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The Times (London).
4 January 1927


Joseph Carson, 65, an inmate of the West ham Guardians' institution, Forest House, Walthamstow, was brought before Mr. Snell at Old street Police Court yesterday charged on remand and on his own confession with the murder of Jane Williams at Miller court, Spitalfields, on December 29. Detective Inspector Boreham informed the magistrate that the case was one in which the defendant gave himself up for the wilful murder of a woman. There had been a post mortem examination made, and a verdict of "Death from natural causes" had been returned by the jury at the inquest and he would like to withdraw the charge. He thought Carson was under the influence of drink at the time he made his statement to the police.

Mr. Snell (to Carson):- You are discharged.

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  Jane Williams
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 1 January 1927