K Ross, Berkshire >274. Y Young, Northamptonshire UK >275. D Young, Northants, UK >276. T Bowron, Northants, UK >277. Kate Bruce, Warks, UK >278. Sarah Whittall, Northants, UK >279. Craig Brown, Dubai, UAE >280. Andre Jansz, Dubai UAE >281. Stewart Procter,Lancashire, UK >282. Alyson Procter, Sunderland , UK >283. Allison Sitch, Dubai, UAE >284. Maggie Moore UAE >285. Kim Willis UAE 286. David Willis UAE >286. Kate Brock, SYDNEY, Australia >287. Bunnie Blankley UAE >288. P.Ausgustine Dean Park NSW >289. Jackie Morris UK. >290. Debbie Walton Lancashire UK >291. Debbie Herron, Kent UK >292. SALLY WOODS, KENT UK >293. lindsay woods kent uk >294. emma giddings surrey uk >295. Tracy Johncock >296. Natasha Ramsay, Surrey, UK >297. Karen Waugh, Surrey, UK >298. Louise Saunders, Surrey, UK >299. Lorraine Murton-Black, Surrey, UK >300. Sarah Lambert, Surrey, UK. >301. Amanda Hoath, Surrey, UK >302. Rebecca Yeats, Surrey, UK >303. Michelle Cooper, Surrey, UK >304. Elaine King, Surrey, UK >305. Caroline Eastop. Suffolk, UK >306. Alex Dace, Suffolk, UK >307. Nigel Lowe,Surrey,UK >308. Jodie Morgan, London UK >309. Ruth Lockie, London, UK >310. Maria HArtman, London, UK >311. Michelle O'Bryan, London, UK >312. Carolyn Palmer, London UK >313. Dave Ash London UK >314. Michaela Walters London UK >315. B. Lloyd London, UK >316. J.Buckley London,UK >317. M.Gadd London, UK >318. T.Barker London uk >319. J KROLLE London, UK >320. J Turner London, UK >321. M Turner Exeter UK >322. E Roberts Exeter UK >323. E Hobbs, Cardiff UK >324. S. Crocker, Cardiff, UK >325. K. Baker, Cardiff, UK >326. C. Neary, Cheshire UK >327. P.Lloyd-Davies, Cheshire, UK >328. T O'B, salcombe, UK >329. G.Kelson, Bournemouth, UK >330. M Bissett, Wells, UK >331. D Clark, Ditcheat, UK >332. Jade Rendall,Brisbane,Australia >333. Philippa Bunce, UK >334. Jane Payne,Australia >335. TAMIE GRADY, AUSTRALIA. >336. David Kuzio , Cairns, Australia >337. Susan Eley, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. >338. Scott Paget, New York, New York, USA/Cairns, Australia >339. Adrienne Paget, Cairns, Australia >340. Cyndi Sapwell, Adelaide, Australia / USA Citizen >341. Freida Mee, Wollongong , Australia / US Citizen >342. Eliana Scott, Harrington Park, Australia >343. Angela Klemmer,Sydney, Australia >344. K. Klemmer, Sydney, Australia >345. Z. Piela, Sydney, Australia >346. M Temple Australia >347. Lesley Hunt, Hinchinbrook, Sydney, Australia >348. Michele Law, St.Georges Basin N.S.W AUSTRALIA >349. Bernadette South, St Georges Basin NSW AUSTRALIA >350. Bec South, St Georges Basin, NSW, Australia >351. Diane Brooks, Dagenham,Essex >352. Lisa Richardson, Essex >353. Joanne Cook, Essex >354. Nicola Abbott, Essex >355. Gemma Lockhart, Essex >356. Lucy Davis, Essex >357. Claire Manzi, Bromley >358. Lydia Hales, Kent >359. Kirsty Standen, Kent >360. Sarah Trow, Kent. >361. Tarra Lee Kent >362. Kelly Blake, Kent >363. Kelly Deacon, Kent >364. Victoria Pennell, London >365. Lisa Dunn, London >366. Stephanie Bray, London >367. Manda McCann, London, UK >368. Grizelda D'Souza, London >369. Mo Alam, London UK >370. Andreya Teixeira, London UK >371. Elena del Pino, London UK >372. Sandra Rodriguez, London UK >373. Julia Campagnola, London UK >374. Amanda Wilson, London UK >375. Michelle Levingstone, Sydney Australia >376. Carolyn O'Neill, Sydney Australia >377. Mandy Townsend, Sydney Australia >378. Heather Street,Sydney Australia >379. Annette Doolan, Sydney Australia >380. Margaret McKinnon, Sydney Australia >381. Margaret wilson, Willoughby Sydney Australia >382. Jacqui Hall, Sydney, Australia >383. Jackie Agosta Sydney,Australia >384. Katy Hughes, Sydney, Australia >385. Shellyann Snow,Sydney, Australia >386. John Forwood, Brisbane, Australia. >387. ClareManfield, Brisbane Australia. >388. Narelle Hindley, Brisbane Australia, >389. Fiona Steedman, Brisbane, Australia. >390 Natalie Lawback, Brisbane,Australia. >391. Judi Wandel, Brisbane Australia >392. Nicole Aitchison, Brisbane, Australia >393. Dave Milton, sunshine coast,australia >394. Maz milton, sunshine coast, australia >395. Charon Phelan, Sunshine Coast, Australia >396. Leo Phelan, Sunshine Coast, Australia >397. Artie Jacobson, Whitsundays, Australia >398. Sandy Jacobson, Whitsundays, Australia >399. Kylie Taylor, Hervey Bay, Australia >400. David Taylor, Hervey Bay, Australia >401. Frances Gibbard, Pascoe Vale, Australia >402. Jason Gibbard, Fawkner, Australia >403. J. Gibbard, Pascoe Vale, Australia >404. J.Evans, Wyndhamvale, Australia >405. P.Brown, Melton, Australia >406. D. Sharman, Melton, Australia >407. D.Powderly Hillside Australia >408. B.Powderly, Canberra Australia. >409. C. Ward Burwood Australia >410. D.DiRuberto Haberfield, Australia >411. S.Sowden, Woolooware, Australia >412. D Francis AUS >413. Liz Francis, Tasmania, Australia >414. Stephen Claridge Brisbane Australia >415. Michael Breitkreutz Brisbane Australia >416. Madonna Stewart, Brisbane Australia >417. Leanne Penamn, Cairns Australia >418. Danny & Tanya Lee, CAIRNS, Australia >419. Allan & Jillian Lee, Brisbane. Australia >420. Katrina Edwards, Brisbane, Australia >421. Bryce Orchard, Brisbane, Australia >422. Carek Gray, Brisbane, Australia >423. Clare-Ann Hughes >424. Zoe Groves, Australia >425. Tiffany, Townsville, Australia >426. Kerry, Townsville, Australia >427. Leslie, Charters Towers, Australia >428. Sophie, Townsville, Australia >429. travis watson,charters towers, australia >430. matty meddings, charters towers, australia >431. hayley miller, charters towers, australia >432. ivy mcdonald,charters towers,australia >433. Sammy read,AUS >434. Tye cane,sydney,aus >435. cambel weston,ashberton,NZ >436. jay friter,sydney,aus >437. dani power,townsville,aus >438. daniel lefeber, Qld, AUS >439. Joanna Lefeber, Qld, Australia >440. K Brown, Qld, Australia >441. M Stebbings, Qld, Australia >442.Peter Talty, QLD, Australia >443. Angela Smith, QLD, Australia >444. R Tucker, NSW, Australia >445. T Kennedy, NSW, Australia >446. D Dewberry, NSW, Australia >447. S Parkes, NSW, Australia >448. D.Scott, Davistown,NSW, Australia >449. J.Betteridge, Davistown,NSW, Australia 450. J. Brignall. Golden Bay. NZ 451. R. Brignall. Golden Bay. NZ 452. A. Brignall. Golden Bay. NZ 453. L. Perrin. Bundaberg. Australia 454. C. Brignall. Bundaberg. Australia 455. K. Shield. Bundaberg, Australia 456. J. Collard. QLD, Australia 457. Jacqueline, Bundaberg, Australia 458. T. Steinhardt, Bundaberg, Australia 459.Kelvin Bella ,St George Australia 460. David Bella, Murrumba Downs Australia 461. Anne Spelitis, Brisbane, Australia 462.Graeme Ruwoldt, Dianella, Australia. 463.Pat Llewellin Willetton.6155 Australia 464 Charles Llewellin,Willetton. 6155. Australia 465. Adam & Zoe Llewellin, St James 6102. Australia 466. Jenni & Jack Lumsden, Huntingdale 6110, Australia 467. Joanna Noakes, Willetton. 6155 Australia 468. Heather Noakes, Como, 6152 Australia 469. Kylie Doust, Nollamara 6061, Australia 470. Corey Wat, Greenwood Australia 471. Darryn Williams, South Yunderup Australia 472. Amanda Speed Perth, Australia 473 Chris Scoble Perth Australia 474 Vanessa Beck, Perth Australia 475 Andrew Burrell, Perth Australia 476 Michelle Wright, Perth, Australia 477 Emma George, Perth, Australia 478 Thomas Cappetta, Perth Australia 479 Bianca Clark, Perth Australia 480 Margaret Clark Mount Isa Qld 481 Linda Bailey Perth Western Australia 482 Kevin Bailey Perth Western Australia 483 Chris Brown Perth Western Australia 484 Robert Clayton Perth Western Australia 485 Anthony Parker Perth Western Australia 486 Moya Parker Perth Western Australia 487 Gerard Bampton Perth Western Australia 488 Tegan Bampton Perth Western Australia 489 Nathan Bampton Perth Western Australia 490 Brian Patrick KENNEDY Perth Western Australia 491 Pauline Rose KENNEDY Perth Western Australia 492. Ian Townsley Ferny Hills Queensland AUS 493. C. Thring Brisbane, Australia 494. Donna Cleary, Brisbane Australia 495. Susan Furner, Brisbane Australia 496. Robert Linford, Ilford, Essex |
Detective Sergeant Username: Rigby
Post Number: 71 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 1:49 pm: |
But what place does repeating this spam email have on these boards ? |
Lindsey C Hollifield
Chief Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 637 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 3:22 pm: |
Well, I'm glad that Robert posted this. I appreciate being informed of such things. I'll be adding my name. (I'm presuming I'm no. 497) Lyn My first reaction is, "OMG that's crazy". But then I'm thinking this just may be crazy enough to work. copyright © Bradley McGinnis Sept. 2005
Detective Sergeant Username: Rigby
Post Number: 72 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 5:29 pm: |
Why ? Will it make you feel better, Lindsay ? Irrespective of whether that's a real email or not, the courts have dealt with them; the justice system has penalised them; the Home Office has considered their case (including the political considerations of release); and Thompson and Venables have officially 'done their time'. So now begins what's left of the rest of their lives. Adopting a 'tabloid' mentality to this crime (or any other for that matter) is not what intelligent people are supposed to do. You put either of these child murderers in a room today with any of the pompous '496' listed above and tell me who's most likely to commit a murder. And I'll answer that for you anyway: not the "creatures" Robert and Jon. |
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 5461 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 5:43 pm: |
That's Ok, MTR. If any of the "pompous 496" ever were to commit such a murder as you envisage, I'm sure you'd be full of compassion, tolerance and understanding, wouldn't you? Now I'll ask you a question : put "Robert and Jon" (apparently we're on first name terms here) into a room with a child, and put any of the "pompous 496" into another room with another child. Who do you think is most likely to commit a murder? By the way, why the priggish reference to a tabloid mentality? |
Lindsey C Hollifield
Chief Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 640 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 6:02 pm: |
Actually, MTR, even though I've since found out that as usual Robert and I are the last to know anything (Everyone, I do apologise for the e-mail..) but, to answer your question, yes, it did make me feel better to add my name. But I definitely don't retaliate against murder with murder. Nor do I condone such a thing. And I've had the odd occasion to do so, I assure you. I simply wanted justice. That's all I've ever wanted. And, please call me Lyn. There isn't a 'Lindsay' on the Casebook, as far as I know. (Is there??) Regards, Lyn My first reaction is, "OMG that's crazy". But then I'm thinking this just may be crazy enough to work. copyright © Bradley McGinnis Sept. 2005
AP Wolf
Assistant Commissioner Username: Apwolf
Post Number: 3021 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 6:04 pm: |
So we are still sending our convicts to Australia? In the LVP it used to be for stealing a lace hanky. One thing you can bet your bottom dollar on, if the rumour is that these guys are going to Australia, then they are going to Canada. That is the first refuge for the WPS, then New Zealand and then when all else fails Tasmania. I have no moral standpoint on this, apart from the fact that children grow up, unless they get killed on the way that is. |
George Hutchinson
Chief Inspector Username: Philip
Post Number: 963 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 7:28 pm: |
I'm with AP on this one. It is very hard to make objective comment. What they did 12 years ago I remember well and is utterly unforgivable. However, we of all people should be aware of folie a deux (with apologies if wrongly spelt), that people do indeed grow up and that Venables, at least, does not appear to be by himself a dangerous individual. I have a strong feeling the e-mail was fake, or at least the names upon it were all mass-produced and that consequently only a few people are required to sign and forward said e-mail in the hope of making the recipient's system crash. It happens all the time; most e-mail warnings about viruses etc saying to forward them to everyone in your address book ARE hoaxes - the overload of e-mail sending causes problems on the net and the offenders have gained what they require without the generation of any software (like the joke I was sent once : I AM TOO LAZY TO SEND YOU A VIRUS. PLEASE OPEN YOUR O.S. AND DELETE TEN FILES AT RANDOM). However, I digress. My sympathy and understanding are entirely with the victims of crime. That does not make me a willing participant in witch hunts against the offenders when the law has taken its course. I realise from past comments from other people whom I otherwise get on with well that this is a rare opinion on these boards, but it is one I am entitled to. In short - feel free to hate what the killers were. Do not use that to judge what they are now. This is nothing to do with twisted morality or forgiveness and everything to do with a subjective opinion on Human Rights, even with the knowledge that said rights were abused when the crime was committed. PHILIP Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd!
Nicholas Smith
Inspector Username: Diddles
Post Number: 171 Registered: 6-2005
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 5:33 am: |
G'day guys, Could I have some clarification on this? It's my understanding that little Jamie's mother has found one of the kids who murdered him and he's still here in Endland somewhere. Jules |
Nicholas Smith
Inspector Username: Diddles
Post Number: 172 Registered: 6-2005
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 6:00 am: |
G'day again. And if my memory serves me correctly I got this email several years ago when I was working for the govt. and couldn't work out how to put my name on it. It came around when the kids were released so it's old news. Sorry about that. Jules |
Detective Sergeant Username: Rigby
Post Number: 73 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 2:14 pm: |
Robert Charles Linford wrote: That's Ok, MTR. If any of the "pompous 496" ever were to commit such a murder as you envisage, I'm sure you'd be full of compassion, tolerance and understanding, wouldn't you? Have read and re-read that and I still fail to see a point there. Sorry. Robert Charles Linford wrote: Now I'll ask you a question : put "Robert and Jon" (apparently we're on first name terms here) into a room with a child, and put any of the "pompous 496" into another room with another child. Who do you think is most likely to commit a murder? Certainly not Robert and Jon (the "first name terms" comes from your own spam-mail, Robert). They've been through their punishment; are evidently rehabilitated enough to be released back into society; and thoroughly understand what it means to kill a fellow human being. I'm as certain as I can be that they are two of the last people on Earth whom I can think of who would ever murder anybody. Far less likely than the average person would do, put it that way. Of course, the 'tabloids' would never promote such a common-sense viewpoint and so such radically-logical thinking is unlikely to be heard often at 'pub-level', is it ? So they continue to demonise them, to 'Hindley-ise' them and to sell illiterate copy which fuels most folk's innate (and justifiable) abhorrence towards child-murderers. The problem is that - in my opinion - such a hatred doesn't exactly fit this crime and these time-served criminals. Robert Charles Linford wrote: By the way, why the priggish reference to a tabloid mentality? Must have been the way I was thinking when I wrote it. I'm aware of many people with a general anti-Thompson/Venables stance and it's mostly all puff and ill-reasoned imagining helped out by Murdochian editors and their ilk. As for the priggishness, I'm not 'better' than anyone else because I don't regularly read them. After all they've been through, why on Earth would Thompson and Venables be "dangerous" now ? If there was proof of such they'd be locked away for a very long time. |
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 5467 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 3:38 pm: |
MTR Point one means, I have a feeling that you'd be rather hard on anyone who murdered Thompson or Venables. I've a feeling you'd want to see such a person sent down for quite a long time. "They've been through their punishment; are evidently rehabilitated enough to be released back into society" How do you know this? "and thoroughly understand what it means to kill a fellow human being." Yes, apparently it means eight years in prison. Did they get a Centre Parks holiday? "I'm as certain as I can be that they are two of the last people on Earth whom I can think of who would ever murder anybody. Far less likely than the average person would do, put it that way." Does the Judiciary agree with you on this? For example, are there any impediments to their taking up jobs as teachers, school caretakers, childminders etc? Do they have to keep police informed of their whereabouts? Or is that against their human rights? Just curious. I see that not only do you dislike tabloids (I don't like them much myself, but then I don't like any newspapers), you also have a low opinion of the thinking that goes on at "pub level." I'm going to help you out here, MTR, and put into words what you're hinting at : the people who want Thompson and Venables kept inside, are all low income, working-class, beer-swilling Sun-reading oiks who simply don't have the brains to follow the truly civilized thinking contained in shining publications such as the "Guardian." Instead, these dull and hapless peasants become easy targets for Murdoch and the like. The fools, they're too stupid to see how they're being taken in. Did it not occur to you that one reason that "ordinary people" feel so apprehensive about this, is because it will be their communities that this pair will settle in? There won't be any murderers living next door to Butler-Sloss, or Tony Blair, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, you can absolutely bank on that. "After all they've been through, why on Earth would Thompson and Venables be "dangerous" now ? If there was proof of such they'd be locked away for a very long time." You have a remarkably trusting nature, MTR. Quite extraordinary. |
Detective Sergeant Username: Rigby
Post Number: 74 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 3:42 pm: |
Lindsey C Hollifield wrote: Actually, MTR, even though I've since found out that as usual Robert and I are the last to know anything (Everyone, I do apologise for the e-mail..) but, to answer your question, yes, it did make me feel better to add my name. But I definitely don't retaliate against murder with murder. Nor do I condone such a thing. And I've had the odd occasion to do so, I assure you. I simply wanted justice. That's all I've ever wanted. What wasn't "justice" about what Thompson and Venables served ? Lindsey C Hollifield wrote: And, please call me Lyn. There isn't a 'Lindsay' on the Casebook, as far as I know. (Is there??) Unfortunately, clicking the reply button took me away from your post and hence an exact spelling wasn't possible this time; a hazy memory was all I could offer. I'm yet a newbie around here after all so don't 'know' you. Hope the accidental single letter substitution didn't give you a sleepless night. It'll be "Lynn" all the way now, I assure you Lindsey C Hollifield wrote: Regards, Lyn Regards to you too, Mike. |
Detective Sergeant Username: Rigby
Post Number: 75 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 4:07 pm: |
George Hutchinson wrote: I'm with AP on this one. It is very hard to make objective comment. What they did 12 years ago I remember well and is utterly unforgivable. However, we of all people should be aware of folie a deux (with apologies if wrongly spelt), that people do indeed grow up and that Venables, at least, does not appear to be by himself a dangerous individual. I remember it well too. I had taken an early lunch in Bootle Strand and missed the kidnapping by about fifteen minutes. A little while later I was probably sitting at my desk as they passed by with Jamie (approx. 75 yards away, out of sight behind a building). I remember the anger of locals towards the killers. I remember seeing a house surrounded by a crowd of 30+ baying for the occupants because their lad had been questioned by the police over it (and released completely without charge). I think they moved out within days (effectively for no reason at all - just driven out by vile crowd behaviour). I remember seeing a van supposedly with either Thompson or Venables inside it being attacked by some bloke venting his anger. It wasn't pretty. I remember lots about the case and it's hopefully not all mis-remembered because it was very 'close to home'. George Hutchinson wrote: I have a strong feeling the e-mail was fake, or at least the names upon it were all mass-produced and that consequently only a few people are required to sign and forward said e-mail in the hope of making the recipient's system crash. It happens all the time; most e-mail warnings about viruses etc saying to forward them to everyone in your address book ARE hoaxes - the overload of e-mail sending causes problems on the net and the offenders have gained what they require without the generation of any software (like the joke I was sent once : I AM TOO LAZY TO SEND YOU A VIRUS. PLEASE OPEN YOUR O.S. AND DELETE TEN FILES AT RANDOM). I agree. George Hutchinson wrote: However, I digress. My sympathy and understanding are entirely with the victims of crime. That does not make me a willing participant in witch hunts against the offenders when the law has taken its course. I realise from past comments from other people whom I otherwise get on with well that this is a rare opinion on these boards, but it is one I am entitled to. I'm never sure if 'sympathy' is the right word here but most folk would agree that Jamie's Mum went through utter hell. I can't imagine how I'd react in the same situation. George Hutchinson wrote: In short - feel free to hate what the killers were. Do not use that to judge what they are now. This is nothing to do with twisted morality or forgiveness and everything to do with a subjective opinion on Human Rights, even with the knowledge that said rights were abused when the crime was committed. I agree. One of them (Robert ?) has A-levels now and was considering university last I heard. It's a cruel irony that he'd probably have been more likely to have been a binman if he hadn't taken Jamie Bulger for that fateful long walk back in 1993... Cheers, Mike. |
Lindsey C Hollifield
Chief Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 650 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 4:22 pm: |
Mike, Welcome to the boards. Unfortunately I really don't know how to answer your question, as I'm one of those low income, working-class, beer-swilling Sun-reading oiks that Robert mentioned who simply doesn't have the brains to follow the truly civilized thinking contained in shining publications such as the "Guardian", or any thread above "Pub Talk". Sorry, Hon. My regards again, Your friend, Lynn My first reaction is, "OMG that's crazy". But then I'm thinking this just may be crazy enough to work. copyright © Bradley McGinnis Sept. 2005
Jennifer Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 3404 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 4:23 pm: |
hey Philip, "However, I digress. My sympathy and understanding are entirely with the victims of crime. That does not make me a willing participant in witch hunts against the offenders when the law has taken its course. I realise from past comments from other people whom I otherwise get on with well that this is a rare opinion on these boards, but it is one I am entitled to. " you write what i think - not so rare after all maybe? Fact is, whatever we might think of the justice system it is what it is. democracy is there to make changes if we dont like stuff (did i really say that!) Anyway - we arent a court of law so Jenni (Message edited by jdpegg on December 30, 2005) "It´s alright, it´s alright -´Cause the system never fails"
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 5469 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 4:23 pm: |
"What wasn't "justice" about what Thompson and Venables served ?" Every now and again one sees a post that appears to come from the other side of the universe. And it's a place I don't want to go to. |
Jennifer Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 3405 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 4:31 pm: |
well then lets all shut up about it no offence inteneded "It´s alright, it´s alright -´Cause the system never fails"
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 5471 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 4:36 pm: |
Jenni, I for my part think it's pretty pointless continuing, after that last remark. Did you intened to type "inteneded"? Robert |
Jennifer Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 3406 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 4:44 pm: |
yes thats right i did i aslo inteneded a lot of other things but really its not worth getting into right now "It´s alright, it´s alright -´Cause the system never fails"
Natalie Severn
Assistant Commissioner Username: Severn
Post Number: 2757 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 4:44 pm: |
I believe that as they were 10 years old at the time their punishment was appropriate. I am with those above who cant sign. Natalie |
Lindsey C Hollifield
Chief Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 651 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 4:53 pm: |
Dear Mike, My previous post on this thread, upon re-reading, comes across as very insensitive. I was still chuckling at the thought of myself as Robert had summed me up, and wasn't composing a well thought out post (because it's something I'm really not good at). I should have just said that Philip about summed things up for me. But that I also think Robert presents his debate quite well. And left it at that. I've been enlightened about a few facts regarding this case, as well as suspect e-mails, but I do not condone witch hunts or persecution of any kind. Want to make that absolutely clear. I sincerely hope that these two individuals have learned their lesson during their incarceration, and will never prey on other human beings again. And that others don't prey on them. (This is why I don't do serious posts. As I mentioned, I'm just not good at them.) Regards, Lynn (Maybe I should have gone to that approved school after all. I might have got more than two 'O' levels..) My first reaction is, "OMG that's crazy". But then I'm thinking this just may be crazy enough to work. copyright © Bradley McGinnis Sept. 2005
Lindsey C Hollifield
Chief Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 652 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 4:55 pm: |
Jenni, Sorry, our posts were out of synch again. I've said all I'm going to say. Love, Lyn My first reaction is, "OMG that's crazy". But then I'm thinking this just may be crazy enough to work. copyright © Bradley McGinnis Sept. 2005
Caroline Anne Morris
Assistant Commissioner Username: Caz
Post Number: 2440 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Sunday, January 01, 2006 - 8:13 am: |
Happy New Year All! Sorry, but I never sign any of these things, even if I agree with the sentiment. In this case, I'm with Nats and Philip. Children are abused and murdered by their own parents on a regular basis. But because they are not listed on the front page of every newspaper every week we don't let it enter our consciousness sufficiently for our anger to boil over in the same way it did with the terribly rare Bulger case, in which other children committed the abuse and murder. Children of ten don't get the vote for obvious reasons. And yet I'd trust a lot of ten year-olds these days with the vote more than I would many adults. The first adults I'd strip of the vote would be the type who attacked a man who had the sign 'paediatrician' on his door, thinking it meant paedophile (as if he would advertise the fact). Behind the two boys lurked adults who, innocently or otherwise, were responsible for the shaping of their first decade on earth. And so it goes on. Love, Caz X |
Detective Sergeant Username: Rigby
Post Number: 76 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 6:46 am: |
For the record: "Taboid Mentality" = this (Reproduced below because Sun links don't usually last long) Agony at Bulger Fiend Tot By ANDY RUSSELL THE mother of murdered toddler James Bulger has spoken of her horror at the revelation that one of the tot’s killers has become a dad. Robert Thompson, 23, fathered the baby after romancing a girlfriend under an assumed name, it was claimed yesterday. Thompson — along with Jon Venables — was convicted of the torture and killing of James, two, in 1993 but was released aged 18 with a new identity. He was moved to a town in northern England where he met the unidentified girl. It was reported that shortly after the birth Thompson and the girl split up, though he is still in regular contact with his baby. James’s mum Denise, 36, said: “If he can’t be allowed to work with children officially under the terms of his parole then he should not be allowed to lie about who he really is to have a child" “It is a recipe for disaster and makes my blood run cold." “The probation service should step in and reveal who he really is." “If Thompson is not prepared to do it himself then this poor girl needs to know what kind of person he is.” |
Detective Sergeant Username: Rigby
Post Number: 77 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 6:51 am: |
The original Chain Letter cited above is debunked here and elsewhere and has been circulating since 2001. Mike. |
Lindsey C Hollifield
Chief Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 671 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 8:02 am: |
We know, Hon. Jenni wants us to stop this dicussion now. So we'd better stop. Love, Lyn x My first reaction is, "OMG that's crazy". But then I'm thinking this just may be crazy enough to work. copyright © Bradley McGinnis Sept. 2005
Jennifer Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 3445 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 8:59 am: |
Hey, when did i become all powerful? i like it!! Lol Jenni "The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution"
I Know Jack Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 6:31 pm: |
... the justice system has penalised them; the Home Office..... Incorrect. We do not have a justice system in this country. We have Courts of Law NOT Courts of Justice. I was a police officer at the time of this crime, and for the full extent of what they did to that child they should be shot. They are pure evil. |
George Hutchinson
Chief Inspector Username: Philip
Post Number: 970 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 11:15 am: |
Dear 'I Know Jack' (what a great and original and confidence inspiring name that is) How wonderful pedantry can be when coming from the mind of an ex-Police Officer advocating the execution of children. PHILIP Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd!
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 5482 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 11:36 am: |
Maybe the bleeding hearts should arrest James's mother for her tabloid mentality. A good stiff sentence of 20 years - that will teach her to dare to question the Establishment. Caz, you rightly want to deprive the people who attacked the paediatrician of the vote. I might be wrong here, but I think that convicts can now vote in elections - something to do with human rights - and so these people will be able to vote whether they're inside prison or outside. Robert |
Natalie Severn
Assistant Commissioner Username: Severn
Post Number: 2767 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 12:01 pm: |
The " Rhetoric of Evil" is something the Sun uses whenever it wants to" demonise "someone or something .Its impossible to argue the concept because it has an indefinable/demonic meaning. The SUN uses it whenever it feels page 3 is failing and a boost is needed that will increase its sales and profits. Actually the only real concern the Sun has ever had since it became a tabloid newspaper has been the "bare breast" count on page 3. We keep hearing about this word "Evil"lately in fact we now have a long running, "War on Evil"and its noticeable that a lot of babies,toddlers and other innocent people are getting blown to bits as a consequence. If we are going to get biblical what about,"Thou Shall not KIll"? |
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 5485 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 12:20 pm: |
Nats, I'm not denying that Murdoch has his own agenda, just as politicians have their agendas - left, right, middle, fascist, Trotskyist, whatever. I think it's a sad day when the victims of crime are denied a public voice. Robert |
Richard Brian Nunweek
Assistant Commissioner Username: Richardn
Post Number: 1638 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 3:48 pm: |
Hi, The above thread is a very delicate subject, human response is to feel anger, revulsion, and a strong desire for justice. I feel that what the defendants did at the age of Ten years was a sadistic game that went out of hand, that is no excuse but many normal children at that age have a desire to be cruel, even if it does not go to that length. It seeps from the age in particular and it could derive from a upbringing that involved some physical or mental torture in the lifes of these two boys. I would suggest that these two young men have suffered enough mental anquish for their deeds, and at the age they both are now would be no harm to anyone . This will never bring back Young Jamie however, and it is a most tragic case. Regards Richard. |
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 5488 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 4:36 pm: |
Well, I'm now quitting this thread (this time really!) otherwise I'll still be here this time next year. We'll have to agree to disagree. Robert |
Lindsey C Hollifield
Chief Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 674 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Monday, January 02, 2006 - 6:42 pm: |
Robert, I admire your decision to quit this thread. You're not alone, Hon. If you find yourself tempted to start posting on this thread again at any time, you know you have a support system on the other end of a phone. 24/7 (I should use it more often myself..) Love you heaps, Lyn x My first reaction is, "OMG that's crazy". But then I'm thinking this just may be crazy enough to work. copyright © Bradley McGinnis Sept. 2005
Caroline Anne Morris
Assistant Commissioner Username: Caz
Post Number: 2444 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, January 03, 2006 - 5:21 am: |
Hi Richard, I'm with you here. My late father-in-law hated to hear the word 'bastard' in the context of children. He used to say there were no bastard kids, only bastard parents. He died from lung cancer caused by asbestos - he had worked in a foundry and helped to cast ships' propellers during the war. It was a reserved occupation, so he couldn't be called up, but ignorant people taunted him and his fellow workers, calling them cowards - the good old days. Anyway, Charlie died before Jamie Bulger, and three days after the Hillsborough tragedy. I very much doubt he would have changed his mind about adults being the only real bastards in this world. Love, Caz X |
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