Author |
Message |
Nina Thomas
Inspector Username: Nina
Post Number: 185 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 8:07 pm: |
Hi Chris, We got 12" of snow between yesterday and today. Sure could use your help. Nina |
Nina Thomas
Inspector Username: Nina
Post Number: 186 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 8:10 pm: |
Hi Lyn, Will be making you a snowman tomorrow! I'll post it when it's done. Actually I could build a whole family of snow people with the 12" we got. Would need a little help though! Nina  |
Lindsey Millar
Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 153 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 2:51 pm: |
Nina, I'm touched! The snowman that I made for you has sadly thawed... the big melt has set in, and now we just have water everywhere. Had to wade through several inches to get to the supermarket yesterday. Looking forward to pics of "my" snowman! Don't forget to add a knife and top hat! Love, Lyn  |
Nina Thomas
Inspector Username: Nina
Post Number: 187 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 3:34 pm: |
Hi Lyn, I just finished your snowman. I hope you can make it out, there is just so much snow here and everything is white. I don't have a top hat and I think if I tied a knife onto his arm it might have fallen off along with his arm.
Love, Nina  |
Kelly Robinson
Detective Sergeant Username: Kelly
Post Number: 110 Registered: 2-2004
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 3:50 pm: |
Nina, I'm guessing, um...slice of pickle for the mouth? -K
"The past isn't over. It isn't even past." William Faulkner
Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 1706 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 5:00 pm: |
GREAT STUFF!!!! altogether now.......Frosty......................... the snowmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!! Suzi xxxxxxxxxxx |
Nina Thomas
Inspector Username: Nina
Post Number: 189 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 6:33 pm: |
Hi Kelly, Woman you have good eyes! Yes it's a dill pickle for his mouth, sweet pickles for his eyes, and a pinecone for his mouth. Nina
Nina Thomas
Inspector Username: Nina
Post Number: 190 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 6:40 pm: |
Hi Suzi, If you continue with your song you will realize that Frosty came to life when his hat was placed on his head. I'm sure glad I didn't have a hat for him. I don't think I could sanely handle a snowman dancing around. Although it would make a great video. Nina  |
Lindsey Millar
Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 156 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 7:51 pm: |
Nina, I am truly touched! Love the use of pickles.. wouldn't have thought that for myself! Don't worry about the top hat and knife.. it's wonderful as it is. Bestest, Lyn P.S. Speaking of knives.. my very favourite Christmas present was from my son, then aged six, a rubber knife "to go with my Ripper collection". He's now 14, and this year gave me a $10 bill. "To be used wisely" he said... eBay here I come! |
Christopher T George
Assistant Commissioner Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 1252 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 10:54 pm: |
I had a bright idea, I was going to post it on this site, but then I forgot it. All I'm left with is....
Bright, aren't I?
(Message edited by ChrisG on December 28, 2004) Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist
Nina Thomas
Inspector Username: Nina
Post Number: 192 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 7:16 pm: |
Hi Lyn, The pickles are now gone, I guess my cats couldn't resist them. At least I got the photo before the attack. Hope you get a great deal on Ebay. Nina
Nina Thomas
Inspector Username: Nina
Post Number: 193 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 7:21 pm: |
Hi Chris, You may have forgotten your bright idea but you have brightened up this sight. Nina
Christopher T George
Assistant Commissioner Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 1259 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 2:11 am: |
Thanks, Nina... This one's for Lyn. Ahh, Bisto! Redbridge stands by the dock on a wooden crate that proclaims, Ahh, Bisto! Use Bisto Gravy. As a child, he’d dreamed of being a Bisto Kid who’d convert the world to the wonders of Bisto. His daughter Molly hands out pamphlets to all who’ll accept one. He must get the Word out before the midday sun burns the pedestrians from the streets. Meanwhile, villagers hustle to market, tidy away their Saturday chores. He received the Word from the mouth of Jesus, he honors the Lord’s Word, swishes it round his tongue as he regales all who’ll listen, to assure them how good the Word tastes: an elixir for the world’s ills. He yells parables to passersby. The fishermen mend their nets; he’s a fisher of men. Ahh, Bisto! Christopher T. George
 Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist
Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 1718 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 1:29 pm: |
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgh Christo! Were all showing the old age here a tad! he he Suzi |
Alan Sharp
Chief Inspector Username: Ash
Post Number: 692 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 7:57 pm: |
I am posting this for no other reason than that I have just spent about 4 hours having to force myself to stop being a technophobe and take a crash course in figuring out how to clean my computer of some strange bug spybot worm thingy that had gotten into it, have downloaded countless diagnostic and cleaning programs and learned how to put my computer into "safe mode" (I had no idea it did that!) and now I have a nice clean computer that runs about twice as fast as it used to but I have lost all my cookies and this site is throwing up ads all over the place, which will stop once I have posted something because the cookie will come back, so hence here I am posting. Yup, I definitely need to get out more. "Everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise."
Christopher T George
Assistant Commissioner Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 1264 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 9:03 pm: |
Hi Alan Indeed surfing the web or just being on the web at all leaves us open to picking up Spyware, so a good clean out is periodically necessary. I use the program NoAdware available from to give my system a clean out to root out those nasty parasites. Others may be able to recommend other programs and possibly you have a better one... All the best Chris Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist
Nina Thomas
Inspector Username: Nina
Post Number: 205 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 9:46 pm: |
Hi Alan, Keeping my computer clean is a daily ritual and it only takes a short time to complete.
1. I use Ultra WinCleaner One Click 2. Ad Aware 3. Spyware Doctor These three are available at I believe that Ad Aware is a free program and the others give you a trial period to test them. I also use a virus scan and firewall. Hope this helps! Nina  |
David O'Flaherty
Chief Inspector Username: Oberlin
Post Number: 654 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 9:51 pm: |
Hi Alan, Chris, Nina Alan, sounds like you've got a good handle on the technical stuff since you were able to get rid of your problem by yourself. I've found that if you keep your Operating System, anti-virus, and firewall updated, you should be in good shape. I scan for viruses once a week. On top of that, I also use a couple of free programs. Ad-Aware( is useful for clearing junk off your computer. Also, since so many bugs are aimed at exploits in Internet Explorer, I've been using Mozilla's Firefox browser, which you can get at I've noticed that Firefox blocks a lot of adware, too. Cheers, Dave |
Alan Sharp
Chief Inspector Username: Ash
Post Number: 693 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 3:54 am: |
Indeed, Ad-Aware is one of the programs I now have, together with SpyBot Search and Destroy. I went to some techie sites and these were the ones they recommended. I also have Norton Anti-Virus and McAfee Firewall running, however this nasty little worm had buried itself too deep for any of these to do any good, so the advice was to download something called HijackThis, start the computer in safe mode and run this program which would tell me every process the computer was running in the background, look down the list for anything that didn't belong and delete it (in ordinary mode these things don't allow you to delete them but in safe mode they do), then restart the system in ordinary mode, run all the Adware programs again to get rid of anything hanging around, then download and run something called CCleaner which just blasts everything which might be remotely dodgy off your system, but as said also gets rid of all your cookies so you have to remember all your passwords and re-enter them on any sites you use regularly. All pretty impressive stuff for a technophobe luddite, huh? "Everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise."
Nina Thomas
Inspector Username: Nina
Post Number: 206 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 1:33 pm: |
Hi Alan, Very impressive indeed! Nina  |
Natalie Severn
Assistant Commissioner Username: Severn
Post Number: 2251 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 5:07 pm: |
Hey there Nina...!You still around? Whose door do I knock on to see if you"re able to come out to play? Your Friend Nats x
Jennifer Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 2729 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 5:12 pm: |
Exactly, good point Nats Girl power!! Jenni |
Natalie Severn
Assistant Commissioner Username: Severn
Post Number: 2253 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 5:31 pm: |
Thing is Jenny I was wondering if Nina had become some sort of "locked up" Damsel in distress---sort of Rapunzel like---and whether we ought to be thinking of a "rescue operation" perhaps? |
Jennifer Pegg
Assistant Commissioner Username: Jdpegg
Post Number: 2732 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 5:36 pm: |
Now you should go look on the female historians thread because i think it was there i was talking with How about it! |
Nina Thomas
Inspector Username: Nina
Post Number: 247 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Saturday, July 30, 2005 - 2:23 am: |
Nats, Jenni, I just awoke from the strangest dream. There was this rabbit ...
Nina  |
Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 2818 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Saturday, July 30, 2005 - 4:16 am: |
Nina!!! Just downloaded one of those as am going to be sadly away from this for two weeks!!!!!! LOVE the pic!!!!!! Thanks!!!! Suzi
Natalie Severn
Assistant Commissioner Username: Severn
Post Number: 2256 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Saturday, July 30, 2005 - 4:40 am: |
Goodness Nina-------- thats actually Brer Howie with his hood down! --- and Hey!My Oh My! what big ears he"s got!!![whisper]:Nina -He"s a real hard case -known to hang out with a gang from the "High Rip Hutch"- so don"t be fooled into drinking from his quack medicine bottle!Worse-he"s the only member of that gang known to have some phony doctor"s degree from Germany and to be studying the "Black Arts". So Jenni and me, we think we may have found the antidote to that bottle of " medicine"- we cracked the code and thats why you woke and we got you back here.... But be warned....he adopts different guises so for you to stay free you must check in here just once a week!But if you dont your clothes will turn to rags and you may find yourself back sweeping out cinders in that castle or worse back in its dungeon! Your Friend Nats |
Christopher T George
Assistant Commissioner Username: Chrisg
Post Number: 1724 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 2:55 pm: |
No Moore "Thieves . . . snatched a two-ton Henry Moore bronze of a reclining figure from the grounds of the late sculptor's foundation north of London, police said Saturday." Washington Post, December 18, 2005 Using Mercedes truck and crane, thieves feigned a nimble lift of Moore's hefty "Reclining Figure" from where she reclined on the Moore foundation's 70-acre country estate just steps from the night's frolickers at the Hoops Inn. Clever as Ella Fitzgerald singing "A-Tisket A-Tasket," they scored a basket, and filched the offending trinket. Now curators tremble the same will be turned to scrap: modern art rendered to modern pap. But what's the flap? "Effing figure -- that's not art to me, a piece of crap! She may be in recline but if offered to me, I'd decline!" Christopher T. George
Henry Moore's statue "A Reclining Figure" and, inset, a CCTV image showing the four-wheel-drive vehicle arriving at the estate. Thieves with a flatbed truck and a crane snatched the bronze on Thursday.
Henry Moore (1898-1986) Christopher T. George North American Editor Ripperologist
Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 3436 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 4:34 pm: |
I Know I know I know but there is a fabulous audacity about that isn't there!!!!!!! Incidently they still haven't found it.......and if they think its been nicked for scrap .......rubbish !!-its a mega jape I think.................and I hope it's safe! Suzi x |
Lindsey C Hollifield
Chief Inspector Username: Lindsey
Post Number: 598 Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 2:27 am: |
It had better not be being made into German planes. (Sorry. I'm so confused I don't know which language to type in. Sorry again.) Just not sure what Godfrey would make of that. Love, Lyn x My first reaction is, "OMG that's crazy". But then I'm thinking this just may be crazy enough to work. copyright © Bradley McGinnis Sept. 2005
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 5421 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 8:42 am: |
I think George Melly said that when he was studying at some art college or other, and Moore came to visit, he and his friends used to sing : Please don't make any more Mr Moore, Mr Moore please don't make any more... The feeling was that he was repeating himself. That one above looks like a swan to me. Robert |
George Hutchinson
Chief Inspector Username: Philip
Post Number: 953 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 12:48 pm: |
Shouldn't this thread be renamed "We all need to get our Moore?" Ho de ho de ho. He's so witty. PHILIP Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd!
Suzi Hanney
Assistant Commissioner Username: Suzi
Post Number: 3460 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 5:45 pm: |
' Er me and Mr Melly (about 5 yrs ago!!!).... LOVELY LOVELY man!!!!!!
Suzi |
George Hutchinson
Chief Inspector Username: Philip
Post Number: 955 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 7:56 pm: |
Oh yeah, sure, Suzi. As if either of you remembered it the next day! PHILIP Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd!
Natalie Severn
Assistant Commissioner Username: Severn
Post Number: 2728 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 2:58 pm: |
Apparently he called his house Much Hadum! |