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Other Mysteries: ** The Murder of Julia Wallace ** - by NickB 14 minutes ago.
Kosminski, Aaron: New Tests on Tilly letter prove it genuine - by c.d. 1 hour ago.
Shades of Whitechapel: Israel Lipski's murder of Miriam Angel - by c.d. 1 hour ago.
Kosminski, Aaron: New Tests on Tilly letter prove it genuine - by rjpalmer 1 hour ago.
Shades of Whitechapel: Israel Lipski's murder of Miriam Angel - by Patrick Differ 2 hours ago.
Kosminski, Aaron: New Tests on Tilly letter prove it genuine - by c.d. 2 hours ago.
Kosminski, Aaron: New Tests on Tilly letter prove it genuine - by Patrick Differ 3 hours ago.
Kosminski, Aaron: New Tests on Tilly letter prove it genuine - by rjpalmer 4 hours ago.

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General Discussion: Is it even possible? - (5 posts)
Kosminski, Aaron: New Tests on Tilly letter prove it genuine - (5 posts)
Maybrick, James: The One Where James Maybrick was Jack the Ripper - (3 posts)

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