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A Timeline of Events in the Life and Death of Mary Jane Kelly
Courtesy of Casebook Productions


Mary Jane Kelly was born in Limerick, Ireland.1


Kelly moved to Wales. Her father, John Kelly, took a job at an ironworks in Caranvonshire or Carmanthenshire.2

Kelly had 6 or 7 brothers and 1 sister. One brother, Henry (aka Johnto), joined the 2nd Battalion, Scots Guards.3


Kelly married a man named Davies, (or Davis), a collier.4


Davies died in a mine explosion.5


Kelly moved in with a cousin in Cardiff.6

Kelly became a prostitute.7

Kelly became ill and spent nealy a year in an infirmary.8


Kelly moved to London.9

Kelly worked in a West End gay house.10

Kelly went to Paris for 2 weeks with a gentleman, but returned not liking France.11


Kelly moved in with a Mr Morganstone (possibly Morgan Stone) near Stepney Gas Works.12

Kelly lived with and possibly worked for Mrs Buki, St George's St. She helped Kelly retrieve belongings from a French lady's residence in Knightsbridge.13

Kelly Resided at Mrs Carthy's, Breezer Hill, Ratcliff Hghwy.14

END OF 1886

Kelly left Mrs Carthy's and moved in with Joseph Fleming, possibly a mason or plasterer, near Bethanl Green. (Kelly was said to be fond of him.)15

APR 1887

Kelly had left Fleming and moved into either Cooney's or a lodging-house in Thrawl St.16

APR 8, 1887
Good Friday

Kelly met Joseph Barnett, a laborer/fish porter at Billingsgate Market, in Commercial St.17

APR 9, 1887

They met again and decided to live together.18

APR 1887-MAR 1888

Kelly and Barnett lived in George St, then moved to Little Paternoster Row, Dorset St, and then they lived in Brick Lane.19

MAR 1888

Kelly and Barnett finally moved into 13 Miller's Court, 26 Dorset St. This single room, (10 ft. x 12 ft.) was actually the ground floor back room of the main house, partitioned off from it. The only door was just inside the arched entry to the court. The couple’s rent was 4s/6d (22 ½p) per week. (the rent was 29/- (£1 45p) behind when Kelly died.)20

    Dorset St ran east-west from Commercial St to Crispin St. At the Commercial St end it faced the churchyard of Christ Church, Spitalfields an area sometimes known as Itchy Park. Opposite the western end stood the Providence Row Night Refuge and Convent at 50 Crispin St, Dorset St was quite a narrow thoroughfare and was about 130 yards long. It was flanked by old, brick-built properties, probably dating from the early eighteenth century, whose doors opened directly to the street.

    Dorset St's properties were numbered consecutively along the south side from west to east (1-20) and back along the north side from east to west (21-39). Guarding either end on the north side were 2 pubs. The 3-story Britannia (aka Ringer’s after its landlady, Matilda Ringer) was actually #87 Commercial St, at the eastern end, whilst the similarly imposing Horn Of Plenty, (officially #5 Crispin St, landlord Christopher Brown) was at the western end. 3 alleyways ran out of the northern side of Dorset St: Paternoster Row, which lay between #35 & #36 ran all the way into Brushfield St, exiting alongside the Oxford Arms pub. It contained several common-lodging houses. The others were New Court and Miller's Court, both of which contained low-grade housing. New Court was almost mid-street, its narrow entry located between #33 & #34. The narrow entrance to Miller's Court was about a quarter of the way along the street from the eastern end, nestling between #26 & #27, both of which were owned by a grocer and slum property landlord, John McCarthy. Whilst McCarthy resided at #27 and carried on his chandler's business from its ground floor shop, #26 was being used as a storeroom at the time of the murder.

    A pub called the Blue Coat Boy (William James Turner) stood at #32. 2 other chandlers provided competition to McCarthy, Barnett Price at #7 and Alfred Coates at #36. A feature of the locality was the 'slum landlord' who owned or rented a number of cheap properties. Coates, for instance, also had a common lodging house in Flower & Dean St. In addition to his shops, John McCarthy was also the landlord of the properties in Miller's Court (aka McCarthy's Rents or McCarthy's Court). In 1890, his brother Daniel took over the shop at #36. Eventually John McCarthy acquired the common lodging house at #30, one of many such houses in Dorset St.

    Two large lodging houses were known as Crossingham's after their owner, William Crossingham; namely #35 where Annie Chapman had lodged and #17 opposite the entrance to Miller's Court. Other known lodging houses at the time were nos. 9, 10, 11-12 and 28-29. In all about 750 beds were provided in Dorset St, officially (though the rules were flouted widely and in practice there would have been many more).

    Most of the properties that were not registered lodging houses were rented out to tenants on a room by room basis. There is little evidence of other businesses being conducted from Dorset St. in the 1880s, but in the years following we see two milk contractors listed (at #13A & #14A by Messrs William Wright & Amos Payne) and a coal dealer, Mrs Jane Brooks from #39. Since the Brooks family was resident at #39 by 1881 there is a good chance that the business was operational much earlier than its listing in Kelly’s Directory.

    Dorset Street possessed a bad reputation. It was renowned for its poverty and crime. Being part of what the Rev. Barnett called the "wicked quarter mile", it fell within H-Division of the Metropolitan Police and was one of the streets that was double patrolled. Charles Booth, an early sociologist who surveyed London, produced his poverty map in 1887, colour coding the different streets of the metropolis. Dorset St achieved the lowest ranking, shaded black and described as vicious and semi-criminal.

    Miller's Court was approached from Dorset St. via a flagged passage that ran under an arch. Little more than a yard wide, it was about twenty feet long. The door to Room 13 was the last on the right before the passage opened out into a yard about fifteen feet square. The yard contained a water tap and a communal dustbin. There was no other access to #13, which had been partitioned off from the back of 26 Dorset St. The two windows of #13 looked out into the yard. Along the left-hand side of Miller's Court the passage extended beyond the yard for a further forty feet, here being about ten feet wide. It was flanked by lines of two-story, 'one up, one down' slum houses, built of brick. Miller’s Court had 2 units on the left, (the last not being used as accommodation) and 3 on the right. Numbering started with #1, downstairs on the left, with #2 above it, running down the left side and back up on the right such that #12 was upstairs, nearest to Mary's window. The houses were all whitewashed at ground floor level. Light was provided by a gas lamp mounted on the wall outside #1.21
JUL/AUG 1888

Barnett lost his job.22

AUG 7, 1888

Martha Tabram found dead in the George Yard Bldgs.23

AUG 31, 1888

Polly Nichols found dead in Buck's Row.24

SEP 8, 1888

Annie Chapman found dead at 29 Hanbury St.25

SEP 19, 1888

Kelly might have been the Mary Jane Kelly who was fined 2/6 (12 1/2p) at the Thames Magistartes Court for being drunk and disorderly.26

SEP 30, 1888

Elizabeth Stride found dead at Dutfield's Yard.27

SEP 30, 1888

Catherine Eddowes was found dead in Mitre Square.28

TUE, OCT 30, 1888
That Day

Kelly and Barnett had a fight. Kelly was drunk and broke 2 of the windowpanes. (The room key was subsequently lost. They opened spring-latch by reaching through the broken pane.)29

TUE, OCT 30, 1888

Barnett left Kelly, because of their fight. Kelly had prostitutes move in, 'Julia' and Mrs Harvey. Barnett disapproved and did not want Kelly to be a hooker.30

Barnett then took lodgings at Mrs Buller's boardinghouse, 24-25 New St, Bishopsgate.31

MON, NOV 5, 1888
That Night

Maria Harvey, a laundress, slept over at Kelly's.32

TUE, NOV 6, 1888
That Night

Harvey slept over at Kelly's, again.33

WED, NOV 7, 1888
That Day

Harvey moved into 3 New Court, Dorset St.34

WED, NOV 7, 1888
That Night

Kelly bought a halfpenny candle from McCarthy's shop.35

Thomas Bowyer (aka 'Indian Harry'), Indian army pensioner who lived at 37 Dorset St and worked for McCarthy, saw Kelly talking to a man in Miller's Court.36
    The man was 27-28, had a dark moustache and "very peculiar" eyes. He had a very smart appearance and was noticeable, because of his very white cuffs and somewhat long white collar. The collar ends came down over his coat.37
WED, NOV 7, 1888

Sarah Lewis, laundress, 29 Great Pearl St, and a friend were verbally accosted by a suspicious man on Bethnal Green Road.38

THUR, NOV 8, 1888

Julia Venturney, a charwoman living with Harry Owen, #1 Miller's Court (opposite #13), last saw Kelly having breakfast with a woman in her room.39

THUR, NOV 8, 1888
All Afternoon

Harvey was with Kelly and upon leaving, left behind 2 men's shirts, a boy's shirt, a black overcoat, a black bonnet, a pawn ticket, and a girl's white petticoat.40

THUR, NOV 8, 1888
That Day

Sir Charles Warren tendered his second resignation to the Home Secretary, Henry Matthews, which was accepted.41

THUR, NOV 8, 1888

Elizabeth Prater, (deserted by her husband, William Prater, a machinist, in 1883, 20 Miller's Court - directly above Kelly's room), left her room.42

THUR, NOV 8, 1888

Barnett visited Kelly.43

THUR, NOV 8, 1888

Lizzie Albrook, friend of Kelly's, resident of Miller's Court and worked at a lodging-house in Dorset St (possibly Crossingham's), visited Kelly. When Albrook left, she was told by Kelly, "Whatever you do don't you do wrong and turn out as I have."44

THUR, NOV 8, 1888

Barnett left Kelly on good terms and returned to his room at Mrs Buller's.45

THUR, NOV 8, 1888

Venturney went to bed, but could not sleep, only dozed.46

THUR, NOV 8, 1888
That Evening

Elizabeth Foster said she had been drinking with Kelly at The Ten Bells, (84 Commercial St, north corner of Commercial St & Church St).47

Maurice Lewis, a tailor in Dorset St, claimed he saw Kelly in The Horn of Plenty, (5 Crispin St, north corner of Crispin St & Dorset St) drinking with 'Danny' and 'Julia'.48

THUR, NOV 8, 1888

Kelly was possibly seen drunk in The Britannia, (87 Commercial St, north corner of Commercial St & Dorset St).49

THUR, NOV 8, 1888

Mary Ann Cox, a widow and an unfortunate, residing at 5 Miller's Court (last house top of the court), saw Kelly with a man.50
    The man was short, stout, with a blotchy faced. He looked to be in his thirties. He had a short carroty moustache, a billycock hat, a longish dark shabby coat, and a quart pale of beer. Kelly wore a linsey frock and a red knitted crossover shawl.51
They stood ahead of Cox, going up the court. Cox said, "Good night, Mary Jane." Kelly replied, "Good night. I'm going to have a song." Cox knew Kelly was drunk, and Kelly started singing. The man made no noise, but closed the door behind them as they went into Kelly's room. There was a light from the window, but the shade was drawn. Cox continued onto her room.52

FRI, NOV 9, 1888
12:00am (Midnight)

Cox left her room and saw that Kelly's light was still on and that she was still singing.53

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Several witnesses heard Kelly singing, "Only a Violet I Plucked from My Mother's Grave when a boy" from her room.54

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Catherine Pickett, resident Miller's Court, wanted to complain about Kelly's singing, but did not.55

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Cox returned to her room.56

Kelly's light was still on, and she was still singing.57

Prater returned and stood at the corner (archway to Miller's Court). She waited for a man, who was living with her. He did not not show, and Prater saw nothing suspicious.58

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Cox left her room again.59

Kelly was still singing.60

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Prater left the corner and went to McCarthy's Shop.61

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Prater left Mccarthy's shop and went to her room. She saw no light from Kelly's room as she went up.62

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Prater went to bed and heard no singing from Kelly's.63

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

George Hutchinson, Victoria Home, Commercial St, walked up Commercial St. He passed Thrawl St, and just before reaching Flower and Dean St, he met Kelly. "Will you lend me a sixpence?" she asked. "I can't. I spent all my money going down to Rumford," he replied. She said, "Good morning. I must go and find some money," and she continued on toward Thrawl St.

Hutchinson then saw a man approach Kelly from the opposite direction. He tapped her on the shoulder, saying something. They both started laughing. Kelly said, "All right." The man then said, "You will be all right for what I have told you." He put his right hand on her shoulder. In his left hand was some type of small parcel, American cloth, with a strap around it.

Hutchinson stood against the lamp outside of The Queen's Head pub, (74 Commercial St, north corner of Commercial St & Fashion St), and continued to watch Kelly and the man as they walked back up Commercial St. As they passed, the man put his head down with his hat over his eyes.
    The man was Jewish-looking, respectable appearance, long dark coat with astrakhan collar and cuffs, dark jacket, and trousers, light waistcoat, dark felt hat turned down in the middle, lined collar, black tie with a horseshoe pin, button boots, gaiters with white buttons, thick gold watch chain with a red-stoned seal. He was 34-35, 5'-6", pale complexion, dark hair and eyelashes, slight moustche culred up at each end. (Hutchinson stooped down to see the man's face. The man sternly looked back. Kelly and the man went on into Dorset St, and Hutchinson followed them.)64
Kelly and the man stood at the corner of the court. The man said something, and Kelly replied, "All right my dear. Come along, and you'll be comfortable." The man then placed an arm her shoulder and gave her a kiss. "I seemed to have lost my handkerchief," Kelly said. The man then pulled out a red one and gave it to her.65

Kelly and the man went up the court. Hutchinson followed them, but could not see them.66

Hutchinson then waited to see if they would come out.67

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Sarah Lewis was in Commercial St, heading towards Miller's Court. (She and her husband had just had a fight, and she was on her way to Mr and Mrs Keyler's, possibly her parents.) Near the Britannia, she saw the same man, who verbally accosted her the night before. The man was talking to a woman. He looked at Lewis, but she was unsure if he recognized her.68

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Lewis then saw a man standing against the lodging-house across the road from Miller's Court. (Time noted by the Christ Church Spitalfields Clock.) That man was not tall, stout, and had a black wide-awake hat. Further up the court, Lewis saw a man and a woman. The woman was drunk, and no one else was in the court. Lewis continued on to the Keyler's, 2 Miller's Court (room above Venturney's room). Once there, she fell asleep in a chair.69

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Hutchinson then left, since no one had come out from the court.70

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Cox returned to her room. There were neither lights nor noise from Kelly's room. Cox was unable to sleep, but heard nothing.71

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Prater was woken by her cat, Diddles, and hears a faint voice cry, "Oh, murder!" from the court.72

Lewis woke up and heard a woman loudly cry, "Murder!" She said that it sounded at the door.73

(Neither woman paid attention to the cries.)

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Prater woke up.74

Cox heard men going to market.75

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Prater was in the court and saw men harnessing horses.76

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Prater arrived at The Ten Bells. After a drink, she went home and slept.77

Cox heard footsteps going down the court, but no door closing. Thought it might have been a constable.78

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Pickett went to Kelly's room in order to borrow something, but received no reply.79

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Caroline Maxwell, 14 Dorset St, wife of a lodging-house deputy from Dorset St, said she saw Kelly standing at the corner of the court. Kelly wore a green bodice, dark skirt, and a maroon crossover shawl. Kelly said that "the horrors of drink" were upon her and that she had just thrown up. "I pity your feelings," said Maxwell.80

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Maxwell claimed to have seen Kelly again outside The Britannia. She was talking to a stout man in dark clothes and a plaid coat.81

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Maurice Lewis claimed to have seen Kelly in The Britannia.82

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

McCarthy sent Bowyer to collect Kelly's rent. There was no reply at the door. Bowyer looked through the broken window and saw blood and the body. Bowyer looked again and left.83

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Bowyer returned and told McCarthy what he saw. McCarthy went back with Bowyer and looked into the room. They then went to the Commercial Street Police Station, where they informed Inspector Walter Beck about what they saw.84

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Insp Beck sent for Dr Phillips.85

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Prater woke up.86

Dr Phillips was notified.87

Insp Beck and several officers returned with McCarthy and Bowyer. The court was sealed off and a search ordered.88

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Dr Phillips arrived and looked through the window. The door was locked, and Dr Phillips decided not to disturb the scene until the bloodhounds arrived.89

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Insp Abberline arrived at Miller's Court.90

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Superintendent Arnold arrived and informed all that the dogs would not be coming.91

FRI, NOV 9, 1888

Sup Arnold ordered McCarthy to force open the door, which struck a small table standing on the left of the bed.92

a search of the room was made. Photographs were taken. Dr Phillips examined the body. Insp Abberline took inventory of the room's contents and noted that a fire had burned in the grate (part of a hat brim was in the grate and a near-by kettle had a melted spout and handle. The ashes were still warm.)93
    The room was sparse: Opposite of the door was the fire-grate; to the left, the broken window; and, to the right, the table and bed. The Fisherman's Widow, hung over the mantlepiece. A cupboard was in the corner. At the foot of the bed, a chair upon which lay folded clothes. (some later reports indicate that a hatchet was by the door.) A body lay sprawled on the bed.94

    The body had a thin chemise and was situated in the middle of the bed; The shoulders lay flat, but the body leaned toward the left side of the bed; The head was turned toward the left shoulder, facing the windows; The right arm lay across the body with the right hand in the abdominal cavity; The left arm was partly removed from the body and lay on the bed, it was bent at the elbow and the fingers were clenched; The legs were spread apart: Left leg lay flat on the bed and the right leg was slightly above the bed, due to the leaning of the body.95

    The thighs were stripped; the abdomen was removed, abdominal cavity was empty; the breasts were cut off; arms were mutilated; Facial features were removed; the neck was severed down to the spine; left femur split from the hips donward, exposing the marrow cavity.96

    The uterus, kidneys, and one breast were placed under the head; The other breast was by the right foot; The liver was placed between the feet; Intestines lay by the right side of the body; Flesh removed from the abdomen and thighs were placed on the table; The heart was absent from the room.97

    Bed clothing and the right corner of the bed were saturated with blood; About two square feet of blood was below the bed; The wall by the right bedstead had several splashings of blood.98
FRI, NOV 9, 1888
That Day

Sir Charles's resignation was announced.99

Parade of London's Lord Mayor was held and took the following route:
    Gresham St; St Martin's le Grand; Cheapside; Poultry; Cornhill; Leadenhall St; Billiter St; Fenchurch St; Mincing Lane; Great Tower St; Eastcheap; King William St; Queen Victoria St; Cannon St; St Paul's Churchyard; Ludgate Hill; Fleet St to the Royal Courts of Justice returning by way of Strand; Northumberland Avenue; Victoria Embankment; Queen Victoria St; Queen St; King St to the Guildhall.100
FRI, NOV 9, 1888

The body was taken to Shoreditch Mortuary.101

SAT, NOV 10, 1888

The post-mortem was conducted by Dr Phillips, his assistant, Doctor Thomas Bond, police surgeon, A-division, Dr Brown, and Dr Dukes, Spitalfields.102
    The face was cut in all directions; Numerous cuts across all features; The neck was cut down to the vertebrae; The cuts showed distinct ecchymosis; The breasts were removed by quasi-circular incisions; Associated muscles attached to the breasts; Thorax visible through the cuts; Abdomen and costal arch to pubes removed; Front right thigh skinned down to the bone; Left thigh stripped of skin and muscle as far as the knee; The left calf had a long incision running from the knee to 5" above the ankle; Both arms and forearms had extensive jagged wounds; The right thumb had a 1" superficial cut, extravasation of the blood in the skin and several abrasions on the back of the hand; Lower part of the right lung was broken and torn away; Left lung intact; Pericardium was open and the heart absent; Partly digested food found in the abdominal cavity and in the stomach remains.103
SAT, NOV 10, 1888
That Day

James Monro, ('Head of Detective Service'), appointed as the new Metropolitan Police Commissioner.104

Barnett was questioned by police, released, and identified the body as that of Marie Jeanette Kelly by the eyes and ears.105

After Dr Phillips' urging, Henry Matthews offered a pardon:
    "MURDER,- PARDON,- Whereas on November 8 or 9, in Miller-Court, Dorset-St, Sitalfields, Mary Janet Kelly was murderered by some person or persons unknown : The Secretary of State will advise the grant of her Majesty's gracious pardon to any accomplice not being a person who contrived or actually committed the murder, who shall give such information and evidence as shall lead to the discovery and conviction of the person or persons who committed the murder."106
SUN, NOV 11, 1888
That Day

Mrs Elizabeth Phoenix, Mrs Carthy's sister-in-law, went to the Leman Street Police Station, stating that she believed Kelly was the one who lodged at Mrs Carthy's several years back.107

MON, NOV 12, 1888

Only day of Kelly inquest. Held at Shoreditch Town Hall. Conducted by Dr Roderick MacDonald, MP.108

    Joesph Barnett109

    Thomas Bowyer110

    John McCarthy111

    Mary Ann Cox112

    Elizabeth Prater113

    Caroline Maxwell114

    Sara Lewis115

    Dr Phillips116

    Julia Venturney117

    Maria Harvey118

    Insp Beck119

    Insp Abberline120
Verdict returned that day: Willful murder by person or persons unknown.121

MON, NOV 12, 1888

Sergeant Edward Badham, 31H, Commercial Street Police Station, took Hutchinson's statement.122

MON, NOV 19, 1888
That Day

Kelly was buried in a public grave at St Patrick's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Langthorne Rd, Leytonstone. Her grave was no. 66 in row 66, plot 10. No family member could be found to attend the funeral.123

FRI, NOV 23, 1888
That Day

Matthews explained before the House of Commons why the pardon was necessary in the Kelly case.124

What description we have of Kelly comes from several sources: Mrs Phoenix stated Kelly was "5 feet 7 inches in height, and of rather stout build with blue eyes and a very fine head of hair which reached nearly to her waste;" Mrs Prater described her as tall, pretty, "fair as a lilly," and "on good terms with everybody;" yet, Mrs Maxwell described her as "a pleasant little woman, rather stout, fair complexion, and rather pale...spoke with a kind of impediment." It is known that she was about 25 years of age, and might have had a little boy living with her (per Barnett the boy was 6-7 years old, and he and Kelly had only been together for about 18 months total), and she was considered quite attractive with a fair and fresh colored complexion. She was known on sight to Insp Dew, who said she paraded around Whitechapel usually with 2-3 friends. She never wore a hat, always wore a spotless clean white apron, and had a reputation for violence and a quick temper. Her alleged nicknames were "Black Mary," "Fair Emma," and "Ginger."125

It is also known that the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) made inquiries in Limerick to trace her family, and that 2 members of the RIC were at Miller's Court, assisting the Metropolitan Police with their investigations.126


The following abbreviations apply:
MEPO=Scotland Yard files, KIR=Kelly Inquest Records
DT=The Daily Telegraph, T=The Times
A-Z=The Jack the Rippper A to Z, 2nd ed, (Begg, Fido, Skinner)

1 KIR, p4; MEPO 3/140, f224-226

2 ibid

3 KIR, p4-5, 19; MEPO 3/140, f224-226

4 KIR, p5; MEPO 3/140, f224-226

5 ibid

6 ibid

7 ibid

8 ibid

9 ibid

10 ibid

11 ibid

12 ibid

13 A-Z, p227-228; MEPO 3/140, f224-226

14 ibid

15 ibid

16 A-Z, p228-229

17 A-Z, p39; KIR, p3, 18

18 KIR, p6

19 A-Z, p229

20 A-Z, p229, 232; KIR, p8

21 A-Z, p113-114;
The Secret of Prisoner 1167 (James Tully);
Maps (apparently Goad Fire Plans) provided in
JTR First American Serial Killer (Stewart Evans &
Paul Gainey) and East End Then And Now
(Winston G. Ramsey);Kelly's Post Office
Directories 1885-1910; 1861 and 1881 Census information.; Ripperologist

22 KIR, p18

23 MEPO 3/140, f34

24 A-Z, p332, 99

25 A-Z, p80, 356-361; CHJTR, p86

26 A-Z, p229

27 A-Z, p108-109, 456

28 A-Z, p131

29 DT, 13 Nov 88; KIR, p4, 17, 32

30 DT, 13 Nov 1888; KIR, p4

31 KIR, p3; T, 10 Nov 88, p7

32 KIR, p15

33 ibid

34 KIR, p34

35 A-Z, p229; T, 12 Nov 88

36 A-Z, p58-59, 229

37 A-Z, p476

38 KIR, p12-13

39 T, 13 Nov 88; KIR, p15, 32

40 KIR, p15

41 JTRCC, p94

42 KIR, p10; (see Ripperana n16, p17-18)

43 KIR, p4, 18

44 A-Z, p18

45 KIR, p4, 18; A-Z, p39

46 MEPO 3/140, f225

47 A-Z, p148; Ripperologist, n22, p37

48 A-Z, p261; Ripperologist, n22, p37

49 A-Z, p230; Ripperologist, n22, p37

50 MEPO 3/140, f226; KIR, p24

51 MEPO 3/140, f226; KIR, p9

52 MEPO 3/140, f226; KIR, p9, 24-25

53 MEPO 3/140, f226

54 A-Z, p230

55 Ripperana, n14, p28

56 MEPO 3/140, f226

57 ibid

58 ibid

59 ibid

60 ibid

61 ibid

62 ibid

63 ibid

64 MEPO 3/140, f227-229; Ripperologist, n22, p37

65 ibid

66 ibid

67 ibid

68 KIR, p12, 13, 30; (see Ripperana n16, p17-18)

69 ibid

70 MEPO 3/140, f227-229

71 MEPO 3/140, f226

72 ibid

73 ibid

74 MEPO 3/140, f226

75 ibid

76 KIR, p27

77 MEPO 3/140, f226

78 MEPO 3/140, f226; KIR, p9

79 Ripperana, n14, p28

80 KIR, p11-12, 28-29

81 ibid

82 A-Z, p260

83 MEPO 3/140, f226-225

84 ibid

85 MEPO 3/140, f226-225; KIR, p10

86 KIR, p10

87 MEPO 3/140, f226-225

88 ibid

89 ibid

90 ibid

91 ibid

92 ibid

93 ibid

94 MEPO 3/140, f226-225; A-Z, p232; Ripperana, n16, p10-14; Ripperana, n18, p1-2

95 A-Z, p49-50, 365; Ripperana, n13, p16-17

96 A-Z, p49-50, 365; Ripperana, n13, p16-17; Ripperana, n18, p1-2

97 ibid

98 ibid

99 A-Z, p487

100 Lord Mayor's Day Book for 1888; JTRCC (Ch 4, 1988, hdbk ed.)

101 T, 10 Nov 88, p7

102T, 12 Nov 88

103 T, 12 Nov 88; A-Z, p365

104 A-Z, p39-40

105 A-Z, p39-40; DT, 13 Nov 88

106 A-Z, p350-351, 366; T, 12 Nov 88

107 A-Z, p366

108 DT, 13 Nov 88; KIR, p2; T, 12 Nov 88

109 KIR, p3-6, 18-19

110 KIR, p6-7, 20-21

111 KIR, p8, 22-23

112 KIR, p8-10, 24-25

113 KIR, p10-11, 26-27

114 KIR, p11-12, 28-29

115 KIR, p12-13, 30-31

116 KIR, p13-14

117 KIR, p15, 32-33

118 KIR, p15, 34

119 KIR, p16

120 KIR, p16-17, 35

121 T, 13 Nov 88

122 MEPO 3/140, f227-229

123 Ripperana, n14, p16; A-Z, p232; prvt info Viper;
(some sources incorrectly list this grave site as ST Patrick's Cemetery, Leytonstone, London, E9, (public) grave 16, row 67)

124 A-Z, p350-351

125 A-Z, p227, 232-233; Ripperana, n15, p20; T, 10 Nov 88, p7; CHJTR, p310; KIR, p18

126 Ripperana, n15, p20

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