The police have under close observation in connection with the Whitechapel murders an inmate of an East End infirmary, who was admitted since the murders. The police this morning detained a pensioner who entered a publichouse in Clerkenwell, and asked the barman to sign some document relating to his pension papers which bore the name of Conway, the name of the husband of the Mitre square murder.
It was found subsequently that the murdered woman's husband was much older than the man detained, and he was accordingly liberated.
At the Belfast Police Court to-day John Foster was charged on suspicion with being concerned in the Whitechapel murders. Constable Carland deposed that from information received he detained the suspect in Memel street. He gave the name of William John Foster, and said he was a watchmaker, and had been during the past week at Greenock, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. A clasp knife, three razors, and two knives were found on him, and a watch with the monogram, "A.M.R." He was remanded.