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Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Herlock Sholmes 7 hours ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Herlock Sholmes 7 hours ago.
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - by Herlock Sholmes 7 hours ago.
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Below is a comprehensive listing of all non-fictional Ripper works ever published. It is organized alphabetically by title, and due to size is split between four different pages. Click on the individual titles for detailed reviews.

Show Titles Starting With: A - I | J - K | L - P | R - Z

Books (Non-Fiction)

L'Affaire Jack l'Eventreur
Christian Coudurier
Publibook, 2004.

Alias Jack the Ripper: Beyond the Usual Whitechapel Suspects
R. Michael Gordon
McFarland Publishers, 2001.

American Murders of Jack the Ripper, The
R. Michael Gordon
Praeger Publishers, 2003.

Annie Chapman, Jack the Ripper Victim: A Short Biography
Neal Shelden
Privately published, 2001.

By Ear and Eyes: The Whitechapel Murders, Jack the Ripper and the Murder of Mary Jane Kelly
Karyo Magellan
Longshot Publishing, 2005

Casebook on Jack the Ripper, A
Richard Whittington-Egan
Wildy & Sons, Ltd., 1975

Catch Me When You Can
Leanne Perry
Perry Publishing, 2007

Catherine Eddowes: Jack the Ripper Victim
Neal Shelden
Privately published, 2003

Clarence: Was He Jack the Ripper?
Michael Harrison
W.H. Allen, 1972

The Complete History of Jack the Ripper
Philip Sugden
Carroll & Graff, 1995

The Complete Jack the Ripper
Donald Rumbelow
New York Graphic Society, 1975

The Crimes, Detection and Death of Jack the Ripper
Martin Fido
Orion Publishing, 1987

The Crimes of Jack the Ripper
Paul Roland
Arcturus Foulsham, 2006

Curse Upon Mitre Square: A.D. 1530-1888, The
John Francis Brewer
Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1888
(Reprinted, 1999)

Dear Boss... Three letters attributed to Jack the Ripper
Casebook Productions
Greystone House, 2000

Death of a Prince: Jack the Ripper and Other Souls
Jeanette Han, with Ann Han
Arrow, 2001

The Diary of Jack the Ripper
Shirley Harrison
Hyperion, October 1993

Did Aleister Crowley Know the Identity of Jack the Ripper?
Frater Achad Osher 583
Pangenetor Lodge Publications, 1993

Echoes of the Ripper
B.A. Rogers
Self published, 2000.

The Enigma of Jack the Ripper ... Jack the Ripper Unveiled
Dr. Locksley

Epiphany of the Whitechapel Murders
Karen Trenouth
Author House, 2006

An Eye to the Future: The Whitechapel Murders
Patricia Cory
D & P Cory, 1994

Famous Crimes Past and Present: Jack the Ripper
Harold Furniss
Caxton House, n.d.

Les Fils de Jack l'Eventreur
Norbert Spehner
Nuit Blanche, 1995

The First Fifty Years of Jack the Ripper, Vols I-II
Stephen P Ryder (Ed)
Ripperological Preservation Society, 1998

The First Jack the Ripper Victim Photographs
Robert J. McLaughlin
Zwerghaus Books, 2005

From Hell ... The Jack the Ripper Mystery
Bob Hinton
Old Bakehouse, 1998

A Grim Almanac of Jack the Ripper's London, 1870-1900
Neil R. Storey
Sutton Publishing, 2004

The Harlot Killer
Allan Barnard (Ed.)
Dodd, Mead & Co., 1953

The History of the Whitechapel Murders
Richard K. Fox
Fox, 1888
Ripperological Preservation Society, 1998 (Reprint)

Hvem Var Jack the Ripper?
Carl Muusmann
Hermann-Petersen, 1908
(Reprinted 1999)

Hwem är Jack uppskäraren?
Kalmar, 1889
(Reprinted 2000)

Highways and Byways of Jack the Ripper, The
Peter Riley
P & D Riley, 2001

The Identity of Jack the Ripper
Donald McCormick
Jarrolds, 1959

The Identity of Jack the Ripper
Richard Whittington-Egan
Reprinted from Contemporary Review, 1973.

An Illustrated Guide to Jack the Ripper
Peter Fisher
P & D Riley Publishers, 1996

In the Footsteps of the Whitechapel Murders: An Examination of the Jack the Ripper Murders Using Modern Police Techniques
John F. Plimmer
The Book Guild Ltd., 1998

Show Titles Starting With: A - I | J - K | L - P | R - Z

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