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Reno Evening Gazette
Nevada, USA
13 November 1888

A Probable Murder

London Nov. 13.
The body of a well dressed woman was taken out of the Thames this morning. There were marks on the body which gave rise to a suspicion that the woman had been murdered, but it is possible she committed suicide, and that the marks were received by contact with objects in the water. The police searched the wards of the various police stations, in the hope of getting a clue to the murderer, but were unsuccessful. The arrested one man who had a bowie knife in his possession, but there was no reason to believe that he was instrumental in the woman's death. He will probably be discharged.

Related pages:
  Thames Discovery - November 1888
       Press Reports: New York Times - 14 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Reno Evening Gazette - 13 November 1888 

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