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Most Recent Posts:
Lechmere/Cross, Charles: All roads lead to Lechmere. - by Tom_Wescott 4 hours ago.
Lechmere/Cross, Charles: All roads lead to Lechmere. - by Abby Normal 6 hours ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by GBinOz 7 hours ago.
Lechmere/Cross, Charles: All roads lead to Lechmere. - by Tom_Wescott 7 hours ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Herlock Sholmes 9 hours ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Herlock Sholmes 9 hours ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Herlock Sholmes 9 hours ago.
Maybrick, James: New Ideas and New Research on the Diary - by Herlock Sholmes 9 hours ago.

Most Popular Threads:
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - (54 posts)
Lechmere/Cross, Charles: All roads lead to Lechmere. - (17 posts)
Maybrick, James: New Ideas and New Research on the Diary - (17 posts)
Hutchinson, George: A closer look at George Hutchinson - (5 posts)
Witnesses: Comparison of statements made by Sarah Lewis and Mrs. Kennedy - (3 posts)
Catherine Eddowes: September 30,1888- The night of Clues? - (1 post)

Below is a comprehensive listing of all Ripper periodicals. It is organized alphabetically by title. Click on the individual titles for detailed reviews.

Ripper Periodicals

Journal of the Whitechapel Society
Adrian Morris, Editor

N.P. Warren, Editor

Ripper Notes
Dan Norder, Editor
Wolf Vanderlinden, Associate Editor

Paul Begg, Editor

Julian Rosenthal, Editor

Whitechapel Journal
Stephen Wright, Editor