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Inspector Edmund Reid

REID, Inspector Edmund

Born : 1846

1872 : Joined Metropolitan Police, Warrent no. 56100.

1874 : Transferred to CID.

1878 : Promoted to Sergeant.

1884 : Promoted to Detective Inspector at Scotland Yard.

1886 : Organized J Division, Bethnal Green (CID)

1888 : Local Inspector, Head of CID, H Division, Whitechapel

1896 : Retired.


Begg, Fido, and Skinner. The Jack the Ripper A-Z.

Related pages:
  Edmund Reid
       Dissertations: A Mystery Play : Police Opinions on Jack the Ripper 
       Dissertations: Ex-Detective Inspector Edmund Reid And Jack the Ripper 
       Message Boards: Edmund Reid 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 24 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 7 December 1917 
       Ripper Media: The Man Who Hunted Jack the Ripper