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Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide
Christopher J. Morley
E-book, 2005

This is the full-text of the original E-Book Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide by Christopher J. Morley. It is unedited - any errors or omissions rest with the author. Our thanks go out to Christopher for giving us permission to publish his E-book on Casebook: Jack the Ripper.


This book explores the candidacy of over 200 known and obscure individuals, who at one time or another have fallen under suspicion of having committed the Whitechapel murders, either on their own, or as part of a wider group of conspirators. To give as complete account as possible, everybody who has been implicated, however ludicrous the suggestion or slight the suspicion has been included. For ease of reference each suspect is listed only once, under their known suspect name, and not under the various pseudonyms attributed to them.

Some, like John Avery, William Wallace Brodie and George Payne, foolishly confessed to having perpetrated the murders while under the influence of alcohol. Others aroused the suspicion of friends, neighbours and the general public at large, simply by appearing to act strangely. A great many more came under suspicion simply because of their nationality, after it was assumed that no Englishman could commit such foul deeds. The police arrested a number of Jewish looking suspects and witness, descriptions told of a man who looked 'foreign'.

The police, under enormous pressure from the public, the government and a hungry and growing press, assumed the murders must be the work of a madman. Checks were made at all the asylums, and anyone having spent any amount of time in such an establishment had his movements at the time of the murders fully investigated. Men such as Joseph Isenschmid, David Cohen and Jacob Levy, who outwardly displayed signs of mental illness, were swiftly arrested and placed in an asylum, as much for their own protection as that of the general public.

The medical profession also did not escape suspicion, due, in no small part, to the skill displayed by the killer in removing body parts from his victims swiftly in the darkened shadows.

Many eminent doctors and surgeons reputations, have, over the years, been tainted by the suggestion that they where Jack the Ripper.

One of the earliest books on the subject, William Stewart's Jack the Ripper - A New Theory, puts forward the suggestion that Jack the Ripper, was in fact, Jill the Ripper, a murderous midwife. A suggestion that has not received wide support, despite allegedly being considered seriously at the time by Inspector Abberline.

The great and the good of the land also did not avoid the finger of suspicion being pointed towards them. Kings, Prime Ministers, and members of the royal family have all variously, and seriously, been implicated in one complicated and unbelievable plot after another.

Here then lies the stories of the many individuals who were implicated in the grisly murders during that terrifying autumn of 1888.

Index of Suspects

1.  Alaska
2.  Frederico Albericci
3.  Albert Edward Prince Of Wales
4.  Albert Victor Duke Of Clarence
5.  John Anderson
6.  Andrews
7.  Ape
8.  John Arnold
9.  Sir George Arthur
10.  Dick Austin
11.  John Avery
12.  Dr Thomas Barnardo
13.  Daniel Barnett
14.  Joseph Barnett
15.  Samuel Augustus Barnett
16.  Nikaner Benelius
17.  Alfred Napier Blanchard
18.  Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
19.  Bloomfein
20.  Dr Bones
21.  Mary Of Bremen
22.  John Brennan
23.  John Brinckley
24.  William Wallace Brodie
25.  General Brown
26.  Edward Buchan
27.  William Bull
28.  Hans Bure
29.  Edwin Burrows
30.  William Henry Bury
31.  Calor
32.  Frank Casellano
33.  Frederick Richard Chapman
34.  Charlie The Ripper
35.  Frederick Richard Chapman
36.  Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill
37.  Aaron David Cohen
38.  Dr Cohn
39.  Claude Reignier Conder
40.  James Connell
41.  Douglas Cow
42.  Dr Thomas Neil Cream
43.  George Cullen
44.  Thomas Haynes Cutbush
45.  John Davidson
46.  Dr Morgan Davies
47.  Dr Harold Dearden's Brother Officer
48.  Frederick Bailey Deeming
49.  Joseph Denny
50.  Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
51.  Timothy Donovan
52.  Ernest Dowson
53.  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
54.  Montague John Druitt
55.  Dr Thomas Dutton
56.  W.H. Eaton
57.  Frank Edwards
58.  Collingwood Hilton Fenwick
59.  Carl Fiegenbaum
60.  William Alfred Field
61.  John Fitzgerald
62.  Joseph Fleming
63.  Fogelma
64.  William John Foster
65.  Gavin
66.  Pastor John George Gibson
67.  George Robert Gissing
68.  William Ewart Gladstone
69.  James Green
70.  Benjamin Graham
71.  William Grant Grainger
72.  Alfred Gray
73.  William Griffiths
74.  Dr William Withey Gull
75.  Father Of GWB
76.  Elizabeth Halliday
77.  Edward Hambler
78.  Theophill Hanhart
79.  James Hardiman
80.  Peter J Harpick
81.  Hennell
82.  Dr John Hewitt
83.  George Richard Henderson
84.  John Hills
85.  Alfred Hinde
86.  William Holt
87.  George Hutchinson (American)
88.  George Hutchinson (British)
89.  Hyam Hyams
90.  Jack Irwin
91.  Benjamin Isaacs
92.  Joseph Isaacs
93.  Joseph Isenschmid
94.  Jacobs
95.  Henry James
96.  William James
97.  Jill The Ripper
98.  Jill The Sailor
99.  James Johnson
100.  Nathan Kaminski
101.  James Kelly
102.  Constance Kent
103.  Michael Kidney
104.  Severin Klosowski (George Chapman)
105.  Bertram Knutson
106.  Vassily Konovalov
107.  Aaron Kosminski
108.  Martin Kosminski
109.  Arbie La Bruckman
110.  John Lagan
111.  John Laughon
112.  Jose Laurenco
113.  John Leary
114.  Henry Edward Leeke
115.  King Leopold II
116.  Levitski
117.  Wolf Levisohn
118.  Jacob Levy
119.  Julius Lippman
120.  John Lock
121.  The Lodger
122.  Charles Ludwig
123.  Alonzo Maduro
124.  Richard Mansfield
125.  Arthur Henry Mason
126.  Thomas Mason
127.  Oliver Mathews
128.  James Maybrick
129.  John McCarthy
130.  Jack McCurdy
131.  Joseph Carey Merrick
132.  Edward McKenna
133.  Frank Miles
134.  James Monro
135.  Morford
136.  Thomas Murphy
137.  Thomas Murray
138.  John Netley
139.  August Nochild
140.  Michael Ostrog
141.  Dr Dimitru Panchenko
142.  Alfred Parent
143.  George Payne
144.  Mary Eleanor Wheeler Pearcey
145.  Alfred Pearson
146.  Dr Alexander Pedachenko
147.  John Benjamin Perryman
148.  William Piggott
149.  John Pizer
150.  The Railway Policeman
151.  Antoni Pricha
152.  Oswald Puckridge
153.  Edward Quinn
154.  John Richardson
155.  Pierce John Robinson
156.  John Royall
157.  Thomas James Sadler
158.  Dr John William Sanders
159.  John William Smith Sanders
160.  Reginald Saunderson
161.  Schulse
162.  Seaman
163.  The Unknown Secretary
164.  James Shaw
165.  Walter Richard Sickert
166.  Sickert's Veterinary Student
167.  Clarence Simm
168.  George Robert Sims
169.  Henry Skinnerton
170.  The Slaughterman
171.  G Wentworth Bell Smith
172.  Louis Solomon
173.  Dr Stanley
174.  Lewis Stemler
175.  James Kenneth Stephen
176.  Robert Donston Stephenson
177.  Street Gang
178.  George Sweeney
179.  Charles Swinburne
180.  Alios Szemerdy
181.  Olga Tchkersoff
182.  Teenage Jack The Ripper
183.  Sergeant William Thick
184.  Charles Thomas
185.  Dr William Evan Thomas
186.  Francis Thompson
187.  Emil Totterman
188.  Francis Tumblety
189.  Unknown Male
190.  Nicholas Van Burst
191.  Vanzetti's Suspect
192.  William Wadell
193.  Nicolai Wassili
194.  Dr William Wynn Westcott
195.  Frederick White
196.  Dr John Williams
197.  John Williams
198.  James Wilson
199.  Miss Winberg
200.  Lyttleton Stewart Forbes Winslow
201.  Wirtofsky
202.  Joseph Woods