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Fresno Weekly Republican (California, U.S.A.)
9 December 1892

Tyndall's Hypnotic Victim

Los Angeles, December 8.
Professor Tyndall performed a great hypnotic feat today. Last evening he hypnotized Frank Steiner, made him believe he was Jack the Ripper, and told him to go to the police station at 11 o'clock this morning and confess to Chief Glass that he was Jack the Ripper. Immense crowds gathered at the police station this morning. Promptly at the time mentioned Steiner came rushing in with a dirk knife and screaming like a madman. With difficulty the knife was taken from him, when he confessed he was Jack the Ripper. After being brought out of his cataleptic fit young Steiner collapsed and was carried to the county hospital. Physicians say that he will have a close call to pull through. They condemn Tyndall's hypnotic tests as injurious to the nervous system.

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