London, Sept. 10.
At 5:30 this morning a policeman found the body of a fallen woman lying at the corner of a railway arch
on Cable Street, Whitechapel. An examination of the remains showed that the head and arms had been cut
off and carried away, the stomach ripper open, the intestines lying on the ground. A cordon of police
instantly surrounded the spot, but no arrests have been made up to this hour, 8 a.m. Policemen pass the
spot every fifteen minutes, but those on duty last night say they saw nothing suspicious. The
physicians who examined the body state that in their opinion the murder and mutilation occupied nearly
an hour. It is surmised that the murderer carried off the head and arms in a bag. This is the worst of
the whole of the Whitechapel murders. Crowds surround the morgue where the body lies.
NOON: Later details concerning the finding of the body of the murdered woman in Whitechapel this morning show that there was no blood on the ground where the body was found, neither was there any blood on the body. From this it is evident that the murder was committed in some other place, and the body was subsequently deposited under the railway arch. The trunk was nude, and a garment stained with blood was found lying near the body. The arms were intact but the legs were missing. It is believed that the woman has been dead for two days.
The manner in which the limbs were severed from the body shows that the murderer was possessed of some surgical skill. The woman was about thirty years old, her clothing was shabby and she was evidently a spirit drinker. The remains have not been identified. The most intense excitement prevails in Whitechapel.
Three sailors who were sleeping under the arch next to the one under which the body was found were taken into custody by the police. They convinced the authorities, however, that they had seen or heard nothing suspicious, and they were discharged.
The victim was completely disembowelled.