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Robert Clack
Detective Sergeant Username: Rclack
Post Number: 62 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, April 26, 2003 - 2:39 pm: |
Hi all Stephen White died 17 September 1919. Cause of death was Carcinoma of Prostate, for which he was operated on at London Hospital 19(missing). He died at his home 39 Senrab Street. His Son Percy White was listed as the informant, he was living at 220 Risley Avenue, Tottenham. Stephen Whites death was certified by Dr H Richardson M.R.C.S. there was no post-mortem. Rob |
Jeffrey Bloomfied
Sergeant Username: Mayerling
Post Number: 32 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, April 29, 2003 - 8:09 am: |
Hi all, I have found a reference to the date of another of the list of cases that Inspector White was involved in, that were given in the News of the World item of 14 October 1900. It is not much, but in the list of "Executions" in HAYDN'S DICTIONARY OF DATES (1893 ed.) Harry Alt is listed for murdering one C. Howard. Alt was hanged at Newgate Prison on July 13, 1885. As the News of the World article says Alt murdered a German baker in Turner Street, one is surprised that the victim's name is so English sounding as "C. Howard". I tried to look up some of the other names on www.Google.com. Kate Marshall will produce a large number of responses, but none seem connected to a woman who murdered her sister in the same location on Dorset Street that Mary Kelly was slaughtered in. Karaczewski does have several responses - unfortunately many are in Polish, and none seem to deal with a 19th Century homicide case in London. Sullivan, Ronan, and Cronin don't give sufficient information to be of much good. But we have pinpointed the Alt/Howard Case as being in 1885. Jeff |
Robert Clack
Detective Sergeant Username: Rclack
Post Number: 73 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, April 30, 2003 - 6:50 pm: |
Hi Jeff All I have been able to find out about Kate Marshall was she murdered her sister in Dorset Street in 1899 and she was 44 years old. The only Ronan I have found was connected with Queens Place, Whitechapel in 1882 and he was 40. Whether he is the one we are looking for I don't know. I got the above information from the BLck sheep and police indexes website www.lightage.demon.co.uk Haven't located an 'Angel Court' in Whitechapel yet, I found one in the City not far from Mitre Square, there is an Angel Alley next to George Yard. All the best Rob |
Robert Clack
Detective Sergeant Username: Rclack
Post Number: 79 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, May 07, 2003 - 10:43 am: |
Hi Jeff, everyone I found some Times newspaper reports relating to Kate Marshall. These were just the trial reports and there were no mention of the investigating police officers, or even the address of where the murder took place. The basic facts are: About midnight on 26 November 1898, Kate Marshall,44, Whipmaker was quarreling with her sister Eliza Roberts at at her sisters home which she shared with her husband David Roberts. They were quarrelling about there work and seized each other by the hair, and the husband separated them. Soon after they started quarrelling again this time Kate Marshall smashed some windows of the room with a jug, a table was overturned and crockery was broken. Eliza Roberts made some comment towards Kate, and Kate rushed at her and stabbed her in the breast with a Shoemakers knife, which belonged to her. At the trial she tried to blame the husband, but was found guilty of murder. The jury recommended her for mercy on the grounds that the fatal blow wasn't premeditated, and she was in a state of drunken frenzy. The Judge didn't believe it and sentenced her to be hanged. A petition was signed and sent to the Home secretary, to change the verdict to manslaughter. Which according to the last entry I could find was successful and the sentence was change to penal servitude for life. Sources: The Times 12, 13, 18, 20, 25 and 27 January 1899. Rob |
Jeffrey Bloomfied
Sergeant Username: Mayerling
Post Number: 36 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, May 07, 2003 - 10:32 pm: |
Hi Rob, Good work about the Marshall murder. The real question is whether the Marshalls were living at their address at the time Mary Kelly also lived on Dorset Street in 1888. But it is also the second murder on Dorset Street in that period where the killer did not end up being hanged! Actually, the case in the list of White's cases that most intrigues me is that of Cronin, "the Limehouse Assassin". I suspect they just used assassin as a synonym for murderer, but I keep thinking of old Sax Rohmer stories. Best wishes, Jeff |
Robert Clack
Detective Sergeant Username: Rclack
Post Number: 80 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Thursday, May 08, 2003 - 5:01 pm: |
Hi Jeff It's a good job Robert E Howard wasn't born 40 years earlier, otherwise it would have been 'Cronin the Barbarian'. The only likely Cronin I have found is a Patrick Cronin, the likely year is 1884. It never occurred to me to check the November 27 1898 Times, for additional details on Kate Marshall, mind you the image on the microfiche was hard to read in places. When I get a chance I shall check out the above info. All the best Rob |
Robert Clack
Detective Sergeant Username: Rclack
Post Number: 81 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 11:48 am: |
Hi Jeff, everyone I am not sure if this is the right Cronin refered to in the Stephen White article from the 'News of the World', but it's worth quoting anyway: 'The Times' 9th September 1884 At the Thames Police Court, Patrick Cronin and Alfred Sage were charged on remand with assaulting Timothy Donovan, a labourer, of 5 Gill-Street, Limehouse, and stealing 14s. from his person. At a quarter past 12 on Sunday morning, the 31st of August, William Barry, a young man, living at 55, Brook-Street, Ratcliff, was walking along Commercial Road, when he noticed the prisoners following drunken people about. They found Prosecutor lying in a doorway, drunk and quite incapable. The prisoners walked backwards and forwards several times, and Cronin then caught hold of the prostrate man's arms, and dragged him from the doorway, and threw him violently over on to his side. Sage put his hand into prosecutor's pocket, took out 14s., which he handed to a female, and then ran away, Cronin following. Barry spoke to Patrick Henright, a plain-clothes constable of the H Division, and Gould, a plain clothes Sergeant of the same division, who went after the prisioners and apprehended them. The woman escaped. Mr. Saunders committed the prisioners for trial. I don't know if that is the same Timothy Donovan who was deputy of Crossinghams Lodging house, and who turned out Annie Chapman the night she was murdered. As for Kate Marshall I found this in article: 'The Times' 29th November 1898 At Worship-Street, yesterday, Kate Marshall, 44, was charged with the wilful murder of her sister, Elizabeth Roberts, by stabbing her in a house in Dorset-Street, Spitalfields, on Saturday night. It was decided to remand the prisoner on the statement of arrest only. Police-Constable Fry, 317H, deposed to proceeding to the house, 26, Dorset Street, Spitalfields, on Saturday night, where in a room on the first floor, he found the prisoner and the woman Roberts. The later was bleeding from a wound in the breast, and nearly unconsious. He sent for assistance and a doctor, but the woman died in ten minutes. The prisoner, when charged at the station, said, "Oh, my god, if it had been anybody but my sister, I should not have cared." The prisoner who made no remark, was remanded. There is no mention whether it was first floor front or back, if it was back then it would be 12 Millers Court, Elizabeth Prater's old room, where Kitty Ronan was murdered in 1909. Rob |
Jeffrey Bloomfied
Sergeant Username: Mayerling
Post Number: 49 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 1:45 pm: |
Hi Rob, Interesting material on both Cronin and Marshall, but I have some problem squaring Patrick Cronin with "the Limehouse Assassin". An assassin has to kill somebody. We know that Timothy Donovan was beaten and robbed, but nothing said he was killed. Unless there was more to the story than this, Patrick Cronin doesn't seem to fit the "assassin" mode. Still, it was good work. Jeff |
John Ruffels
Sergeant Username: Johnr
Post Number: 46 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Sunday, May 18, 2003 - 7:48 am: |
Hello All, It seems we are gradually teasing out newspaper stories which give us dates and places to pinpoint Steve White, between 1884 and 1898. Perhaps what we really need is to consult the more sensational papers, like the PALL MALL GAZETTE around the time of these cases, to see if they wrote any interesting background stories about a colourful career policeman named Steve White.They had a habit of lifting stories from rival papers. Further, is there any significance in the fact the PEOPLE'S JOURNAL article of 1919 was penned by "A Scotland Yard Man".I wonder if he told the same story to any East End newspapers? |
Chad Edmunds
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2003 - 5:52 pm: |
I'm interested in the Pole Karaczewski who appears to have shot two people and escaped the gallows. If anyone knows more about this I would be greatful for the information. Thanks |
zgxprun Unregistered guest
| Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2003 - 5:46 pm: |
"For five nights we had been watching a certain alley behind the Whitechapel Road. It could only be entered from where we had two men posted in hiding, and persons entering the alley were under observation by the two men." While many people (starting with Donald Rumbelow himself) have supposed this is a reference to the Catherine Eddows murder (Mitre Square), I have always believed it is referring to Elizabeth Stride (Berner Street). Thus:- 1) Mitre Square had more than one way in and out: a fact shown on old maps and which I verified in person in the days when the old Mite Square still existed. Also, nobody would refer to Mitre Square as "an alley", nor as being "behind the Whitechapel Road". Look at any map. 2) In contrast, Elizabeth Stride was murdered in an alley behind the Whitechapel Road, namely Dutfield's Yard, off Berner Street. There was only one way in and out of Dutfield's Yard (excluding via private premises, of course). 3) Dutfield's Yard would have been an excellent place to stake out, according to the mentality the authorities of the time (and even more so, to the anti-terrorist branch, for whom Steve White seems to have worked). It was the site of the International Working Men's Club, a noted meeting place for anarchists and other revolutionaries. There was a a widespread feeling in Victorian London that "only a foreigner" could have perpetrated such dreadful crimes. 4) Sir Charles Warren in person took particular pains over this particular murder, even interviewing witnesses himself: hardly work for the head of Scotland Yard. I have wondered for many years whether Elizabeth Stride was a police decoy. If she was killed on the job -- because of incompetence at local level -- it would have been very embarassing, and would have warranted a cover-up. Many of the senior officers of the day started in the Indian police. For them, the way to catch a tiger was to tie a goat under a tree -- }and wait. |
Elaine Wightman Unregistered guest
| Posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2003 - 1:53 pm: |
I am Stephen Whites Great Granddaughter. It seems that other people know a lot more about him than I do. I think maybe I should do some research into his life. |
Robert Clack
Detective Sergeant Username: Rclack
Post Number: 116 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 05, 2003 - 6:39 pm: |
Hi Elaine Hopefully, we don't know quite as much you do. I hope you will post anything of interest you might find. All the best Rob |
Elaine Wightman Unregistered guest
| Posted on Saturday, September 06, 2003 - 7:47 am: |
Hi Rob I really do not know very much about Stephen White but I will ask my Mum and see what she knows. Elaine |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 162 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 4:42 pm: |
Hi all I have been in contact with the great, great grand niece of Stephen White (from Olive, his wifes side), and she has kindly given me permission to post a photograph of him.
This is the illustration of Stephen White from the casebook site, I flipped it, so it would be easier to compare. Rob |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 163 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 4:45 pm: |
Hi This is a personal message for Elaine Wightman. Delia (The great, great grand niece) would like to get in touch with you. If you would like to get in touch with me at my e-mail address I could pass on to you Delia's e-mail My e-mail is rclack@supanet.com Thanks Rob |
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 1332 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 4:55 pm: |
Thanks Rob, and thanks to your contact. That illustration wasn't bad, was it! Any idea when the photo was taken? Robert |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 164 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 5:04 pm: |
Hi Robert I've no idea when the picture was taken. It looks like it was taken not long after he retired. I will be e-mailing Delia with a few questions this evening so I will ask. I did check the 1901 census as I presume that is the photographers name at the bottom of the photo, but the building was empty at that time. Rob |
Stephen P. Ryder
Board Administrator Username: Admin
Post Number: 2894 Registered: 10-1997
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 6:00 pm: |
Excellent find, Robert! Stephen P. Ryder, Editor Casebook: Jack the Ripper
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 165 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 6:10 pm: |
Thanks Stephen Delia also posted to me a leaflet for a public tour/talk.
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 166 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 6:21 pm: |
Hopefully This detail will be easier to read. I will probably retype the whole lot tomorrow.
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 167 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Sunday, November 23, 2003 - 3:34 pm: |
Hi all Here is a transcript of the leaflet posted above. The talk took place on Tuesday 25th November 1902 at a school room in Dunkirk Village, Kent. Life in London: A Ramble round the East End with a Detective A Dioramic Entertainment will be given by Mr Stephen White (Late Inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department, New Scotland Yard, London) Illustrated by nearly 100 MAGNIFICENT VIEWS from Original Photos and Sketches made by him during his work as a Detective for upwards of a Quarter of a Century amongst the Criminals of London. Abstracts from the press: "One of the smartest detectives the force has ever known. He has had a greater experience of murders than any other officer in the department."-Lloyds News, October 15th, 1900. "During Inspector White's term of service he received 123 commendations from judges and others."-Daily Telegraph, May 24th, 1901. "The first witness called at last Thursday's sitting of the Royal Commission on Alien Immigration was Mr. Stephen White, a retired Inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department and late Local Inspector of the 'H'(Whitechapel) Division of the Metropolitan Police. Mr White stated that he had been resident in the district many years and had had therefore considerable experience of it, especially with regard to criminal statistics. There had been a great many changes in the East End since his residence there, rents had been increased and key money largely demanded. Overcrowding was very excessive, and the witness proceeded to give numerous instances of this. The aliens, Mr White stated, had disregarded all sanitary laws and he illustrated this by cases within his own experience. With regard to crime amongst the aliens the witness mentioned gambling as being very prevalent, and gave a mass of intersting evidence dealing with East End life, at the conclusion of which he was thanked by the Chairman, Lord James of Hereford."-Jewish Chronicle, July 18th, 1902. Amongst other intersting subjects the Lecturer will describe- A Visit to the Police Museum. Detectives and their work. A Night in a Thieves' Kitchen. A Raid on a Gamblers' Den. Club Row on a Sunday Morning. How some of the Poor live. Spitalfields on a Saturday Night. A visit to an Opium den. Mile End Waste on a Saturday Night. Some dark deeds in the East-End. Criminals at work. The Jews' Market, Petticoat Lane. Out of Work and in Work. A Visit to an East-End Shelter. Life in the Slums. A terrible crime. Arrest of the accused. The Prisoner's first night in a cell. A death sentence. The condemned cell and place of Execution. London street scenes and characters. The whole forming a most interesting, Instructive and unigue entertainment. |
John Ruffels
Detective Sergeant Username: Johnr
Post Number: 147 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 5:46 am: |
Robert, Thank you very much for discovering both the hand bill and the photo of Steve White.And for generously sharing them with Casebook afficionados. The details on the handbill are very interesting. One wonders if Steve White romanticised his adventures with the years. I am surprised some enterprising journalist or ex policeman with author-like pretentions, did not seize on his experiences to write highly coloured articles for the newspapers. There are some people who feel the PEOPLES JOURNAL article was one such invention. I will reserve my complete judgement until further articles about Steve White's career inevitably, surface.
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 168 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 4:06 pm: |
Hi John One of the first things I noticed on the handbill was Late Inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department, New Scotland Yard, London. I didn't think he was ever stationed at Scotland Yard, so this may have been poetic licence or he may actually have been stationed at Scotland Yard. What you said about journalists reminds me of the one from the movie "The Thing from another World" where he said he would interview one of the doctors, a soldier said it should be pretty good. To which the journalist replied "If it isn't I'll make it good". I am assuming he did these lectures elsewhere, and there maybe reviews of these lectures in local newspapers. It would be interesting what he said at one of these lectures. All the best Rob |
Christian Jaud
Detective Sergeant Username: Chrisjd
Post Number: 57 Registered: 2-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 7:07 am: |
I wished his pictures (photos) survived. Any chance? Christian
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 169 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 1:45 pm: |
Hi Christian It was one of the first questions I asked. Unfortunately there present whereabouts, if they have survived is unknown. All the best Rob |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 272 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, July 17, 2004 - 11:11 am: |
Hi All Some biographical information about Stephen White. 1854 Born 25th May in Oare, Favisham District, Kent. Parents were George White and Hannah White. 1875 23rd April, married Olive Fletcher. Stephen was living at 5 Standard Square, Favisham, Kent. 11th October, Joined Police, Warrant no. 59442. Stationed at L Division, Kennington, Lambeth. 1878 7th February, daughter Edith was born. Living at 28 Henry Street, Upper Kennington Lane, Lambeth. 1881 Living at 28 Gilbert Road, Lambeth. Living with Wife Olive and daughter Edith. There was a lodger James Taylor also staying there, he was 43 and a time keeper. 4th August transferred to H Divison, Whitechapel, promoted to Police Sergeant. 1882 17th February, son Percy was born. Living at 77 Rutland Street, Mile End. 1886 4th November, promoted to Police Sergeant, second class. 1888 30th September, along with P. C. Dolden, was sent by Inspector Abberline to conduct house to house inquires in Berner Street. Interviewed Matthew Packer. 4th October, re-interviewed Matthew Packer ST JAMES GAZETTE 19th November 1888 THE EAST END MURDERS. On Saturday afternoon the Birmingham detectives informed the police at Scotlamd-yard that a man suspected of being concerned in the Whitechapel murders had left that town by train for London. Detectives Leach and White, of the Criminal Investigation Department, proceeded to Willesden Junction and Euston respectively, and at the latter station Inspector White detained the person in question, and conveyed him to Scotland-yard. It was stated that he had been staying at a common lodging-house in Birmingham since Monday last. The suspected person was a medical man who was some years ago practising in London. He was of gentlemanly appearance and manners and somewhat resembled the description given by witnesses at the late inquest. After being closely questioned as to his whereabouts at the time of the murders, and supplying a satisfactory account of himself, he was liberated. 1891 Living at 55 Bromehead Street, Mile End. Living with wife Olive, son Percy and daughter Edith. 26th December, transferred to S Division, Hampstead and promoted Police Sergeant first class. 1893 25th April, transferred back to H Division. 1895 9th December, promoted to Local Inspector, H Division. 1896 17th December, daughter Edith married Alfred Clark. 1900 12th October, retires. 26th December, son Percy marries Caroline Annie Brown, daughter o William Brown, a retired Police constable. 1901 Living at 39 Senrad Street, Mile End. Living with wife Olive. There was a visitor Issac Alfred Hopping (who was related to Olive) age 19, born in Kent. Issac's occupation was Butler. Also staying at 39 Senrad Street was Stephen's daughter Edith, her husband Alfred and there two children Mina 4 and Stanley 2. Percy was living at 47 Arbour Square, Mile End. Percy's occupation was a Railway Detective. 1919 17th September, died, Cause of death was Carcinoma of Prostate, for which he was operated on at the London Hospital 19(?). He died at home which was still 39 Senrad Street. His son Percy was listed as informant, he was living at 229 Risley Avenue, Tottenham. Death was certified by Dr H Richardson. |
Natalie Severn
Chief Inspector Username: Severn
Post Number: 951 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Saturday, July 17, 2004 - 5:16 pm: |
Robert,thanks for all the above info on Stephen White.Great! Natalie |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 273 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, July 17, 2004 - 6:08 pm: |
Thanks Natalie, All the best Rob
Assistant Commissioner Username: Monty
Post Number: 1254 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, July 19, 2004 - 12:01 pm: |
Rob, How did I miss this thread? Its an absolute gem, well done on the photos and info Bro. I know a head/shoulders photo doesnt really give a correct impression but he did seem to be a tall man. Im just wondering because as part of an obs team he would stick out and that aint good. But I confess, like Ive mentioned earlier, Im assuming he was tall. An unfair move on my part. Monty
 ....all good pals and jolly good company !!
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 274 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, July 19, 2004 - 1:17 pm: |
Cheers Monty I don't know Stephen Whites height, but from the photo and all the newspaper reports I have read about him, I get the impression (like you)that he was a tall man he comes across as a very authoritative figure. And like you said that wont be very good on an obbo(stakeout). Rob |
Scott Suttar
Detective Sergeant Username: Scotty
Post Number: 126 Registered: 5-2004
| Posted on Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 1:38 am: |
Hi all, Just reading the name at the bottom of that photo as "Martin & Son". Does this tie in with the man who took the mortuary photographs. His name was Joseph Martin and his father was also a photographer. Anyone know? Scotty.
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 275 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 5:25 am: |
Hi Scotty The Stephen White photo was probably taken by John Martin, Joseph's brother. All the best Rob |
Simon Owen
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Monday, July 19, 2004 - 1:39 pm: |
Great photo of Stephen White , wow ! I'm also of the opinion that The People's Journal article is describing the Berner Street Murder , rather than the Mitre Square Murder. Met Officers wouldn't have been operating on the City Police's turf anyway. |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 278 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 12:26 pm: |
Hi all Found an obituary for Stephen White. EAST LONDON ADVERTISER 27 September 1919 DEATH OF FAMOUS EAST-END DETECTIVE. OFFICER WHO JUST MISSED CATCHING THE MYSTERIOUS "JACK THE RIPPER." One of the smartest detectives the Metropolitan Police Force ever knew has passed away in ex-Detective-Inspector White who retired from the C.I.D. in 1900 after completing 27 years' service. After a few years he was promoted to a sergeant and was transferred from Kennington to Leman Street, Whitechapel. There he made several important captures, among them being the arrest of the dynamitards, Cunningham and Burton, at the Tower of London at the time of the explosion there, for which service he was rewarded and commended by the Home Office. In 1879 he discovered a Fenian arsenal in the New Cut, Lambeth, and captured the proprietor, who was sentenced to a long term of penal servitude. His experience of murders, was perhaps unique. He was engaged on the whole of the Jack the Ripper crimes which caused such a grim sensation among East Enders. One night he was on what appeared to be a certain clue to the mysterious murderer of women in the Whitechapel region. He kept watch in an East End street, but the murderer's movements were not in accordance with anticipation. For about ten minutes only he left the street, and to his amazement he found on his return that a woman had been stabbed. He saw no man anywhere, and the mystery became even more baffling. As is well known, Jack the Ripper was never discovered. Mr. White was also associated with the notorious case of Harry Alt, who murdered a German baker in Turner Street; Sullivan the St. George in the East murderer; Cronin the Limehouse assassin; Roman, who committed murder in Angel Court, Whitechapel; Seaman, who killed an aged Jew and his housekeeper in Turner Street; Karacrewski, the pole, who shot a man and woman dead in Brick Lane; and Kate Marshall, who killed her sister in Dorset Street, in the very house where the last Ripper murder was committed. It is interesting to note that a son of his is a detective at the G. P. O. The funeral took place on Tuesday.
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 2748 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 3:36 pm: |
Thanks for posting that, Rob. Robert |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 298 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 10:57 am: |
Hi Found another article on Stephen's retirement. It is very similar to the 'News of the World' article, but with additional info. EAST LONDON OBSERVER 16 October 1900 Inspector White Retires. East End Police Memories In Inspector Stephen White, of the Criminal Investigation Department, who retired from the service on Saturday, London loses one of the smartest detectives the force has ever known. Mr. White joined the police 26 years ago, and was first stationed in the L division at Kennington. His abilities were soon recognised, and he became a member of the old detective force. When Mr. (now Sir) Howard Vincent took office as the head of the Criminal Investigation Department, Mr White was promoted to sergeant, and in 1880 was transferred to Leman-street, Whitechapel, the head quarters of the H division, where he passed through all the grades until he became the chief of the local staff, and now retires on a full pension, and with the respect and best wishes of all his fellow officers. Among a few of the important captures made by Mr. White were those of the dynamitards, Cunningham and Burton, at the Tower of London, at the time of the explosion there, for which services he was rewarded and commended by the Home Office. In 1879 he discovered a Fenian Arsenal in the New Cut, Lambeth, and captured the proprietor, who received a long term of penal servitude. He has had, perhaps, a greater experience of murders than any other officer in the department, being engaged in the whole of the "Jack the Ripper" crimes in the East End. He was also connected with the notorious cases of Harry Alt, who murdered a German baker in Turner-street; Sullivan, the St. George's murderer; Cronin, the Limehouse assassin; Ronin, who committed murder in Angel-court, Whitechapel; Seaman, who killed an aged Jew and his housekeeper in Turner-street; Karaczewski the Pole, who shot a man and woman dead in Brick-lane; Kate Marshall, who killed her sister in Dorset-street, in the very same house where the last Ripper murder was committed. Keepers of private stills, which at one time were very common in the district, had good reason to fear Mr. White, his record of the last year alone being 16 prosecutions. A clever musician, a witty and fluent speaker, he has contributed as an entertainer to the enjoyment of many thousands in all parts of the country, and many a thief who considered himself an expert in palming has had reason to regret that Mr. White was a professor in the art of legerdemain. |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 334 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 11:37 am: |
Hi all I came across another photo of Stephen White. This was used to illustrate an edition of "The Peoples Journal". I shall try and type out the entire article in the next couple of hours.
Rob |
Robert Charles Linford
Assistant Commissioner Username: Robert
Post Number: 3199 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 1:23 pm: |
Great find, Rob. I must say, he looks distinguished there. Robert |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 336 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 2:54 pm: |
THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL Saturday 27 September 1919 FACED "JACK THE RIPPER" Famous Detective Tried by Court of Anarchists BY A SCOTLAND YARD MAN. "STEVE" White as we knew our deceased colleague, Mr Stephen White, believed to b the only man engaged in the hunt who met "Jack the Ripper," was a detective of the old school who worked without the finger-print system and other devices favoured at the "Yard" to-day. For all that he had many years of good work to his credit, and when he retired he had the reputation of having run more dangerous criminals to earth than any other man employed as a police officer in London. The Eat End is easily the most dangerous place in the London area for the police officer, and White had more than his share of the danger. Anarchists were unusually active in London in the "eighties" and it was the duty of White to visit their dens and to be able to lay hands on some of the most desperate men in Europe. The Fenians and their successors, the Dynamitards, also flourished in his time, and they also found refuge in the East End, where their plots were hatched by night and day. In addition, there were the ordinary criminal classes to be watched, and on top of that the activities of the miscreant known as "Jack the Ripper" engaged the attention of the East End police during the decade under review. White was one of the officers who had to spend weary nights in different disguises loitering about the narrow courts and evil smelling alleys of the Whitechapel area on the offchance of detecting the murderer at his practice of decoying women women to death and horrible mutilation. The Alley's Grim Secret. One of White's reports on his nightly vigils contains the following passages:- "For five nights we had been watching a certain alley just behind the Whitechapel Road. It could only be entered from where we had two men posted in hiding, and persons entering the alley were under observation by the two men. It was a bitter cold night when I arrived at the scene to take the report of the two men in hiding. I was turning away when I saw a man coming out of the alley. He was walking quickly but noiselessly, apparently wearing rubber shoes, which were rather rare in those days. I stood aside to let the man pass, and as he came under the wall lamp I got a good look at him. "He was about five feet ten inches in height, and was dressed rather shabbily, though it was obvious that the material of his clothes was good. Evidently a man who had seen better days. I thought, but men who had seen better days are common enough down East, and that of itself was not sufficient to justify me in stopping him. His face was long and thin, nostrils rather delicate, and his hair was jet black. His complexion was inclined to be sallow, and altogether the man was foreign. The most striking thing about him, however, was the extraordinary brilliance of his eyes. They looked like to luminous glow worms coming through the darkness. The man was slightly bent at the shoulders, though he was obviously quite young - about 33, at the most - and gave one the idea of having been a student or professional man. His hands were snow white, and fingers long and tapering. Man With Musical Voice. "As the man passed me at the lamp I had an uneasy feeling that there was something more than usually sinister about him, and I was strongly moved to find some pretext for detaining him; but the more I thought it over, the more was I forced to the conclusion that it was not in keeping with British police methods that I should do so. My only excuse for interfering with the passage of this man would have been his association with the man we were looking for, and I had no real grounds for connecting him with the murder. It is true I had a sort of intuition that the man was not quite right. Still, if one acted on intuition in the police force, there would be more frequent outcries about interference with the liberty of subject, and at that time the police were criticised enough to make it undesirable to take risks. "The man stumbled a few feet away from me, and I made that an excuse for engaging him in conversation. He turned sharply at the sound of my voice, and scowled at me in a surly fashion, but he said 'Good-night' and agreed with me that it was cold. "His voice was a surprise to me. It was soft and musical, with just a tinge of melancholy in it, and it was a voice of a man of culture - a voice altogether out of keeping with the squalid surroundings of the East End. "As he turned away, one of the police officers came out of the house he had been in, and walked a few paces into the darkness of the alley. 'Hello! what is this?' he cried, and then he called in startled tones to me to come along. "In the East End we are used to shocking sights, but the sight I saw made the blood in my veins turn to ice. At the end of the cul-de-sac, huddled against the wall, there was the body of a woman, and a pool of blood was streaming along the gutter from her body. It was clearly another of those terrible murders. I remembered the man I had seen, and I started after him as fast as I could run, but he was lost to sight in the dark labyrinth of East End mean streets." White's description of the suspected murderer was widely circulated and used by the police at the time, but the man was never seen. It was White's description that gave the late Sir Robert Anderson his conviction that the murderer was a Jewish medical student, who had taken this method of avenging himself on women of the class to which his victims belonged. The mystery, however, that baffled the police more than anything was how the murderer and the victim managed to get into the alley under the eyes of the watching police. It was clear that the couple had not been in any of the houses, and they were not known to any of the residents. Therefore they must have passed into the alley from the Whitechapel Road, and the two police officers were positive that in the four hours of their vigil not a soul had entered the alley. White had his own suspicions regarding the truth of this declaration, and his suspicions were shared by Sir Robert Anderson, who afterwards in comparing notes with White, expressed the opinion that the murderer and his victim had entered the close during the temporary absence of the two watching policeman. The men afterwards admitted that they had gone away for not more than a minute. It was a very short absence undoubtedly, but it was long enough to give the murderer time to walk into the alley with his victim. Among the Anarchists. White knew all the anarchists haunts of the East End, and when the police of the world were on the look-out for criminals of the worst type who had fled to London after committing murders and bomb outrages he was deputed to visit the dens to find traces of some of the most desperate men. On one of these occasions he found his way into the Commercial Road haunt of a particularly dangerous Anarchist group, and while they were talking of their plans for assassination of the Tsar of Russia and the President of France a woman rose and denounced the police officer, saying that she had recognised him in spite of his disguise. At first White tried to bluff his way out, but the Anarchists were not to be bluffed. He saw that the only course open to him was to confess, and he owned up. For nearly two hours that night the Anarchists discussed the fate of the spy, as they called him. He was put on trial in the manner made familiar by melodrama, and interrogated very closely concerning his object in "Spying" on the comrades. Some of the Anarchists insisted that he should die, and White thought for a time that death was to be his fate. He left on record this impression of his sensations while he was being "tried":- "I was among wild beasts. I could see that there was little pity in the breasts of these men, and less in the breasts of the women. Indeed had it been left to the women. I should not have come out alive. One amiable ruffian stood a few feet away from me, with a revolver in one hand and a knife in the other, gesticulating wildly, and demanding from the President of this strange Council the right to put me to death as a traitor. I was more than a little anxious about my fate. And I watched anxiously for the first favourable opportunity of escape. None came to me, and, indeed the anarchists seemed to have taken the precaution to close all avenues of escape. Saved. Just when I thought that it was a choice between being turned over to the ruffian of the black beard and the knife and pistol, and being dealt with by the man who wanted to put me in a room with a bomb, to which a time fuse was attached, the weird-looking President spoke. "He told the 'comrades' that they owed much to British hospitality, and that if they punished 'the traitor' they would probably incur the wrath of the British Government, and might find it difficult to get fresh asylum anywhere. Therefore, he advised that I be liberated. This was a disappointment to the murderously inclined, and they murmured loudly, but, to my relief, I could see that the words were not without effect on the strange assembly. "One of the kind-hearted ladies there wanted to have me branded with the initial letter of the word "spy," so that if ever I fell into the hands of the 'comrades' on another occasion they could deal with me for all mt offences. This was dismissed by the President as inexpedient, and it was finally decided to let me go. "Needless to say, I was pleased when I felt the cool, but not clean, air of the Commercial Road fanning my brows once more. In spite of that experience, I made many visits to the Anarchists Clubs and meeting-places of the East End, but never afterwards was my disguise penetrated, though I once danced with the lady who had denounced me at that meeting." |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 337 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 4:07 pm: |
Hi Robert The photo looks slightly touched up to me. Might have something to do with the printing facilities of the day. I did have to compare the two photos to make sure they were the same person. "The Peoples Journal" Photo looks as if it was taken within the previous few years. Just a few notes about "The Peoples Journal". There were about 8 different editions for different parts of Scotland, and also there was one National edition published in London, Manchester and Ireland. The photo was in the National edition but not the Dundee edition. I didn't check the other editions. Rob |
Natalie Severn
Assistant Commissioner Username: Severn
Post Number: 1188 Registered: 11-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 4:59 pm: |
That was a great find Robert.Thoroughly enjoyed it! Nats |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 338 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 5:29 pm: |
Thanks Natalie My fingers nearly dropped of from typing it. Rob |
Simon Owen
Inspector Username: Simonowen
Post Number: 191 Registered: 8-2004
| Posted on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 10:35 am: |
Interesting to note that the source for White's witnessing of the Ripper is one of his reports - I wonder what happened to those ? Since they were about anarchists , might they be Special Branch reports - would these be in the public domain ? |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 342 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 11:14 am: |
Hi Simon As far as I could ascertain, Stephen White never worked for the Special Branch. I think it is the usual problem with missing files. Either destroyed, taken by souvenir hunters or as I suspect Stephen may have taken them (or at least made copies) himself. I don't think there is anything sinister though. Rob |
Robert Clack
Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 364 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 3:59 pm: |
I found this illustration from "The Illustrated Police News" regarding the Kate Marshall case, and also part of the article which identifies the room as Elizabeth Praters old room.
Rob |
Robert Clack
Chief Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 613 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Sunday, August 07, 2005 - 10:50 am: |
Hi all, I came across this article about Stephen White. THE POLICE CHRONICLE AND GUARDIAN 25th May 1901 WHITECHAPEL At Shoreditch, ex-Insp. Stephen White, of the Criminal Investigation Department, H Division Metropolitan Police was presented with a purse containing 100 guineas, subscribed by the local members of Parliament, tradesmen and friends, on his retirement from the Force after upwards of 25 years� service. It was incidentally mentioned during the proceedings that Mr. White had recently been the recipient of a handsome gold watch from his colleagues at Scotland Yard, and a gold-mounted walking-stick from the officers who served under him whilst in the Force. I also received Stephen's pension details from Delia. Most of the details about his police service are already known except these personal details. Age on Resignation: 46 years Length of Service: 25 years 4 days. Remuneration at date of retirement: �3 and 19 shillings per week. Height: 5ft 10 1/2 inches Hair: Grey Eyes: Brown Complexion: Fresh Particular Mark, Defect or Infirmity by which he may be identified: Nil. Rob |
John Ruffels
Inspector Username: Johnr
Post Number: 421 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, August 08, 2005 - 6:32 am: |
Another good find on Stephen White Rob. Well Done. It would be interesting to find a newspaper account of the Scotland Yard presentation to White, as it might mention who his closest Scotland Yard colleagues were, thereby drawing us closer to the person who probably wrote the now famous obituary account in the PEOPLES JOURNAL. That account claims to quote from one of his reports(about the Ripper sighting). Yet, as Stewart P Evans points out, a later newspaper article on White claimed he had missed the Ripper by seconds....There's more out there I tell ya! |
Robert Clack
Chief Inspector Username: Rclack
Post Number: 617 Registered: 3-2003
| Posted on Monday, August 08, 2005 - 6:14 pm: |
Hi John, I don't mean to be picky but I posted the newspaper article where White claimed he had missed the Ripper by seconds (this thread July 27 2004) and it was published the very same day as the 'Peoples Journal' article, so we have two different accounts published the same day. You probably have noticed that "The News of the World", "East London Observer" retirement articles and "The East London Advertiser" obituary are almost word for word with a few dropped passages here and there. I am wondering if the I missed Jack passage was published in an earlier newspaper and may be a longer account. I have a sneaky feeling that Frederick Porter Wensley was the Scotland Yard man, he worked with Stephen White in the East End and was at Scotland Yard, but this is just guess work. All the best Rob |
Glenn G. Lauritz Andersson
Assistant Commissioner Username: Glenna
Post Number: 3862 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Monday, August 08, 2005 - 6:26 pm: |
Rob, I only just caught this thread. Thank you so much for sharing that wonderful photograph of White with us. Except for the hair and the fact that he seems to have lost a bit of weight on the photo, I'd say the sketch feels rather accurate. I also see that he has my moustache. All the best P.S. Also, thanks for that very interesting drawing from Illustrated Police News. G. Andersson, writer/crime historian Sweden The Swedes are the men That Will not be Blamed for Nothing
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