New Jersey, USA
12 September 1889
Suspicion That Jack Is a Well Known London Physician
London, Sept. 12.
The inquest in the case of the woman whose headless body was discovered in the Whitechapel district was conducted with closed doors, and extraordinary precautions are taken to prevent the medical testimony in the case being made public. A rumor is afloat, but cannot be traced to an authoritative source, that one of the doctors has pointed out that the surgical work of the fiend who committed the murder bears a remarkable resemblance in certain features to peculiarities which have frequently been noted in the work of a well known London surgeon, a man of the highest standing in his profession, but exceedingly eccentric.
The police maintain a discreet silence, and refuse to either deny or to verify the rumor. They appear to be active, however, and their conduct indicates that they have a clew of some sort.